The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, June 06, 1918, Image 7

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Calomel Users! I. I Guarantee D Your druggist gives back liven your liver and 1 you up without 2 Ugh ! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver " which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea an(l cramping. If you are slug gish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid an(1 bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coat ed tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee-Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a RelieveYour Rheumatism For 25c. NR Todhy- Re human existenre-e rdieesto of fod the extracton of nourishmen wraste, Let anything interfere with~ these \ roc ses,-let them be Interrupted or improperly carried on, and sickness . , , Q some kind follows. Poor digestion and assimila tion means failure to derive full nourishment from food and that In turn often means im poverished blood, weakness, anemia, etc. Poor eliminatior means an accumulation of waste matter which poisons the body, lowers vitality, decreases the power of re sistance to disease and leads to the development of many serious Ills. Rheumatism,-due to some Interfer failure to get rid of certain body poisons,-cnnnot be expected to yield to any medicine that fails to correct the condition responsible for it. Could any reasonable person expect to rid himself of rheumatic pain as long as _NTABL L You Can N Y!our Favc Without * er Says: "Eatonic" Acids, Gas, Heartbui and Stomac: i serable feelings are caused Ipset stomach ! That dull,t -loated1" sensation that follows 4 at ru el robs good living of halfj its pleasures. Is there any way out for you sufferers with stomach weak ness?t Yes ; H. L. Kranmer, the nman whot originated Cascarets, has found a sure, f quick, relief for indigestion, dlyspepsia, < "sour stomach," heart-burn, formation of painful gases, "bloating," etc., etc. He calls his stomanch relief EA TONIC, andl it certainly is making a wonderful recordl. Countless thous-< ands of people who formerly ap proached their meals with dread, nowv eat their fill of their favorite foouds without fear of the after-effects. Mr. Kramer says: "My EATONIC1 tablets are the solution of the age-oldi problem of indigestion and all forms < of stomach misery. Carter's Litti You Cannot be * Constipated can and Happy Small Pi Smali Doe' Smell Price ABSENCE of Iron in the ( mnany colorles, faces but wI ForMALARIA:CHillS and FEVERt WHAIf W' enn face another year of work 1ith liutnense COnIfI(ICe, in the light 1 >f the r'ecent report of the Atmeriean i Red Cross on its expendituires in Eu rope tad America. '1'his rep'ort is at 1evelation and an Inspiration, iIs is inore uiln a muatter of (ity now to be t a busy mnember of this woniderful, wholly muodern 111(1 efllclent orgaiza- i tion. If this report stirs no e1)11(1 of country in the heart. of the woman who reads it she may he sure her soul is about dead-or held a famishing prisoner by her self-centered niind. 1 'To be in the midst of a world oft good deeds 11n( to take no part in t them-when the way is always open- I can you finagine it? 1 Whaiit happens to your dollar when : 3o1 send It forth on its errand of I mercy through the medium of the 1 Arneriean Ited ('Toss was explae1110(1 1 in a stateneilt Issued as t prelude to I the opening of the cnnpaign for n other $100,0(H),000 war fundl. The 1 magnitude of the work which the i Red Cross is doing on all battle ( fronts and for American prisoners In I Germany is disclosed by the figures: ' Itelief work in i"race . . . .$30,930.103 I Relief work in Belgiuim... 2,080,131 Relief work in Italy...... 4,58.820 lelief work in ussin..... 1,20;,9t0 Relief work In Itounmini. 2,17(1,3(98 Relief work in Serbia..... 891,50 r Relief work in Great Brit- i nut .................... .,'.(v10,230 < Other foreign relief work. 4,476,300 I For U. S. prisoners in Ger- 1 mnany .... .................. 301,064 i For Red Cross personnel I s sent abroad ............ 201,300 1 Relief work in U. S...... 9,723,823 r Arny and navy base hos- s plitals ................. 