The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, May 05, 1921, Image 3

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The Old Reliable LEWIS' TONIC STOCK POWDER Is Reliable. Everybody that Bought it Tells us so. LEWIS' WHITE SALVE Does Just What we Say it Will do-Cures Sores and Burns. In fact, this is a Reliable Drug Store. We don't give something for nothing, but we do give you full value for every cent you spend with us. Ten Years in Pickens. KEOWEE PHARMACY. R, E. LEWIS, Prop. and Mgr. m aa <y ?<na ommyoesse-o-esmyo-emme-o-emwo-so e <a ..r- . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Tire setting, all spiked wheels----------------------------_ $3.00 per set Tire setting, all bolted wheels---------------------------- $3.50 per set All wood work in proportion. All plow work---------------------------------------------10c each Sweeps . _-_-_.__- _........... .-------_. _ . .. . . . . ...Oc to 35c each Acetylene Welding done. All work guaranteed. We offer for a limit.'d time to burn en lcam and grind valves on ali solid head six cylinder motors $8.00. All solid head four cylinder motors fo Auto axle nd' sprine work done. I Hurry rubber tire work done for" 1lG.0() horse Shoeing ....- .. .. .. . ._ . ..$1.50 All work striet!y c:i ;h. W( will take corn er pgas on work at the market pric2. HJCHES DROTHERS Al J. L. Huaghes old stand. PICKENS, S. C. Pickens Cabinet Works SASH--DOORS--MOULDINGS. * We have a nice line of Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Boxes, Porch Swings, etc. Let us make you a price on your wants. Up-to-the-Minute Joh Printing A pipe's a pal packed wi b ~ Seven days otit of every week you'll get real smol joy and real smoke contentment-if you'll get close-i to a jimmy pipe I Buy one and know that for yoursel Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, pipe's the greatest treat, the happiest and most app tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out! You can chum it with a pipe-and you will-on< you know that Prince Albert is free from bite ar parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process Why--every puff of P. A. makes you want two mort every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than ti last! You can't resist such delight I And, you'll get the smokesurprise of your life wh< I ~-4. you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such enti ing flavor you never did know! And, P. A. stays put b .cause it's crimp cut-and it's a cinch to roll! You tryi ~wha th - the national joy smoke BIG AUCTION SALE. The whole town and community is invited to attend the auction- sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday at E. L. & G. B. Hamilton's furniture store. Big bargains are going in this sale. Come and get yours. Valu able premiums given away at each sale. Auction sales at 3:00 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. E. L. & G. B. Hamilton. WHAT GOOD IS A GOOD BOOK i'r, you have to strain your eves when you read? t And it is so easy to have good eyesight by having the right glasses. Let us examine your eyes and by fitting the right glasses, make reading, writing and all your eye work a source of profit and pleasure to you.' * * j*( dr~j q~j e.. JL )' ma /J" ) " t , :CA. o Optm'e. rists. . .' Ieo., Greeniville, S, C. fir 4'. e k' wi GENUINE "BULL" DURHAM tobacco makes 50 ~ood cigarettes for l0c th P. A.! f t Prince Aibert Us sold in toppy ted bags, tidy red tins haandsome. pounJ g and half pound tin p ondcrntal gian ) sponge moistener top. Copyright 1921 robacco Co. CITATION. The State of South Carolina, County of Pickens. By N. A. Christopher, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, Mrs. Edith Bosard Rhodes made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate and Effects of Mrs. Alice M. Bosard, de ceased. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Mrs. Alice M. Bosard, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Pickens Court House, S. C., on the 19th (lay of May, 1921, next, after publica tion hereof, at I1 o'clock in the fore noon, to show cause, if any'they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 3rd day of May, 1921, ni the 145th year of our independence. N. A. Christopher, "J udge of 'robate. Pickens County, .S. C. 2t NOTICE OF ELECTION. Stat of South Carolina, County of Pickens. Whereas, a petition has been filed with the trustees of Pleasant Grove School District No. 419, in said county ;at' state, signed by more than one third of the resident electors and an eoiual ntimher of the resident free h. . -of' the ave of twenty-one years of said school district as ap pe:irs by the e. rtilicate of the Coun .