A 13FSUFERING Wanul Made Wonb :kcham's Vegetab Compound. Co h Oho.--!I hadalmostgiven ha been sick for six years with female troubles and nervOusness. I had a pain in my right -side and could not eat anything with. out hurting my stomach. I ,could not drink cold water at all nor eat any kind -of rw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds I went to 8 -) Au4 get so weak at times that I f vr. I egan to take Lydia E. Ps.l 'in' Vegetable Compound, and n sU ter I conld eat and it did not hi' l: Itomas . I have taken the . and I feel like a r,.- weigh 127 pounds C .C : N wi t t has'd4ne for me rn iu. hhjband. says he knows oul' mti h saved my life." r mw 24 'South 4th St., LYd E. nkm'sVegetable Com. Ound] -ltjrl nst thte virtues of roots 6nd h wo 11e(d to restore healh and -:trengthUOIL to te v. ned.organs of the bOdy. That h4 why Mrs. Barlow a bA, rone_ invald. rewred so completely. -l wonn ;uffring from any S " uisist upon havlog 'a Vegetable .Com. TLEE T poisonedblood, I lousness, Indi no or even more j v~hich if not re :e you a miser A Ls Liver d~ dSyrup :-esback of the -Toms,. and RE T ID CAUSE. It is r ' getable, a gentle laxa t onic combined. It can n by all, young and old, al e . 6el 10c and#1 bot stc- alM yonir ddlerai. TUM:ER MEDWNECO. OiAITANOOA, TENR. T HIBA l.SAM F' ' orwRestoring Color and IBeatyto ja orF de aru KO~~'DAKS & SUPPLIES Iso do highest class of finishing, a and Catalogue upon request ' a.~ dski Optical Co., Richmond, Va. Men to learn barber trade. ED Few weeks re u ired. - ~ 8 teady position or com-* - es. Wonderful demand for bar t -hilo learning; free catalog; write f'iiAh~ ARBER C01.LEGE, Richmond, Va. GREu.LSTONES ruhndae. FR-~y EE hlt. -y Mo,Dept.C-60.219S.Dearborn~t..Chicago w CH A RLOT TE, NO. 19--1916. - ~et Contents 15 Fluid Drachms [ ALCOHOl1-3~ P5R CENT iAe tablePemiontbrAs ~ 0 ~"Promnoles Digeastionceerful Snea#1Rest.Containanither n phi iorMineraL, ' A., , lc/wrGalPnNIL M107M ' S A perfect R~emedy forConstrpa. ~ ~tion, Sour Stomachi.Dlarrhioctn S orms. Eeverishness 'und LOSS OF SLEPse, 00)Q hc-Sim e Signasture of '~ ~u Tn CBNTAUJR CoMPANY~ .' At cop a.Movlhg Along. There p4Ver was a time in the his tory of th0 world in which there. was so 'iolent a passion of movement as to4ay. We are none of us content to live olr lives in one -place. We must: all. e going soPewhere in seprch of new sights, The railroad no longer )ceeps pace with our desires. The neatly laid rails which traverse our continent seem too forngal in the rap. idity.of our thought.. It irks us to pre sent ourselves at a railway station in time .for the express.. We must settle our own hour and take our journey as wre list. So motor cars .come to the aid of railway trains, and for those who cannot bear the sloth and solidity of the earth on which they were born there is the flying ma chine. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's -Thd Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver. Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Buildo up the Whole System. .50 cents. Wrong Diagnosis. "Your condition is very serious," said the doctor-"very serious indeed. What you need is an entire change of scene." The patient seemed puzzled. "But, doctor-" he began. "There's no but about' it," insisted the physician. "A complete change of scene is the only thing that will cure you. By the * ay, what is your occu pation?" "I'm a scene shifter." BAD COMPLEXION MADE GOOD When All Else Falls, by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. If you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness, itching and, burning, which disfigure your com plexion and skin, Cuticura Soap and Ointment will do much to help you. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywh're.