Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION O.ARS INDIGESTION 25 ce 6 BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief E LL-,AN 254 AND 75t PACKAGES EVERYvHERE GET RID OF THAT "TIRED FEELING" D ) .u' fel run di.n and half D K: ai the uno-? Are -ou t hin, pan., enl i uJe-.n ene 2arg:,. nO ambl:tion:, no "i:J,"? Now ik the tirne to tal:e Gude's Pept,-\ N Ii:in. It ib!Ira you up, give y('1 a delgii htful fPt'inv -,f vigor and i n, enrich your hA Aibuild firm, ii :eh, and br:: h healthy co.r ha )to your kLr:. 5 or rugist hat' G' :-!'s--Liq~ud or solid, as you prefer. Gude's Pepto-angan Tonic and Blood Enricher InstantRelief 8 ' ITroubl CORNS Lift Off with Fingers floe(snr'I Burrt : hit' D rop a imic "I-'ree~tzone"' (' n1 a nhing r crn, inls- an ly that (crnt sluipse hurt ig, then sh'ori ly ou lift it right iff with fin; r: Tlruly! "'Fltire'n fir nfew 'P re i,eihr to rernovt' every heard en rn. Fio*ft vcr or corn betwveen the tios, aniti tl. e e I1I1('8, withouit e4Irrei.: * irritat~ ini fjgmas1 8ven a little help. to free you from that cold * and eases the coughing. See directions on bottle for relieving congestion, soothing inflamed, scratchy throats. Banish that cold. Now -don't risk your health through sheer neglect ask your druggist for Dit.KING'S Mi. ~a syrup for coughs &colds (I/ rt( AT THlE JOp ir ty g~' *R H EUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? '*e it IUeACI.B toeme --u~ "B35U.ACWDU 05 TE3 1581D3 At All Druggista las. Dally & Son, Thieale Distriutor. Balthnere. Md. Reduces Bursal Enlarge eya 19lcazed Swofleg Tissues, Curbs, Filled ,Tendons Soreness from 3rutsea or Strais; stope Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not b~ater, remove the hair or lay up the horse. Only ,a few drops required at each application. $2.50 a bottle at g taor delivered. Book 1 A free. W.F.70OUNG.,13e.,510 Tamila SL., sSpinssud Mas.. ~bage Plants, All Leading Vrirettes, growl mboat seeds. 1,000 81.40. 600 31 postpaid sattsfaction guar. J. H. Scott, Franklin, Vs W. N. U.t CHARLOTTEr. NO. 50r-192 l- ee ;UA n re n itls i e ntt t: t'i'ntral .\iln-rienni replublie-s I our. of the- Jail lit. Los Anlgeles amt~i ers NEWSREEWF CURENT EVENTS Allies Propose Plan for the Free dom and Control of the Dardanelles. POSITION OF 'J. S, STATED France Perfects Program for Occupa tien of the Ruhr-Irish Free State Formally Established-Daugh erty and Mellon Hit Back at Critics. By EDWARD W. PICKARD CHARGES against Attorney General Daugherty have been filed with the house com rnittee on judiciary, and his im t peachment is asked. What is your opinion of the attorney gen eral and his official actsh " i yet concerit' 110.1 .\oslil lt-l it ilt) ! Asirneinrs o. f Turkeg tilt- il"1It : - t o ti :i I,:I:H i one c n t.. rli-e Pierfeis inrot o f tilir icc u a Eto f to Rt r rbb h Frhec cntal tFo rma- s. Ih-ri the Itauh. : rty-in :;ndt - n it aw th: H: ARGtEr! ajait An-s. .ttrney 1rh te-a d u . l of tlt ! 'i- .c v i t ..:I C n.'4 t .-orai r ia iiro : 'ty hbe1;i n;f the! sti ' : !at.iti~l. Ita 1 -''1n t l' l fI d w i th hou:e ct or urzonwbitte cirly, ran isul. Th Syuran oh-pinion c the atrunyg-uto to eriy ~ and i..- ace- n lil'h'sh t il;.t i~e Ij liie \lf a'.sh ' . i i any t!8 iine.\' Th pim il.1 maith . * -he lihikla lis an \l'a e, ir a inttli the- provisin thit Tu:zrk' vwirshipjs except under- e.xitlitil eII cii nhiXallees. 