The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, November 23, 1916, Image 1

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Cotton Seed, $62.00 EOFFICIAL PAPERt op PIKENS COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Established 1871..-Volume _ 46 !.1- I - PICKENS. S. C., NOVEMIRRR n 9 1 m,-o. Pickens School News Monday worning Mr. Raymond Hol. royd of Rock Hill, and Misses Mary Burns, Theo Tyler and Marie Freeman, of Greenvillei Woman's College- visited our school. Mr. Holroyd conducted chapel exercises and gave an interest ing talk to those interested in athletics. Rev.'J. C. Bailey of Liberty was at school Wednesday morning and after holding chapel exercises gave an in structive talk to the school. Miss Ella Lewis was absent from school a few days last week on account of illness. The Girls' Basket Ball team is takin advantage of the beautiful weather and are making progress under the super vision of Miss Ruby Baker. Misses Viola Hendrix and Addie Fin ley of the 9th grade are detained from school on account of sickness. The Parent - Teacher's. Association which has been organized here, is al ready showing its beneficial results. Prof. Hand the state High School inspector, will speak in the scholl audi torium Thursday evening. It is hoped that all who can will be present. SCHOOL CORRESPONDENT. Norris School Honor Roll Following is the honor roll of Norris Graded school for October: First Grade-Ruby McQueen, George Clardy, Tate Maddox. Genie Lucia Mul linax, Helen McWhorter, Leola Bolding. Advanced First Grade--Lanse Mc Whorter, Sabina Baker, Grdce Kirby, Lila Clarke, Earle Chambers, Robert Smith. Second Grade-Ina Newton, Lydie Clardy, Hughes Clayton, Edward Bowen. Third Grade-Wayman McWhorter, Minnie McQueen, Pauline Gaines. Fourth Grade-Catherine Bowen. Sixth Grade-I. P. Garvin, Lillian Johnson, Olive Alexander, Houston Al exander. Seventh Grade-Eunice Baker, Ellen Tate. Eighth Grade-Lola Baker. Ninth Grade-Willie Kelley. Tenth Grade-Josie Garrett. L. E. KIRBY, Principal. News From Norris R. M. Baker and R. W. Kelley, prom inent merchants, were in Greenville last Tuesday on business. Ralph W. Boroughs and Tom W. Gar rett returned last week from a com bined business and pleasure trip to At lanta, Ga. The Nichols Construction company of Atlanta, Ga., which has been doing double-tracking work for a year at this place, left last week for Madison, S. C. Norris eople and friends regretted ex ceedingly the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Owens and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Chambers, Lucille and Earle Cham bers, and Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, who were connected with this force. Tom. T. Whitten, operator at Easley, spent a short while Tuesday with his mother between trains. Ray Boggs and Mr. Parks are the new operators at the Southern depot. Melvin Rice is back at home after an extended sta.v of two months in luka, Miss., with his aur:t, Mrs. Essie Garrett. Ed Howell's mother of Toccoa, Ga., is on a brief visit in Pickens county. Edgar Gilstrap and Elgie Billingsly spent Monday in Easley having dental work done. Lem Carnes of Central route 2 visited his aunt last week. Miss Cecil Thomas of Anderson sp>ent a portion of last week with her coh~sin, Miss Magnolia Young. On November 10 Miss Young enter tained at an informal party complimen * tary to Miss Thomas of Anderson. De lightful music with various kinds of amusement was enjoyed immensely by the younger social set. Lewis Mauldin spent a portion of last * week on his farm northwest of Pickens. D. W. (Delaware Sale) Woodson of Six Mile went to Easley last Thursday. Prospects are bright for an old widower up