-Adv.' Improved. - "We're getting better service on this line than we used to," remarked the commuter. "This train has been on time every day for nearly a month. Before that she was always from twen .ty to thirty minutes late," "Yes," answered the conductor. "That was when the engineer was courting that pretty girl at the lunch counter up the line. They're married now, and it doesn't take him so long to say good-by as it used to." TRY DARKENING YOUR GRAY HAIR WITHOUT DYES Shampoo your hair and scalp 'each morning for about a week with Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. If your hair is gray, streaked with gray, prematurely gray or faded, brittle, thin or falling, all your hair will then be beautifully darkened and to such a natural, even dark shade no one would suspect that you had applied Q-Blan. Q-Ban is no dye, perfectly harmless, but makes all your hair soft, fluffy, thick, with that lustrous dark shimmer which makes your hair so fascinating. Big bottle sent prepaid dr sold by druggists for 50c. Address Q-Ban Laboratories, Mem phis, Tenn.-Adv. Don't Worry. "Oh, Mr. Robinson, somebody has stolen your car." "That's all u ighit. .The thief will brmng it back when he finds out how much gasoline it takes to runi it." CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. Wflothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the* Signature of ' In - Use For Over Thirty Years DR I 03Y. O. SELLP;RS, Acting Director ol Sunday School Course o9 the Moody .ible Institute, Chicago.) , (Copyright. 1916,'Western 'Newvpaper Union.) LESSON FOR MAY 7 THE MISSIONARIES OF ANTIOCM. LESSON TEXT-Acts 11:19-30; 12:26; 13:: 12. GOLDEN TEXT-Go ye therefore, and malie disciples of all nations.-Matthew 28:19. . An interesting introduction l this lesson would be to review the out standing features of the life of Bar nabas up to this time. His attrac tive character, introduction, and asso ciations with Paul are full of rich and suggestive lessons. Following Peter's deliverance of last Sunday's lesson we read of. the end of the vile Herod (12:20-25.) The origin of this Antioch church was perhaps in A. D. 40, fol lowing the dispersion after the death of Stephen (11:19-26). These converts gave proof of their new love by min istering to the brdthren In Jerusalem (11:27-30.) 1. A Great Church (11:19-30). (I) Their testimony. This new sect, "Christians" (v. 26) made a deep im pression upon this great city though as yet its testimony was to the Jews only (v. 19). The first evangelists to this city from the home of Judeaism at the outset, however, spake to Gentile Greeks. (a) They "spake the word' (v. 19), as travelers and fugitives they carried the message wherever they journeyed. (b) "They preached Jesus,' the only message that will reach and stir an entire city. (c) They did it in a conversational way (v. 20 R. V.). (2) The workers 03:1). It is an amazing array'of names mentioned as one of the results of this Antioch revival. Step by step God has. widened the sphere of activities of those who ac cepted the gospel, and with every step the stamp of divine approval was seen, 111:21). Those who "turned unto the Lord" not only believed but gave evi dence of .repentance and under the leadership of Barnabas, who had brought Saul with him from Tarsus (v 25), large numbers were assembled and taught (v. 26). This ministry ol teaching is a commendable type cl evangelism and while the term "Chris thun" is applied to these fobowers o Jesus (not of Barnabas and Saul), I was doubtless first applied in derision and it has become the accepted ani glorious title (often abused or con fused with Christendom) of those whi follow our Lord. 1i. A Great -Commission (13:1-3) The separation which took place aftal Barnabas and Saul had resided in the city for a year's time (11:26), ant while they were meeting with suci outward success reminds us, of th< way the spirit ,separates Philip fron his work in Sanmaria (8:6, 26, 27). The Holy Spirit knew what wvas best fot these followers of Jesus as the rcsulte demonstrated. Among thle great lead ers the Spirit separated two for this particular taskc, and the quietness with which it was done as suggested by the text, is in marked contrast with most of our modern plans for "advanc steps." No "dollar dinner" or commit tee luncheons and meetings. Trhis duty was presented: (1) While