1''or several idays ri-hIter the nIlle nor the Turks~h cotul:] het petr olded t, lng lihi other shold~i ima2 lirst. lsineo took wh-lat seernedr lilhe the conistenI jtisitioni that, as the strits~t are real! Turihiteritatry, the aiiltle i'ught t preseth thir plan hirs2t. AXt last th lI ri ti, 1'Jrent:hi andi it atlianfs reaiche an agr-e. een fitmong~ tlu-elves anS i sutalatedi their ptroipoiSi~. IlePly t hese9 provide Ii'ir free'Ic passage' thron~ig the strnaitst for bollh tuereitni Ia sh ipin andir wa~rsihips, both In peacei' nal I warI* e'xcepjt 2int only whien Tiurkey Is hl lgerenta. They protivble alsoi foer demiilta~izaition of the strait s. cont IprisIng the I )ardanelles and~ Gallipol oft certai ifiiIslands in hi' Aegt'ian sea of' all islandits ini thle Sea oif .Ma rmor tiu of both1 Iides of the ltosp~oruis wit thii exepjlton of CZoastatiiiple, 4| wlehci the TurknIs are to be allowed I hol 10).000~ Iropis. No firtillenl titn wvill be hieritfed inI te air(eas affet'( andii no hhatteryI (bmp~llem~iets allowN.( It is silaltedl tiat the t otal tonnag ot' war vessel -s of anty onle foreign tow.' in thle I in ek sua must not t exce'ed thi alI st renigthi of thle mollst piowerfu1 1th:aek seni Iower', and if Ithle liliack se' Tpiwetrs shoul i a1rry tiut nav11al d isarm11 hilnent ptlians thec aillies woul haive th right to keepi t here three waiirshly - itiece. It ia Provided tha21t Cont!rot o the straits shall he vested in ia till tar and211( naval corn Inissionh represent ing the p)owers interested andI inivited Ambahissaidor C2hild no came for waitrdtII wi ai detahliltattnIlent of thi views of the United States government Ie made12(1 It plain11 thaiit Ai1nrle's chie purlpose Is to pirotect Ameriean (it! senis and( Iisistedl that Amnerlean w~-ar shlps9 tuust have the right to foltlv Apierh-:n mifierchan ltmilen anid cittzen1 anih'her-e. On the matter of keepj Ing the 4th'alits open Chld'ei statemfen thus ~pp'rted th~e posItion of thie a: .ies, t hit tthougtt the freedomo thio wate'rs shiouldl rest upion aigret -m~et athaer Itihan fore,' ey's ptlan was presentedI Friday .,,\; " "Pb.. ow t'ttjet ru'.lu ep:;o I i. Illy ;1111 s, Oxc''jt t hat It provided for the u' a 4;t ae tit toui ithe straits of war .'i,., sinigly att Intervals of not less Itatfet P'asha, mnilitatry govvrinor of i,:e wit thi i e IBri t ih ltst week. 111: 1j ("il 11 1S'att'tl te pt'iasslsir1"s of it :(iHitt to i)401'4I it sip, o)1i the ground~ thai~t t h ey wer'e Tuaark is cit tizens andit 'luirk sit paspts. IBritisha troop)is tIll *l 13441 took ptoss4' 8814n of the etns tti lhous(e. postedn iia''iiine gunts and( g4't-s. I kif't htas refused to ('orod! t irill; Vessels'i to taike any moreII I* t'('flI t'4'8" from Asi a ~i tort, and gave nlot 1 r' thtat wihin t f ewv days alt (Chritian 's '.i4411i41 1he 1'0int4'44 to till; ifl''r14r. Iib r'! insts lthei alles re w'it in11 1(:-4 r i s~Yhlol of t4'l rta sfotir 1eadhae lit i-: t i11 fiire t t ': sit t 'n h 'Llitra antf the NT (.14 oaitny tuhe' Sun'l~tuy in s Iport (14ort 1ttirs it I iln, OittQ byas foar the '4 11-1 "nu o Of~rtt l trom (,("tir" 111:,, :ni!!'-Mle t''inatr'. was to In Itt 1fir ti444ll, O 441'etn (Counl f' iv( a tii ' Saiicl ttil Su'n if Luli S nu--t rich 'aIie ofil te enfre It1iIi ( i1 by11 Fren4c1 t1 441 111411 .11 It ~11115 4414J0(tlt)Itie t till, plan as-a - to:,. afl(t ;11 (;e nsI n stuld s,) i ltt(( 110'il gooiistid nien.1 11 ilr'ils 'al.l :1111b Cuio,11t~ *i;1t lwiii Ic hasf tilt I1.: Sell f1"11te' 81:1 lii I i )1fLd(1I181) IllOPU ray '4 y - f;i i i - _ ", -' --Opening; session of the confer linter inurderer, who sawed hier way inittere the President said this provision would jeopardize the entire prograin f'or aiding the mert-hant mnarine b~catuse huking Interests would not finnre shipping companies under such conidi tionNi. Hie dechtred he wouldi rathetr have the neatsurr fail entirely than for congress to pass at hill "which will bring us to extreine