there. NiEWSY. Six Mile Growing Rev. J. H. D~avis, who has been a boarding student at the Six Mile Bap tist academy, will move this week from his home near Westminster to Six Mile, where he will be close to school and his family. Trhe citizens of Six Mile are gladl see their town growing so rapidly. Mr. Wesley Curtis is now completing a nice glwelling house which he will oc cupy at an early date. Mr. John Dillard is erecting a store hors ich willcad ymuch to th town Rev. E. M. -Bolding is planning the building of a nice dwelling house which he will move into as soon as complete. Six Mile is planning for a giod day Thanksgiving. There will be religious services during the day. and the evening program will begin at early candle light and consist of music, ocations, declam ations and dlebates. Rev. R. F. Jones has recently moved ** from near Easley to this place so that' he and his children could attend Six Mile high school. Miss Mattle Dillard, a graduate of S. M. B. A., Is teaching at Little Six Mile ichool, two miles north of this -place. Newsy Letter From Mt. Carmel Everything on this side of the county has been so very quiet these days that e haven't anything of interest to write you. Our crops will all soon be gather ed and the grain all sowed and then we will be ready to go rabbit hunting. But then we have heard something about licenses, permits, etc., so I guess we will not hunt much as we haven't got either. Ed Bowen, a law student at Furman Uuiversity, preached a very forcible sermon at Mt. Carmel the first Sunday morning. He only decided to enter the ministry the Sunday before. We pre diet a useful career for him He is a son of Mr. Reese Bowen of near Pick ens. Ola V. Latham and children have re turned to their home in Arizona after spending the summer with his father, Capt. J. R. Lathem. Uncle Joe Looper had an old time corn shucking last Wednesday evenipg and had the finest pile of corn we have seen in several years. The corn crop is better than it was once thought to be on this side. Ever since the .show at Greenville there has been almost an epedemie of measles throughout this country. The school at 'Dacusville has had to stop for a few days on account of it. The winter term of school at Mt. Car mel opened again Wednesday morning with Miss Margaret Attaway of Pickens as principal. The W. M. U.*of Mt. Carmel held a very busy meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. L. L. Smith last Satur day afternoon. Win. Hester of the Ebenezer section visited his hrother, M. W. Hestar, Sat urday and Sunday. J. T. Pace, who has been at work in Greenville recently, is at home for a-few days to sow his wheat crop. The largest grain crop has been sow ed this fall ever known. Singing at Pleasant Hill There will be an old folks' singing at Pleasant Hill church, three miles south of Six Mile, the lourth Sunday in No vember. Everybody is cordially invited to come and bring songbooks and well filled baskets. TN 4 Days Only--Tues( "WHAT IS A ONE-CEP the same kind for ic. As an and by paying 1c more, or 26 just the same as we sell you 4 United Drug Co. as an adver Cherry Bark Cough ER Syrup cMUG IMP Contains no habitf orm-. -. ing or dan gerous in gred ien ts. -= It isl pleas ant, prompt - a nd effect- Eftom ual. -j One bottle L 25, two bot tles 26c. - -' Larger Size ~- - One bottle 50ec, two hot. tles 61c. Maximum Hot-Water Bottle The largest selling bottle in the world. The price everywhere is $2 00each. Full two-quart capacity. Guaran teed for two years. 1 Bottle $2. 