in thi discharge of their regular duties, "at they ministered" (v. 2). Just the orni of this ministry is not accurately stat Ied, but it included fasting and pr'ayer (v. 3): and it "was to the Lord." Thert are .plenty today wvho can do "churcla work," but far too few who can muin. ister to the Lord (not to pecople) and who can by fasting andl prayer know what the mind of the Spirit is relativc to any advance step~s needful in tht church. (2) Under the Spirit's direc. tion. Just how the Spirit spoke tc this people we do not know nor mucl care, but his message wvas unmistak, able, whether audible' or ini the ,dee; recesses of their hearts. (3) It camn while tpey. prayed. An- overly-filled stomachi Is apt to divert a Spirit-filled mind. But, an attitude of prayer ii the only one which can render us sus ceptible to the Spirit's voice. He ii ever ready to speak and if we suppl.5 the open heart and the ready mind there will be no vague, uncertain im pulse such as men often call. "the Spirit's voice"; rather a definite task llt. A Glorious Conquest (v. 4-12) (1).-The journey (v. 4), 1t was but natural for the leader of this expedi tion to direct his stepa 'first .to hit home (4:36). If our testimony wil: not receive a hearing at home it is not of any great value. (2) The work (v 5). They followed the same plan at before, entered the synagogues wher< teaching and discussion was the orde: of service and, to the Jews, gave ih< "word of Goed" (Matt. 5.1'7). Are wi able to thus teach the word. how Jesut "fulfilled" and what the result Is it that ho did fulfill "all righteousness" (3) The resistance (v. 6-8). Bar-Jesus or "Elymas the sorcerer," must not bi confused with our modern' necroman cors or sleight-of-hand artists, Hie wvat a leading scientist of his time and hit position in the Roman deputy's house hold is significant. He readily say that for the deputy to hear the gospel would destroy his power* and infiu once (v. 8). Paul, now first so-called (v. 9), knew the blight of blindness physical and spiritual, and caused thit man, temporarily (V. 11) to be smitter et"en as he hted been (9:8, 17, 18). Tht dbiut had desired to S,~ear", (V. ?1 PoLl PIOKENS, 0*. 0.a TAKES 1 DANGI New Discovery! Dodson Salivate or Make You E Medicine for M Ugh I Calornel makes you sick Take a dose of the dangerous di tomorrow you may lose a day's v Calomel is mercury or quicksily necrosis of the bones. Calomel, w to contact with sour bile crashes i it up. This is when you feel th. and cramping. If you are slu knocked out," if your liver is to constipated, or you have headache, tongue, if breath is bad or stomach spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liv Here's my guarantee-Go to and get a 50 cent bottle of Dods< Take a spoonful and if it doesn'1 ROYAL GIFTS TO HUMANITY Vast Sums Bestowed Yearly by John D. Rockefeller for the Welfare of His Fellow Men. Sometimes we may forget that this is the greatest country that the world has ever known and that each man in it may be bigger than a king. But about that time we are likely to get a statement about the latest plans of the Rockefell& foundation, telling us what is being done with the money which one living American has been able to give away for the good of his fellow men. And that will set us right, the New York correspondent of the Cincinnati Times-Star writes. What a marvelous thing we would consider it to be it we learned that some European sovereign had set aside out of the yearly income alllowed him by the state a few items, for instance, like tlhis. t Six hundred thousand dollars for , some new buildings for a medical as I sociation sa.riving to find new ways of - avoiding suffering from disease. Three hundred and fifty thousand (ollars for the spread of education and righteousness among the benighted of uncivilized lands. Fifty-nine other items of expendi ture-all for one year only-aggregat ing, with the above $1,342,561, running down to a contribution of $50 to an association for the protection of the rights of working women. And all paid out of the