- PICKENS, . 0, PU B L f1 t j) *W r EiK EK OCTOBER 4, 1917 Sitcret it Pickens l'oStntoit' as Seconl CItu Malt Matret. .50 A YEAR, INVARIAHLY IN ADVANC GARtY HIo'r.1 Manager. Ibititary ntotico t.. . I : ture 'et (9J..% .t not o' rone huttredi wo hs will tie printa.l I ri of charge. All over that number :nunt he pal for at the rate of one cent a worst. Uei'sil accoinparty tunatustcrtlt. Cardti of thaike ut lished for one-half cent a word. "My Country 'Ti. of Thee,'Sweet Lan of Liberty." Let's see, is Turkey still in this wa Evidently Uncle Sam1 has. son Meuths hired. No, Reader, all mnobiliz;ed mien a1 not from Mobile. There is no work in the m:n wt isn't working now. The people are becoming bore w'th so many boards. Ihe less a man.has in his head th rirt'e he puts in his stomach. The Kaiser may be wild and wooly out we know who can curry him. Prices are soaring, and the ulti mate consumer is also up in the air. If the speculators keep on they are going to take the eat out of meat. Pair 'o dice and paradise mean about the samiie thing to a real negro. The "Situations Wanted" columns have about disappeared from the da ily papers. What has become of the old fash :eep them talkinig Some people hate the Kaiser so much they .would like to see him ex iled in Anderson for the balance of his natural 4ays. The government has put down the price of wheat, but the ultimate con sumier is still payig ten and fifteen cents for loaftof bread. WVe see that Clover, S. C., is to have a . newvspaper. Well, wve never * saw a newspaper man in clover, but we are glad to hear of one. Congressman Webb wants the gov erinment to coin one-half cent pieces. * f prices advance much more there will be no use of a coin less than a -quarter. .f the Kaiser wants to talk peace nowv is the time for him to enjoy himself, for when p)eace terms are decided upon he will not be at the meeting. We dlon't mind a fellow borrowing - our tobacco and we don't mind him smelling of it, but doggone if it doesn't make us mad1 when he wipes his nose with it. Those food-saving advisers arae ntow * telling us to have at least one meat less day and one wheatless dlay each week. We wijll soon have hoeg tless days and wve reckon the next thing 'i be entless days. F'amous' Johns -Doe, -Bull, - Barley Corn, L. Sullivan, -Cwaig, Hfopping Demi Ovn W1elsIy RImDLE. -Why Is, treet egr, like the hear t of a coquette deaus'e there Is always room for on more to be taken in. They ought to take Away terbackker From every man Who is a slacker. ."'rm the. dreepyvile eniont "An the man *ho teddens his riose wit ryie Mals fun of the woman who ruddies hOr cheek with rouge." SFUNCTION OF A JOURNAI~S: F T In speaking of Maximilian Harden, o Germany, Editor Koester, of the Green ville Piedmont, says: " He has th proper conception of the function of journfallst, of his duty to say that whic he believes in hi; heart, no matter ho' unpleasant the saying may be to th I powers that be.'" We had always thought that was th< proper function of a journalist and we are glad to have our opinion confirmed by Mr. Koester. A newspaper whieh allows its news columns to be colored and editorial expressions made to cx press other than what is in the editor's heart is little more than a handbill. Still, we do not believe it is correct to criticize and find fault with the powers d that be or anybody else simply to show that you "do your own thinking" anl are indeperi ent. 0 V Onius1 from SWFok ho K 1 For malarial headache, Gra:0 0 Liver Regulator entirely relieved n': trouble.-J. height, Wetumpka, Al) 11n1d heavy hedache. VomitsI X twi:0 o !x time:, a day. Four dosili o r:m:er Liver R:-ulator made n"i wtell.--"Loundas; P. D~rindley, Somet} pille. Ala. Mother.101 had sick Ne!:che. Gr.angc( Liver Regulator c: hwr more goc than all tho medicine ::he had take before.-Pearley Davis, Pacio, Ala. I never expect to bo without it i: my home.-Jenio Usey, Gadsden, Alai It is a great saver of doctors' bills. --Louis N. Rent, Ionoraville, Ala. I There is none better.-Dr. T. E, Cothram, Alexis, Ala. All druggists sell Granger Liver I[egulator-25c, Try it. If you -are in the market for a mowing machine be sure and see the Walter A. Wood ma chine before you buy. We have some of the machines on hand that we can save you money on. Pickens Hardware & Grocery Co.' The Hume In Good There are three I ohone conversation the trained operator, answers. All three s sibility for quick an< service. The calling part: rect number in- a di ing directly into wait at the telephone swers or the operatoi party should answer Patience on the user and the telephol sential to good servi Whben yout T' SOUTHERN BELL T AND TELEGRAPH H Ij~zr "~ and of i cust *stan its port try Tb Luxlanne Guarantee i noti 11', after uaing the contente of acan,you aremaot eadiefedas In every reepect, your gro- like der will refund your money. Ak 'the Reiny'Taylor,, *1 fFOR ,ALE BY - PIoKENG DRUG CO.. PIOKEn, 8. O. AND ALL GOOD DEALERS Save your wife's health by buying a McDIougtl Kitchen Cabinet. J.J.Gantt, S1Liberty. ..1 .ilWAI II.SA M i URAIG rrrn n i' . . C'. 1'ickeum, S. U. McSwain & Craig LAWYE S I Ptractice in State and Federal Courts Greenville Ollice Phone 210 l'ickens Office Phone 39 MA14TIN cs. I1I2ity (;enrat Practice of Law, n.: .r t f n~iI :tttl t an si,". l'hone~l ltal SHESTER SP LLS L:'AMOND 'RAND o0/ LADIrI I Ask y.. )wurglaI for CH!