2 Bottles $2.01 Rexall Toilet Soap, Unexcelled in quality for 10c. Lathers freely in any water. One trial will convince you there is noth ing better for the price. One Cake 10c. 2 Cakes 11Jc Harmony Shampoo~ A highly concentrated, cleansing sham poo. A few drops makes a de li ghtfulIly thick foam which cleans the hair and scalp thoroughly. Leaves the hair soft and glossy and free from stickiness. Damntily per' 1 Bottle 50c. 2 Bottles 51c 5c P'enholders, cork grip. .-2 for 6c 5e lIigh-grade Lead Pencils..2 for 6c 10c D~oz. Steel Pens-..-...2 for 11c Il by mail add 10 per cent for po PICKEI Our Christmas G< Newsy Letter From Oolenoy The Oolenoy Home Demonstration and Bread clubs will hold their riext regu lar meeting Friday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. S. B. Edens. A message received yesterda from Atlanta stated that Hon. M. Iendrix had undergone quite a successful oper ation at a hospital there. Many friends here and thruout the county are rejoic- I ing'with him. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Edens and two ,sons, S. B. and A. L., attended the funbral of the late J. E. Hagood at Easley Sunday afternoon. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mts. J. D. M. Keith regret that they are both very much indisposed. The formef' is suffering from rheumatism and the latter has not recovered from an oper ation recently performed at the Green ville city hospital. Miss Pearl Sutherland of the G. W.C. of Greenville spent the week-end with her parents. Other guests at the Suth erland home Sunday were: Misses Carey Calhoup and lone Hendrix, Mes dames M. and James A. Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. H-. Z. Jones and little son, H..Z., Jr., spent the week-end at Dacusville with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keith of Pickens spent Sunday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Jones spent Sun day with homefolks. Misses Hallie and Pearl Jones and brothers were visitors at Holly Springs last Sunday. Notice to Teachers All teachers of the county are re quested to meet at Pickens on Decem ber 2 at 10.30 a. m,, for the purpose of. reorganizing the County Teachers' As sociation. The meeting will be held in the Pickens Graded School building. 30 R. T. 'HALLUM, Supt. Mr. and Mrs Clifford Lewis of Lock hart are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boggs at Pickens Columbus Wagons are the best wagons by test. When in town call and let us show them to you. Pickens Hardware & Grocery Company. IE REXA ECE lay, Wednesday, Frida3 .T SALE?" It is a sale where yo illustration: The standard price < 3, you get two tubes. Every arti wery (lay at regular prices, and h Asing plan. Save this list, check 25c Liggetts Lemon'Extract, very fine -------------..2 for 26c 25c Hallums Liver Cleansers,2 for 26c 5c Liggetts Chewing Gum--..2 for6c 60c Package Idlehour Sweets containing l pounds each-2 for 61c 40c pound Guth de Luxe Car amels ---_---------..--.2 for 41e $1.00 Hollow Ground Razors, each one guaranteed... -2 for $1.01 50c Hallums Backache and l Kidney Pills...----.2. for 51c 25c Tooth Brush, guaran teed---- --- ----------....for 26ec 35c Tooth Brush, guaran teed-------- -------..2 for 36c 2 10c Linen writing tablets, ruled and unruled- .. 2 for 11ec 2 for-5c pencils-- - --- -.. -4 for 6c - 75c Hair Brush...... 2 for 76c ] 25c Arnica Salve -- 2 for 26e 1 25c Bunion Ease . ....--2 for 26e 25c Witch Hazel Ointment...2 for 26c 50c Cod Liver Oil emulsion.2 for 61c $1.00 Cod Liver Oil Emul sion--.---.-------.-....2for $1.01 50c Kidney Remedy-..2 for 51c r $1.00 Kidney Remedy ..-.2 for $1.01t 25c Lace and Silk cleanser ..2 for 26e 25c Rexall Little Liver Pills. 2 for 26c 25c Witch Hazel Shavingt Lotion. - - ...- _--..--2 for 26c - 25c Medicated Skin Soap . 2 for 26c -r 25c Violet Dulce Soap (2 in box)--.------------...