permanent income of a man who used to Peddle coal oil by the gallon from a wagon. And all to be repeated next year and the year after and so long as Amer lcan civilization endures. Who would want to be a king if he could be a Rockefeller? I Busy. "Jimson has become very deovoted to his family all of a sudden." "What makes you thik so?" "WeVll, I haven't seen him at his us ual haunt for nearly a month." "That doesn't prove anything. The fact of the matter is, somebody pre sentedl him with a mieershiaumn pipe and he sp~ends his evenings at home coloring it." EXPERIMENTS Teach Things of Value. Whore one has never' made the ex periment of leaving off coffee and drinking Postum, it is still easy to learn something about it by reading the experiences of others. *Drinking Postum is a pleasant way out of coffee troubles. A Penn. man says: "ld4y wife was a victim of nervous ness, weak stomach and loss of ap petite for years; and although we re sorted to numerous methods for re lief,. one of which was a change from coffee to tea, it was all to no purpose. '"We knew coffee was causing the trouble but could not find anything to take its place until we tried Postumn. Within two weeks after she quit coffee and began using Postum almost all of her troubles had disappeared as if by magic. It was truly wonderful. Her nervousness was gone, stomach trou ble relieved, appetite improved and, above all, a night's rest Was complete and refreshing. "This sounds like an exaggeration, as it all happened so quickly. Each day there was improvement, for the Postum was undoubtedly strengthen ing her. Every particle of this good work is due to drinking Postum in place of coffee." Name given by Pus tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal-the original form must be well boiled. 15c and 25c pkcgs. Instant Postum-a soluble powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa ter, and, with creami and sugar, makes a. delicious beverage Instantly. 30c and 50c tins. Both fortns are equally delicious and cost about' the adt.no per cup. "There' na , l fkqn e stu ROUS C s Liver Tone Acts Like C ick-Don't Lose a Day's V en, Women, Children-R, It's horrible I right up and m 'ug tonight and want you to go rork. money. Dodsor er which causes sale of calomel hen it comes in- entirely vegetab nto it, breaking make you sick. it awful nausea I guarantee ti ggish and "all Tone will put : -pid and bowels clean your bowe: dizziness, coated waste which is i sour, just try a you feel miseral er Tone tonight. Dodson's Liver any drug store. feeling fine for : in's Liver Tone. It is harmless; d Sstraighten you ant taste.-Adv. That's Different. "I'm trying to sell that house I bought, last year. I thought it would be an easy matter, but it Isn't." "What made you think it would be easy." "Well, the agent didn't have any trouble selling it to me." Eczema? Use Tetterine. "I have been troubled with Eczema on the face for nearly two years, and a few applications of Tetterine and the use of Tetterine Soap has. entirely cured me. I cannot say too much for its praise." Myricks, Mass. Mrs. S. A. Haskins. Tetterine cures Eczema, Dandruft, Itch Ing Pies, Rini Worm and every formn of Scalp and Skn Disease. Tetterine 60c; Tetterine Soap 25c. At druggists, or by mail direct from The Shuptrine Co.. Sa vannah, Ga. With every mail order for Tetterine we Five a box of Shuptrine's 10c Liver Pills free. Adv. Fluent. "Your employer is quitt a golf en thusiast." "Is he? Well, that explains it. I was wondering where he got all thosm words he handed me when I asked hin for a raise." NEVER HAD A CHILL After Taking ELIXIR BABEK "My little dan hter, 10 years old, suffere nearly a year wit chills and fever, most of th time under the doctor's care. I was discow aed and a friend advised me to try Elix a hli since. It cor plet e cred her. er Cyrus Helma,8302 E 8t., N. E, washin gton, D. C Elixnr Babek 50 cents, all dru gglsts or b, Parcels Post prepaid from Ifloczewski & Co. Willing to Try. Bix-Can I trust you? Dix-Actions speak louder thai words. Try'me with ten