The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, July 06, 1922, Image 7

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CKWEAR NOW ) FOR THE I3BONS and laces, maintain their places at the head of the proces fn, in decorative acessories, wheth it be to "set off the faces" or do other service in the enuse of beauty. hey present nothing stautlilingly new, pa yet, in neekwear, but gradually the trilled vestee and the Jabot of lace are making headway, presaging a re thfrn of these flattering items with the Early autun styles, in the inenn time the collar with vestee to match, enbroidered siss edinum r lAl. f4h . ~co a li f o th .4" sh\{ .. ting. e", - VlaeeSome Pretty ide ol 1o l h e n net or lace and etbroldered hwss, rads In summer ieckwear, followed by the sleeveless inder-odlie of net with collar cnd oilm o ftictg from the "V prey,:ac veste nthe ngure a te ie pismde ovfr vhe COa. en erlo nweater, and a ctromes n lie wohe under taeow vitin f the wvearer .so wills lit n ed nt wat with col Ji irau lto e, shon at the bom or the picture, is newer preylac ch Prlettyo Bthigr ant deft ofthe ihtr a inneof ser j~~i, swete inrwsoiine necessator nzl conon apeas in ba~ywhnv rlw Jar lt~ culs t nyl ochIriz h cro ehet~flet o othe velesswith ong standing, colr.ath .aan -a.. 'as527.52a2: IMPORTANT; BATHING BEACH outward it the toll or to extend around the neck in a wide upstanding flouuce: On the beaches interest is divided between the clothes of those wh go in the water and those who stay out, with bathing suits, switnimang suits and outing dresses all represent ed. Vhen out of the waiter the swim. iners are fortified by enveloping capes that allow only glimpses of thelir trim garb, but then capes are well worth "y'1 ,% A - ' .4 . . F .X4. . .h , s . as in Neckwear. looking at. Some of the bathing suits are supplemented with thetm also; ra tine in high colors and with fanciful decorations, appears to be the best fab rie for them. There are impressive outfits of this material, including a stilt, cape, pillow and umbrella. Hathing suits predomninate on the beaches, and ground fabrics in them are mostly quiet in color, the designs modest and becoming. .Much atten tion is given to the neck line and many of them have cap sleeves. Jer sey cloth Is an ideal material for these with bodIce andl short skirt in one wvorn over knee-length bloomers or short pant-s. The picture portramys two practical swimming suits In knitted fabrics, one of thmem in dark luae with w"hlte stripes and one in gray with bindings or short pants. A suit of gray jersey *1 Beach Cstumes wool. qaiGTEtEot0 M:1se IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL aindaySchool (ol L essony (BY ltIl''V. 11. B. FITZWATI-:lr:t, D. D., lea-her of English Iibe in the loody 1inbi1. Institute of Chieago.) Copyright. 1922. western Nwonwnl'er Union LESSON FOR JULY 9 DANIEL INTERPRETING NEBU CHADNEZZAR'S DREAM I,!-:xssN TEXcNT--l)aniel 2. ((ilIl).:N 'I'l.:'--'Phe kingdoms of this worltiic are I1e"omie the kingdons of our Lord. and of fis Christ: and IIo shall reign forever and ever.-Itev. 11:15. itl'l itI:N I M rAT I~IAL - Isa. 9:6, 7:13. 14:47: John 18:33-3S. P'IllMlARY TOP'IC-liow God Answered D aniei's P'rayer. Jt'NiOit TVOI'IC - Daniel Reveals the King's I)roam. I'IlitMI.:nIATiC AND SENIOR TOPIC -{ow I aniil Met a Severe 'Test. YOI'N; i'i:Om'il AN) A)IP 'POPIC -God's World-Kingdom: Its Nature and Method. 1. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (vy. 1-1:3). Tlhis dreml 11ade a tremendous im Iression 111(1n the king's mind, but he haid fo1riotten its c(ntent. II(' ur~gent ly ('iandeI of the wise men that they miake known the (ream anlind its iuterpretai loll. lt'iieuse of their fail ure the king was very furious and oinnnanded all the wise meen of Baby lon to be sla11. II. The Revelation of the Dream (vv. 1-1-35). When the (leeree was in process of execution Ihaniel was sought out to be slin. lie sought an interview with the king and obtained time. Note: 1. The prayer meeting In Babylon (vv. 11-18). Daniel was the leader in that prayer meet ing. HIe called his fellows together and most definitely pr1ayed to (od. Their lives were at stake; their need was great. 