l'i8 PicKeRs SQ6imlQI PICKENS, S. C. 'UBLISHE'D EVERY THURSDAY. .1 60 A Year Invariably In Advance. .ntered at sickens, S. C. Poatofice as Se'ond Class Mail Matter. GARY iIOTT, 1'dittr antd .hrr. OU'R EDCIW.TION.\l. ISSU'E 't'e Sentin l a pi'rttia.tes the many f':.v'orab'le commeIl tnt, that have been adeen its edutati it nal issue pub i-hest last w. W hile' the a e r wVas lilt te t in * , we' beieve outr renders w*ill Ie with us thit its t'ntents .ere. b':ich i idet and ctnv i wniiee- nIatirie, al fUn:i-hetl int'ormution t hat must v.' bro lht pride to t \'e true t;i.a:' , of Pickens 'ountvy. ILet us *ay het that most ot' the i tk'r the taper is due Superin d' of i"duration laytton. He iuted n'ost of the original articles dal t hel per wou ld not have been nue- wit hott his aid and interest. Ne itl.er cou'i the paper have been b'lished like it was without the sup rt Of thit .. ivrtiser5. The pietur's yr aring in the Pap'er were exceed tx Ft usive and it is seldom that ne sees as mny pietnires in one s' of a weekly newspaper. -1"v Ver, w. believe the showing made y the pictures vWas worth the cost. 11n1. oi our regrets was that more * the sehool houses of the county ubtI not he shown. However, we N ptet to issue a similar edition some ume in tihe future and we hope to be uble to shew more at that time. Ct lies of the educational numbei t The S"nt-inel were sent into ever Ssuty in this state and it is oi lief and ht.pe that it will go a long w. ay toward dispelling the erroneou: opre'ssion that seems to prevail ii ..me parts of the state that Piecken a backwods county full of iugnor nues. The advanatige s, etl'orts an d achitevet' nt - of I'ickens county have ni 've -t"n mlvrttisel to ti out.-ide w''rb th. .iotuh have hen nid we. hat 1t- t ,n of i:. ilt it i nti"n 1i.:,, this t"':ai n\ ':\ i. lti : t h u a it hem Edul ti:n i, t'ne of The Sentine'l'. bll - s. an I we kr.t iw it is a gind ">t, t. r?. ' . iev absolute4 flit dl. asemoe tit ft rm i r ' vern ent: aInd w\ : k'ow ther'e can h,. ni * topi 't're edut at,t . dutliiciation anitd t'hristianity are tih buly foundation stone u tt wth:h a: nduring civil ai m t at'll y be esta.h itelligen. hed.e -'~OiVmoeforteae cf nith hum omeeied inthe mrdhofmati Thei eoplaedo I'ekestcut- r hvingt eiaghtthmTeyw, bor thati waynd ndctthi epex n whr5hv mont Oreinate itelligenct sadew tha ~thBue ildge, moutany {With tinshdpmins Chtan twartv ytnd i wolatdprp tee i a h ut'ytain. Sot arln cute es thinty wotwiues, t rsn Let's do it. MICKIE SAYS %WST Al SOON AS 1't.4 STR PAP~Ias GOoI' up, JbOn 0. 0C#E9tr. LSP G4I t.f6 PP*S90H't Ou ' 0'tae -new ter GeevleNw.astatoe township of Picens cou U1 ty, which long has beeni known as ie of ~ the Most "'in ti.~ mounltlinl" \r fn:o h tln" oSae s. to lose it, exclusiveness. ''.* rd road( which wound its, way anii ud into the tow 'vi of Pit'k&'ii is so'j..i~ hch wvill I t.