dollars." The snhtle of fortune is better than' her laugh. Carefu St. Jo. A Children' They Say Internal Dosing Harm. Delicat, Little Stomachs -" Outside" Application. Better. Careful mothers everywhere realize that internal medicines are injurious to the delicate stomachs of the little folks. Still eroup (tnd cold troublej must have some form of treatment The answer to this problem is thi Southern "external" treatmwent tVap-O Rub. This wvas introduced in St Jo, Mo., for the first tline last. winter and a number of ladies were presentet with complimentary jars by thil druggists on condition that they givl Vap-O-Rub a thorough test. Here ar4 the reports from several of these Is dies Mrs. Sam IHouse, 1200 Prospect Ave. writes-"My little daughter had -Diph theria last fall, and now every littli cold she takes settles in her throat We have thought twice she was going to have Diphtheria again, bilt durinj one of her bad spells my druggist seni me a jar of Vap-O-Rub. I used it foi four nights on her throat with sucl good results that now I don't like t< be without it. I have used it on my self and my husband for bad coldi and have found it just fine." Mrs. John Paynter, 2432 S. 17th St. "HnI uo t uaaed to e i m o n nty o ro m t l runde wirt Iout nsioa i un s o ue fni0 so urn o ahr kid.ater (An w For sale byall dirug stores or by mal from the A. B. Richards Medicine Co,, Shenman, Tel SWTERU'T LANTS 1AimLTONK ALOM . ilomel But Doesn't Gripe, Vork-Harmless Liver ad Guarantee! ake you feel fine and vigorous back to the store and get your i's Liver Tone is destroying the because it is real liver medicine; e. therefore it can not salivate or at one spoonful of Dodson's Liver your sluggish liver to work and Is of that sour bile and constipated :logging your system and making )le. I guarantee that a bottle of: Tone will keep your entire family months. Give it to your dhildren.. oesn't gripe and they like its pleas Heard in the. Hotel Barber Shop. Porter-Boss, you sho' am dusty. Patron of the Hotel-All right, George; you may brush off about ten cents' worth. FITS, IPILPSY FALL1?4C ECKN Ovitylean f ttnntorruptoa WUAR 04) PANY, 1te IanL,3NO J.-Ady. The uses of whale oil are more nu merous at the present time than over before. Mother Knows What To Use To Give ' Quick Relief HAN FORD'S Balsam of rrh A II NI IRN T ForCusBurns, BruiesSprains, StanStiff Neck, Ch nban, Lame Back, IOldSores,Open Wounds, and all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. **AsTybdy I Price 25c, 50e and $1.00 __BY1nAOUE,N.. others Treat ; Colds Externally writes: "My druggist sent me a- trial jar of. Vap-O-Rub, which I soon had. occasion to try on my "croupy" baby.. Before putting her to sleep) for the night, I applied the salvo over her chest and throat with my fingers. The results proved very satisfactory, and now I would not bo without it." Mrs. M. A. Myers, 2943 Sylvanle. Ave., says-" When our three year old boy had a severo cold, about a month. ago, I triedl a jar of Vap-O-Rlub. [ rubbed it on Ils chest and let him, inhale it, and lie was relievord almost . ,imrnediately, and got-betfter in a few I days. I think~ your remedy is the best. *thing for colds we have.'ever used." Vorck'n Vap-O-Rub comes in salve fradwhen atpplied to the heat of the body the ingredients are vaporized by the body warmth. These vapors, inhaled all night long, carry the medi cation with Qach breath, through the air passages, to the lungs. Vick's will he found better' than internal medicine for all formg of cold troubles-from head colds, catarrh and asthmatic troubles-down to deep chest colds, bronchitis, sore throat or incipIent pneumonia, Three sizes-25c, 50ce and. $1.00. ISYFiKILE t heap. L0sta ij metal oan'tsplll or tIp over~ will not soil C - ". ex' prsa paui for .1.00. NAROLD SOMERS, 10 De Kaltb Ave., Br,sekIyn, N. T. Every Woman Wants FOR~? PERSONA. ~YGIENE *pelvic catarrh, ul'erattion and inflamn. mnatlon. Recommended by L~ydi.M. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten yer. Ahea awonder' for nase; s, orthroa said qre ye.. I,. 2