--.2 fr 26e 10c Rose Cream Toilet Soap.2 for lie 10c Violet Cream Toilet t Soap - -.... ._-----...2 for11c ~ 10c Lilac Cream toilet soap-2 for lie ~ a Sc Stork Nipple . - - -- ---. .2 for 6Ic ( 25e Ear and Ulcer Syringe. .2 for 26c $1.50 American Beauty Water Bottle - . 2 for $1.51 I 5c Medicine D~roppers.--.. for 6e 25c Eye Wash..- -. - .-2 for 26e 50c Internal Pile itemedy --2 for 51c 25c Ko-Ko-Kas-Kets-2 .... for 26c t1 25c Mentholine Balm.. for 2Cc si $1.00 Tonic Solution of -n Hlypophosphites-...2 for $1.01 o 25c Mother. Kroh's Baby Cough Syrup- ..-- .--- -..--2 for 26c ( stage. TSDRiI pods are Beginning to Arrive o J. E. Hagood Dead James E. Hagood,a prominent citizen of Easley, suffered a third stroke of paralysis while walking in his house about eleven o'clock November 18, and died an hour later without regaining consciousness. He had been in declin ing health about four years and his death was not entirely unexpected. Mr. Hagood was born fifty-eight years ago at Old Pickens and lived in this county practically all of his life. He was married in 1895 to'Miss Dora Fol ger, who survives him. He also leaves one son, Ben Hagood. Funeral services were conducted Sun day afternoon by Rev. J. F. Matheson, a former pastor, and the body was laid to rest in the Easley cemetery. The dea cons of the Easley Presbyterian church were active pallbearers, while the elders of the church were honorary pallbearerp. For a number of years Mr. Hago~d was an active elder of the Presbyterian church and was always interested in ood works. He was one of the best nown citizens of Pickens county and friends in every section are grieved at his death. He was a member of the Besides his wife and son Mr. Hagood is survived by two brother?, W. M. Hagood of Easley, Ben Iagood of Charleston, and three sisters, Mrs. M. E. Alexander, Mrs. T. J. Mauldin and: Mrs. J. Mc). Bruce, all of Pickens. Many people from Pickens attended: the funeral Sunday and numerous are! those who sympathize with the bereaved. W. J. Powell Dead William J. Powell, familiarly known as "Uncle Billy," a well-known and! highly respected citizen of the upper section of the county, died at his homeI near Porters chapel Friday morning, November 17, aged 71 years. For sev eral weeks he had suffered intensely: from a disease of the leg which resulted in blood poison. Mr. Powell and his son Roark had conducted a store on route 2 since he: moved from Rocky Bottom about six. years ago. Funeral. services were held Friday at 3 o'clock at Holly Springs Baptist church, where he had been a deacon for a number of years, servicez, being con ducted by the pastor, Rev. B. C. At kinson. Besides his wife, Mr. Powell is survived by six children: Rev,J.M., G. W. and Roark Powell of Pickens route 3; tirs. J. M. Chappell, route 3;. Mrs. Becky Reese, Plains, Ga., and Mrs. Jake Aiken, Greenville. LL STO] YT S r and Saturday, Nov. 2E u buy an item at the regular pri< )f Rexall Tooth Paste is 25c. Yo ule In this sale is a high class stan ave sold you for years. This sa the items you want and bring it !5c White Pine, Tar and Wild Re Cherry ---------------- 2 for 26c i0c White Pine, Tar and Wilf2 Cherry--------------- 2 for 51c !5c White Liniment------ 2 for 26c A !5c Witch Hazel Ointment 2 for 26c den ~5c Nice (Deodorant)- -- 2 for 26e tise 5c.Bottle Antiseptic Solu- d e, tion-------- --------....2 for 26c Cles 5c Cascara Aromatic.2 for 26e whi 5e Carbolic Salve----- 2 for 26c teei 5e Cleanmng Fluid_. . 2 for 26c out 5c Earache Remedy .- 2 for 26e bru: 00 Eczema Ointment.-.-2-for Sic 0 1.00 .Eczema Ointment. . 2 for $1.01 two 5c Liggett's Pure Extract of Lemon..-.