SHIRTS Dress Shirts for men. Well made, of godo, fast color material; all aizes. About $2.00 value. Friday and Sat urday.- - - - -- -$-$ EACH This store will o: play and at a saving t LAUNDRY SOAP '0 inch F'igure SOAP alue about Special for Fr Good quality Laundry Saturday F Soap; big cake. Spec- for. - . ial for Friday and Saturday, 25 cakes * -$1.00 CHILDREN'S J & P CC HOSE SPOC Boys and Girls good COTT school Hose, all sizes, choo 10.sThe hs Black and w sold last year at 35c to numbers fron 45c. Per pair. Spec- 100. Special Saturday, 10 pair for day and Satui $1.00 5c SP( TELEPHONE g8 GARRISON WYAT'1 Wholesale and Retail Ha Provisions. Easley, S. C. JUST RECEIVI ~ SWEET POTATO; SPorto Rico Plants Ncw Rea< in Any Quantit WANTED TO E 500 BUSHELS PEAS ANDJ Bi Come to see u H GARRISON WYAT Easley, S. C Your Telephorw of neatr a point beyond 'onUcption to New Yk and Satn F~ranci1s< Thousandsl use this vast system dlaily your service. Ask Long Distance for rates and de SOUTHERN BELL TELEI AND TELEGRAPH CoIn OUR DOLL Our Dollar Day S success that we have di and 7. Ffer many attractive val hat will pay you well to GINGHAM DRESSES All sizes up to 14. Made well, of good (;inghams, 1 1 a i d ;, Stripes and Cheeks. Special for two Dollar Days - - -$1.00 CROCHET Voile; COTTON iday and yards "Coats" and "ONT," 1.00 a numbers and colors. 10 balls $1.00 ATS )L -- MEN'S HOSE e Regular 39c Lisle Six; 8ite; all all colors and szes for to pair for.. _$ 1 00 )OL Ed wi (The Store That L Cire Ssionary r & CO. whrc y, Grain and ~' Sfor Dri bot it~l SLIPS. rolnowi ly for Delivery 'e.ver( Tah 3T. onl the , .\bide P'rayer' White, CANE SEED. II" with a The mn .d' T & CO. I hor sweet< Mrs. Greens Mr. --. Sarah -. Iof Heor iiHorizon E th 70,000 townls .'1e mcted, each with D.a .r other by mlflonis day' 1) miles of long dis- :Mrs ce wire, your tele.. yule C horizon is mfighty r Y ou are next door the W\ :0. byteori witht profit. It is all at PreCsb. *ton tails. home HI-ONE Green [PANY and . ~N. BI AR DAY WAS I ale last Friday, Saturday and Mon! ecided to repeat it again next Fri ues for the two BIG DOLLAR DA' come to this store next Friday and SPECIAL PRICES ON COT TON GOODS. 5 Yards lAdl ail(l l,iissie, all wa.nted pdattern s or - - - - -100 10 yards yrd-rid(e Cura. Se "" l----$1.00 7 yards good quality yard-wide English Long Cloth- ---- ---- ------$1.00 1 2 Yards Apron Ginghams, all desired Cheks- -- -------- --$----$1.00 6 Yards very best 20c Cheviots for - _$1.00 10 Yards good yard wide soft finish for needle Bleaching.------------------sio 7 Yards "Hill," "Androscoggin" or "Festjval" Muslin for .. ..0 4 yards 81-inch wide Seamless Sheeting, un bleached---i .00 n L. Bolt 'a Always Busy) IBERTY LOCAL NEWS. tended the district I Order of Eastern Stai le No. I of the Woman's Mis- in Greenville. /' Society of the First Baptist Aci avoo met at the home of Mrs. J.tednergeto inter Monday afternoon wvith Wd [ -arsno .W. Hunter andl Mrs. John ls ek -as hostesses. This circle will Mr.DH.Kn wni as the Pruitt Circle,named Cri uthn te . andI Mrs. Samuel Orr Prutitt,elymtigoth lerson, S. C., who sailedl last soayUinhl r to do work in the Chenehowvcuc pi 3d ii in China. The program for _________ afternoon was in charge of ).H[.Kennem ur, and the topic SNIGCN ayer. This being a sub1lj ct of mp)ortance the program was Th idnt1 1t('estlig lhelpul.'1e Cnvednton wistrict Ii Repeaing f sloan, orde of sinern from follwin subect wee red: urg Greenville, A Teac us o Pry." f yeAro~lPcien achno e. wittn b Rev Macy . rsinin has nevernn of I~asil Son, Whatari Huatcin attel we avein esu."ngr ugh metogo fh il erse rting tohepfuyl. The onentinne engprga was crrised ut:h etn.Pcesc rlo readinison 1r5: n hi.cov2.i . theeting af soca, Lfda, rf.R od us tory. Intereing whchapedrs sdnto h followinga subjects. were hoed: ___--~ Tatiu its deration fy in me. To' -Aaeig W. M. Congespent Mondayai an~l I~lMayn7 aanG.8.VMeet an~l Robnso vste atthehoedf stinr from man T~lburgnerrAndeilonSun and Mrs. and Pickens. uEatchnc 'laughtehaCaraltntto, aea e,'r( writenl byhev d a y o ignfhsnve e of razil. . Shon ''What a lwet Have i Jsu. B~ib l srlainth rae .d Oting's ismaissed oi thes rn chhe metn th soiadl halfil~n~c ,voal whiche covedin whc a iUfrii~s, ast~vek.I-efoe thattsectionada Mrs.Smih Vsit~l er ite: ndda sxpected rotheir Arsn.oon tertainm mesne n J U atn f etigPcenscol oredun ee lnerget Ai tonetioa W. MLong Sent Mnda.i and Mlr.e at E. oWon . J rnand Mss auran lod atd IG SUCCESS 16 inch Be day proved to be such a big pair. Spe< lay and Saturday, May 6 