" MWl .WUNtI~I0RA A IhVt*,P4'&P$W1AW- J5{gY-rp~ V m ~iY gr/flWW .tONO, MARIETTA' IpUTE- 2 Mr. E dit.or: I w ll give you a few :t . , this sideoiof,..iod Pickens e are on the average a v - .)1ople. 'Of course some fey will imbibe too freely the . .l of joy water, when they -' ' portunity; and this scribe tne opinion that these opportul.ales of imbibing the stuff would be no more if we could put an everlasting end to the manufacture Of the stuff. Can we do that? Do you say enforce the law? Then why not let's be up and doing to put a stop to this abominable curse to our land. Mr. Jack M. Looper was painfully ~kiek'ed by a mule some ten days ago, butis getting along;. T tcely by now. Mr. Louis E. Morgan, who has beer located in Greenville conty .for the -last year or so, has come home and is going to farm next year. Messrs. L. S. and J. E. Edens, Bar :t. Hendricks and W. T. Clarke made .a business trip to Easley lest Thurs Messrs. J. I. Williams, ..am L. Rbinson and E. T. Edens killed a pig each this week that weighed near the 5001b. mark. Mrs. D. E. Looper and Mrs. L. S. Edens visited the Misses Mattie and Maggie Williams of Dacusville route " . last Wednesday. Our section of the county is abund ently supplied with rabbits and be lieve me, Mr Editor, the boys have killed some of them recently, and there have been several .'fox races in A this vicinity recently. too. So Mr. Editor if you enjoy hunting rabbits en fox, get your gun and (logs and vone down and ,try them a few. Looker On. (The editor is tco chicken-hearted to enjoy killing rabbits and too slow tu catch a fox. Thank you for the in.-itation, though.--Ed.) AT MAYNAID SCHOOL There will be a box supper and :ristmas tree at Maynard school h-use Friday night, December 2". AT SIX MIL1E ACA)EMY \i entertainment will be given -in - Six Mile. B~aptis't Acadeomy audi I Lu ' next i Wedlnesday night, De mber 21. to whic.h the public is -itel, ...Sugg So miany~ tim be. Now to i Emany articles 5e'to $835.00 a * FOliH i TOWELS BATH SETS' HANDKERdHIEFS COMB AND BRUSH SILK HOSE CAMISOLE BRASSIERES D)RESS * COAT COAT SUIT SWEATERS SCA RIFS ( *.,BED ROOM SLIPPE 4 COLLAR AND C:UF 4JERSEY ET' CA GLOVES * ~ GEORGETTEh W AIS' A ' Wen yoti t~ F. M. Rogers, a well known and I highly respected citizen of the coun ty, died at his home, a few miles from Pickens oi N vember 15. He was a Confederate -Veteran, having 'erved (luring the entire duration of the War Between the States. For 50 years he was a consistent member of Enon B~aptist church. Fifty-five years ag" he married Miss Matilda Wilson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. .John Wil scn, of Cent.ral. His widow, three sons and two daughters survive him. Interment was made at Enon, his old home church, the funeral serv ices being conducted by Pastor B. P. IMitchell, assisted by Rev. '. J. Day IO)NOlt ROLL SIX 111.1E SCHOOL First Grade --Garvin Gantt, Ruth Garrett, Edna Henson, Bertie Lee H('nson, Aline Mauldin, Winford Par rott, Bethel Willimon, Kate Fergu son, Bernice Durham, Ruth Mauldin, Ruby Winchester. Dreva Mae Stew art, Henry Brucky, Thedore Durham, Sam Hunter. Second Grade.-Burnis Alexander, Paul Willimon. Gertrude Willimon, Earl Willmon, (leo Kelley, John Hall. Third Grade.-Wayne (arrett, WeiVley Garrett, Leroy Parrott, Luther Willimon. Mae Stone. Fourth Grade.--Glinn Childs, Fur maul Stewart, inolai Willimon. Fifth Grade. --Annie Stephens. An nie Davis, Cecil Kelley, Lessie Hen son. Sixth Grade.-Dennis Garrett, George Childs. Seventh Grade.-Mickler Lusk, Bes sie Stephens. J. Waco Holliday, Lois Norris, Teachers. LIBERTY PHYSICIAN MOVES TO GREENVIILE. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith recent ly moved from Liberty to Greenville, where Dr. Smith is employed at the Public Health Service hospital. The doctor has been practicing at Liberty for several years and the pcople there regret to give him and his wife up, but his health failed some time ago, as a result of ex)osur while with the army in France and he was comtpelled to g ive up gtnerul practice for the less strenuous inlooI I iEr!k. estions For es do we hear the tssist you in seleci that you will be ud a useful gift f< BRFOR 1I TIE SILK SHIRT PONGEE SHIRT SET FLANNELL SHIT SILK HOSE OVER COAT SUIT STETSON HAT HA NDK ERHI EFS PUCRSE BELTl GLOVES RST.STICK PIN CUFF BUTTONS CAP SJJSPENDERS tink of Christmas look over the abo 'The & SUOOE &&XXXKM U44%M ' M~uY :.Vw'ey and half a soul. Seven reel suspen se and thrills that will muk >u --asp for breati. Will pay :?1 1 rotton on beli-ie Co-hors( .\l4'''1 waigon., and on' >reHickorv wa-:w.r. ivn ., P'icktns. mii it recript ion for ('old s. Fev id l.a{;ripp~e. .It', the must- speed -med't1 we know. Practical now what to gel please, you wil ar big stock. oe family. RENBi Coats He wool se s TDresses. S Dresse resses ('oats (oat.. ~ET (~, ~'iSui I it Sui Iat Si will be a pleasure to us to have ed A~ m liLw Pilces A T. L. BE"NS COTYTON GINNED. IN PICK NS, COUNTY . e There wire 21,024 bales of cotton, e counting round as half, bples, -ginned d in Pickens County, from the crop of 1921 piior to December 1, 1921, as I: coirmpared with 15,08: bales ginned a to December 1, 1920. 