ENROLL OR YOU CANNOT VOTE IN PRIMARIES-BOOKS CLOSE JULY 25. * *... ~ ****#.# ,. ... ). PICKENS-THE GEM THE OFFICIAL OF THE FOOTHILLS PAPER OF PICKENS *S**,,OOO++++++@ . COUNTY A NEWSPAPER WITH A CONSCIENCE VOLUME52-NUMBER12USiCKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, JULY 13 19221 TOURIST HOTEL BE BUILT IN TABLE ROCK COVE. Another development which will be a step toward making this section rival the famous Sapphire country of North Carolina is the construction of a tourist hotel in Table Rock Cove, 20 miles north of Pickens, announcement of which is made by J. P. Carey, Jr., of Pickens. The old hotel building near Table Rock :s to be torn away at once and a modern hostelry will be erected in Table Rock Cove, several miles dis tant, Mr. Carey stated. The promot ers of the new hotel are Mr. Carey and Wade H. Chastain, who manages the vast preserves throughout this section of the Carolina Timber Com pany. Work cf tearing down the old hotel, a part of the material of which will be used in the new structure, will be not later than August 1, Mr. Carey stated. It is planned to erect a hotel with :30 guest rooms, while it is po. sible that this number will be increas. ed should the volume of traffic de. mand it. Owing to the late start of the pre sent season, no effort will be made to open the hotel before 1923. Ilow cver, it is planned to have the place ready for tourist at the beginning of ncxt summer and various attractions will be providedl for the incoming plkasure seekers. 3r. Carey said that present plans did not call fGr the construction of a huge lake, cn the order of Lake Toxa way. Such a report was generally circulated about Pickens, but :s with cut foundation for present. However, M\r. Carey made it plain that amuse ments' would be pirovided for the guests and it is considered that if the travel to this section meets expeeta tions a number of devclopments may * be made before the opening of the 1923 season. Sktion Oacc Farncus Odtr1 1 ie.-ante e.' ickens recall ' 7.& i was on' cf :h. mc f amcus rcsorts of the (I u CeIns from the I kw' - ret cf the state were accus- t temcd to spend at lcast a part of the t nca lc ;id there cr in et- I t.c' e lo abut the mountain. During s th'e rtast score cf years however, the i rmcr\ lart ;f this tiavel has gone I to HenCdor( : ville, Asheville and N ether North Carolina cities. The con- 1 structica cf top-soil highways and s the erecticn of hotels :s expected to c again place Table Rock, Caesar's i Head and other South Carolina peaks t in the public mind. C Dr. R. Kirksey, one of the owners of 'Table Rock mountain, stated that 3 many perscns are now camped about r the famous "Table," but lack of prop- I er acccmmodations probably has kept 3 this number lown to the minimum. i; That Table Rock was once famous as f a res(rt and was visited by many f S persons is shown by the ironl steps li ene plaOced upl tihe steep side of the mountain. According to Dr. Kirksey these steps were ccted about 1840 3 cr more than 80 years ago. Time has- C rplayed its part in wrecking the steps I but they may still be seen, it was e statedl. -~ No accounceme nt ci rectnt (late has r caus1cdI more inVtere(t in the sc etionl I rbo~ut Piekens ad the predIction was v freely madle that mny~~ .t h . mflpor-i tant develcpments are( liel to take I place, on1cC t rave! isz nin dIiverted to this section. .REViVAL MF.ETlNG~ T1'he Chiri stian fecee in P Jhens 4are1 hinPg arlouistd andl iers arei - ~becoming int'eetcd( by the pr&inchinia cf Railroad Spi nks, evatngelist,. at. the. Methodlist churech and the intvered is growing with cvery. service. Thie evangelist is at his best andt when Spinks it at his best he is goina: sec lie has the cooperation of all the pastor's of the town and everybody is cordially invited to the meceting. R. L. Barksdaile, blind singing evan gc list a noted singer, is leading soul stirring songs that thrill the con gregaitienis. Come out to hear Rail road Spinks while h< is in Pickens. Preachi ng servics every night at 8:30. Prayer service at 10 o'clock overy nmorning at Grace Methodist * church. Miss Durham, daughter of Mr. Tommit Durham who lives near Con cord church, was struck by lightening antlinstantly killed laet Sunday after NEWS FROM CATEECHEE On the 17th inst., the Captain of this universe changed the ranks of the old -soldiers who suffered trials md tribulations and fought as no 3thcrs have ever fought from 1860 to 1865 and took for its prisoner the soul cf Mr. David Calvin Barker. WhileJ 'thc, subject of thi sketch [ought ft.r four long years in the ervice of his country and made a rave and fearlcss seldier then and las fought for the cause of his Alas er here upon this earth for many vais sin,!e, the Lord realizing his ile was at an end here upon this 'arth so far as activity was con 'erned and as he like Paul had fought g(.od fight both as a soldier of his ountry and as a soldier of the cross aw fit to carry him home where he ould join a union that is far suner cr to any here upon this earth. Emo much credit cannot be given those old gray heroes .Who faced !angry, heat and ctild as wcll as 'oIlets, many of whom returned home 'ith an empty sleeve, may he a tick .for a I' or mlay be )ainus an ye, er lsm.Iiel (,th(' kind cf a d" crmiity to make their way in this b111 without anything save a (e rmined rev:slutioni, and yet aft. r uch obstacle (;r 58 lung y ar.:s w( til see a it-w of the ;m h-re hattling It cnly fCr a livil:xl but for a (ole in heaver, w\h( e when all are athcrcd hem; there will be a pcr t tual reunion. The deceaed was born March 11. 840, which made him 82 years :f lonths and 28 days ol. IIis re mins wire laid to rest the day fol iwing his death at King s Grove emctery. His wife preceded him to he grave about 12 years ago. 11e naves the following children: J. T. arker of Greenville, S. C., B. H. larker, of Townsville, S. C., D. P. arker of Pelzer, Mrs. W. M1. Davis f Kings Grove, Mrs. J. Al. Satterfield f Six Mile. Peace to his ashes. On Saturday, 8th inst., about 4:30 i. ., at the re4sidence of the offic