*PLANS ,LECTURES, . ELLISON, A VETGRAN EE KEEPER, HAS BEEN SELECTED %TO WD I PAPER. MSON COLLEGE ASSISTS e Automobiles go Begging Becaue. If no Bidder at Public Auction Held Recently in Anderson. Anderson.-At a meets der %g County Bee associsaion It was ided that there would be a course lectures ven on "Bee ture' b ed u e or 4 years, as pointed to read the Arist er. 'Mr. lison has 60 bives an .' author. on the subject of lation now has 3 ore join at .each...i tare, and is extending this interest de47 7frtiers. .... B.. Clinkacales of Starr had an nmobile to itrn. M2t. . Clink ale, neadtag Starr viien the saw 'that ear was on 'fire. day there were nine autmon .fon - the bloctr ;f varioud makeri . various. vales .. Ther. was not a I, except for one large. car, and $135. s offered for it., which the auctio r considered ,tpo small . Then- he ed to mules and sold two for $35 eh and a buggy and harness for $46. York--Eniraged, because a wonian end, Shier Starnes, went riding b a man he had forbidden her to 'p company with. John Trusdlalp. a g York negro. went on a rampage tried desperately but ineffectively a kill the negress. first with a pistol nd then with a shotwun. His blood hirstness showed no signs of waning ntil he was taken in hand by officers nd coinmitted to jail by Magistrate 'red E. Black on the charue of assault 1 battery with int(-nt to kill. partanburg.---Raorganization of the partanhurg baseball club & the outh Atlantic league was effected hen the old stock in the club was hen over by 18 business men, reduc g the number of stockholders from 1 to 18. J. W. Wilson was reelected -sident. VManager Al Bridwell is expected to ng the contracts of several players h him. Out of 35 men on the Spar murg roster, only 26 will be order to report March 26 when training begin. e work of relocating and grading diamond will be completed .his kt. The playing field will be great mprovedl over last year. ..andrum..-Considerable loss occur when the residence of HI. K. Fin ,one of the best. in town, with fur are was totally destroyed by fire. ecurred when no one was at home.I cause is not known but a defec uc or wiring may have been the --T -~n be learned there Mr. Fliger, the Lexington. N. C. 00. arfanoumg.-a m Tlanhamn, grand er for South Carolina. annpunced h 21 as the date for constituting six new Masonic lodlges in the ,charters for whieh wel:e granted hle recent session of the grand ~. The lodges are loch.ted at John lie, Tradesville, Qaffney, Spar rg, Estill and Nor'th Charleston. rk.--Souvenir collectors have al t carried away thei$800O grahnite ument erected by the government ommemorate the revolutionary e of Kings Mountain, 17 miles here. Reports from the field Bay haft is so badly nickced and scar as to he greatly defaced. The As remote and wild. enwood.-Colonel~ cGeorge John e, 715, promitient attorney and for ,nefttlhr. ofytcomads - from theI ho 1t i eo~ disfriet 2died at GI-eat Educational Pageant. ok Hill.-Preparations are under aLgipthkrop college for a great cational pageant, which will depict ith Carolina history. The pageant 1be staged May 8 on the athletio dium -on the rear campus, -where .a will .be provided foP the thous s of visitors expected. More than ousand people, mostly students- of institutions, will Ytve partin the rand special co-tumes have ordered. The sketel of the page s being ,drafted by gfr. ,J p Wal :$Easley Chief is Killed, sley.-Chef of Police W. C, Ital be df Easley was instantly .killed or4Wade Ballow, an alleged hobo bosed to be fatally wounded and cher, who gave his name as Wij. was slightly wounded in a'pIstol oe in which 301 shots were fired cers Chiapnman and Lesley suc d in capturing Ballow and Wit. bout 500' yards from where the .y occurredl, and landend tIm in t m~ost before the people. of the tnow of the occurrence. MIWrfAI OAD8S TO.REDUCE WAGES PRACTICALLY EVERY ROAD IN THE WEST HAS ANNOUNCED SEVERE CUTS. ARE ARRANGING CONFERENCES Men In Eighty-five Classes of Labor Expe$ top Open N9egeittiot' with Their Employers at Once. - w. '?At v?.0 the Ia 10 rkilroads to cut war-time wage s4oles, lone: foreast by rail oto which earlier had announced cnts, the New York Central and the New York, New g!aven 'ftO Hartford raliroadi it the ist had irtually every railroad in the We4t k'nounced proposed 4at 4 ii urtberftateneti1vdpid it 0t ve udt jet'' ant ce prgiod tuti were predicted. Otiealsof lious lives. were Arm rai l cnOnferences *ith. bnloyeie o i 'n eUrt to reach agreeiniatg * the: -gri d rductionu, ..'