The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, June 16, 1921, Image 6

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CHEVROLET PRICES REDUCED. Effective May 9th, the Chevrolet Motor Com pany announce a price reduction on the Model 490 Touring Car of $175. This will make the car sell for $750.00 delivered in Pickens county. This p r i c e makes the Chevrolet an exceptional bargain, and if you are thinking of buying a car you will not save anything by waiting longer, as there will be no further price reduction this year. For demonstration or any further information, see H. L. Barr, care Barr Bros., Easley, S. C. ONE CENT BUYS FAMOUS VOl To the first 20 custor three pound can of them an extra one pol Only one to each only 20 cans will be s We guarantee V( or money refunded. 3 pound can, $1.3 i BENNETT MEl Easle THE PICKENS RAI: Schedule Supersedes Schedlule No. 18. --Effecti MIXED STL No. 1 No. 2 Dist. 7 :00 a in 12 :00 mn 0 Is. Pick 7:05 a mi 12 :05 j) m * 1 y 7:15 a mt 12:1 5 p mn * I 7:208 am 12:20 pi m* 5 '7:25 am 12:25 p mn * 7 7:30 anm 12:30) p m~ * 8 7:35 a mn 12:35 p mn ii. Ar. E.0 *No agent. All traiins daily< Traiuns Nos. I and 3 connect wi -Trains Nos. 2 and 41 connect with Soi Approved: J. P. CAREY, Pre F'or further information call o Make Your fortable TI enable you to ta:ke thint~s easy. Let us relit your k it('hen now. OIL COOK STOVES. An oil cook stove or Majestic Range makes housc wvork easier. All of the heat is uIsed( for cooking. Your kitchen will be cool and com fortable. BARR Hard Phone 68 SIX GILLETTE BLADES WITH HOLDER $1.25 Prepaid In Attractive Case. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. This offer for a limited time only. Remit by money order or cash (no stamps) FRAD RAZOR CO. 1475 Broadway New York City. A POUND CAN OF FAN COFFEE. ners who purchase a y Votan, we will give W uind can for one cent. Family and positively > old. >tan Coffee to please RCANTILE CO y, S. C. LROAD COMPANY. No. 19 ve February 7th, 1921, 12:01 a. m. TIONS No. 3 No. 4 ens, S. C. A r. 9:15 am 4:00p m ~rguson 9:10 am 3:55p m heit's9 :03 a m 3 :50 p mi ros9 :00 a mi 3 :45 p) m Arial 8:55 am 3:35p m [laublin 8:50 am 3:30 pim iLEY, S. C. Lv. 8:46 a mi 3:25 p mi except Sundafy. ith Southern Railway Nos. 29 and 46. athern Railway Nos. 12 and 39. dn. General Manager. J. T. TAYLOR, Home Corn us Summer. f-'l f're'h a:ol ele:i. andl( save ice. ICE CREAM FREEZERS. tIt's e~asy to make ice cream if youI Own~ a freez'er. Home madec ice crea~im ipre andl clean. Prices very mnoderate. SCREEN DOORS, WINDOWS, and1( wire wvill keep the fly and dis.. ease away. BROS Iware Easley, S. LETTERS FROM PICKENS COUN. TY GIRLS AT WINTHROP. During our State Home Demon. stration Short Course at' Winthrop, club girls were asked, to write let ters to their home-folks telling about their trip to Winthrop. These let ters were collected and the best let ters from each were sent to the county papers for publication. Following are letters from Pick ens county club girls: Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. June 6, 19121. Dear Hlomefolks: I am having the nicest time here I've ever experienced. The demon strators and teachers all seem to take t personal interest in each one of us nd are giving us the best instruc tions and knowledge of things as well as a good time. All of the girls are divided into sections and different sections study different things. All of these sec tions include health education, cook ing, canning, poultry and lectures of various natures Which are wo'rt h hearing and are very, very imuerest ing. We all go to the gymnasium in the morn ing and also in the afttrnooin For recreation. We are there taught by Miss Jenkins, a graduate of \'iii Lhrop this year. She was asked to remain here to instruct us during the short course, and she kindly consent ed to stay. Every one of us just love her. In fact, all the teachers and demonstrators are liked by all. In the evenings we are well enter tained. The first evening we were here they gave a reception for us. Every one met the teachers, dlemon strators, Doctor Johnson and learned to know each other. Charlie Chaplain in "The Kid" was shown to all members of the short Course Saturday evening. They are also going to give "Daddy Long Legs" for us this evening. We en joyed "The Kid" Very noch and are looking forward to Daddy L.ont; Igs which we are sure to enjoy. Miss \ are:m et .