0 CLEjRKS SALE 0 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA si COUNTY OF' PICKENS j 01 - IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. pl Eu':t(e a Whitten, Plaintiff. sE Aga':inst ... N Get-rge T. IReil, et al, Defendants. in In pursuance of a Decretal Order of miade in the above stated case by his el honor .iudie' R. W. Meminger, Oct., e1 7th. 1921. 1 will sell to the highest If bidder. for Cash, te SAL.ESDAY IN JANUR.\RY, 1922, 'til the same being January 2. .1922, duri- at " im: the legal hours for sales at Pick- I) ens Court H!oiu..e. S. C., the following *describe.d Real Estate, to Wit: All that piece, parcel or lot of land l.inig and being situate in State and County afere'ail, and in the 'rown of Calhoun. S. C.. bounded as follows: !ounded on the east by lands of S .1. T. Blar'.o'r. on the North by Cal- C houn str ".t. on the west by lands of 1: Aaron iu'gs estate, on the south by an'is of William Darker, known in j platl. of survey of the Town .of Cal- m houn made by F. V. Clayton, survey- ti 'r, as lot Numbers :8, :1) and 40. the same being conveyed to Jani4 F. Reidi by C. R. I.awreinee ion the 15th day of November, 1916, containing. :;-4 of an acre, more or less, Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for b all papers :nd revenue, stamps and t< recordimg the same. If purchaser S . fails to comply in rcoisoniable time tl . the same will be resold at the risk e and expense of the former purchaser. e O. S. STEWART, Clerk of Court, Pickens County, S. C. S e December 12th, 11921. t, CLERtKS SALE S e STA''E OF SOUTH CAROLINA n COUNTY OF PICKENS IN cOURT OF COMMON PLEAS. - Eosie Wsale. et al, Plaint ilfs, J1. N. WVade, et atl. D~efendants. In ptrsualice of a )ecreta I Order nmade in the abo've statetl cast' by his I Mr lonor .lugeT. '.. .\lauldin, Nov 20)th. 192 I. I will ,ell to the highest hi.hloer on the. term. hter'iuiit'er named1l. 8.\l.E'8DAY IN .JANU RY. 1"22. Christmas for him or' her", as find listedl below .on will find pie irtrIids Ileiluctionis in all md( Coat Suit~s. Fiures abot re is the way our big reductions on rge dresses, coat suits and coats tig -----.----$21.75 Valuei .............-- ..--..19.50 Value ---------------.12.75 Value -.............10.50. Value -.. . . . $3.00 \'alub 1 - 'Jxi 0 0 .00 Valu .50 Value ............ ..~ .24.50 Value . .1 75 Value -....$50.00 Va lue 412.50 Value ..50) Value ......-.~ . ... :7.50 Value S-...... -. 15.00 Value you call and let us show you through (Cert ainlt y ON & 00. ww waxm a ok tho legal w$o e t Y,1 h ega .4e at ns Court House; C.; thp followIl ascribed real tte, ti( w1t: All that piec prcel'a at of lani ring and being situate h1.tie Stat nd County aforesaid, adjoihng lands f Pickens Cotton M ill Co, Mrs., B. [older and others, and cohtaining n7 (1) acre more or less. Terms: One-half cash on day of tie and the remainder on credit of ie year, with leave to purchaser to ty all cash; the credit portion to be cured by Bond of the Purchaser and ortgage of the Premises and to bear terest from date of sale at the rate eight per cent per annum. Ppp naser to pay for all papers and resv mtle stamps and recording the same. purchaser fails to comply with the rms of sale in a reasonable time v same will be resold at the risaI td expense of the former. purchaser. mcember 12th, 1921. O. S. STEWAT Clerk of Court, Pickens County, S. C. CLERKS SALE TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA OUNTY 01F PICKENS COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. C. L. Cureton, Individually, and a, xecutor of the last will and testa ent of .J. D. Cureton, decqased, Plain ffs, Against .John P. Cureton. et al, Defendants. in pursuance to Decretal Order uade in the above stated case by his honor Judge T. J. Mauldin, at Cham eirs, December 0th, 1921, I will sell the highest bidder for cash on ALESDAY IN JANUARY, 1922,. ne same being January 2, 1922, dur ig the legal hours for sales at Pick ns Court House, S. C., the follow lg described tract or lot of land: 11 that lot of land situated in the tate and County aforesaid. in the )wn of Pickens, located on the corner t' Pndleton Avenue and Bowen treet and containing 56-100 acres liore or less. Terms, Cash. purchaser to pay for II papers, revenue stamps and re ordiing the same. If purchaser fails o comply with the terms of the sale n reasonable time the same will be -eso(ld at tle risk anlt expense of the oruler purchaser. O. S. ST IEWART. Clerk o' Court, P'iekens C'ounty, S. C. IhOber 12th. 1921.0 eO the case miay * a few of the ran ging from Ladies' Dresses, 25i per cent off. tricotine, and all ore to you. reduced to $16.30 reducod to 11.65 redIuced to 9.55 r'educedl to 7.38 -edutcedI to $26.25 educed to 22.50 educed to) 20.65 re*duced to 18.45 rePdu~edl to4 11.10 4 reduttced to 31.80 tedutced to 25.10) i'educed to 11 .? n~r big stock. %*WM|8%