Ter 'N it sta rea Or Yo yon eor Lib annuanamannumanusan nna UUUUUUEUUUUU.......... PRICE FOR FAME TOO HIGH Modern Poet Not Willing to Undergo Martyrdom for Sake of Living in History. Uncle JIlll. the gifted poet of the Excelsior Spring Stanilard, has been studying the lives of the old masters and is inuch discouraged. I-Ic writes: Old John Bunions told his Pilgrim piece while in the penitentiary (101' time for some little offense. Nearly all of 'em wrote their best stuff while in great distress. Nearly all of 'em had sore eyes, 1some was totally blind, an' the com mon run of writin' material was poor -a sharp st ik an' a gourdful of home made ink was the best they had ; in spite of them hanmli(aps they managed to compose stuff that will live long af ter mlly best poem has went the route. Still-you never can tell. It is inter esting to ponder on the possibility of one of war poems beln' in the fifth reader of A. D. 2153. But if I have to be soaked into the calaboose an' write with an old huggy spoke for a pen, before I can get off anything fannous, I am afraid I shall never nmake the rifle.-Kansas City Times. GIRLS! USE LEMONS FOR SUNBURN, TAN Try iti Make this lemon lotion to whiten your tanned or freckied akin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons in to a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complex Ion whitener, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter wvill supply three ounces of Orchaird WVhite for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra grant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands and see how quickly the freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white thle skin becomes. Yes ! It is harmless.-Adv. Somne seem1l to think dihonlesty is tihe best palyin~g p)olley. * Do This All Hot Weather "Oui Easily P When bot weather comes, stomach and bowel miseries begin. Strong, sound stomachs as well as weak ones are easily affected by tihe harmful gases and acids so often produced in the things we eat and drink during hot weather. Winter-Nature's Ice box, is gone-hot weather breeds the poisonous germs that cause pto maine poison in all its many forms. 0 Every one knows that the after-eat lng nausea, belching, that wretched, bloated, "lumpy" feeling, sour atom ach, heartburn, food repeating, and other forms of Indigestion and dye pepsia are far more frequent during hot weather It Is the time when you have to guard constantly against ani upset stomach and the many ills that are always apt to follow. Then again -we have the world's war to win with the change of diet and extra work which means we must all care fully guard our stomachs this year keep ourselves fit and fine. A marvelous relief and prevention has been found for stomach sufferers, which makes It possible for you to eat -the things you like best without a - for MALARIA.GCILLS and REVERI lIUI!!flEUIIalluuuuum rtptin veal loaf HAT is more tempting for a summer luncheon than Libby's savory a! Loaf! Prettily garnished makes a dainty yet sub. ntial dish - and one all dy to put on the table! der Libby'sVeal Loaf today. u will want it always on ir shelves-for quick lunch ts-for unexpected guests. by, M?Neill & Libby, Chicago Waiting for the Squeal. "I watnt to have at tooth drawn," an Iouncel the snud bey with the steel gray eye, "and I want gas." "You're tool- yon g to have gas, my little man," said the enltist. "Besides, I'm sure yoiu aren't afrid (if being hurt. Sit still atnid be a iine." "It isn't that at all," said the boy', "but I'm afraid I shll2 not ht' able to hell) giving a bit of a suetial when it -comes out." "Well, tint won't mutter at all." said the dentist. "I'm sure I shall not "No, but I shall. Look out of the window." The dentist looked out and saw a lot of grinning lads standing Oil the side wik. "They're all kids I've fought and licked," said the small patron, "and they've come to hear te holler." OIS Women as well as men HOT are made miserable by kidney and bladder trou ble. Thousands recom BLAME m D. Kilme kidney medicine. At druggists in large | and medium size bottles. You may re ceive a sample size by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. Some Signs of Rain. The sw5eating of water pitchers and coolers indleate that much moisture prevails in the air. It is worth notlC ing a nod usiug in conneltion withl oth er signs oft reins. The dripjping of calves troughs is of thie sim origin, and is of sotie value. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of (JASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of (4 In Use for Over 30 ears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Right Word. "Shie's very high and mighty.I donii't like her alt it ucie." "'You mean attitude?" "Altituude fits this case," Inat erposed a third meiiiber of the paiirty.