The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, July 06, 1922, Image 6

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2 w Rams By CHAPTER XVI. -18 That thunder in the soil, at first too deep within it to he audible, haul come to the surface now and graidlInlly be came heard as the thunler of at lilfion feet upon the lraining grounilds. The bugles rang sharlr; the drums1111. and fifes of town and village and country side were the drums ad fifes ofi a war that enme closer and closer to every hearth between (lithe two oelnins. All the old( symb)ol8 beenei syblols bright and new, as If no one had ever seen them before. "A ierlen" wias iIke i new word, and the song "Americn" was lIke i new song. All the dusty blatancIes of orating 'nutidiltes, seek Ing to rouse bored audItors with "the old flag"; all the mechanical patriotics of school and church and club; all these tinie-worn, flacield things leaped sudde"nly into living color. The flag becane brilliant and strange to see strange with a meaning that seemed new, a nmeaning long known, yet never known till now. And so hearts that thought they knew themselves nme upon imushes of emotion and hidden indwellings of spirit nt atuessed before. Dora Yo cum, listning to tll' '"SIntr-Siyligled ltanneilr," Stinlg by chilldrein ot' imi-l grants to 11n out-of-tune old itno iIn a nission 'ubriml, in Chicago, found terseJt crying with a soul -slinklug heartiness in ia wiy dilf'rent from oth er ways that she hd erleid. Among the inny things she thought of then wiis this: Tn tile ht liner the ch11l dren were singing ahout was in (ain ger. The great country, almost a con tinent, hnll always sceetned so tintouch able, So s:1 f(" 11111 sure'; sli' llii I Vei been :(bl' I t' ionciv ii' ' nt hostile powe'r 11110 h1y enough to shakeI or evecn Jar it. Awl silo-' so gr'at ani funin metal aithn IcleIould1 nut. he' inJuIred , n war ti'or Its d'eens'e hn(d IIplpar~'l j h', in her eyes, not only wclketi htt riileulous. A last, 'ss and less vagutely, she hadl ine to comlr'hn(l 50onH'ti,iIg of tihe colossal ( erman threait, ninit the shallow thant touched1 ( this brIght h:ianer of which the inil grants' chibidren ipeld so briskly ini the mtission edllbrooint. Shei' fie:i to il('rslaid, though sil' cili nut huv' told Just wvhy, or howy, or' litt t oment imd(ersitan(i ing reitheil her. 1,, ie b'egan to un(der stanil that h'1r enuntry, threnistenell to lte life, haul flung its line those thou 8auds of :ihl's aeross the seni to stiuni nil hohl Iliiiultthurg m1il ltu(Inlenorff and ill ti-r k:aise'rs, kings, (uk's anud crowvn pincesu '..heir KCrupp1 mill Sikochtj thiouist lous iiiginiie, tu t heir ions Iro)us ilh'r 'ii ines of itu n mi:tle into nrni'lis. ''hruui.lh li' long hlaie of li-inilt's hie. ..eivd . h1 brown line iof iours, ind! knuew it xstiid there Atlso, a week'! later, shei wentu lime er' arid fuui how toi diiret th l tt er s~he wauntedto lie~iIc. lie wasi ini Francet~t. otit her heart. It .Seeiius to apply13 to) her letter. Shet wroite: my3 lit 1e (''sIpeech' to y'ou hiad driven you to Itik, lte stepl you1 dihi. I f'elt thiat I had sent y'outo bI e kt l~'d, and1) that I iuighit to be' killed fo r dinig it, but 1 kniew tha t you had( 0 ter tuii lvis, too. .1 knew, elf 'ourse5t, tha31t you thIought of or of' 31nyi lad thling I ''iub i sa y-buit ] th)ought that what I Sl iighit have beeni t' priomii tig Ihta th i~.1le woird that I itrew you1 int o it sii