111.000 s There aire two things the ied Cross I can) always use, it seetiIs; they ire Ii money 111(1 knt(it1 wool socks. Almuost t every wolin enn furnish 110 or both f DRESS-UP FROCKS I In lisplays f (Iidsutniner fro('ks 'or lIttle iads, three tin' nnd1( trust vorthy innterialsk apper01ir 14) f1 Il li e .*euliremients o (f desIgners. Thley' ar1e C :olle, dlottedl swiss and orgundle, and I :hey3 are dainty1( enioughi anad at thec ame t ime strong enough for the sml1111 ;st gIrls' dIress-upl froc4ks. Volle ha s come to be a grat fav~orlto ont auccounat of its wond~erf u wearing r qualllitles, whieh malike It worth while r to put careful nleedllework onl It. D ot t0(1 swIss is likeod heeneit micis (erlspj 4 and1( fresh look Ing, and1( or1gale ai~I chosen for the fhiest (of all I dresses made(1 for the youn~gest wea ret's oif sheer frocks. In t he pictu re thle littlei dIress at the left 18 of wite ol~ole withI a smocked yoke In which hieavy b111(lue emr(oblery sIlk is used'( for'Ili the ornarnetatil I st Ichies. It has ai narriiow' paneitl set s onl at the frott mtakinig julnee for' two and( a1 nnow(I stshi (If the4 vollIe fInished with two of the same14 butlons suis pended on 1114 sf1lk threnad from the 00(1s. The dlesigner dh1 i not over loIok( oIpportun111ithS for th11se4 liltl Ic idanmglinig hbuttons1 at the'141 oint oIf the c collair, or forget to int rodtlce aI band1( 1 (If smoc14k ig and1 fancy'3 slit clinag on the cuff's. Altoge'ther- this little frock Ia elaiborated withI censIderale( needlle work. The1 (dress at thle ight is much sim-I Jpler. It Is made(1 of dotted swiss, very platin and1( dainty as to) desIgn, and very crisn and snrightly in af. .isten To Me! odson's Liver Tone your money if it doesn't bowels and straighten naking you sick. Spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver iedicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. NR does it by improving digestion, assimilation and elimination the logical way., lief or No Pay rheumatic poison is lllowed to re main in the body. Think of this. It explains the ue. cess of Nature's Remedy (NR Tab. lets) in so many cases where other~ medicines have failed. Thousands are Using NiR Tablets every day and get ting relief, Wh~ypay fie or tenl times as much for uncertain things? A. 260 box of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) con taining enough to last wenty five days,-must help you, must isfactory benel ri nd sat you nothing. And Nature's Remedy Id not only for the reliet of rheumatism. It im proves digestion, tones the liver, reg ulates kidney and bowel action, Im proves the blood and cleanses the whole system. You'll feel like a new person when you've taken NR Tablets a week. You've tried the expensive medicines and doctors, now make the real test. You'll get results this tm.e Nature's Remedy (Nit Tablets) is sold, guarantced and recommended by your' druggist, ow Eat 'rite Food Any Fear Rids Weak Stomachs of -n Food Repeating hi Miseries "EATONIC neutralizes the acids, lhnt fornm the painful gases, "sweet nrs" the stomach, and gives the gastric uice a chance to do its work as it ~hould. "TIo promote appetite and aid dliges ion, take EATONIC tablets-one or wo after each meal. They are per ectly harmless. Eat them just like 'andy. "For distress after ceatinlg; sour, 'gassy," acid stomach, vertigo, nausea mxd helching, and( that wretched, mifed-up, "lumpy" feeling, after over hating; there is nothing to compare vith EATONIC Tablets." All druggists sell EATONIC -- 50c or a large box. WVatch out for imita ions. The genuine hears the name iATONIC on each tablet--guaranteed 0 (10 all that is claimed ;or if your Iruggists don't carry E~ATONIC--send ;o Eatonic Rtemedy Co., Chicago, Ill. e Liver Pills A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living Lt., Genuine betne uignature RTER'S IRON PILLS || greatly help most pale-faced people ALSO A PfiNE GENERAL STRENGTHEN. 11N0 TONIC, .. ad be au n.... r Ve CAN WE+ >f these In sine inensure. Itecently he It(cl C'ross aines in a Kienitiky 11\wn11 heid a (ori-shitekiig hee fr :n ;tain utiner than w\ho forund it <dlllicult t) get ilbrrrs. 