-Loisvil le Coeurler-Journaml. An old1 hachelor saiys that marriage is the result oif onie fool's encouraging the foolishness of another. Many a man is c'redit ed with heing patint whten in reality lie is too( lazy to register a kiek. er You Eat of Fix" Stomachs ut Right single unpleasant thought of what may follow. EATONIC Tablets, good tasting, quick acting and absolutely harmless, have already proven an un told blessing to thousands of people. One or two EATON IC Tablets after meals work wonders. They sweeten and purify the stomach by neutraliz ing the trouble-making acids and gases and stop the griping pains of indiges tion and other stomach and bowel disturbances. And the best part of it is-you can be your own judge. Just try EATONIC. Let your own stomach tell you the truth. If you are not pleased then they don't cost you one penny. Druggiste are amazed at the aston Ishing reports from EATONIO users. who have found EATONIC a quick, wonderful relief for stomach ailments. So we tell you to get a large box of EATONIC from your druggist, whom you know and can trust, and then i EATON to is not suited to your ease return it to your drujgglt at once and gel back your mnone y. ThatLs a fair, equare offer. Every persr.n ise urged to make the trt. Lo str using EATON IC today.u-h ALSO A PINE GENERtAL STRENGTHIEN INO TONIC. Sold by AllDu Stme mre. l'ME PICKENS SENTINEL, PI A moderate excess of food is proba bly harmless if not actually beneficial. It is not safe to sail too near the wind in matters of diet.-Ilutchenson. ARE WE USING ECONOMY? It is the little leaks in the household %vhich seem so unimportant that they are not noticed, which are the cause of many bankrupt homes. . Take a look into the bottom of the tea and coffee cup at the end of - the meal, not to read your fortune (alas, many for tunes have been thus wasted by use less extravagance), but to note the sugar left undissolved in the cup. Children should early learn to stir well all foods that contain sugar, so that none is wasted. Are the members of your family who take more food on the Platte than they can eat leaving it to be wasted? If so, they are worse than unpatri' otic, for they neither love their coun try nor their fellow man. Are you careless about waste in pre paring vegetables, spoiling food in cooking, serving it so unpalatable in appearance or In seasoning that it Is uneaten ? Are you spending more than a third to a half of your income for food, for your family? Are you buying foods out of season and so satisfying'the appetite for such foods that they are not appreciated when they appear in the home mar kets? This is a waste of labor, fuel in transportation, as fell as money. Are you huying perishable foods In such quantities that they must spoil before being used? Do you choose the choice cuts of meat rather than the cheaper and more nourishing cuts? Are you using fish, fow'l and perish able meats so that those for shipping pmay be saved for our soldiers? Are you throwing away the vege table waters in which they have been cooked, that are rich in iron as well as food? Are you using more milk products, milk being one of our most valuable foods? Lessening the use of milk Is false economy. Are you using economy of labor, time and strength in household duties? These are fully as important as the saving of money ; some of us think vastly inore I imlortiant. To get the maximum comfort for one's family with the minimum labor is worthy of ome's best thought and ef fort. Old outing flannel makes fine clean ing cloths for floors, as they wring easily. The thing that the world is asking; How far must he bend to break? How much he cnn give doesn't matter. Hut only how much can he take? WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY. Th'lere should be4 Posted in a con spleuous11514 plnee ini (very home a list of common remie die ts for InjurIes or accidents. T1ime~ imeans life in many a fn accident. Lives ( / are being lost dlaily because of a lack of knowing what to do andl acting quiickly. "Wisdom is what to (10 next, skill is knowing how to do it, and vir tue is doing it," says David Starr Jordlan. A piatient who is struck by light nuing ,should he treated to cold water applientions on the head and gIven the same1( treatment one gives a dlrowvning person, artifii respiration. The lungs must lie filled with air to get them back( to breat hlug. For sunlst roke, loosen the clothing, lay the patIent in a cool, shady place and apply Ice water to the head. Keep the head elevated. For faInting, lay the patient on his back with the4 head lowered, allow fresh iiir to (irculate greely around himn and spr-inkle wIth cold water. Do nol ndmainlister water- or any stimulant to an unconscious person, as the mnus eles of swallowIng aire Inactive and striangulaitIon midght result. lFire In one's clothing. Do not run lie (down and14 roll over in a r'ug or enripet.