The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, March 22, 1917, Image 5

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Dr. A. A. ODOM, the WellKnown Greenville Otometist, BY SPECIAL REQUEST, WILL BE IN Walhalla, S. C., Westminster, S. C., Central, S. C., Liberty, S. C., Pickens, S. C. At Barton's Drug Store, Gilreath Hotel, Rike's Hotel, Hunter's Pharmacy, Keowee Pharmacy, Monday, April 9, 1917 Tuesday, April 10 Wednesday, April 11 Thursday, April 12 Friday April 13 For the purpose of Examining Eyes and Fitting Eyeglasses, Spectacles and Artificial Eyes-FOR ONE DAY ONLY. Another Pickens Boy Wins Many Honors The Pickens Sentinel: By winning the inter-society contest which was held last Monday evening to select a repre *entative for Furman'university at the -state inter-collegiate oratorical contest, Mr. W. E. Bowen of Pickens has been awarded the highest honor that a stu dent can attain in the literary world at Furman. This gives Mr. Bowen his sixth oratorical medal, and four of these have been won since he came to Furman. In 1914 he won the Rh6des medal, given by the Philosophian society, for which competition was open only between the sophomore and the junior vlasses. This same year, in a contest open to the entire university, Mr. Bowen, as a sophomore, won the McMillan medal for declamation, his principal opponents being seniors. This year, as member of the senior class himself, he has won the orator's medal for the Philosophian society and the medal given to the university's representative in the stUte oratorical contest. In short, this "Son of Pickens" has the unique and enviable record of never having been defeated in a literary contest up to the present. Furman is expecting a great victory at Rock Hill this year with such a representative as Mr. Bowen to com pete in her behalf. Besides his oratorical achievements Mr. Bowen has made a most enviable record in the classroom. His unusually high grades give him unquestioned rec ognition as a leader of his class, and he is held in the highest esteem by both the faculty and his fellow-students. Last -8pring his society recognized his ability and popularity by selectink himi as presi dent of the Philosophian society; and his address as president of the society in delivering the society diplomas to the members of the senior class was a con -spicuous and masterly feature of last commencement. He has been the re cipient of many other honors conferred by the student body. In fact, his ca reer at college has been one uninter rupted succession of literary, political and oratorical victories and honors, and he is sure to score just as noted and decided a success of his life-work; for it may truly lie said that he combines a magnetic personality with an unusually biilliant intellect. C. W. CAMPBELL. Greenville, March 5, 1917. PICKENS SCHOOL NEWS The school is now reviewing :for the examinations which are to be held this week. Mr. Campbell, Miss Grandy and Miss Yongue attended the state teachers meeting in Columbia the latter part of last week. It is reported that there were only a few teachers present from this county. Miss Willie Gillespie of Greenville, a former pupil of this school, was a visitor here Friday. The Liberty basket ball team will. meet our team here Friday afternoon. Probably the traci teams will also meet. Harry Robinson of Piedmont College, Demorest, Ga., and Miss Rosamond Lynn of Washington, D. C., both form er pupils here, were visitors at school. Monday. Miss Florence Stewart of the tenth grade was absent Friday. The new officers of the literary society were installed Friday afternoon. TENTH GRADE. The Pickens Railroad Co. has had ngine No. 1131 overhauled and put in good condition and put it back in use last Saturday. This is the first engine the railroad bought. Freight business is so heavy on this road now that an extra trip had to be made Saturday. Major William E. Breese, aged 69 years, widely known in both North and South Carolia died at his home in Brevard, N. C., Wednesday afternoon, March 14. Major Breese was born in Charleston and was engaged in the banking business there until he moved to Asheville andeorganized a bank with which he was connected a long time. He was twice married and leaves six