hoistIly and 'itty. I hiope you~i indestand o. "Myv ra btkehsbe thought 1 wvas 'in 'foi nat'- it's beiten in iiy stating t'!vrything with a thlouight I'd netve'r jprtoven: tha wa I~Vr Is te wor~lst t hling, and14 all othler' evils were lesser. I wais wr'iong. I wa'ls wrong, beenusi war isn't. the wVorst evil. Slavery ls a wiorse e'vil, anil noIw I wvant to t'll you ii haivi'e 'lt'e to stee that you aire mal~king war on1 thot' that11 maike slavery. Ye's, you1 arte lighin ug those that malike both warl 1and4 slavory and( youl are rIght , an Ic humly rev erence anid hlonoir all of youi whoii' are' in this right watr. I have comue home to work In the lied Cross here ; I work there all da~y, andi~ all day I kei'p say Ing to mlyse'lf-hu)it I really mennili to you -It's wvhat I pray, 3and' oh, how I pra'iy it: 'God ho0 with you1 and grant you tho victory I' For youi muilst wvin aind you will wvin. "Forgive me, oh, please5t-and If you wilt, could you wrIte to me? I know you have thIngs to (1o mlore imlpor'tanit than 'glrls'-but oh, couldn11't you, please?" This. letter, whieh she had taken eare not to diimpen, as shie wrote, went in slow couirse to the "American Ex peditionary Forces in France," and1( flnally found him wvhoim it patiently sought. Ho delIayed not loing to answer, and In time slie held in a shaking hiandt the penciled missive lhe had sent her: - "You forget all that comIc talk iibout fue enlisting because of youri tellinlg me to. I'd written my father I was going at the first chance a mionth and a halt before that day when you said it 1W4 mind wna made up the nirst iinnlllii1i111111111i1i1i1 uul11ilugull Iil lliil ey Milh BOOTH TARKINGT li ll11II1111lllIililill ill Il llll illillilt illill tine there was any talk of war, and you hail about a1s much responsibility for my going as some little sparrow or somethimg. Of course I don't mean I didn't pay any attention to the differ cnt things you said, because I always did, itnd I used to worry over it be enuse I was afraid some day it would get you into trouble, and I'm mighty glad you've cut it out. That's right: you he a regular girl now. You always were one, and I knew that all right. I'm not as scared to write to you as I was to talk to you, so I guess you know I was mighty tickled to get your letter. It sounded blue, but I was glad to get it. You bet I'll write to you I I don't suppose you could have any Idea how glad I was to get your letter. I could sit here and write to you all day if they'd let me, but I'm a corporal now. When you answer this, I wish you'd say how the old town looks and If the grass in the front yards is as green as it usually is, and everything. And tell me some more about everything you think of when you are working down at the Red Cross like you said. I guess I've rend your letter live million times, and that part ten million. I mean where you underlined that 'you' and what you said to yourself at the IRed Cross. Oh, murder, but I was glad to rend that! Don't forget about writing anything else you think of like that. "Well, I was interrupted then and this is the next day. Of course I can't tell you where wt are, because that darned censor will read this letter, but They Were Soldiers. I gues~s lie will let this mluch by. Who doa youI tin ik I rnl neross in a viilage yes erda?i TIwo1 hoys frumi the old schioo l ays, uand we certaInly dh, shatke handils a few~i Ilunes ! It was511 tha o41 ~l oli I)uh Krusemeyer and Al