-Cu11$s"'rI R SA J)IAMON[) IIRAND PILLS3 In RED anid A Gor.n uatalic boxes, Scaled with Illue Ruibon. TAcKz: NO 0mmr. fluy oP oar 1)ausr~gtsb and nqk f.",. 0I1.OIIER.-TEII H L)1.1MONI 11 1311A NI'! T.. for twenty-live yeairs reganrded as Besto'afcst, Always Reltiable. 3OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MiLU EVERYWHERE M If .you want to see the best line of F urniture in the county, go to J: J. :antt's, Liberty. '4otice of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice is hereby given that I will nake application to J. B. Newbery, dsg., Judge of Probate for Pickens ounty, in the state of South Carolina, m the 15th day of October, 1917, at 10 >clock in the forenoon, or as soon ,hereafter as said application can be teard, for leave to make final settle nent with my ward, Pearl Craig, and )btain discharge as guardian of said ninor. JOHN B. CRAIG, 23 Guardian. Lnf Factors Service )arties to every tele -the party calling, and the party who pare alike the respon I accurate telephone ~r should give the cor istinct voice, speak he transmitter, and until the party an reports. Thle called promptly, part of the telephone ie operator is also es 20. E~LEPHONEf COMPANY Get Your Grocer's Spinion s knows coffees-has suixed them sold them for years. H~e knows anne. Ask him what he thinks :. Ask him what most of his omners think of it. Luzianne Will d or fall by this test. If the re Is favorable; take home a can and it yourself. ' Make ugD a pot, ad.. ling to directions. Yon have ing to lose, for the guarantee res your money back If you don't Luzianne. Buy a can today. for ptofit-sharing catalog. COffee in NwOen. NEW FALL (lS T With Prices Right! On account of the congestion in freight, our Fall Goods have been rather slow con i: in, but they are boginning to arrive now, and we are receiving shipments of. new O~ goods by freight and express nearly every day. O We are glad to say that prices are not as high as we expected them to be, and taking ? into consideration the price of cotton they are not as high as they will doubtless. be A big majority of our Staple Dry Goods were bought last spring-all of it brand n W. pretty stuff that we can sell you at old prices. The Ra1 i. ft0 P I lines cire as ihat,, 01' cheaper, than last season, andi we have 4bought, it beautiful linie of Shirtwaists to seil from Soc to $3.50. 4 4 Skirts, in all colors and styles, from $2.00 to $8.50. p Coat. Suits from $10.00 to $32.50. Cloaks for children, misses and ladies from $2.00 to $16.50. Watch for our fall announcement that will appear later, and remember we have bought the best mer chandise that money can buy. Cheap goods in price means cheap in quality. It pays to buy the best. Pay more attention to quality in merchandise, for it means dollars in your pocket. - Yours truly, +, FOLGER, THORNLEY & 0O. Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gent's Furnishing Goods a Specialty Sole Agents for Walk Overand Queen Quality Shoes, Now Home SowingMachines, Iron King Stoves, Chase City Buggies, Mitchell Wagons, Ca rhart Overalls. Call for Butter- q * ick Patterns. TO- YO U Who have been borrowing your neigh TO bor's copy of The Sentinel every week, don't you think it would be better for you to subscribe for the paper, so it would reach you every week? Your neighbor doesn't V v like it-we know because some of them told us so. Conte on an, subscribe this week. Wte'll bp sri:l to have you. Dress Goods Special Ginghams Special Amoskeag Ginghams 10-in. white \oile. 'AG bseautiful quality - just )lelar Apron G inghack 3l ,Toay's rice about 18 the thing to make a ret- aron style checks in black anddays ri ty mid-sumn1r dress. "u. value on today's market, cents a yard. Only 25c yard. Our special pi ice, 8 1- Ot r price l c . ..--....--.... ..........s enui ne10 a. Soap Special BechSut Six big cakes of ii r a n ~ ~ o LanrSoap. Vaul- P iPl ec oo uie on today's mar. ~ ny ~plrpie[ ket 4c0 At BOLT'S~1 For 7,0 Our ii~eit D~ LI~ roeOurspGeninPalm ric * Match pecialreSil Sits Safty atcesfot Durngthi moth e re ffeit g omefiul Tanfea $6sie.0 ver Secil argin frm he ifer n val e c oo 1 Ocdeprtmnts f ot' tore ths ~Our special price ___________ Te oosyo lsedih~$3.98 Soa Special S h aegoshkfo h au aies' Hourse The boxesil on. gooddbeoretheidvaceanddw arfof boxesn bes200 god a eig oohoavnaedforoeih uade t of Cho qaif. madeyMae for Dn uying. thsmnhteaeofeiysm fo nata Or-00 10 erySpcia Bagans romth dier nvalu. Te r meatent our purssf At o e aftr Our special price) us. You goods crtinly lsae oneyi asr 39 pismn are picoer atnes they wil e uld Powderurers. n owesver woey bogttee Ladies OHose 2 bg fl oun gods efoe te avane ad w ar0of parssLes' Si llgbo m ofmg iy as and Or radmasakeh our urcaseAfo Atonc Rand future Our:ns sPet andc igWder.n ari'sae muchV ilowe thanthe will be 98c o wdr yowaday've morke- Lies' oxford00 4c*Ot'Spciat helyral spe e "" """'"'TheStore That's Always Busy Yo'ur choic whil 25c Easley, S. C, th''''l98c Ov'steraniglue Matting AtSquare Ladies' SItirt Waist Cut good and full. Sizes Large size, 9x12. ValeIo Made of good qualityrt 32 to 44. Value on to- da bu . aet- voilo in plain white and1~ day's matket about $1.50 dyobu $4.50 to $5.00. sport stripes. A regular Our special price SL.15. Our special price $3.48..dla value.