disal~liointment be eriulse we have enteredc upoin a p~rogramn In at half-hearted and rather indiffer ent way." Sorne~ membhers cof the cornmittee sup - p~orteill the Mladtlkn amnncnnt, so at compiroilulse was Suggested eligglgit. Ing the aunnl appropriation retiuire mient but pirovliing that no Increase-s in the speclfied r-ste of compensation Shall he moade without the authorizra tin~ of congress. A T/"""'" '"" "' "^G" IliiTY i~s ;acting "'In'l up" with the <- ntinil attacks o l e on br :t14 his olliejtal n ts alir t In his ans-. er to the fourlteenl sle-titienlt~tns filed( with the horsiclattt eeithis juleiairy for l iiittee in spirehtt t' thile re'ttl u tilii irtopoit iestn his uteil nnent Le usenirs. ie deal a r h 14- li lt's eriatine every oneo of atit elurgtes of filuor crltgr e tfu sal to ifor anti-trust andi other laws, of unw :.arranted exer Ilse of cleniero:y in the :assi s of influ ential o endters, of neglect to prose cute war proltteer f and of unconstitu tional anti tiitlust procedlurt in the r"ailroad injebi:tionl case. tir. ' Inht'igI rty says in his relly: "T atti stteilrlny t eeral l"n!omlt isIcen thll con a usion t tli he s e h .-thr and uro'istt of th.s proceeding Is not to re n1ove himn from oilie., but is In the na ture tif an attentuit . . . to coinpel the iulentiniti andtl the disclosure in ts' luse of the1! ' ieltneI iplon: which the gove~lrtlent re~ibn. arl must rely, in the in' tigatinI andMill prlsecutioln ii -'* yj dininj~ itrti n i s out I i n! te .c it n t oi ev ightul thvera it ri s th progirai atedrlas by nthe. rente exer rasci ous Ce. elor intae, resfidentu (.tiain oto etrs it hegnown toa he is cppteda toitesested nlofconstitoa (iiitnenthu provulidigifor((lP4 the rc letion. ofi' glreident sasn vls re i "'riessa iinehty:.caftelr:elec'ton H5:te tink thei': Costi tution shou cclent uuie coinuallye i Ii:.s tampe wlith.sllAt e tprogsve meeftingalu, thait ies pr tm o Cti:e t ige corprati turplst es-ic lie eitaain.~ir Denounc ing titist as "n cinYort lt otain om- piie.'np Iitl," teitgu sertary decldtha in come 5ctaxest are bng assessedii toii Slthe flltiitentix ermItedb I aw, ad that oi 1f thet ItietrmenItg to fther irec itat attnet cnettnmust tnact ntw Necetayo annulreor Sretry Mel walotecomtnetds, amongges ter irigteuv ItctinmaxIumh surtx rt-s tne lt h t25 rorget' i i ~rn tPlaingo ci'natiimta51Fisstonuo te inc)omextii in com ut-n ax is is"i tLiitaton ofts caestd c in wha sefur CitIes tyf tbe echng se f~lor other fueritit witottey reawzatin ofii taxaile girinomett to o fnet here thet tons, olt Ittion t eerct two Tr more copatitiro-s. crtt- ! As Ior g-ctenlsontosthe ser cltarsy:h oueofbsns a beenlt i t motming to highert vls nrCs wtroughout4 the~ coutr cItaai tfuloy tgIctue haslen2 beenl olledBnk inch~ ofndtion generait are Io suoutd the ttny, moey rtes are resesonale, ad there ph sfie nt credientlt infroabl t meett at logtima ct es imnds. cior tiCOAL~t opetr fxrom f ort-e otter aelri n witprsentativesrfitto of mn jurnedIl'o t o 'r ti.s cahey where quIite nablhtne t com ctt a n eeett As aorage sneandwkn conditionsscc tand3 many o them oidml Oitdtat 11nly gvietnmtui tinstee~nn willpeventk atheri stikelenth crinutine et PS SAY "BAYER" when you buy. insist Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for 4 Colds Headache " Toothache Rheumatism Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets-Also bottles of 24 and 100-Druggists. Aspirin is tho trado mark of Bayer Manufacturo of Monoaceticaclster of SailcrltcjEld "Mummy" Was Drunk. To rentore gray or A worman who asit, going to Egypt ' fad colr torlgs hidl to be irlCIItIleel a'gainst tylhoil. a dye-lts danger She was ti unble' tip k(eep it d1c11' tien- Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer- Safe as water poiIilteIlt \wh11-h ,h( hnd tnnetl for tlle W10or directfromaIIne SSdG.L L S ACa taMeml,.T, nt'xt diy. ;dill s(-tt hti-l dlaetlghter, agel - - -- - - tri. wht Ici id'e' y :tl say'fshe skeFur Tanning t hr l (ilI here reittri on Beef, Horse, Colt and Calf Skns. Make "Ex-i'"1ly what y*ti toldl r.'