-t.vt North.1 :t'.tt South (':: rot i ii. The l10w road1( wvill brimur i.lk ' Toxawway luuii neair or toi (;rt~c ;'i e t han bePfore~ and willI to go :hr Illetptins byw ay of l'dul t ho bencetit to~ be deny e""l by -y' I(rt:( lli t t 0! i L a .t c~adl i~ot. he" 'Idt 1i in (Itillars and cents- or t"': tal \nil it no retle'.rt' )un st~att that it. 'lid no: pi sjev~l :i ids t hen" Thal M..i." 'gd i ii' tile n ~ i?-r ile s.oil, ' sai~ia ~'hot i ant!ld~ r iads \ t': ;' to bit.~ :l inciivnl fo f. V ut with the removal of ti~ "~it i ,hst r1i.' tht t is every indiat i :i :.'.attt k'ast.ati't. is rapidly comning t o'e floa't. ('iti'.eu5 of that see'.. ot in mt'inai the establishniert of aeslo' o geo the stt t' it'.. :\ t ai. t of morte thani )a~tl (i ct *a ca bie alX's 'd for that itu:io'It.~ it is Si anid the i'csideit 5woU iii \ e 'nt e this influx of uuntsiti"r.. 1t tit e 1wt too, !onm., livte1 unz itMt'!t, not fromt choict. buLt trot: ' t. r. But the cry now igolin. out I it:' ,"\:orli 6, ''Come O\ V1, .11 I ' u : ; if tl'le 1,ia t y1s; ii iot, we know v itu v :t! hto 1 : t'i (?naroiini~ins \\-ho . '.:. to ~',!1' \\ thir own' -Ai tats' anid i ts \\ :cr a p! i ih iiiiit it's s hould 1 'y all ' T' 'an .imt t hisi st lion. it isconp iullt'a !.. 'lv "nrow" art 1 there is not tit'.=1i'e ' the t part et the s~oitlct'1'Z to !'o Ot S:,:',t: t! , r ' lltl: t ~ ~ ~ i :t' .tomU .,, t:. : . Itha:t 111( oIO.' ' ~ I* ' I ~.~ t it'er ' U S:n - l, 1 : ''- "t is t n .i ackge 1" l. ~ 1'' :5 ~ ''t i :: . in ,L' t'1 : ns s i 'l t ins and tht.~ resu1t til . 1o,. chat oef V h sa~s'i tsn . , t tl. l t. :':l-) '')X~ Sli. ATor ~k~AAALN U]"CL Notices run under this'head at the ate of one cent a word for first in e>:ion, one-half cent a word for ach subsequent insertion. Candy nuite by Drs., Garv or sale at the Pickens Drug Co. FA131 FOR RI.NT---Good :-ho: -arm lneIL r ('ross Roatls church: !welling htouse and outbuildings. N-e ;. R. Hendricks ot P. Q. 1endri \s. Pijckeni . :; . ST RA.D--Last Thursday t. m 1!ace of L. 1.. Powell on 'it'en -outte ti, two red and black spotteli :igs. Please notify L. L. Powe:! if ou know anything of them. BORROWED OR STOLEN--1ea niuel of mail wagon; paintel ye.ll: hree new spokes. Any information ea(ingZ to its recovery will be ap p:reciatedl. G. E. Keith. Rt. F. 1). narrier. Piekens. READY FOR DE.LIVERY-Geod I.!1.ih forest. pine sap shingles. Will i Iiver within five mile. of Pickens .t $2.510 per thousand and guarantee :I" shingles. .las Winchester, Nine Ties. S. C. '.'t ._uaratee :'t;.00 per week full -- or 5e rn hour spaie time sell n. uaranlteedl Hio ry. Agents making .5.0t) to :00.00 p01r week. (. h. siery is an absolute ne'essi:y. Y'u can s.11 it easily. Fre'e samples to I ur wot kints agents. EAGLE HOSIERY Mll.LS. DARBY. PENN. FOR R.NT--T 'wo-horse farm; good six-rtoom house; water and pasture ha:i y ; goid harn; neat' ol Twelve Mi:. camp -rounti. 'I' D. Robertson. Pi.: :ns RS. COTTON 2:. CE.:NTS Pi-:R POUND: F 0. t;. Columbia. S. C. in exchange for tuiti'n. .A t quick. Howen's Dusnes Co!