EGINNING October 1, 1918, the yearly subscription price of The Ladies' Home Journal will be $1.75, and of I'he Saturday Evening Post, $2.00. Give us your- order now. \e take SUbsctriptions for any. \agazine publiIshed. Yours to please, PICKENS DRUG COMPANY I The Rexall Store .. N. HALLUM, Prop. & Myr. Phone ip. a TR1ADE WITH us! USA 1 AND SAVE MONEY i SHOES A hi1: line of shoes at prices to suit t buyer. (i.T iiiN(;. ITI\TS A big Iin to select fom at right pn1 s Aeli (vera .v'. ci t1e 111nt )vra l( 1 . SPK( 'I A I. I' rs I o I Th es at cost. Full line ; anw I 'eeles at prices to Splendid in f iurnciture to select from1. uro fcr trade, SJ. W. HENDRICKS I Have Several Houses and Lots '' 4 - >4 inI !44 i 2 ecti2 ns of ithe town. Will s8-1l or Ia aThis.4) rprty blongs)!' to Mr. I. M1. 'a give!Se!re 3~t,. t i..i.. s the w~arning ni Ul~f e Sam anl' ooi2 ; a veeo e n , - .. . // th4 12 I ON by1by r ". is1, Prp / Sollilh ('nrolina4 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Court convened Menday morning. Besidea organizat ion not much was done the first day. There will be a family reunion at P. E. Alexander's home the fifth Sunday in September. All relatives and friends invited. The numiber of men between the ages of 18 and .11 who registered in l'iekens county September 12 for miii tary service was 2909. Somebody leftf a raincoat in the aud itor's ollice last 'March or April. Owner may get it by calling on Auditor Townes and describing it. The United States government says that a fter October 1 newspapers cannot be sent out unless paid for in advance. A hint to the wise should be sufficient. Mr. and Mrs. Guy McFall, Mrs. Frank MciFall and Mrs. William Smith, of Pickens, spent a day last week with Mr. and sirs. Wayne Mauldin in Sen. ece, Miss Sunic Gibson spent last week end with relatives in Greenville. Sho will leave in a few (lays for Philadel phia, where sh' will do office work for the government. d . (. T Thompson of Piek ens has gone to Bryson City, N. C.. to take carge of lthe newspaper there. IlIe is a newsloper man of much experience and we wish him I )t, of success in his new vent m. Oliver k 'ggs, who has been in t he ollicers' training camp at Plattsburg. N. Y.. for some time, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and M rs. A. J. Boggs, in Pickens, before reporting at the Uni versity of South Carolina for two more mnonths' training, after which he will be efmmi.;sioned lieutenant. We have been greatly handicaipped in issuing The Sentinel this week. We are short of' help, and alterations being made in our 4iflice has hindered us some, and our gasoline engine bemne debili tated and rfe to performi, besides other min' things which are not fn our r''guLi' schedule to happen. M . llois arnl wife of Piedimont arc visiting relatives and friends in Pickens county. They are natives of this county, born and reared in the Six Mile svetion, and left here twenty-three years ago. Mr. Ilollis is a Confederate veteran :and is gret ly enjoyinr meet ing up with some of his forncr con radies. John I.. Th'ornley and f'amilv left IPicken'is h;e.t week for Clinton, where MIr. TLhor'nley has arceepted' a posi tion as outside overseer fr a large oil mill and tfertilizer' complany. Tlhis tamily has li':'ed in P'ickens for many years and their dlepart ur'e is regretted by numy. P'rof. M\ch inneyv andl family have moved'r int the 'Thor'nh-'' hau :. fr'ee tor every 1purchm~ir of a Majestje during dlemonnst rat ionr we 'k is geinuine. It is an aout.-and!