'ihey wurktt t( 119 nrry (un o.liit' . whih cash I hey urnel in to th ll i l 1t'ross. t1itethy 1aking th in'1sil'vies justly fitnous a5 Iin (enterp~rising ('hapiter. They neeN uolnl ini we ar'e all proutlt of them., Fashion Points of interct. Theure tire touar things hn falshlon that tr'e often <llseussed i tay - The se-ere in()llare(d nc('k liino, the short sleeve, he cape back andn te lack of chiffon )louses. A lresism:4er trew a pa roin's attention t tthe abseln'e of the atIe' ghri1eit 'i uSe If the preva ('lce of onle-piece flrocks, a1ttl tohl how he shirt waist people wrere d1epeinli ng IjIOi Wash blouses to continue their Iusiness. Sailor collars arIe' nout stinat i Iigh coll ars that roll upward at the inck and1 (lown in the front are not at nched to 'atus. The collars that go nIl htdlices of one-ileec frocks ('nd be. 'ore they reach the collarbone, nnld the 'est of tih' ecolletage is untetlr(' by Ly 1111 of white. New Sleeves. The only sleeve eccentri lties of the )resent tiie lire very rulkt Onies. Eve ing gowns, from having no sleeves at 11, have taken to having long aIngel 'lourls of tulle that float <lown1ward ram the slhou bier 1in1l, it would seem, Ielp to fight the coal shortage by keep rig th'ir wealrerl s wrm ll'i by a1 m1r('e hnadow of fabric. Anywny, it is cini ently beenolilg uintl very nuch of a llef after too nny bare' arils. 'rho Ingle filh of chiffon or tulle conf'ers a aftening eff'ect 0n 11i115 thi are ton 1in as well as those that are to fat 01 i of which have fired but Il luring le reign of the sleev'less evening rock. OR LITTLE MAIDS mbklr sl an q clseso/he T'c hes arle the imi Iof <lse lithate hlite gi rli~ yoe IiRusk w ht umt wtie fogtienot lir e ('iiloerea onIm--ii joys what' wri~jst euront 11( the park te lt te ovek.m verythlinlg. Gingham Waistcoats, ''Ihe gin~gham~ walistr'ohi Ron~tle n 11on1 lrnn~ing <lowni the traci(k at full I ietl. All Ithei yiounlger set are.4 wea'r ig thlesi' wII(ilisot, thei shopsJI shiow II aiIllng grol'(utlg oIf colo~r in the. 'inflotws. Th'iey havi eS statl t' 'IIhe fashi aflstcoaflts thalzit are w r' ~%I'inIlstem1 iof live 1long, slopding, elioubl e-breasteeI ('ve(rs. They lire lessH Itroubl)e I)ti(1l uist in ai blous~e or' 'ii oa thanI i collir, or Itey halve their own'l faist(nling nd ire kep'It <down lit the waist by an elar Ic hbnwl. I 'Ilue' hals comeli back I into fa~shio; 'or these wntlste-nntR 1111 chek. Tempting veal loaf W~ HATis more tempting for a summer luncheon than Libby's savory Veal Loaf! Prettily garnished it makes a dainty yet sub stantial dish - and one all ready to put on the table! Order Libby'sVeal Loaf today. You will want it always on your shelves-for quick lunch eons-for unexpected guests. Libby, M Neill & Libby, Chicago .umuuummmmmmmmummmummmm.mmummmmmman No Virtue in Numbers. At the Opera. lnry hud a little liiinh. "'hat a lowerful voice tlati tenor "Probialdy more faunous thun the has!" "Yes; I can't hear myself talk presIh'nt's sixteen sheep," she cried. when lie's singing." The Farmer's Share Live stock is marketed from farmer to consumer at a lower cost than almost any other farm product. The United States Department of }; agriculture reported in 1916 that the farmer gets for his cattle "approxi mately two-thirds to three-fourths" of the final retail price paid by the con sumer for the resulting beef. Under normal conditions, the farmer's share of retail prices of various farm . ! products is approximately as follows: Butter 71 per cent CATTLE 66% to 75 per cent Eggs 65 per cent Potatoes 55 per cent Poultry 45 per cent Fruits 35 per cent The difference between farmer's price and retail price represents the necessary expenses of packing, freight and whole sale and retail distribution. Swift & Company not only performs the manufacturing operations of pre paring cattle for market in its well equipped packing plants, but it pays the freight on meat to all parts of the United States, operates 500 branch distributing houses, and in most cases even delivers to the retail butcher. All this is done at an expense of less than ?, cents per pound, anti at a profit of only about of a cent per pound of beef. Large volume of business and expert management, make possible this indis ( pensable service to the live-stock raiser and to the consumer, and make possible the larger proportion of retail prices received by farmers. Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois I.Swift & Company, U.S.A. Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for U.S.Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! . APPLY AT ANY ebe ...0... POST OFFICE . forMANE