------- .. .2 for 26e ted Rambler T qual ~outain Syringe 9us An all-red rubber ~ , this noulded Fountain ,~ does yringe of full two- ly uart capacity, with Vion hree h a r d rubber -/Oni >ipes with screw con- - lectionis. Guaran eedl one year. A One Syringe $1.75. crA 'wo Syrnges $1.76. chaj . - - -- -- caue Bouquet Jeamice Talcum On It brings you the combined 0(dor of ~ he tuberose, the violet, the helio. i~g| rope, the geranium, the jasmine M; nd other choice flowers, all of which nillai re delightfully blended. spc )ne Can 50c. 2 Cans 5ic c"t 1 B larmony Cocoa Buttter Cold -~ Cream "i A wvonderful building creanm. A50 ~ue skin food. T1he well-known as- 5Ci milating propertiesof Cocoa butter )C ake this a disqtinc't improvement 5c ver any other.. 5 ~ne Jar 50c -- Two Jars Sic 70c JG COM Ve will have a bigger and better I Pickens County Official Vote Following is the Pickens county vote b precincts for governor in the general election, November 7, 1916: Precincts. Manning. Blease. Pickens -------------.221 9 Pickens Mill- ----.....15 1 Easley ---- -151 15 Easley Mill.--.------.30 1 . Alico Mill ------ 13 - . -1 Glenwood Mill-...-----..24 2 Liberty --------------..117 1 Loopers Gin.---------- 21 6 Pumpkintown ---------3 80 Dacuaville-------- 46 Peters Creek....---------- 28 Mile Creek----------- 21 Isaq ueena Mill ------- 39 10 ol0ly Springs -- 24 .. Norris --------------- 23 2 Cross Plains. ---. 36 2 Flat Rock-. 37 2 7 - Julian's Store 7 8 1roswell .-. - 15 Pleasant Grove- 20 alhoun- ------ 48 ,ateechee. 37 3ix Mik 41 Praters 31 kntioch. 14 entral 71 1129 56 . John Canty, Progressive candidate or governor, received one vote at An ioch. For solicitor Martin received .189 votes and Smoak 3 votes (all at ?ickens). All other candidates for tate and county offices received 1192 rotes each. For congress Fred . Iominick re :eived 1068 votes. The Democratic electors received 1139 rotes each, the Progressive Republicans i2 votes and the old line Republicans 's rotes. Automobile Accident W. H1. Cox, who was a candidate for he legislature from this county this rear, wqs hurt when an automobile in vhich he and three other men were iding turned over between Easley and 3reenville Sunday night It is stated .hat it was necessary to take Mr. Cox md a Mr. Clark to the hospital. We are inable to learn more particulars. Since mriting the above we learn that Mr. 'lark died from his injuries Monday af ;ernoon and that, tho seriously injured, t is thought Mr. Cox will recover. The lead man was engaged on railroad con itruction work near Central. RE E ALE 1, 29, Dec. 1 and 2 e-then another item of n buy a tube at this price t dard piece of merchandise f lo was developed by the with you. xall Tooth Paste perfect trifice, an- ,n ptic, a n dI r~ mns and '" tens the* ;h. Comesr flat on the ne tube 25c, tubes 26c. ' ~iotet Duilce Complexion cnmePowderJ e aestands for the highest ity, being one of the most fain Violet Dukce complexion requisL ( One of the best qualities of complexion powdler is that it not "show" when used proper Delightfully scented with the et DulIce odor. Birunette, white flesh tints. 3 Box 5c. 2 Boxes 51c Rexall Cold Cream ' ri antisel.>tic and healing cold m, especially recommended for )pimg and roughness of the skin t ed by exposure to sun and windl. 3 Jar 25ic. Two Jars 26c gett's Pure Extract Vanilla ade from the highest grade Va Bean obtainable. Biended b~ ial process aind tho'1fughly age .. gmng out its full strength, deli aroma andl flavor. ottle 30c. 2 Bottles 31c Violet Duilce I..quId ('omp( wd- 2 for 51e Alma Zada comp. lowd. 2 for 51e Violet D~ulce Vanis1hing cam --.