\iulitor of said county attacihed to said petition. pr1ayingi that the trute tees of eaid dicol order ant teetenI.' onl tl' he i < w tlion (,f in*uing bonbl:. ini thie --1tu of One 'T'lhots miiil I)olbars four the. purpto-:e of' haildingli :t \ furth 'h:e pea ingt:.. bt y theI ceritileaites of the county Auditor of :;d( .ounty that It he prioposed bond issue of On ie Thousan Dt ollars wil not exeed~ vight per cent of the as Stse ;ii aat in f the ta:ixable prop erty in said school dlistrict ictlud in all outstanding bonds. It is, therefore, ordered by the Board of Trustees of Pleasant Grovecl School eistrict No. 4 that an elec tion be held on the 14th day of May, 1921, at Pleasant Grove church on the question of whether such bonds shall issue or not, said bonds to be in dlenomninations of twvo hundred dollars each, to bear interest from the date thereof at the rate of six per cent per annum and to be paid in five equal annual instalments. At such election only qualified voters re siding in sai dit rict shall be alow edl to vote. The p)olls shall openl at S o'eb-ek a. mn. andI close at 4 o'clock p. m. The ballots voted shall have wvritten or printd ont(' them the word: ko lHond'" or "A.\-a insi Un,. Tlhe follin~iti Iie htireby nam .da I! .Cisson, ...........\ hite, "t Trustees. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Complaint Not Served. Stait' of South Carolina, County of Picketns. In Court of Comnmon Pleas. A. S. Lesley inidivdiually and as ad~ministrator of the estate of Miss Mattie Lesley, dheesed, plaintiff, against, B. F. Lesley, W. A. Lesley, W. F. Rogers, Leona Jlones, Mattie Chil dress, tLela Duncan, Mamie Entrekin, Arthur Lesley, .Julius Masters, John Masters, Sallie Masters, Mary Mas ters, Lillie Crenshaw and Mattie Cu! bersont, defentdants. To the (defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and re quiredl to answer the complainit in this action, wvhich was this day filed in the office of 0. S. Stewart, clerk of court, for the county and stale abo~dve named, at Pickens, S. C., andi the same is now on file in said ollice, and to a c'opy Of your aniswer to the said complaint on the sub scriber at his oflice att Picken--. S. C., within twventy (lays after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service and if you fali to answecr the complaint within the time afore said, the plaintiff ini this action will apply to the court for' the relief de mandled in the complaint. Dated A pril 30, 1921. C. li. Robinson,' Plaintiff's attorney. 0. S. Stewart, Clerk of Court. 3t E~prins Is full upon us once more, and during this time of low price cotton it is more import ant than ever before that you do your spring trading where you get MORE GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. I have a fresh and complete line of .spring goods that were bought at the right price, and I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on most anything you want to buy. A new lot of Ladies' Hats arriving weekly. They come in the newest and most up-to-date styles. In our Dress Good's Department you will find most anything you want and at an amazingly low price. A nice lot of men's ladies' and chil dren's Oxfords. I have a new line of men's and boys' Clothing at prices to correspond to low price cotton. Remember that I make a specialty of produce and pay the Greenville market for same. Your Trade is Appreciated Here. J. W. H1ND)RICKS. . 4;l 1. +t % 1)+i t at:t"t It . .... . ltt r +1 w tl 16 ;":+ i I t 4,A~a. , the W . . f l rI I I ner t" -- \ For plea.,nib conbinaui ons in will dAcou in - HERWIN- WILLIAMS is the logical will finish to use. A flat oil paint which i en during, wase lea wcituhout sreaking awaiys resh in color l~r.. :,Pained wa lls cite iunquestionably stor saniary than an) li other wall decuraion or finish. IFfor floors, Manot Varnish. floorlac for lie fLii ne. A! Sherwin W illiam s products of high ea44l gi.j aid ice ieni You will lbe inested in the intrie r sag g ns n llat-Tow S2 c at e shes at u store. A ea g o C fie at - - _ _ 5 1- aln m ane2iT4eahe ;T. ~ 50c ~ I .Easley, . C. I Send Uspecial Aotritn