The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, July 04, 1918, Image 8

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In the home-or in the field, Byrd's Oriental Balm will prove of inestimable value in the treatment of burns, bruises, cuts, strains and other distressing emergencies. It prevents infec-. tion, soothes and relieves the pain, and aids natuc in healing the wound. BYRD'S ORIENTAL BALM, 25c-Put Up In Two Sizes-50c This reliable preparation has been used in thoustnds of Southern " oi' e homes for more than 40 years. Nohome thoould l 1>c %'with - -' out it. It may be taken internally or uwdr~ exte:nrimih as ret uired---with equally grat'fyving t ul's, h:t Y ' . " - or ol<. Byrd's Oriental Balm alifnis - 'I% rc::. C "' e used for )re throat, stiff neck, cough., cdLi:,, swre j'' r.ts, 1 l , rheu:atism, asthma, sf pains, piles, i.n5 i'. r ut, - wie, b:ck or stornach. You carmot :'1.IT to be - wutiout it! Oraer a botlk ti,,tay--,.uu youir ,aercat ( .s'cr tile n A C it ~. can't supply y r or";i s,re'-ur Iwti (O nt e 11C "-~'. "r.. BLUE RIDGE CHEMICAL CORP. ' iRocky Mount, - - Virgirlia Preserve Eggs. With Water Glass (Solution Silicate Sodium.) tiW DIRECTIONS--Select clean fresh eggs (do not wash eggs, it in jures them).! Heat to the boiling point and cool nine quarts of water; + to this add one quart Water Glass and mix thoroughly. This is sufficient to preserve about twelve dozen eggs. Place eggs in a crock, jar or pail, small ends down, Pour over them the solution, keeping at least two inches of the solution above tne top layer of eggs at all times. Put on the cover and keep all in a cool place until required for use. -l" NOTE- When eggs taken from the solution are to be boiled, prick the shells at the large end just before boiling to prevent cracking. * Fresh eggs may be saved six to ten months by this method. - 50c a quart. We have fresh supply. Yours to please, - PICKENS DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store . J. N. HILLUM, Prop. & Mgr. Phone No. 8 Still Doing Businessu At Same Old Place i And keeping up ily old policy of giving n J More Goods for Less Money " 9Highest Prices Paid U FOR PRvODUCOE { I (G;S :15 eents adzn FI.Il lS-:50 cents a ptound to 5t0 eCts- each ()()I)S ()" A LIE KilN 1)8 ;t pt-i-es t o e'em ar od'tf Fuiijt.iire cnine ini riday- andt is picedl ) to suit, buyter n Yours for trade, )n J. W. H ENDRICKS ~ ~oe comfy L In hot weather Ia to be happy SNylotis Talcum0. Uthe summer comforter, c,.;,nes in 44 five dainty odors--.Mayflower(flesh Uand white), Rose, Violet, Bouquet and Lilac--also one for baby.0 25 Cents for - -generous tin *n O 2 LOCAL en PERSONAL -Mrs. N. B. Thornley is visiting rel atives in Anderson. --Miss Helen White, of Anderson, is visiting her cousin, Miss Melanie Thorn ley, in Pickens. -There will be an all-day singing at Mountain Grove church on the fourth Sunday in July. -Dr. J. L. Bolt of Easley has been accepted as a surgeon in the army and appointed captain. -Miss Margarett Means of Columbia has been the guest of the family of R. E. Yongue in Pickens. -Merchants! The Sentinel can fur nish you with Sugar Certificates at 2 cents a hundred. By mail, 5c. extra. --J. E. Boggs and family have mov ed into the Ballentine house recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Yongue. -Mr. Robert Stewart, who is selling a lot of cabbage plants, says he guaran tees every one to head if worms are kept off. --Dr. J. L. Valley. exauminig pny: cian of the Pickens 1 .ocal Board. a. tended a meeting of local board physi cians of this state in Columbia last week. --Milledge Griflin spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Gritdin. in Pickens. Milledge recently accepted a position with J. A. Bull & Co. of Greenville. -County Treasurer 0. T. Hinton and family have moved into the Attaway house and Mr. and Mrs. F. H1. Hopkins have moved into the house they recently ] bought from Mr. Hinton. -Walker Sizemore. colored, of Pick ens, was the first to bring a cotton bloom to The Sentinel office this year. He pulled it Saturday, which is a few clays early for this community. --W. E. Thomas brought to The Sen tinel oflice last week two very large onions from his garden. The largest one measured twelve inches around and the two weighed a pound and six ounces. -The Hurricane Township Singing convention will meet with Mile Creek I Baptist church on the first Sunday af- 1 ternoon in July at 2:30 o'clock. All lovers of good music are invited to at tend. -Frank H. Alexander, who has trav eled over a considerable part of Pickens, j Oconee and Anderson counties in the interest of his real