Ihrt l'nxton, both of them lleutenants. I heard lFred Mitchell is still training ini thle States and( abioult crazy bcau~ise they won't send( 111im over yet. "If you have anyl liden how glaid I waus to get your letter, you wouldn't lose aniy thnme aniswerinig this onle. Any how, I'm going to) write to) you again every few dlays if I get tile chani1ce, be cnuse maliybe you'll aniswer mlore than "lit see here, cut out that 'senlt you to lbe killedi' si tfl'. Youm've got the wro ng b(1en a1114ogel her. We've got thle blig job oIf our lives, we knlow thait, but we're' go inig to (10 it. Tihere'll1 1be mlis taikes 11nd( had( tlies. buit we wVon't fail dlown. Now, youl'll e xcuise 1114 for say-V in.g it tIs waiy. l)orn, hut I donll't know 4ayin g (of courlIse we' knolw everybodyii I si't gl ig toI get back hiome-hut l is I enl, we didnlu't ('ome14 oIver hiere to get kiblld 1 i 'mr uiary, wve ('nm ie over t4) gIve theose I )utchmieui h-! "'l'erhap you1) enn '33 excu~se inanguiage if I write i t withl aI blan k liIke 1tmt, buit befre~t we' get baciik wet're' goIing to dol whatt we (3nme for. They may13 not all of t hem lhe as8 h1114 as somei (If t heni It's a1 goold thling you)i donl't kniiow what I we' do(, beenusei some' (If It wouIld make you slck. As I say, there may be quite a lot of good ones among thiem ; but we know what thley've (lone to this THOUGHT IS NO] Mind Moves Comparatively Slowly, Notwithstanding Expression That Has Become Common. "As quick as thought" is an expres sion imulh uised to dlenote the nemeta of speed In action, biut, like so many popular expressions, thia one is 1111 heending. Thought, or at least the men. till registering of a sensation, is not an exceedlingiy speedy process, the thloughlt imlpulise mlovinlfg ait thle com-. paratively slow spleedi of 11t) feet a second, or 75 miles an hour. L~ight travels nearly nine1. million times 1as swiftly. Thought would be hopelessly beaten in a race with a .motorent'. P'erhaps a goodl illustration of the )ll andI ON :opyright by Doubleday, Page & Company country, and we know what they mean to do to ours. So we're going to at tend to them. Of course that's why I'm here. It wasn't you. "Don't forget to write pretty soon, Dora. You say in your letter-I cer tainly was glad to get that letter-' well, you say I have things to do more important than 'girls.' Dora, I think you probably know without my saying so that of course while I have got im portant things to do, just as every man over here has, and everybody at home, for that matter, well, the thing that is most important in the world to me, next to helping win this war, it's reading the next letter from you. "Don't forget how glad I'll be to get it, and don't forget you didn't have anything to do with my being over here. That was-it was something else. And you bet, whatever happens I'm glad I Caine! Don't ever forget that I" Dora knew it was "something else." Tier memory went back to her first rec ollection of himo in school: 'ron that time on he had been just an ordinary, everyday boy, floundering somehow through his lessons in school and through his sweethearting with Milla, as the millions of other boys flioun dered along with their own lessons and their own Millas. She saw him swinging his books and romping home ward from the schoolhouse, or going whistling by her father's front yard, rattling a stick on the fence as he wont, care-free and masterful, but shy as a deer if strangers