day *2PA rS. MAany items not mentioned wil Saturday. HOSE HICKORY 4 Pair Women's Lisle SHIRTING Trlead H RT N $1.00 Shirting, blue 0r brown 7 Pair Cotton Hose for stripe, 7 yards women $1.00 $1.00 Remember, you can come to this store-and find what you want and at the price you want to pay. &Go. PIC EASLEY, S. C. neeting of the RICES CREEK NEWS. r recently held Greenville was The hail storm last Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. was very severe through this section Wednesday of and did a great deal of damage. Mrs. N. E. Hughes is very ill at 3mur andl Miss this writing. ided the quart-. Mr. and Mrs. P. Tr. Nelson and Woman's Mis- Miss Belle Roper attendedl the comn at Mt. Carmel mnencement exercises at Six Mile Thursday and F'riday. Messrs. Clyde andi Ross Ellenburg 'EON nd Foster Collins wnet to Saluda one day last weeQk to fish, but they see*medl to be more fond of mailing istrict Singing A pril fools. eld at Clemson Mr. and Mrs. Dlewey Roper, of~ and Sunday, Eiisley, spent last wveek with their on Saturday at gralndparents, M~lr. andl Mrs. S. A. ition is compos.. Roper. the followving Mr. Can nie 11lughes went to un-. rens, Spartan- known parts of North Carolina one derson, Oconec (lay last wveek to see his best girl. ounty' will fur.. Mr. C. E. Rogers attended the of course each singing at Wolf Stake, in Oconee ~ir best. Such j county, Sunday. n heard before|j Miss Belle Roper had as her week-1 I lovers of sing-|I end guest Miss Aileen McCall, of Six possible. Each Mile. to providle for Mr. Fred Collins, of Camp Jackson, ent during the spent the wveek-end with homnefolks. mnty feels hon- Mr. andl Mrs. C. E. Rogers had as a from the fact their guests Sunday Mr. id Mrs. R. ng is the belov- F. Crane, of Liberty. onvention. Miss Mae Carpenter spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. J. S. Roper. Last Saturday the B. Y. P. U. of Rices Creek gave a picinc on Boggs health Rock wvhich was enjoyed very much. Don't forget our B3. Y. P. U. g o r meets every Sunday niight at 7 :30., Everybody come and see what great wvork we are dloing. Rev. J. A. Davis filled his regular app~lointment at this place Sunday. - Pet. WHOOPING COUGH-. 'This is a very danlgerous disease, pa;rticubi&rly to children undler five years of age, hut when no paregoric, codeine or other opiate is given, is ghtfuI re- riasily euredl by giving Chamberlain's ~adaches, Cough Remedy. Most ple~1 believe ivrad .htt must run its course, not know mie n g that the tinie is very much short are sold I ened, and that there is little danger are oksIrom the. disease when this remedy is a~ckages. ' given. It has been usedl in many epi B- demics of whooping cough, wvith pro-M n founced success. It is safe and plaeant to tak-_Adv. ILK HOSE ot Silk. Did sell at $1.50 ial for Friday and Satur IR FOR $1.0 I be on dis-l . DRESS GINGHAMS 6 yards 32-inch good Ginghams $1.00 8 yards standard Dress Ginghams $1.00 UNION SUITS "EEM" white check Athletic Union Suits for men; all sizes. Our regular price $1.00. Special for Friday and aturday $1.50 2 for. - $15 AGENTS FOR CALL PATTERNS AND rORIAL PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS Do not forget to see us about tha bill of paint when you start th spring painting. We handle She win-Williams line. Pickens Dru Co. 2 LOST-Between Pickens and li Iey, Sunday night, a ladies black an wvhito sport hat. Finder please r turn to Sentinel office and get r wvardl. WVANTICD-To buy a good co giving ids of rich milk, one tha won't go dryv in a few months in sgt of goodl feed. W. A. Mathewvs, MONEY TO LO.AN On Real Estate. R. E. BRUCE. Office Over Keowee Bank, Pickens. F. L. WEBB, M. D. y~ Physician and Surgeon. Cateechee, S. C. WE PAY CASH for Hens, Friers, Broilers, Geese, Turkeys-, Ducks and Fresh Country Eggs. Quote us your' best prices. Lily White Market, Co-' lumbia, S. C. 2 EVILS OF CONSTIPATION. Perhaps the most serious of the dliseases caused by constipation is ap pendicitis. If you would avoid this dangerous disease keep your bowels regular. For this purpose Chamber lains Tablets are excellent, easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. Adv. NEW GROCERY STORE IN PICKENS. I have just put in a nlew andl~ frlsh stock of grocCries in connection with my bottling plant at Pi kens and amji prep~aredl to fuirnish thle people with anything in my line a, the very low est prices. I am also in the market for coun try prodluce and will pay highe market price. R. L..DAVIS Pickens. We now carry a full ~ric Light Globes. Gi globe and for no mor -n Drugt Co.'