-ehba $fi .A amn6ntmee, afectol ndue Andi =emi~sknlied laber. .D& . Nw Vork Central and ,-d NOW Aiit ,pew Hsaten .apd i wbyase W osed reduction . annoie mente' iWluaded men in S lesg 'oet labor, were expected to open n .tia tions 'Itiff their men neit' wee." Graves are Decorated. . A)ljyMJIitery Hleadqualterji, K --Generail Oaucher, comande of' French troops. engaged in the occul - Lion of' the new tariff zone along the Rhine, placed weatlis on the graves of French and German soldiers who died during the war of 1870 and the word -conflict. buried in the- military cemetery near here. Revise fN'ice Napped Cotton. New York.-A long expected revi sion in the prices of napped cotton for the Fall of 1921 was announced af:,or the close of business by a large manufacturing coreern (Amoskeag Manufacturing company). The reductions were from .a basis of 37% cents a yard for Daisy cloth last year to 121 cents net, tiis year, and ;n the widely :nown 1921 cloth, from 35 rents to ,12, cents. These are net mill prices. French to Evacuate Cillicia. London.- --Prenier Briand, before leaving for Paris confgrep with the Turkish nationalist delegation in Lon don and reached an agreement with it on the guest ion of the rapid evacua to - .th Pec of Qillicia. Asia .Prussian Cabinet Resigns. Blerlin.-The Prusasian re ahinet ten dered its resignation -in consequence of the recent elections. The minis try will continue to funetion, how ever, pending the formation of a new cabinet. Revolts are Spreading. .London.-Trustworthy news recei4 ed from the interior of Russia. says a dispatch to The London Timies, from Reval, shows that anti-soviet revolts are spreading throughout the coutt To Review Palmer Decision. .Washington.--Early review by At torney General Daugherty of the re cent ruling of former Attorney Gn oral Palmer .makinig valid tife pres cription of beer as medicip7 uilde('ithdr Volstead act is expected, * -Pve from Baltimore. Tarhowitz, Silea-.s-Five Germans qualified to veo in the coming plehis cite in'upper Silesia havearrived he'r'e from Daltimore, Md. Another '120 elig fi. to vote are on the way fromt Ar gentine and Cltile. . . - Burea.u OrdIered to Stop. Duisblurg. 4l1t French'. Nit lorIties'I In. the newlyoccupied a'egl'ave or dered the1.cQf'.bureau of ..the.'upper I ESileaia t4ieras league to cease its ac-1 (~eR estricted. Sh ipme nt?. Chicago.--The. livsstock exchange issed a statepnst turging .reatrictedl shipments of all' livestock -effective now. The state'ment wvas issued be cause of what wvai termed ".uitsettled labor condtilons 1p packing h'ouseo." Inauguration Cost $1,500. Washington.-President Hatiding's inauguration cost just $1.500 'out of the $50,000 special appropriation ma-te by congress according to e 'Yallott IWoods, superintendent of the Capital buildips and grounds. . J .ob Hunters Must Walt. Washington.-JTob hsun ters seeking planes In the dopartment of justice will have to wait, acceording .to a pol icy outlined by Attorney ,General *Daugherty. Belgian Guard Wounded.. .lBrussels.-A Beclgian guard was -Wotinded iby a bullet fired hy Aft un konperson in the streets o( Duls .burg, according to a dispatch from '4hat eliV to the Der-niere Heure. The etre mstan~ces of the shooting have not leee 7 EA LEYI L0 CA:. N V. S. Social an - !'ersonalI ltcsa. In and Around Easley. Miss Brucie Ellison spent the past week-end with relatives in Spartan burg. Dr. W. A. Tripp and lon. H. B. Hendricks are . attending a good roads.meeting in. Columbia this week. Mr. T. K. ,Hudgens, of Spartan burg, was in Easley this week' on business,, C.yt. EliaV Da:,. t . !! us 1e is -still in . the ric& tr. ob:te .l tle and wants tle boys to watch hin'un next Tuesday. Mrs. A. B. Dreyer ,of SpatktL;abrg, arrived Saturday to visit at t homde of her son, Mr. X. H. Dre I Cv.,,,, ad 8mtlIWt~( )ell are atending a convent oil.'t Woodtnen of the World iin ece this week. '' " i ..th >r oe the tbodt church and ths:r wives at even felgoc dinr o. ut TuesdI ,e enn.t iss De'uw Mae Grant, of. "p-er Ga., a granddaught3i if Mr Aleit Mauldin, is apendin* setveraP'Qveeks. with -retati'es' and firednds Iti. and arottnd ,aley: ' he enterjainmenut given by the lad es -of the 1 lethodist church -at the auditorium last Thursday N ening was well attended and a neait :um gegregllgd wh:ch will be.u1sed at 1h'e C. W. G-rrett hams .iust in.t ie modern and up-to-date free :r ';a tion) at his ?ervic( sAtion OnM .treet. This tal.:tut!.e - d2 old arh s t-t'i a o iU(: 1 . 