looked at him, and always "not muelt of a talker." shie hal hways felt so superior to h1im ; she shuddered as she thought of it. Ills quiet had been so nucha bet ter than her talk. 111 Intelligence was proven now, when it came to the great test, to be of at stronger sort than hers. lie was wise and good and gentle and a fighting tuan ! "We know what they've done to this country and what (hey mnean to do to ours. So we're going to attend to them." She read this over, and she knew that Italnsey, wise ant gentle and good, wouli fight like tn unchaied devil, and that he and his colilraudes would itndeed and indeed( do what they "came for." "It wasn't you," he said. She nod 'led gently, agreeing, and knew what it was that sent him. Yet ltamsey hart his own secret here, and lid not loil it. Sotnetimes there rose, 1,aIn1t in his mielory, at whimtsiclnI picture, yet ine that had always nennat much to hit. 1He woul see lat old man iItting wlih it itle boy upion a rustic bench urmder at walnuait tree to watch the "i)ec atiion illy Il'nraie" go hy-atul Itim sey would seep a shot of sitnsl iiat lan soaehow got tharouglh the 'valutit tlet and1( lullke a hedazzxletmint. of gillItng fine linies over a spot atbou t lhe sizei of ia saulcetr, utpon) the old mantl's9 thiick witeu haiir. Andu in tm sey's maemory, the little boy, sitt ing beside the vetean, would~ half clase his eyes, drowsily, playing that this suinsinie spot wits a white bird's-nest, unitil he 1had( ai momttentatry dreamit of a glittering little bairdi that dlwelt there uind wore a blute soldier cinp on its htead. And Itaimsey would bring (aut of his maemlory' thoulghts that the 01(d mani hadi~ got in to thew child's head1( that daiy. "We knew thiat atrimies fighting for the F'reedlom of Man hiad to win, in the long run. . . . We were on the sIde of Ghod's Plian. . . . Long ago we began to see hainis of Hils Plan. . . . Man lias to win his freedom from himself men in the light have to fight against men~f in the (larki . , . That lighut is the answer . . . We had thte light that madt~e us5 never dotibt." * * * * * * * A long while Dora sat wIth the let ier int her handi( biefiore site antswered it andt~ took it tupon her' hteart to wear. That was the iplace f'or it, since It was atrently wi tin her hear't, where Ito wotuld find it whten he ccnmte honme again. And site beheld the) revelnt sent to her. This ordinar'y life or 11am sey's wias hut thle outtwatrd glinhting oaf a high iad siplendid spIrit, ats hIgh antd splenid a is ('arth (nn shtow. And1( yet it was only thte lfe of an everydlay Amaericin haoy. Thel streets of thle town were full, now, of boys like Ram sey. At first they were just boys in uita form; then one saw that they were boys no more. They were soldiers. 7 REALLY RAPID comparative slowness of thought wvaves is to assume that a man had an arm 75 mIles long nnd that, when he was not hooking a frlendl should grasp his hand. Before the owner of thtat arm became conselious that his hand had been touched, the friend wouald hiave relensed1 it, and had time to walk four miles or eat a very er tentsive dinner.-Kansas City Star. Time andh Tide is the name of a Londont newspaper whIch is owned and control ledl en t irely by women). Experlence teaches people. lots of thtings they would atera not know. TI1[ KITCHEN CABINE T Copyright, 1922. western Newspaper Union. The inner side of every cloud Is bright and shining; I therefore turn my c'lus15 about And always wear them inskde out To show tho lining. SEASONABLE FOODS For those who like a subst itute for meat In the warm weat he' the follow ilg dish will he sugges tive: Nut Loaf.