00. The Pickens Sentinel PICKENSo S. C. MARCH 23, 1916. atored at Pickens Potolce u's Second di Mai Mttlet. PER YEAR, INVAlUABLY IN ADYNU# GARY Hiore. Manager.. Obituary notices and trioutes of respect of r it o0mrone hundred words will be printed freo osargo. All over that number must be Iaid r at the rate of one cent a word. Cas to :O1ogpalny manuscript. CardK of thankis pub-, ihed for one-half cent a word. Come, now, Miss Spring; we've been aiting for you long enough. Wonder if Harold Booker rememl*A ow to play "Pickety-pockety?" Blessed is the neighbor who keeps his hickens at home during gardening titne. Germany and Austria have both de lared war on PortUgut. Next? Or is "lere any more left? "Danger in Draft" -advertisement. -specially those drafta that come from -he bank now and then. The papers of our sister county of eonee are carrying the announcements f seven candidates for county offices. Colonel Roosevelt is scheduled to ar ive home March 25. Just in time to ee the championship prizefight set for;. he same date. We planted our irst garden last week, nd while we were very careful we are iightily afraid we got some of them I eeds upside down. If you ever expect to run for office in ickens county now is the time. All *)unty officers wilt hold over for four1 ears after this election. Our army is said to be badly in -neeai f aeroplanes for the Mexican rucus. .ut all of our flying machine makers tee too busy making them for foreign inds. Some enthusiastic newspapers are '.ondering what we will do with Villa 1hen General Funiton catches him. Vhich brings up that old rabbit story gain. The Greenville Piedmont has a new 'eading. This is the greatest improve tient in Greenville journalism since the Nfews used to give away scissors to ubscribers. When an army makes a "successfuf etreat'' it means that about "half of he soldiers get away with their lives nad about ten per cent of terfgtn -quipment. terfgtn * According to one of our Cracker ex changes, Georgia is in a badway. Some of the people want to stop lynchings; while there are some others who would lynch prohibition.. - A Chinese writer in the New Repub heC suggests that the only way to sub due a woman is to bind her feet, as they do in China. How about binding hat unruly member? - "Cheatp money for the South," goes a headline. Well, we know a man who has a bale of Confederate money that has never been spent; and if that isn't cheap money we don't know what is. M' ?iss Juanita Wylie, for several years e~, ditor of the Lancaster News, has roe. Ssigned, She has made a good paper of: '4 the News, but when it comes to choa tig between matrimony and a job, tho iob generally gets the worst of it frot the fair sex. 'New York World egys ''there are too :any Amnericans sin the pay of Ger rainy." Also of Elngland, France an4d ,; barbarie Russje. The Metropolitan pAeds Is -48 one-aided and unrallable in it. statements about the >var in Europe About the tigre of ;the bandit attack oteColumbus a I1 xidan newspaper ~.ptbljshed an article 'whiich said :that ~'Villa had captured Texas ahd New Mex lc d that Presididt Wilson was flee. ~ to Canada.e. WI have heardi that' Hearst owns a- ranch or two lrj gos~, but we didst knpw before that ~Aibowhd a newapagt down there, too. ~. ~ WEEKLY RIDDLE-What is the ., 4prlength for a on'ng lady to wvear ~PvyA.,ttle above two ?Net. aut of w*te doynes the doek ~ ZFor sun-dry'reasons. - iessl ubscribers on the Easley routp i their Sentinel's one day lat dek, and we had many complaint it. In justice to durselves w . to state that the papers wen n' ted at the usual time and put in the lckens postoffice in time for all of ou ubscribers to get their papers as usual, >ut for some reason the Easlo$ pack gjes r* ined in the postofflee here .W t day. It was therefore t ;faOu 4 t that the papers were late n reaching our readers, tho we greatly egret it. We always try to get The leiptfiel put .regularly and often have o gbrk fate'at nights in order to do so, dijfgthe past three and a half ears The Sentinel has not been issued ste a single time, save at election time, Si , ited to get election returns, ndone itol when we had to wait on a egaldy&ttOisement. Benstgr Bankhead of Alabamv, chair. han 6f 'the postoffice committee, has ntroduced and had reported to his com nittee a bill that should become a law. ['he? Itr ig Intended to repeal the law equiriogWe..ditors, publishers and own )rs of newspapers and periodicals te le wi.. the postmaster - general 'very M months sworn statements f the. names of editors, owners, to.'dW6ders, securieties and, in the ,ase 9f daily newspapers, sworn state nent average circulation. Senator Bankhe.ad says he is acting on his own nitiative in behalf of the small country iewspa.pejs . and it is hoped the bill will pass. eireea -a suggestion for the good ladies lof Pickens who want to make this town.."The City Beautiful." A lady in Pasadena, Cal., had a lawn full of weeds; so in order to get rid of them sh.esgave.a"weed-pulling party," with the result that her lawn was freed of :he weeds, after which a nice lunch was !rve.d 'b y the hostess. Weed-pullings ire qow the fad in that California town. heie are plenty of weeds in Pickens wh.'l,start the parties? SyAmerican citizens of foreign >,1tt ife recOrded as going back to thei1 ieveral countries to fight the enemy ex :ept the Russians. These foreigner ere ,drntpo glad to be out of thel lative land, where living in peace ani 4ppine"-*Xvs entirely out of the ques tion. "The bear that walks like a man' does so only in barbaric Russia, yet th Rsi f the Allies! ,;..."AR . 