1. venient. .si1s. Louise i.:::. a LA, and( her. brother. . '.'r .: i c n 1'C: m-n1'' Sapp, : tud : - w :pl)elt the pr.::t w < !. . . .w K~ of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. It.r':. Mrs. Frank E. Donald and I ttle daughter, of Greenville, spt-nt seveai days this week with her grandmOther, Mrs. J. A. Higgins, and her father, Mr. J. M. Jamison, and other rela tives in Easley. Pali All about the WHAT IS THE PALMAFESTA? Palmafesta week, to be held Columbia, 8. 0., March 28 to Apri is the first of the annual gala wei to be held each spring in Colum *for fhle ordertainment of the peo everywhere in this section. '2 yarious forms of am'usement s intertainment are provided for a fund, raised by the, business int ests of the city of Columbia. 2 appropriation this year is arou 30O.000, this does not include I *cost 'of exhibits, floats, decoratio etc. furpuished by flrris and indlv "The program of Palmafesta planned to Interest everybody. . the steel building on the state f grounds, which has been especia equipped aind decorated at a cost $10,000, will be, held the South Ca lina Spring Auto1 I1.Show d traotors and automobile equipme In the steel bujiding annex, wh: - a been equipped with'. a sta seery and .eleetrical effects a *provided' viith seating capacity sqveraI thdusand people, will be 13 1 the '.Spra'mg.shion Show, ' wl profespioinal models will exhibit - atns.j apparel fcae men,. woh - .naddition to these featu: tee-will be exhiliits of all kia by leading .Columbia retailers, sa ing agents and manufacturers, wide variety of goods of all jcia being, shown. The world fama Scotch "Kilties" band and solol will render two programs dal afternoons - and evenings. GJ "Beauty ..Q'ueens". selected by1 people in each of the 45 South Ca lina coutaties will be introduced, 5 there will be elaborate displays fireworks featuring persons a events notable in South Caroll .history. Dutiing tho week three mamm< .parades wvill pass through i streets of Columnula, the trades d play and float parade, the f 1o parade, -featuring the "B~eat Queens" from the various counti and the baby parade. Professiot float builders and decorators fr< -New York and Philadelphia hri been busy for weeks preparing these feature parades. For more taa. two month~ il cItizens of Columbia hravo beena b) as bee5 preparing for this ar'r week of pleasu:re, fun and au menot that Will not present a d1 Smome~nt from the timel the mner muent begins on Mionday mornli March 28 u ntif midni~-~t rf Sati liarold Protor $', noted' tria tenor and support) ~4tigts will a1 pear at the school 'u torium Thurl day- evening of, tbis: week as one c th3 numbers aut, ,Boy Scout Lyceum course. They are highly r< commended and 'should ' be greete by a full house. The young people's. Missionary S< ciety of' the Methodist church "mt on last Friday afternoon with Ren sen Bauknight, a large numbpr bein present An" inst . tj dzograi was carried oat, after which delidion home made candy was served ;pi1ing, is .appro'aching and '.cahd late. sare egfnting .p ut. 4 . W. Oarrei \ndM D. Cox are announced 'th te a1s candid.tes.r fo' ...alderni rrivardcone :hd iar .4 xrspe i, ..and G. W . Akllen ;ii.Ku ountce a .e %lun1lic'd't- for . uyorw :+;1t. thes ":tntl neft ntee+ ell--throte'n -deid tide ;~ " tntrottnei-}-Irtitn dV;tf 'eko witi ' e-Lt' .g ,. g -.rs l .ne..1. *f tho Wwrnin's Au; y l' -: 1 :. i,e J. :N;byter t'' ' + e l Y i ra-on J ""loe"ter-Rabit" V.h' Oh- .i ardayea 'tlf tor:4, March' Q ';f frto> to 6! .0 art the flme of Mr Rord ere will b t an. a 5Is.tqi ft of? tet. t<-nt!.- A .most cord4ial iiiv tatiop. is -ext.