-Cook one cupjtfrt of rice in boiling salt.ed water until tenler; dran, add two cup fuls of bread crunibs, o no tablespoonful of choppedi parsley, two tablespoonfuls of salt, one and( one-'lf cup fuls of pCncans or pea nuts ; add1( a dash of pepper, a table Spoonful of butter, one egg well beaten atd about tle cupful of milk. Cook the rice in holling water until tender, drain, adding the bread crumbs, toast edt, and enough milk to make a loaf which will hol its shape. Place in i baking pan with a little water and bake twenty minutes. Serve hot or coldl with tomato or a white sauce With cheese. The seasoning may be varied for this loaf, aidding one tablespoonful of chopped pinmento and one cupful of whole seeded ralsins, served (ol. Rhubarb and Strawberry Sherbet. Cut into inch pieces three pounds of rhubarb andi let cook iI water to cover until soft. Achd oI anti one-half eup fils of sugar and one quart of stra w ILrries; sift the whole through t col ander. Adl the Juiice of at lemon 11and cook until the mixture is thick. Strawberries and Angel Food.-lave the cake hakedi In at square thit and cut in squarlles. Ilep spoonfuls of strawberries crushed with sugar over each piece, top with sweetenel Willpp''l cream and( serve cold. Al other lttisty dessert Is brick lee crtnIII cut in two-inch 'diCes 1ut together vLuIlwiclh fashionl with slices Of angel food. This, if enrelftlly cut and( Ir rnngedl, Innkes ia very prettIs lessert. Merriton Eggs.-liutI tr thickly as 111mny earthen hk2i2 g cups or 1iml1tI cases Its 110(}01 ; sprinkle the but ter with lira2ly-.1hpin-e(l parsley and 'chives 1111(1 breatk liito eatch eaup .1n egg. Set the cuts III a pan11 of hot waler 222121 bake in the ovet 11111ii set. Invert e2n refully 'on rollilds (1o dleli 2ately tonI ste('I b1 read, well 1)111lred. l'ou1r Brutt( th)011 al rich tonmato snur1ce, to which lihls bee11 ah(1(10d1 on2 tab1lespoi onflul o ' ch1112et green pepper. "The frtugal houesvwi22 nmust Ilarn to plan ortorni2V al a(nal properly Ihal al'',I in-: Ixs, whieh will nour)IIs1h :841 1 ninh-r ot' t" ':t)ily 2r'op- erly aia~ not encouraige mver-eatiig or oifer eXressive asnd wastef'ul vaitrhty."' GOOD EATING I)plj slices of b react into 1,eat1 n eg thinne ' ith a little niilk t. which - slason. i-ry in 22 lit 2 le o ba21 l2con2 fuitl ane serve) I ikedl. Hard Sauce With Dates.-Takle 0212. half Cupil of stoned21 and1 (lhoppeti'2 date12s. ( 'reaml two' 1ab2lspoonfls1 ofI but ter, add12 o10 and1( one(-1imir fcupful s (If ilowdered'tl suga2r gradl (22ly wlith 2one1. hlf teaspoon221fuli of van1i1: ilaad 21 speck Eof sailt ; fold1 in thle chties, add1(. ing more12 (creamIl, if ne22'(2id. A 21bish o1 'Tis maly he used'2 as5 enike Willing. Celery Stuffing for Meats.--Take two2 (2 jupfl s o)f brea d ('rumbs12, 2ne2 cup.1) ful! of di('ed( ('elery, on1e-hialftr2cupful o1) wa'ln~ut IllentsI, one 1(22)2 tenspoonfu o2f pou21. try drlessing, ine t('nsp)oon21ful Io(f sal t, (2ay'1en 122 taste, 2on12 ltenspoonfuIll oI grat2ed1 22nion, one tenspoont11'u21 22f huk. ing powder222 :21nd twvo tabl(espoon21fuls '2 111222er. 522ak thle brlead2 22rmnbs12 and1 squee'(ze' dry. :1212 2o1 her' inlgredie'nts. 1 '21 hainbu122rg stealk and2 thIs xl uiling top2~l wihl stulling. like 4il m1inut1es. Date Loaf Cake.