- keeping the face protected. Fire in a buIlding. Drop on the hands andl knees nnid cover the head with wet woolen if possIble; then crawl out, as5 th" air is purest near the floor. SuffocatIon froam Iliuminatinag gas. Get patienat into fresh air, place on his hack and give a teaspoonful of spirits of aromatic Ilmimonia in a glass of watier at frequent intervals. This is a safe heart stimulant at any time. Oive twoi to foul' drops of nu~r vomieni every five or six hours to the asphyxinted patient. To stop) bleedinrg. A handful of flour bound on the cut. Antidote for poison. For acidl poi soning, soda and milk ;these are found in eve-ry home. Send for the dloctor at once; do lnot wait to run any risks with life. Vineganr ia taken for any such poison as lye. Oils of all kinds are golod. Mustard an~d water cauises voIt ing. If anmmonin is taken iby liccident, give new milk, olive oil, and bind leo on the throat. St rychnine demandsq a quick emetie of ipecac. This Is alsto a good remedly to keep-a small hot tie of ipecae. OKENS, SOUTH CAROLINA . -* MATERIAL FOR REPAIR WORK Director of Office of Public Roads Will Pass on All Applications for Oil Products. (From the United ;its Department of 'grieu Ituro.) Petroleum, asphitalt or tar products wanted for the on et rion, m1linte Dance, or reconstrutiohn of roiis will be delivered only afte4r 2a plproval of the applicat ion by a e'omllin it ee represent ing the United State f'uel adminiistra tion and the oftlet' of p'ublie roads of the United States h-par'tm 1lent of agri culture. This a11n1no4 eement was made by oflicials of the t wo fedleral agencies. State highway desirt'paine nt s, to whieh notices of the restrl(etions h-e been sent, are required to piss upon all ap plications for highway work in their territories involving the use of Ihese materials. Applientions artle then to be sent to L. W. Page, lir'('tor of' the offilee of public roads. Wahilagton. Mr. Page is chairnian of the cotrnltittee which will consider the necessit y of the ma terial being supldied ant1d will make recommenidations to thw oil iiivi sion of the fuel ahnltinistration, w1hich will issue permits in ineordan'e with the recommendation when the iaterial is available. Upward of a billion dollars is the valuation placed by ofilcials of the of fice of public roads upon bituminous macadam roads in this country requir ing for their maintenance asphalt, road binders, road oils, tar binders or dressings. The plan to issue permits is designed to prevent further de terioration of these roads, and at the same time endeavor to satisfy fully Poorly Kept Roadside With Rail Fence Overgrown With Brambles. the fuel oil requirements of the army and navy, tihe essential war industries and the allies. The United States Is now bein'g drawn upon to a constantly increasIng extent for pet roleum produlcts, espe cially. fuel oil, according to officIals in the oil division of the fuel adminis tration. The supply of bituminous products is so limited that it is re quested that all new roadl constructIon involving these materials be deferred this year, except in cases w'here such work is necessary towardi the winning of the war. Preference will be given to materIals wanted for maIntenance and repair work. Forms on which all applientIons for petroleum, asphailt or tar products for highway wvork must be inadle have been supplied to the state highway do partments and1( addiltional copies may be obtainerd from the office of publIc roads1. Thiese forms requllire (detailed' information as to the length, locatIon, general uses and military necessity of highways to be built, maintained or ro paired1. GRADED ROAD IN CONDITION Drag Scrapes Off Projections and Fills Up Low Piaces-Will Keep E~ad Well Crowned. The grad'd road can he kept in the best conditIon with thle least lab~or by ulsin~g the road drag. Tihe road drng scrapes off the projections anfd fills up the how places, thus heaving Do places for water to standl, wvhich is what causes tihe road hed to soften andl be cut into ruts. A persistent use of the road drag will keep thle read bed well crowned, smooth and hard and this will also result in the least (lust, as tihe dirst4 conmes largely from then grIn~d Ing up (If the ruts and rough places left by the horIses' feet.-Extension Dl vision, N. D. Agricultural College. Value of Motortruck. Farmers realize the value of tiue mos tortruck. Both the mnotorntruck and good rond~s spell prosperity to the tIll er of tile soil, for no othier Invention has contributed 50 largely to the health, wealth andi happiness of the farmer as tihe motorcar. Use of Prison Labor. Rleports made to the national corn mnittee on prisons anzd prison laho show that the war is resulting in gr'eater use of prison labor In roat building all over the UnIted States. I am Sincere! SI I Guarantee D Listen to me! Calomel si day's work. If bill headachy read Liven up your sluggish liver I Feel fine and cheerful ; make your wort: a pleasure; ie vigorous and full ?. am bition. nut take no nasty, dangerous calomel, because it makes- you sick and you mny lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crnshes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausen and cramp lug. . Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and howel cleansing you ever experienced. just take a spoonful of harmless )odson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of DoIdson's Liver Tone for a few cents under may DOOMED TO OUTER DARKNESS Forgetful Youngster Could Only Stand at School Gate and Mourn His Hard Position. One of hie West ern towns where there is it large per cent of foreign popuintion1 con'idlernble dliffletilly was experielicel in gettitig the4 registrit tine1 of :tlivvi weinen. Ali ilnstrucetor i1n the plalygrolundI in the foreign district off'ere