- . '' C lumlbia. S. C. (Wo0l mile rirst quality nonskid :;0x 1-2 tu.ara rnteed tire $12.9)5. Other Size, in r'lopWrtion. I. E.Jones. F(l. S ici:.--One Jersey stock w'. '1 A. 1. Duncan, Cen S.\ L~l. :'.\Ral WA.NTED).--WVoul ike :'n htari f'. m1 toIwn''er of small farm nil river that would sell for small'I eah- payment dlown. J. E. Payne. No. 11 Hatch St., Brandon' Mill. Greenvilk'. S. C. 4t NOT IC- egistered Berkshir boar -ervi'e 15.00 9r' pi"" W. A .\l altw.. I'ick'ens, S. C. I ha'.- 5everal younfe F*emr. Leg h9oa n" rors to let 'hut unt il fall; Ilso some.. Rhode(l Island Recds, if you wa'nt, one call at onece. W. H1. Sutherland Pickens FOR RE NT-One,.-horse.~ farm with. ini half mrile Six N:iI':e ademy; good si ring of wa:er: plenty of wood; good :1ast ure gui'( land, can make bale of .Ottenl t.. a" !e on this farm,.oo reirhbo:-5. 1 .:.ais Copel1, Picken.. TRESPASS NO'IN'E he. the aaiersignedl hereby prohibit' i!! pe'rsors from huntirg, fishin~g. -ut:ine ::rmber or trespassing in any nann'r upo. our lands. untder full. 'enal:y of th law. I' Ben~ Porter M's. Emma L~e and sons. J. N. Lark W. B. Col!::' Luther B'tgjr Mr's. Ora Ma8j Grady R D. M. N:~ C. B. N?9 J. E. N:' J. L.. M' J. M. G.> J. Dn. S. G. E. r J. A. H G. P. Breze - J. C. Stewar-: Jacks;'n Ca:-f W. P. Dav: W. A. Dav Eli.ah Wir~j'. JT. H. P.we' J. E. Pow B. H. Power~ Dav'e Prr:I W. E. Eren E.V W.B:i T. A. H;:t BR F Ha Christmas T You don't have to look -up the c a!endair to tell you wh in the air that always tells you when Santa Claus is about < Let Your Gifts This Christmas Be I For your F ath'grI Husband. Drot ier or Sweetheart, loo Sweaters, ilanderkerchiefs, Silk Ilo r Silk Shirts, Silk What could be more acceptabie :) a man than one of Over Shoes. Another Shipment of Young Mep't Styles. You Are Going to N A complete stock 'of Furn1iture. and Hon.--e I urnishi Square'. Com'orts, Blankets, Pillows. Trunks. Suit Cases, in Stoe s. Many other useful teiits you will find here, nss at all times, and wish you all a Merry Christmas. FOLGER & HI The home of Walk-Over and Endicott J woven hosiery. Carhart overalls, New H Stoves, Chase City buggies. C'lotliing;. Shioes. llats and Gents' F Call for Pictorial Rev I.l K The Sentinel tion list wi bacik Oil a vanice b)asis, - Notices will be scribers in arrears, making arrangemel paper sent on to thei from the list. We trust that a subsc'ribers will ren imegiw4 n Chris:tmas_ is (drawing near.. There is a feeling ue. seful, as Well as Ornamental. at our line c. silk and wool mufflers, Glove3, and Knit Ne.:::..sar. Bed Room slippers. our neW styl Stetson Hats, or a pair of Walk. Suits and Overcoats, Newest eed That Overcoat Yet. iss, Cong u& andL Wool Axminister Rut: and Art land l N -rw iH'me S winz Machires, Iro-i not mentix above. We appreciate your budi EN D RICKS )hnson shoes, Stetson hats, Inter ome Sewing Machines, Iron King trinishing Goods a Specialty iew Patterns. A a 1, lij) sent to all sub and those not)4 its to have the ai will be dropped ill of our present iain with us.