--Ta''2ke one llound1t o2f <bite2s, (211e 1)ound1 of1 walnu11t Il'ents, (2112 (up111 of1 flbour, 22112 Eupfl)1 of siugari, twol 1252(21 esponuils o2f ba4k ing powder,('I 42ur1 tjggs, 2)ne( tenspoonful1'11 221' van1ilhi, sa1t to 1:aste. Use 2the (1bites 22212 n121t11ients wle2(, xl ft olver thle 11lour, which'l 111s been sif: ed2 withI the hn2kin1g po1wder a2nd aiga In withI thle sugar I. lIent2 in thle egg y)l ks, o2 ld vanla and1 sa1 l 01t and fold( 12n 1112 sti 11y beaiten wh'lite's; hake1C 011e hlour. Cucumber Ringe.--l'eel and slice thle (lc121unberIs, then'2 w~ih a vegetabile cultterl take 0ou1 the ('eterQs, leavin~g 21 ring. P'ut them11 on1 leo for' ln hlour, d.ry andl2 then fry InI d1ee1 fatl. Ser've wi'th~ tlmbales of chleken. French Pudding.--linke a1 phnstry shell and1( 1111 with lIcely s423easoned1 ap. 1p1e SIIuee. Cover withi a1 m1er'lIngue, us.4 Ing twol egg whItes an~d bake unti1l 111e mleringue Is a dEllente brownl. FIg Cookles.-Take on12 cupful of suar, one-hai 1 llf uful of shor)Iten'in g. 021e cuipful (f tigs, onle-fourthI I (ull of mil1k, Iiree tenspoon(llflS (of hnking powder', two) eggs, (11ne tenspolon ful of grated(1 nutme21g, one tenspoon10221ful of .21 It nnd flour1 t2) roll. 3fix aS uIsual, roll and1 "Iut and1 hake fifteen minutles in a1 mnet(lo,-.O r0a m-1n AFTER EVERY MEAL Select your food wisely, chew it well, and--use WRIGLEY'S after every meal. Your stomach will thank you. It is both a benefit and a treat -good, and good for you. And, best of all, the cost is small. TRY THIS 90 Sugar jacket "melts N EW ON E in your mouth" and gum center remains to give you all the E" iusual Wrigley's . t benefits. -.!r rrrrnrrIn rrn .. TX Save. h C40 Wrappers Excellent Advice. "Ne'ver reIftlsl toi See whiilt youl tlo nlli l6'' U l:Y: a notglwynt to Ie or whor "ngh 'go agaIinst yourItl ownl ("herishedl hypotin-h(sis-_ or iin;tist hlie views ll'of 1611 rit ies. Thus art. just I li' it'eoVs tI' 'nlhalw ut, :s is. a lso :116ei n'ihjli:ti ally x11 tht You'll Lik thing yOu havet hin-ver x6.6'n 611 la'air6l 6o'f befoI're. T'he' 1ting you enitel6 ret 11a l t " pige-onthoh' 1'or1 is the' 1}in..6'r pointl show-'9. }\ lil the t way tI 6lisI66veryI'." 1 n"tLILr This :16lvice to 66x sientis :1n11 oithers U 1E D R r + " waS g.iven1 in1 It let1uro by Sir, l'nt1"rck nti etr : ' 'h116s166 t, Ileb 6'nill ' iijl i l phy. \ilis u'ick ilitil 6. "I c 1 11 6 1 6v S U'rt p e.d C ot~ Dr. P.eory's "Deo:ii Sthut" ia the only ver-Mih ml fugi' wichi o,.-rat.- thoiroughlly aifter une1 1:111 \' 6 6 v 1)U 6 \' 1 * 1i I t) I wy l 'il I X Atriid.-,i r / bred '. with6out the n1 el:. oft ea .....ur .il. UnoJ\ cos6t, on61- tiuse,, onei tit'6ct. 37 l'eadri St. New York City.-Advertisemient. Dogs in Conversation.i f I iiowit, whiit I hey 11611 Itwere hanintgg cloth les froiit mj hi back Ipoirhes. Itoh- ~L~e llis tluother' repjlii'l. "'e were talk- 4,1 lng. wvithi eaich otlher.''" WhIen Itlhetrt hrlt d his clog. Topsy, I~-~~ 1Snowha'. l ' aingtV conversaX'tin itht Olntl It her.'' Comforting. "C('heer til; it en'ali' le ag 1il Thelaet."D Comfort Your Skin E E I W/ith Cuticura Soap cn:oavsrl. and Fragrant Talcum this Syrp and afereI lse"itsbab improve I ca reommed tiedcn obe excellen ouatuY naroti, nn-acohlicFomuar' n eeyarn r Al AllMfrs..s Writ fo fre bokle conainng ettes fom rateul othrsa. - ANOL.AMEICA DRU Co. 21.217Pulon S., Nw YrM ch.1 GeerlS.F~a g't: arl FR~ip i CoIci r t e New YtionTodontoavLsiirrita.,a.e