2. Dainiel's ascription of praise to God (vv. 19-23). God heard their prayer and Daniel responded Ln lofty strains of praise to God. 3. Daniel before the king (vv. 24 80). lBecause lie had been with the Lord and had1(1 obtained wisdom, he was confident before the great king. 4. The content of the dream (vv. 31-35). Daniel matte known to the king that In his dream he had beheld a great image with at head of gold, breast and aris of silver, belly and thighs of brass. legs of iron and feet imrt of iron and part of clay. 1le be held the image smitten by a stone and the stone became a great mountain. Ill. The Interpretation of the Dream (v\. 30-4d). 1. 'le heard (if gold represented the Chaldean monarchy with Nebuchad nezzar as its head (vv. 37, 38). With the iecession of Nebuchadnezzar to the throne, the times of the Gentiles began. 2. The breast and arms of silver represented the Medo-Persian power (v. 3.). The Medo-l'ersiai empire was at kingdom inferior to the Chal deal. 3. The belly and thighs of brass rep resentedi the Grecian empire under Alexander the Great (v. 39). 4. The legs of iron represented the (1) Theii two legs represented the (ast ern aind western divisions of the ltomain ('mplire. (2) TIhe feet of Ironi and1( clay reiresenited( the two elements in the lRoman empire andi are piresent todafy in all forms of goverinent, Iimiperiihlismi and dlemioernecy. 'Vhese eleinienits have nlo colherenicy. .i. The stonie cut out of the~ mioiun tain (vv.. 414. -15). Tihis is tihe kingdomi if 1he1aven so grapientiiiIly set forth in i lhe New TVestamient, for the kingdomz of hieziven is9 the( kinigdont whieh the God of hieaveni shll set upI. (1) The ston~e is Chiiist (1Ia. 28:16; Matt. 21 :42-414). (2) When dIid the stone strike? Th'le imipnet of the stone was upon the feet of the col umns11 (v. 341). Th'lis show.s that if (lid not strike at Christ's first comn lng, for thle Itoman emipire& wals a unlit at t hat time ; not even the dlivision of thle emire~ as' 1 represented by the two legrs had Ilaken lalce aIs yet. Th'le stone smitin lg the feet sho~ws that tihe stone w.ill 8 tike whlen thle Iomnana empire shanIIli have beeni dlivided~ up inlto t en ki igdoms1. (3) Th'le k in;lbdoin of heaivon is thuiis 80een to bei brouiIghlt into1 rea liza tin1 1thriouigh a1 gr1eat (1atast1rophle. The end is lnt biy gradtual and1 peaceful ex. 1 ('1sion through i reachllI ig thle gospel, hitif biy a crusinig bulow. Th'le stone dloes not till thle. tarthI by ('rowdling tine stI~ibiss9ioni to Gohilti destrIoyingt it. 'int ill' doi ion slall 011d inl ai 'rash; tlplun its r'uinis shall11be buIlt the king stone 15 of jud giiient, not grac''. Th'ie t ext plainly says it is "a fteri" the stone has1 done0 its Smliting work that it be COmels fa gre'at m1oun1tain1 anld 118i liste whiol e earthI (see P salms1 2 : r5, ti Ze('h, hi: I-I). Jutst as5 thei fir'st part if this dIrearll wals literally fulfilled. 8(o shal the( last 1)a1rt lhe fuiltil l(d. Messai's kingdomi shall be a reaiand 11l( iterail News Spreads of Miracle,. .Jesus wen'ut over fthe sea1 of (;aliet and a great miulttude followed Id, biecauise they saw his miracles whieh he didl on them that1 were diseased. John 6:1 and( 2. Forgiveness of Sins. ililsed fare tihey w.hiose inliquities are' forgIven, and1( whose ins tare cover'ed.--Itomalns 4 :7. influence. Influence is the exhlattion of char. -ctcr---W. 34 Toz'. *} C The Young Mother. HE ILLS OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN should be so well known to the, youngest of mothers that a reminder or a repetition of the symptoms of illness seems unnecessary, yet there are some mothers who overlook a feverish condition, a little colic, or a disposition to be irritable. If not corrected they may lead to serious sickness. And to correct them, to bring Baby back to its happy self, is so easy by the use of Castoria-a medicine prepared just for infants and children. It will regulate the bowels (not force them), aid digestion and so bring quiet and rest. Fletcher's Castoria has been doing this for over 30 years; regulating the stomach and bowels of infants and children. It has replaced the nauseating Castor Oil, so-called Soothing Syrups, poisonous Paregoric and other vicious concoctions in the homes of true and honest mothers--mothers who love their children. Those mothers will give their babies foods and medicines especially prepared for infants. and children. Cotet ~.