-ouit gift to' 'very jur' * (haserI 'it a Majestic range aini the pric'e of thj~i' anLge with a r'eputatio~n :iremiains the 5ameo. See this demon stration luring tihe week co(iim'eing October I to t ur sto. T. M. * WE BUV OWD FA.SE T EET H Wie pay' from 82.0i0 to S;'5.0n Per "et * bro'ken oi' inot. ) We also pay act ual value tor Iia rmonds, old Go;ld, SilIven and I ridge- work. Send at once b y Iparce'l post and r'eceivye c'ash by retur n mail. MMP4ZER'S TOOTHt SPECIM.TV IDe(pt. XN. 2'i07 S'a. 5th "t. P'hibidelphri, IPa. McSwaini & Craig LAWYERS I rarctice in State and lFederal Courti Gr'eenville Oflice P'hone 21f0 I'ickens Ollince P hone 39f BUY WAR SAViNGS STAMPS CONlSTANlTLY / NTINo0 oG Fair Notice To All For quite a number of years I have furnished "hitching posts" for the town of Pickens. My fence has been used over my protest to the tow) au thorities and to the parties as they hitched thereto, which is a wire one. The stock has torn the wire away, and, feeding against it, has caused my cat tle to break the strands-they get out and I have trouble about it. This is to give notice to the public thtt hereafter any stock tied to my fence will be im nediately turned loose. and you and tht town authorities van do the rest. AlM advice is, if Pickens authorities do not appreciate your trade enough to fturnish adeq uiate hitchiig facilities, go wherv they' do appreciate it. Very respect fully. .1. L. 0. THOMPSON. Notice of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice is hereby given that I will make application to J. B. Newbery, Esq., Judge of Probate for Pickens county, in the State of South Carolina. 01n the 17th day of October, 1918, at 10 o'clock in tihe forenoon, or as soon thereatfter as said application can be heard, for leave to inake final settle. ment of the estate of C. H. Parkins, deceased. and obtain discharge as ad mini.itrator of said estates. MRs. SARA PARKINS, W. A. SHELoN, 2 Administrators. Citation Statt of Sttotith Carolina, Couinty of Pickens IY .1. B. Ne whery, Esq., Probate -Judge. Whereas, Norman Arter made suit to me to grant him letters of Ad.nistra tion of the estato of and effects of Jesse Arter. deceased. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Jesse Arter, de ceased, that they be and appear before tue. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Pickens Court House, S. C., on the 4th day of Octoher, 1918, next, afler publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 16th day of September, 1918, in the 148 year of our Independence. J. . Nu-wneny, Jud-e of Probate, Piekens County, Eye Sufferers Who Need Glasses Raul iad f are paid onet way to our IPickens County Patients W.Vho Purchase U asses. i'yes examinedi by spsecialists and~ hlasses mazde' whtile yo~u wit. . Koda1k Fihns IDeve lopted byV ODOM-SCH ADE~ OPTICAL CO. G;REENVILLE, S. (C, CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND Ask yoncr *ruertet~ for CHI-.CHER.TR DIAMOND 1'RAND) ILLS in Rxn u Goron se.ui i .ges, realed with TJIueVV Ribbon. THi~p 5 ( oTlhzR. Buy or y our\ Druaggtst anel ask fe,' Oni-elIEs-'rfIkj s IDI A M ON t R ANDPILL, o et7fv years retir d . a iet Pnafet,Alway teiable.i 30LD BY ALL DRU(GtisTS JCR'E EVERYWHERE WE';ri GR EENVILL Thle bloluw merchaint. is enti tlod I town. Whenu he cannot siupply yo1 alw.ays gladi to see' y'ou andi wil takt whose names appear in this director; Insure in the Southeastet n Life OrfmENV1L~LEF, S. C. When you think of Milinery think of. AYERS "Whle", Thosusands B'uy T heir lsats' Musical Instru.ments if 4 -ry des~cr ui'n. JIO!N H. WVIldMMS' G reenv ie - - outhi Carolin: 71 . Notice ot Reference To all and singular- the heirs at law, distributees, legatees and devisees, if any, of Van B. Archer, deceahed (who died many years ago in Texas, or else where and who was a son of Malinda Archer,) whose names, ages, and places of residence are unknown and, cannot be ascertained; and also ito' all other persons whomsoever (if pny.) I whose names, ages, and places of iesi dence are unkrtown and cannot be ascer tained, who have, or claim to have, any Interest, legal or equitable, either by purchase or inheritance, as heirs at law, distributees, legatees, or devisees, of Malinda Archer, deceased, or other wise, or who have or claim to have'any