~ntetl to all the ihildre in town to ,attend and enjoy an- t'ftei nooJ... of .fmn arid frolic...... Mrs. J. L. Mace is vi..iting ht mother, Mrs. R. F. Orr. .in *Hradel -1O-nv'ill'-. this wven-." i ai -lectro.' held h:st Saturi'da 'he v'.t1r: of . nard -:c ol di: trict voti ar. or the purp)Q: The i-'t 1- Gh(j amber of 'onm cre I;.. :ee r . 1.9.r W . Dar.) . .il . ph i'o rni p : 31 f the South, t t r o'p -:. .'d ( hi -! 5. }t to ilur h r t the r 3.,n-. I --t thi' time a ttwl Iedis mo 0 a.ny other tit: . W i-.h .uch a nlot. speak'-r en nt. pronien'a it will : wvr.ll w:orth th. vhile for everv eit ".en of the r.:.to e out and li him an-d riethe Easley .1p:r afresh.' Al) ezens are -cordially ii vited to go out to hear Mr. Dani n afe e big gala week a The Beotch "Kilties" A Great Organization. in Arrangemnents have been mad 2, for the -appearance here of th hke world famed "Elities" band to giv 3Ia two daily programs when they wil pie introduce' all their special feature he that have made them faos TPh nd "EKIlties" is recognized as one of th. by beat musical organizations in th. ir- world. They present muisic of ever: 'he type, but of course, they excel Il pd the musio of the heather. Ever; he mefnber is a finishedl musician, ani ne, a soloist, and the ensemble of th' Id- band Is sot harmonious and so de lightful that the music lovers wil is have a razre treat.- The splecial fea At tures include a noted Scottish tenor Lii bag' pipers, Scottish. dancers, solo 117 lets, *to. just as they are pres nte orf In the highianda o$ Scotland5 's ki, nt. och ,nd !or ald ~rer he en es, de 11-' da Its ly, he he nd of nd n th hie is ral ity - orFor in formal Ion of any kind wvrite the hlrtnd of the varo)us commilttres, they will be glad t< atL sorve you ini any way. ri- It will be grata , 'lon't mlin It. Comoc to Ptrlamatesata. h Mr. Edwin L. Volt has .rned a from the Northern MarketN oie he i- has been buying goods for fcon 1cern. Mr. Bolt states that bt1ness s men in the North are very optiris tic over the outlook for a good spi-ing d business and that conditions gener ally are improving. The women of the Missionary So. ciety of.. the Methodist church are now studying, their spring book,. - "The Bible and Missions." An in teresting lesson, "The Missionary Message of the old Testament," was taken. up. on last Monday at the church. The ladies would. be glad to have the r.embers of the other so - cieties ee with them . in these *st dies,..dr -Monday afternoons at s four o'clock. T . Woman's Missionary Society -l ,o the .iethodist church met with 0. s. Cnp.gqd4y. aftinoon. 'Jt taubject was "Rural .h t Ter.eptry .in . my Own ,State." Mrs. ... , ..yatt, subject,. " ducation, teligion and 'Social Conditions; My. J. Y. Patton. hubject, "The Wati . Out." .The subject .was ohe Qf ial uinpertwee. an'd...g ably discussed, These able discusslotas from timne te ci time .keep. the soclety aUve atnd J. e good working condition, There we're. i. eig'hteen.merbers present at this meeting. During' the social'hour of the afternoon Mi-s. Carmp served a delicious salad course ;with tea. TURNER BACK ON THE JOB. Stub Turner has been re-instated as speed cop for the town of West reenvlle, ard this newspaper has Y been reliably informed that he has resuned his practice of holding up persns pa.-:sing through West Green ville. A great number of people from this -eetion are taking the ad vie? of frze..is and turning oil' the main road a.t the Farmers Oil .lill o and ta:Ln ;h: road known as the W hite Iior.- road to Loo~per -:tore a al thenice to Greenvlle. FERTILIZER PRICES. T. A. Howen, county agit. has the t follir:n prcs on 1G p-r cent acid d a. nd soda, me to' Palmnafesta and -forget r troubles. simafosta wilL, display the great number of different makes of >mobils's ever sirhembled in the eC. 11 Columobia isi waiting to airoyt & enstertainr you. - For informtion aboast P'alma st.., write the isendu of cot It tees General Chairman. - . A. COICMAN * Finninee Chhirmuan. P'ub.lity .Charans. H1OI1E5 SIMONS Chisrman of Amunmensents. J. M. CRIEEN, Sit. .f. H..tIlLEEN, JI., Tirades Panrude Chairman. Florni JParade Chairman. Wv. D,. LI3VER, JR. (Chirsmsan of Conuanittee on i E~xhisbit. f:4ConteNt and ltnbly Pasratde ChaIran n. G. E.NCKRO J'nehin fllhow Comialttee Chr inf rinn but isolels, ~retry touiasfa Chnanber of mmis.re.