estate business, says crops genrally in this tertitory are the best within his recollection. -- lBefore you start to Greenville con sult the Greenville Business Directory which is published every week in Thei Sentinel. When you call on an adver tiser tell him you sawv his advertisement: in The Sentinel and it will insure you 1 the best treatment.1 --W. TV. Griflin and family moved last week from Pickens to Greenville. All members of this good family are na tives of P'ickens and have never lived anywhere else and it is with regret that wye give them up. Their many friends here wish them well in their newv home. --Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ("B") Lewis, who for the past several years have been conducting the hotel at Easley, have moved back to their home in Pick ens, Mr. Lewis having accepted a posi tion as traveling salesman for a large shoe concern. We welcome these peo pir back to Pickens. --Postmaster Jennings made his an nual rounds with the Pickens rural car riers last week and he tells us that crops in Pickens county are the best he ever saw, especially the crops on route 2. He also tells us that Mr. Mart lding of route 2 had sweet potatoes out of his patch June 27. - -Virgil Rogers, 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rogers of Easley, was painfully injured last Friday after noon when he was hit by Southern train No. 11 and knocked to within a foot of~ a moving freight train on another track. He was rushed to a Greenville hospital and is not seriously injured. - Wayne F.. Mauldin and family of P'ickens moved this week to Seneca to make their home. Mr. Mauldin has been located at Seneca several weeks as cashier of a bank there and we re gret very much to give this family up. The people of Seneca will find these people quite an acquisition to their town. --Flag day services will be held at Griffin church the second Sunday in Ju ly andl on that day a flag will be pre sented to the church with a star on it for each member of the congregation now in the service of his country. The pastor, Rev. Fulton Childress, and Hon. E. P. McCravey will make addresses and the public Is invited to attend. The ekercises will begin at 11 o'clock, Catrb cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATZON, as they Cannot reach the seat et the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physilcians 1 this country for years. It Is com Posed of some of the beat tonics known combined with some of the bet blood puriflers. The perfeot combination of te Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi olne is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. . J. CH ENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Drugsts, 76c. Hail's Family Pills for constipation. --Born unto Sheriff and Mrs. R. R. Roark, Saturday, a daughter. Miss Emma Herde of Pickens has entered a Greenville business college. A. M. Simnmons will preach at t,on Lorti church next Sunday morning at 11 L 'clock. George 11. Nieeves of Iibert'was among the prominent visitors at the county sent Tuesday. Willie and Milton Wynn, who farm two miles west ot l'asley. found a red 1'otton t'ioom in their tield June '. Co:ee!. levin Miller says he no tices the wentt are ''dressing up'and he ( e are up about far enough. e T'hetpson of Pickens ..,a.. . ~. ..'.aitid1 n at the newv S* ..........'" ; 'ir:n. an' at uses:rent Mis. Su.e sn has resigned as r te wee Biank on ac ount of !. hea!:h and Miss Floride 'arev has suc.ceeded her. Miss Nellie Freeman spent a few lays last week with Mrs. T. M. Norris n Central. She is in Greenville this ,eCK visiting friends and relatives. -Rev. W. 11. Mills, of Clemson Col ege, will preach at the Pickens Presby :erian church next Sunday morning at .1:15 o'clock, in the absence of Pastor 3ailev. - We call your attention to the special tervice which will be held at the Meth >dist church Wednesday night, July 3, totice of which appears in another col Imn. All denominations will partici )ate in the service and a large audience s expected. - E. Frank Looper is announced this veek as a candidate for county super risor. Mr. Looper needs no introduc ion to the people of Pickens county, as ie has held the office of supervisor be 'ore and is well known in every section >f the county. -The first person to announce this rear for cotton weigher at Pickens is elix L. Finley. who is well known to he people around here. Mr. Finley as made Pickens his home for many rears and conducted the meat market iere until he sold out a few months Igo. --Don't forget that you have to reg ster twice this year if you vote in all elections. You must get your