i interest, claim, lien, encumbrance, or! other demand-whatsoever, in, Upon, or concerning, the following described real!. estate (or the proceeds of sale thereof)| irrespective of the character thereof, and irrespective of how the same' may I have been acquired, to-wit: All that certain tract of land containing about seventy-six (76) acres. more or less, situate in Easley township, Pickens county, South Carolina, on the public road leading from Easley, South Caro lina, to Greenville, South Carolina, and being about one and one-half (1 1-2) miles from the town of Easley, South Carolina, adjoining lands of estate of E. 11. Barton, deceased. lands of Pick ens Brothers, lands of Glenwood Cotton I Mills, and others, and being the real es tate whereof Malinda Archer, formerly of Pickens county, South Carolina, died: seized and possessed, and being the real estate mentioned and disposed of in the wiil of the said Malinda Archer, deceased. You will pleuse take notice that, in accordance with an order of the court of common pleas for Pickens county, South Carolina. dated June fifth. 1918, a reference will be held before the un dersigned as special referee at his office in the court house at Pickens, South Carolina, on the seventh (7th) day of October, 1918, at. eleven o'clock in the forenoon. for the purpose of taking testimony to deternine the persons in. terested in the above described real es tate or the proceeds of sale thereof (or in the estate of MIIalinda Archer, de ceased,) by purchase, inheritance, or otherwise. or in any manner whatsoev er, and the extent of such interest, claim, loin. eneumbrance, or other de mand or claim'whatsoever. irrespectivo of the character thereef antid irrerpec. tive of how the same may have been acquired, and yoi are hereby notified that yvou- are required to appear at said time and place and prove .vour interest, claim. 'n. encumbrane, or other de mand. if any yot h 1, or be forever barred ftrom assertiog the same and forever exclude' thefrom. Said ret erence' will bw readjcurned fromn time to timle i+' f%1nd 9. D~e n say l'e e~.S.('. ep nm r-, . . .STEWA RT, C. C ' . as special refere''. 21 SRERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolinia, County of Pickens. J. E. Barton, -et. al., Plaintiffs. Mrs MrmieMcMahan, et. al., Defendants. In pursuance of a decretal order of sale of real estate made in the above stated case by his Honor, T. ,J. Mauldin, Presiding .Judge, signed and (dtedI Jtine 5th, 1918, and on file in the Clerk's office of Pickens coun ty, I will sell to the highest bidder oin SA L ESDAY IN OCTOBE R, 1918, during the legal hours of public sales before the Court House (100r at Pickens, S. C., the following dlescrib edl real est:-te to-wit: All that certain tract of land conl . i nn abou11t seventy-six (76) acres, more or less, situate in Easley town ship, P'ickens county, South Caro Sinia, on the public road leading from Easley, South Carolina, - to Green ville, South Carolint , and being sbout onie and one-half (1 1 -2) miles from the town of' Easley, South Carolina, andl adljo)ining lands of estate of E. II. Barton, deceased, ads of Pick ens Brothers, lands of. Glenwood Cot ton Mills, and others, and being the same real ests.te whereof M~alindla Archer, formerly of Pickens county, South Carolina, dliedl seized and pos s0ee, anid being' the real estate. mentionedl andl disposed of' in the will of the said Malinda Archer, dleceas edl. TIerms : Cash. Purchaser to p)ay, for all papers Ind necessary revenue stamnps, and for record(ing same. I Terms of sale muuet be comnplied with within one hour11 or tihe premises will be r-esoldi at the risk of the former Dlurc'haser. R. RI. ROARK(. Sheriiflf Pickens County. -E BUSINESS I Syou' tradje fi rst. H e is your neighbor an< r neads bufy in Greenville, our big sister pleasure in helping you to get just what are known by TIhe Sentinel