~* Children Cry For 4r Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachr "'+ ALGoLIO-3PER ;T AVe elablePreparationforAs sIdnailltingtlCFood by Regaa *+ ; ing the~tomachs Ind Bois of i o 1oac' hn lwl f A VWord About Truth. "'Great Is Truth, and mighty above all things." So says the Old ~I ierPromoting DItestiO1 Thereby,noigl~sf Testament, yet it is equally true to-day. Truth shows no favors, Cheerfulness andRCSLtinS fears no enemies. "u neither0 imMorphinenor From the inception of Fletcher's Castoria, Truth has been the 1 lineraL watchword, and to the conscientious adherence to this motto in the ssfO l.Sdlt~ l preparation of Fletcher's Castoria as well as in its advertising is due So the secret of its popul demand. %,AlVaAliittos alsbtiueal utasgo reaainslc ,W,~the element of Truth, lack the righteousness of being, lack all sem-n flyf= eis" blance even in the words of those who would deceive. And you I Mothers, nmothers with the fate of the World in your trot ...'" hands, can you be deceived? Certainly not. SAhllfllezedY fr " Fletcher's Castoria is prepared for Infants and Children. It I& Constipation and Diarrhoea, di remedy for the little-ones. The BABY'S need for a md a:" . tnd Fevecrishness and n Los OF SLnESS ad ine to take the place of Castor 0il, Paregoric and Soothig Syrups resuthas the sole thought that led to its discovery. Never try to correct . utteta Oji ""--- ABY'S troubles with a medicine that you would use for yourself. ?ac-itnlc S~notlrB MOTERSSHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHEW'S CASTORIA roe. ~ GNUN CASTO RI AGEU ALWAYS me Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY. "GrGives Cheerful New Color Tone t o Old ast Froms thine toroilth rs Cat rasrth h s b e h PUTNaM FADELESS DYES-dyes or tints as you wish "Triangle Stuff." o T rEth la'c t1 Giving Him Hia sem "I lQI'("$ blance eve in the wordsoof.thos who - Iwould ie.ilCane hands, can youlbe deceived? Certainly not Fleche'sCasora i pepaedfor- -l x Int and Ch'rIl~rn.Iti distictly QremdytfoSthelittl-ontsOTheBABY' nee for hmed BABY'itroules wthta edicientht1youwoilduse friyouself itl~t~GENUINEiCASTORtAoA(-ways kideysartouCooprerofep Wrapper..L~C4 D o n t o r e t C u i r T a c uv t e s e o r a h e af u l N bw a k i n g T o n N o -l u r a n PUTNAM FADEi.ES DtoS--dretoiret ts asuyoutwis oter r iangl SupRtuffit. ----- ma el nI beau nteofsthy'ti SQ U EEZEDow Tri~u (Soap Oinenduand Talrum-. ryuwatn 2innee ach evrylorce.dv tie, hewrdempndrlemdoy-kdny tatg o kid ment lavealbladderiad uricthcid troubln alslAinl. Setbac. Famos sine n696asykeregmlnly 'n "Umph! That's ot soeat keep ihn godhealth. bein thre sifenal '~ ai -and y ou s. IKme lreW i beve roken up tha adgss movementbeedms rpreinted. itov ay."-kMerIha Ag~ek-"N, es is usuallyo t naenl Mndialion thaty botheuWF Ina liioisne"- X~vYok kid. j n aepot of Imtodr ee / Do'it Fl 11 tor get utialcu thse oranih alhy by t ki Whren din~(g to yotoile(itl' requiies ~ I Al JT. P~A~E ~ Aneouhte faoe skin, hah ad ust: IL D~uuu DxAL other alerfumes supercllan. o.nYmenllmayoPLUG TOBACCn rely on it beotiMe one o0the nutieur Tri (a p, Onten and Ta'lcum). n r 25 echeerwhr.-Adetiemn. ThNwro'rsanarlemdyfo ideyo .. . ivr lddradu iai rule.R 000N......Cl Kl.n:0 . A Sebak FLaOus since16. TLj b akAe rgualy andY ek hdle i re11hdo.~ tr Knick-s NJST--"oenevriktotkkepigodhat.Itre sizes, t~ all -an 9024 .ir.lppon a ac en. 6uc- N -unles t's druggsts.iuarantedTasrepreented TyrsaShyrhss to get pretty (mdAheor-o - the ogh t have water A ll W LesA !P"RVICEyS Sure Relief As o Samplesk ton Al~n m so Agen. .' an ..dI U M Sy .....o.i' hurtttI iIA . 4:0r D. 1 ~ and7b~ ackags.Evrywh~* 14W. Mealst Nawdork iryh Wncude o hCteamer.5 ELL-NS. GurchntsI iiner Tr ns.Cg AT W !OL SALEPRI ES C . .. rO e, J.AC .,ONorL fol L N S s - l A sks4 j S fore S a p e H e thi, r u ,-'r t - E, o "n o Im r a all fd th sm Aisou Agentl Wanted~ s..r iincv* Wrt 254 and 7n4oPackageso5eerywherr 4s w. aul. sI..New York Cit I wa~ to~y 'erni yao an bt~e i )ON" rep l 'A e4rrN11Ii1.I PerNNY. ( diThe Antiseptic, Healing P'owder for the l'eet - -UI 'li: RAi..l;L.ll Ruha l a. r Ta keq the rtitioun from the shoe, r.shn -ly' el.r: P ru h ; r. ur e~r when your feet are tired. Bore and swoI- A I.' 4 W. w :. i l . ~'VnOK etn from withiking oi dIancjing, .ri~rk le and enjoy the blias ol feet wittout - th e DA RnER TRADE soa.y, wr edby ou iyadEavy during the wai. CharlotteeBarberCollege, Charlote,N.C. ~ Ra a Pinch, use ALLEN'q FOOT-EASE SOLD Be--tto a,-nd Fade teens cm.ern.~ wa.dq. ~IlLU?h~l~ YEAORS ' g e**,g