-2 for 51ec Violet Dleel cold( cream 2 for 5lc Violet D~uce Tfalcum ' wder - -2 for 26e [Bouquet .Jeanice TJake 2 for 5ic texall Violet Talcum 2 for 26c PANY ine than ever. SPECIAL NOTICES in.crted in this column for one cent a wvorst fer first insertion and ene-half cent a wordl for each subsequent insertion. Nalemossaun Wanted-To sell lu bricating oil, grease, specialties and paint. Part or whole time. Commis sion basis until ability is established. Permanent position and wide field when qualified it desired. Man with rig pre ferred. Riverside Refining Company, Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale or Bent-A farm of about 60 acres, on main road from Pickens to Aiken's store, about 20-acres cultivated; some branch bottom, four room house and outbuildings; wire pasture, wire garden, good spring; dail mail, church and schools. , half cash; balance 12 months. Will rent this place. Also other lands for sale. M. J. Welborn, Pickens, S. C. Fjont-Between Holder's seed office and the Pickens Bank, Saturday, a twenty dollar bill. Finder please re turn to The Sentinel office and get $5.00 reward. 111Iy Ateon it books are at the Pick ns Drug Co. store and those who owe ne anythig may settle with Dr. Hal un there. Dr. L. F. Robinson. A few thousand dollars to loan on ,eal estate. McSwain & Craig, Pick mis, S. C. 28tf I 1lare a car of block coal which I in selling, at $6.50 per ton, delivered. urmdn Holder, Pickens. 29 For %ale - Good lot of fodder, >its and hay at the George A. Ellis old ioine place. See B. M. Smith. 29 For Sale-Good, gentle horse, will work anywhere. A bargain, Call at Phe Sentinel office for more informa .ion. ,29 FIorty Ibollar Edison Phon raph mnd five dollars' woith of records for ale cheap. Address "Bargain," care of The Sentinel. 38 iLO1t--Between the residence of A. . Boggs and L. C. Thornley a pin con aining five turquoise sets. Reward of ered Ior return to The Sentinel office. 29 F0oe 01- le-One McCormick reaper md binder, good as new, only used 18 iays' also pair of good mules, pair veigLming 1700 pounds. Apply to J. S. ailstrap, Pickens It 2. 29 Wasa1ted--To buy all grades of peas and cane seed. We pay highest market prices. We carry complete stock of staple groceries, fruits and produce. Wholesale only. WarehousesatP. & N. depot, Greenville. Dixie Flour and Grain Company. 34 Auctioa mle-1 will sell at my -esidence in Pickens, November 28, at en o'clock in the morning, the follow. ng articles: Plows, plow stocks, hoes, hovels, rakes, carpenter tools, cotton >lanters, distributors, scythe, cradle, ross-cut saw, plow gears, oil stove, vash-pot, bellows, bookcases, lamps, xes, one-horse wagon, saddle-blanket, ables, washstand, icebox, ice cream reezer, and a lot of other odds and ends. Vill be sold at auction to the highest 'idders. W. H. Ashmore, Pickens. 29 4EW RESTAURANT AND MEAT MARKET Telephone No. 2 1 have just opened in Pickena a new - estaurant and meat market. Every-. hing is new, clean, fresh and uip-to-date ad I invite you to call on me when in eed of anything in either line. I will reat you right, bo0th as to quality and ,; ra~ce. I want your trade. '.D.Bates, Nex to Pickens Bank REPAREDNESS! . K o 1.5 rLOUR -- ----..$12.50 Not Now, But Soon If you would be prepared you , iad b.tter' sow biheraly of wheat nd oats. We have a small mount of seed yet. I wo cars of Flour andI( Feed his week. See us for what ou need. Morris & Company, Old Postoffice Building. Phone No. 36; sOrter's Pressing Club ~leaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Al -tering, Etc. Sut rc sent or and delieredbwhen xA ert. Work guaranteedonj ya uits pressed at 25c per suit; cleaning ad pressing, 50c suit; dry cleaning $1 st. Spec i attention given to ladies' We appreciate your patronage. B. B. PORTER, Proprietor, At Porter's Barber Shop. / Telephone No.38 Get the White House Flour at ickens lidw. & Grocery Clo. .