." wits the up of Coats, Robes, rr~jIy. I sld Cll~ (*'elie' le.Rurs, \'Ljts. Ladics' reply. "1 .aid Inuininy enti't (om. he- urs,'Scarfst Muisand (:111-C she wa -' ut ex hit-a t ,1 ye+Ster(l:tyv Capes. Tell us the kind of furs. Prompt answer. and h:rl a lead lbentelh-he.'"-Loldori W.W.Weaver. Reading. ch. 'it- its. Thirty years in fur business. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND sha"in~on . E of e. blu. . :.- ra, hand ':o powl..r eon S A R T:-r, : , r. r<--- r("-I fi1t. N ATHA NIl: . PIL .,-1 . .75 (re-:w:ch Str-.t. Ntw YORK. CililT31isFRUtIT For many years druggists have watched Dele l da1. orano anid rarefruit. with much interest the remarkable record r .,itu.s. s: cr:cfrsltt. i 4.i.O cash maintained by Dr. Kilner's Swamp-Root, wuic ~n c" f. ',. wi:nt.-r Ilaven .lasl order the great kidney, liver and bladder medi- a t" itco rust. CoNI(.iN i lNa .y. ee. CO.. Iroadway, Wlinter iaven, Fla. cine. -- _ - --- - - M It is a physician's prescription. . - ('O1' "11O1 TO MAIKlE MrOxY.A" Swamp-Root is P. strengthening mcdi. U Fur,. Idpa,". -:, ace. e a.y. (nrly s.0, cine. It helps the kidneys, liver anlid blad. " : ' t. ~ Na - :.t : " lhanan. N. C: der do the work nature intended they - - - should do. Idel' Pur. Silk Itibbun (iter-r a ee,i Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. -"- r 1 , i a td , e- S- ;tup.. Fbe It is sold by all druggists on its mewrit and 1it! Mcn. I B-~ I wanted. l-absric it should heip you. No other kidney medi- e. St. Leus, .o. cine has so many friends. - - lie sure to get Swamp-Root and start GREEN MOUNTAIN treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparartion send ten cents to Dr. samle~l bottle. WVhen writinsg lie suire and COMPOUND mention this paper.-Advertisemnentt44.~~ eucly relieves the dIstress. ____________ngpa eroxysms. Used for _______________arig and result of long It is t lie re o~ef eve'ry hakerl tee hi-s exerec nteteto C o v thir at anlicIcng dieases by - eel Dr. J. II. Guild. FREE TRIAL .....-___ BOX, Trats on Aesthma, its c auses, ireatiment, etc., senS Onlte gr~~e tto get eptpsipon reequeset. 250o. and Sl.00 (hily icltilllS.- at druggists. J. II. G UII.D Co., RUPEIIT, V'T. A SICK, CROSS CHILD NEE "CALIFORNIA FIG SYUP MOTHER! Move Child's Bowels with this Harmless Laxative--Children Love Its Taste I if .veelr cil d Is conlstipated, full of Milliots cold, hans colic, or If thle stomnach Is l;; Syrup' sour, brea th hadl, tongue conlfed. Ut ten- ispoonlful i pecoonful of ''Cullfuornia Fig Syrup"' Iomorrolew. wIll never fall to open t he howels. In let s. A sl a few Ihours y'ou canlJ see for your- "Callforn self how t horoughly it works the eon- rect liccs stilpatlon poisn, soutr hile ande was.te ages jirl right out nnid you have a well, phiyful mutlst sli3 child again. Jl 111a "NU-IDEA" SCHOOL DESKS hlgbgrae seool(Patent, A pplied For)4 hig grdescholdesk f~ntshed in da rk oak. Adds beat to any an scoorom and I' C troeng anad durable. Seat turns tlp and down nioIsOleessly ban eschily. Ippd th excellent lnkwons. Thcousands sold last, year. BiM savIng to schools. Wrte at. once trorncftalse ste and priosam ri TNE TUCKER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Darlngton,S.C. I0 OC Gives New Life to Old Stockings Putnam Fadolass ny. dygort.t s