name on tour club roll in ordeir to vote in the >rimaries, and also get a new registra ;ion certificate to vote in other elec :ions. Better attend to it now and be lone with it. -One hundred and eleven names .vere put on the Pickens precinct club -oll during June. This leaves more than 400 to be put on this month, as the books close July 30 and no one can register after that date. If you don't register you don't vote. The Pickens ::lub roll is at the Pickens Bank. --The revival meeting at the Pickens Mill church will be resumed on Friday night before the first Sunday in July with Rev. Fulton Childress doing the preaching. Services will be held Fri day night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. Baptizing will take place on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at Hold er's ford. Engineer Fant will preach Sunday night at 8 o'clock. GREENVILL The home merchant is entitled t< town. When he cannot supply you always glad to see you and will take whose names appear in this director3 Insure in the Southeastern Life GREE~NVILLJE, S. C. When you think of Millinery think of AYERS "Where Thousands Buy Their Hats' Musical Instruments of every description. JOHN H. WILLIAMS Grenville . - Souh Carolini -The Palmetto Pharmacy at Easley is agent for the celebrated Columbia era fonolo and records, so far as ie know, the only agent in Pickens county for these popular machines. This drug store is one of the prettiest and most up-to-date in the Piedmont and is con ducted by Dr. Meyers, a competent pharmacist and and popular genleman. Advertising in The Sentinel pays big. Cohmi G rafc and Colum / I - I Feel Welcome Stop in some day and let us sh You will be allowed to pla; selection a you wish, on difer< You n^y fecl free to ask as many you wish-the more you ask the You are to he the judge and send a Columbia Grafonola to Compare the Columbia Graf world. In diect comparison' it Columbia Gialoncla may be Palmetto Pharma Easley, S. A Nice Li 3 Miles from On main Oakway road. I .ture, wood Enough sed. See me. Frank E. 2 The Man Who Sells the Earth a ANDERSON, S. C. Maxwell Building, Summer During the hot summer weather . Let us make you a nice Porch Swin may want for your porch. We have on hand a good stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber, D~oor Builders' H ardware. Let us name y< Phone 12. Easley Lumt Successors to Picliens I Ei BUSINESS your trade first. Hie is your neighbor al needs buy in Greenville, our big siste pleasure in helpin you to get just wha are known by Th Sentinel to be reliabhl For Good Things to Eat and the world's best Coffees go to J. A. BULL CO. GREEN VILLE, - - S. C. DR. R. J. DRUMMOND DENTIST Over C. D. Kenney Co. Phone 1901. Poe Hardware & Supply Co. GRENV1ILE, S. C. Wholesale and Retail JAS. F. MACKE';' & SONS Funeral Directors Our service can be had in Pickens~ county the same as in Greenville. Phne 19d orin night, renville, S. C -B. Langston, so* of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Langston 4 ipickens, left Sat urday morning for Camp Jackson to join the army. He registered in Chey enne, Wyoming, but asked to be trans ferred. He has been working in a rail road machine shoplin Omaha, Neb., and' spent a week with his parents before' joining the army. Another son of Mr. and Mrs. Langston's is in the shipyards at San Francisco. 1hia ia Records 9;t " I in Our Store ow you a Columbia Grafonola. ' as many records of your own nt Columbia Grafonola models. questions about phonographs as better we will like it. the jury. We will be glad to tour home on trial. onola with any machine in the always appears at its best. A bought on convenient terms. Icy, Agents C.0 ttle Farm Westmiaster - -louse, barn, orchard, pas and water. n~d Cuts~ it to Suit Your TPaste PICK ENS, 8. C. Saturdays and Mondays. Cornforts iou will wvant to use your porch a lot. g, Joggling Board, or ainything you anything in the building line, such as a, Sash, Lime, Cement, Brick and >U a price on any of the above. ~er Company, dumber Co , Pickens, S. C. DIRECTORY 1d helping you to build up your home r city, where the business men are t you want. Firms and individualq 1L. A. MILLS Cotton Mill Stocks Mills Building. Phone 115 Mountain City Foundry and Machine Works (Inc.) Euaykseersg and Machinists Expert consulting and1 contracting. All kinds of welding. Phone 323. Greenville, S. C. W R. HALE 'Jeweler and Silversenith 105 Nortis Malks Street CURE ENVI LL E, - South Carolina For Fotos of Distinction Go T., DeMulder's Art Shop Picture Frames of every description. -Kodaks and Supplies. ,Amateur Finishing by mail. 212 W. Washingon street.