children, one of the children by his first wife being Mrs. Robert Kirksey of Crow, Creek, Pickens county. TAKE ~NO ALCOHOL PREVENTS Colds, LaGrippe, Rheumatism A pleasant but effective emulsion, which rebuilds the tissues, revives the system, adds strength and stimulates the nervous system. It has absolutely no alcohol, and is in every sense a $1.00 PER BOTTLE~ Ask Your Druggisft Manufacturedl Solely By FERROL COMPANY Columbia, . C. 2 The Parent-Teachers meeting which was held last Wednesday afternoon was well attended. A prize was offered the room which had the greatest number of parnts at this meeting, and it was found, that Miss Yongue's room was the winner. Another prize will be given under similar conditions at next month's meeting. The many friends of W. P. Stewart, of Calhoun. Ga., are glad to see himi back in Pickens county this week andl looking well. He came over with two friends, Messrs. W. "-. Fowler and C. E. Millican, who are exhibiting their recently patented "fresh water sys tem, " which looks to be an ideal system ror country homes. it is simply con itructed and moderate in price. It will. :Ai , ItK 0 .,' 1 - i '1111 be on exhibition in this county for some time. Covingtoii Hill Cotton and Corn Planter is the best planter on the market. We have a sample planter at our store and all who expect to buy this spring should not fail to see it. Place your order early so we may have it filled in time. We do not keep them in stock, but order them out as bought. Pickens Hardware & Grocery Co. e e e s Porter's Pressing Club Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Al tering, Etc. Suits are sent for and delivered when promised and the work is done by an expert. Work guaranteed. Suits pressed at 25c per suit; cleaning and pressing, 50c suit; dry cleaning, $1 suit. Special attention given to adies' suits. We appreciate your patronage. B. B. PORTER, Proprietor, At Porter's Barber Shop. Telephone No.38 Aut IT 'Ie days of Spri every < It is GreeMnvilleI's Unit F.avoredl Fashions for w... ..\ill fin ji le" \\' >a \vh: line dayf o Sipch rtia treine fashilln Uhnit -inshions ashare1 wearl -~ l'lease acclet this pi ICnowIing.. ti hat n i anI \o the ailit oftes Many interes daily during t First Regiment I Parade Chick Youngest Drum ( ment Suffrage Pa BEGINS WEDI Continues Throu YOU are THE KEOWE PICKENS sates Sound and We solicit your banking -business i -,at rt-sy and con ven ience consistent witl Five per cent. interest paid on Savings J. P. CAREY, President. JNO. St, ; - Railroad fare Re ( )ut-of-tuwn cu are not aililil talils shouild asi nlilt when llakil L purch lase in (;< EENVILLE, S. C. mobile Sh( ngs true awakening--Ne lescription, the topic of th Gala Event ed .\erchants' first formal display c Spring, displayed inl artistic and at i every store, of every line of merch; uchl styles as have beenl sanictioned('( benit ically corect fr sprin111g wearni extre.I ie cave all ineire 1 [lit iave ecx eagerV and1 antio o l(e!:i;, wvhat i beinlg able to viewV the n/w i-:slhior its have enid-ave rc'! to) maike ti~ms: e wVindowI\s anl(jinie(rior displav: , a broadl shoinig thatL ii1tV lye a ver Lisu1Ie-A~\s miay have beeni espect ed S are onl displays, 1 here's a preponm >le anel in keepingi with 11 he ishlion 1ted announ 11lie e li t as.. ver V C arnes1 .1 of G reenville, to aten their ~lC first heC amiply repaid inl the fashi on i 'I ores to car for y E otFCur 1 eer mer ting 'attractions wvill 15 great dlisplay o/ land Parade &9 Concert Springs Cadets Parade ~orps Parade Run of rade Aaractive WVinc IESOAY NIGHT, MAF ghout Thursday, Friday< urgently requeste1 i E BANK ,S. C. Progressive Lmd will show you eyery i sound banking principles. Deposits. C. CAREY, Cashier. 04 sum;-mmW -e " X * Md. s 1 ,.*. -A -V with thle <Ie .a1Ny Imerch ig their next ~enville. ~eningI WI W things Of 1s f Authentic and tractive manners mise a Cotml)re hvr fashion au ig-A visit willI 'reised in miaking I ieC nwsea1son is e:Ji'se the aldan s <IluringL this ex 1:ally inte restig e v S!impjle miatter ,a umbeI~r of ex-- I leran' oft suichl inshuioni opening , 5I' (4wledlge gained( -hand(ise needI. take pla2e y Fashion. Automobilee Greenville Fire Depart-. Low Displays. ' ICH 21ST, znd Saturday. '3 O COmne.