to be reliable. For Good Things to Eat and the \vorld's best Coffees go to J. A. BULL CJO. G;REENVILLE, - - s ' DR. R. J. D)RUMIMOND DENTIST Over C. D). Kenne~y Co. Phone 1901. Poe Hardware & Supply Co. - GR ENVII LLE, 8. C. Wholesale an~d Retail Funeral D)irectors Our service can he had in P'ickens county the same as in Qrpenville. Phone 129 day or nigh t, Green4,ille, S. C. ft I *1* Riward, $1W "h- eaders ot this 9a9" Wil be AeAse" to learn that there is at least 116 dreaded disease that science has en able to cure in all its stages and hat Is caterrh. Catarrh being greatly dlIuenced by constitutional conditions ,equires constitutional treatment. Hall's "atarrh Medicinie Is taken Internally and Lcts-thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur aces of the System thereby destroying he foundation of the disease, giving the )atlent strength by building up tho con. ititution and- assistlng nature in doing itj gork. The proprietors have so much aith Sn the curative i)owers of Hali's -atarrh Medicine thnt they offer One undred Dollars for any. case that it fails o cure. Send for 1et of tentimonials. Address F. J. C1T-N.rY & CO.. Toledo. )bio. Sold by all Druggist, 76, SPEC IAL NOTICES Notices itorteti in tis9 coltlurn for onle l'en -t Ford for tirst insertion antd one-half cent a wo or each subsequelit hiiton. A otlee to ral'Dnes--We will urnish you bagging and ties to cover Four cotton for $1.00 per bale. Pickens dill. 21 tf Fline MiIch VOW for sale. J. H. 2awrence, Calhoun R-1. 23 Watch Lost-One 16-jewel South 3end movement in open face gold case. .eturn to this office and get reward. 21 Wlt havte installed new machinery knd are ready to gin. L. S. Reese & 3on. 21 Fo' N'a Ie--Second-hand shat wi n in good condition, '. E. Carson. ?ickens R-1. 21 We Imave bought the Gillespie Jack. He can be found on my Keowee lace in charge of W. A. Grant. Also lave a nice lot of pigs for sale at the tame place. R. G. Gaines. .D*ur'oc Pig% for sie. Dr. F ' Porter, Pickens. BReginnimgg Getober 1. 191", the vearly subscription price of Ie Ladies lome Jourhal will be $1. 1 and of the Saturday Evening Post, $2.00. Give us ?our order before the raise. We take -rders for any magazine published. lekens Drug Co. 19tf Fot msale -20 bushels of fine Abruz ?i rye; also few Berkshire pigs. R(. A. -lester, Liberty R.3- 17ttf ,pianalM . Mor ale at the clerk's Ahce-real estate mortgages, satis. faction blanks, real estate deeds, all kinds of blanks, chattel mortgages: arge or small order illed. (. S. Stewart, Cit-rk of Court. 7-tf ! will pay cash market price for all -hickens. eggs and peanuts delivered to ne at l'ekens. Dan Adams. tf Weekly Price List Prices quoted below hold g od up to and including Wednesday, October'2: Corn---- -s - . . .1.90 bushel 'Beeswax........... :>.0e lb Wool- Ii t [Unwashed t burry ) 40 ib free from burrs 50e. ib Tu wae ~ Shedl free ot burrs (60e ib Chlickens and Egg a llooseters . -15e lb F rying Chickens ."c Iib up to 2 lbs ID)uckl ea:ch 15e lb ft suinead. eam- 10e - Egg,. Jer den. I5 Whbite M~Iulti plying Onions, per hushcl . . 8 1.50 Hutter in bulk . :e lb :' if you ca'i3't reach us with but- : ter in nice. conlitioin we can han- ' ~dIe all we cane get in bulk. SMeats' Side Hacon . :e lb : We pay the above for produce : i n trade at regular cash prices. j Crai g Bros. Co. Pickenis )IRECTORY * helping you to build up your home city, where the business men are you want. Firms and individuals U. A. MILLS Cotton~ Mill Stocks is Building. Phone 115 Anountain City Foundry and Machine Works (Inc.) Enylneors ami Machsinios Expert consulting and contracting. II kmnds of welding. Phone 323. Greenville, S. C. W. R. HALE' Jtewele, ant Biversnelth "105 Norib Main Street REENV/ILLE, .. N~outl, Carolin~a or Fotos of Distinction Go To Oe hpRe's Art Siios i(turq" Jin. of, every description. Alnate jviuing by ma it., 212 W~.nton steet