\l. Streeter, fron 'a i len. N. .1., is also going to enterta:n uis, with a musical progran. .liss Str.'et eir iS a representative of the \Vietor Talking Machine company and her program is sure to be helpful as w ill as enjoyable. We are being given the best of food which is well cooked and appe tizing. Every one went to church and Sun day school Sunday morning, each one to her own respective denomination. When I come home I am going to tell all the girls I see about what a nice place Winthrop would be to go to school all the time, and I am sure I could convince them that Winthrop is the place to get an education. T1he girls that were in the section of poultry study were carried to the poultry farm and there studied the liff'erent breeds of chickens and also thie pincipal upon which an ineu ba tor is used. Mr. Dl. D). Slade, from lentucky, has charge of the poultry lessons and he sure is interesting. I couhil never tell you all that we ire doing and hav'e done, but I wvill tell you more when I come home. Ler'ingly, i. ueile I.ooper. -Winthrop College, JIune il. 19)21. D)ear Iomefolkts: I know you all are real an xious to know how I am liking WXinthrop ('ollege. The place is b eautiful. It has a bout Ii fteen lahre e builhiin.I st:ty in the North l3ormiltory n'r huindrieI t hirty-foiur. r ejo . ei - itfr h . . p)outry every. day whh terestin.. I know I .:nras Iinie clhick ens wilen ii co . ote anyv one else cani if thy:ob i instruct i on Ev 2ry night they have somethin to enite rtami us girls. The first night we had a reception ; second niight we wenit to the lpicture show anid Suniday' morning we went to church, anid Sun (day night we sang sog and ha a nice tine. There are about 1 8 girls here.I have got acquaintedj with most al'. if thesur do get lots of goodI thin s to eat. It's not like you all tio ught~ it would be, f'or I have enijoyedl every? meal since I have been here and I am having a glorious time busies I wish you all could be here too. l.ove to all. The next time you buy calomel ask for a otabs The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain. ed a.d improved. Sold only in sealed packages, Price 35c. RECOMMENDS CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS. I" "Chamberlains' Tablets have been used by my husband and myself off and on for the past five years. When my husband goes away from home he always takes a bottle of them along with him. Whenever I have that heavy feeling after eating, or feel dull and played out, I take one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets and they fix me up fine," writes Mrs. New ton Vreeland, Minola, N. Y. Take these tablets when troubled with con stipation or indigestion and they wvill do you good. Weargai We have put out partments of our stoi not fail to visit our s we are offering. i r.FINE SUMMER DRESS COC IAL PRICES. We are showving a full an< of Voiles and Organdies, just ar looking for to make you: Dress. Prices are very reason 7Tc and $1.00. It will surpris cheap you can buy pretty dres sto re. . BIGSAMPLE LiNE -OF NOTIONS. y Jutreceived a big , sample line of Shirts, l Overalls, heavy Under wear, etc. We bought this line at a big dis -count andl we have marked the price at less than wvholcsale. You can certainly find alot of bargains in t this lot of samples. THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS E r ~ rtt r :un i :nel mad me't twe r t':e. ad of t e relief that rettI fromn w'tar ..r ;: a-, rightly madste . re" t'e I-htest inystrumen r .:_: t a r... :toefu l shi ll u l, pf r i-. r w: and ,the dispositio-t do i:. Kodak Films Developed by Experts ODOM-SCHADE OPTICAL CO. >. A. ODOM, A. 11. SCADE, President Sec'y. & Treas. Consulting Optometrists. Vasonic Temple, Greenville, S. C. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. Every family should keep this preparation at hand during the hot of the summer months. It is almost sure to be needed, and when that time comes, is worth many times its cost. Buy it now. nsat ome real Bargains fror 'e at very special prices tore and take advantag DS AT SPEC- PUMP .Our Shoe D)4 complete line itself. We are the thing you up-to-date Lowv e' new Summer and last you wi able--25c, 50c, dlressie. appearan~ e you Just howv comfort, withou s goods at this should be. Yoi reasonable.---$2.5 SPECIAL PRICES ON PIECE GOODS FOR THIS WEEK. :31-inch he-avy Brown Sheetin: le~ Good0( ( qui ty A\ proin Ginughamin , 100~ Lar P2. assoratmen t of Driess Gim.n .1- wide, unb ~aleached Sheet inzg .)e yard. Good heavy Hiekory Shirting, 15e lh'st grade Amoskeog A. C..X zatheri 'Ticking, 25c yard. Real, heavy grade Mattress Tick.. ag, 25e value, special this week, 153c Lad--assie~ Cloth, nice nlew pat rns, 25c yard. lUtility D~ress Ginghams, pretty newv rin~g patterns, value 25c, special is week, 19c yard. Best goodt yard-wide Pertale, good Ie dIress patterns, 25c yard. diwin Lt Bolt & Co. USY. Have you tried the new 10c package? Dealers now carry both; 10 for 10c, 20 for 20c. It's toasted. LUC STRIKE CIGARETTE JAY M. ABBOTT Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone No. 5 LIBERTY, S. C. WHY SUFFER FROM RHEUMA. TISM? Do you know that nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply I rheumatism of the muscles or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment? The pain may be relieved by applying Chai. berlain's Liniment, which makes sleep and rest possible, and that certainly means a great deal to any one amflict ed with rheumatism. n the different de- 9 for this week. Do e of the big Bargains S AND OXFORDS. partment is a store within showving all the new things in Shoes and we have the style~ II like to give your feet the 'I ce, and at the same time foot t which life is not what it will find ou prices very 0 to $8.50. $1.29 McCRALL SPEARN ANDI MPCALICATTENS EASLE . .