4' gold -tbat glitters." sub'titute fo'r gold has been discovere by combining copper and antimony an adding a little magnesium carbonate i increase the weight.. So when you war td fnes in.'alleged gold ornameni thiey ihould be tested by comipetent at theiftleg'befre~ purchasing. The sul #tIftiG li'roih about twenty-five eeni a pound..-_ __ taliously enough, the heaviest pa: of fa jatch is'-the "light" end. -They Often Do *p rt~purg Journal. Gary Hiott of .The Pickens Sentin aske' if 'isn't about time for a Greenvil poeir&W a'ioot somebody. A.igood~ true .and squar< built.wagon relieves your tear of- a~lhost half the load. Suc is the as&With the Columbt Wagon. We have themi four ~Izes. Prices and terr to s everybody. Sold 1 Picke~i Hardwa re & Grocer A ~ IX 7E flati - cdttee Wel - si.tIsyyoflin 4hive used the - according to< godd ern both th9 cani and a your money. gument. Wa you come aft WANTED! Sheriffs, constables and police tp arrest a so called DR. BERRY, who claims'to be manger of The Globe Optical Com pany of Greenville, S.C. See reward offered. The Globe Optical Company The Ideal Laundry faet Mcgee Avenue, Greenville, S. C. High Class Laundry Work of All Kinds Dyeing and Cleaning a specialty. We make that old suit look like new. We are prepared todothe work and do not tear up gar ments. Patronize our agents and have your laundry delivered at your door. B. B. PORTER, Agent, At Porter's Barber Shop, Pickens HOWARD SWEET, Agent, At Free's Barber Shop, Easley. You Can't Tell By the Color or Size of a Frog The number offeet he can jump. That's a business he knows - Which he doesn't disclose, ...For he isn't that Kind of a chumpr We can't jump so very far,. but by keepiog everlastingly at it we hope to get part of your d business. d Let us figure with you on .your Fertilizrs, Hay, Corn, *Fororaythrsupplies you need. If we can we will save you some~ money. A young cow for sale. SMorris & Co ,Picken,sCe. Porter's Barber Shop Next Door to Keowee Bank Pick~ens, S. C. 1e The place to get your barber work done if you want it right -IShaving. Hair (,utting, Shampoomng. Siass'aging SjSingeing, et.e.. done by barbers who know theii business, anti at reasIonnble price.. Rfaz~'or lionting a ..pecialty (live a a trial S Everyt~blng Extremely Sanitary fl ~Ourdillinery Department is omplete. S The representatives that we have had y gathering this stock will make a repu. tation for this department the first day It is opened, which will be March 2. and 25. Folger, Thornley & Co. COFFEE guarantee that Luzianne wilce as far as a cheaper latly guarantee that it will every way. If, after you entire contents of one can lirections, it has not-made these claims, throw away ~ sk your grocer to refund He will do it without ar Ite for premium catalog. -~~~~e 4 v~* of ie wher~~ ei Your guano. lB; O f hl .1.[ - First Showing of Spring Coat Suits, Read Made Dresses and Shirtwaists and adies' Hats Will Be eld ur Store Friday and Saturday, March .24th V.d I We have never shown a better" assortment :of Spring Goods, Ready-to-wear Suite, Shirtwaists and Dresses than we have for your inspection at our com ing opening. Your wants will be satisfied, not mere ly filled. Our Millinery Department is complete in every detail and you will be more than pleased with the display of hats. Bright and fresh a .summer morn are the new wash ss fabrics h are com ing in daily. They contain all the season s newest tints. It will pay you toseeusand it willpleaseustoseeyou. Remember the Dates-March 24th and 25th, 1916 Yours truly, FOLGER, THORNLEY & 00. Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods a Specialty Sole Agents for Walk-Over and Zeigler Shoes, New Home Sewing Machines, Iron King Stoves, Chase City Buggies, Mitchell Wagons, Carhart Overalls. Call for Butter ick Patterns. 'I Edwin L. Bolt 4Co.5 SOur Great Mill End Sale closed Wednesday n night, March 1, and' wa want to thank the people of Easley and vicinity for their pat n ronage. In many instances we shave en .tirely closed out our fall and winter mer n chandise, and we now have the room to dis * play our beautiful line of spring g-oods. We n are showing one of the most complete and up-to-date ines ever shown here, nCoat Suits . New Corsets for Spring Supring begins for awomwth her frt ew We hav .the well-kn'own ",C. C.," "Warner" ca es, fuller sleeves, short coats, hihcollars, ~4.hiredwaite sandgjackes. and th frat suts $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.51' weaves now on display and reasonably pricad.- -- $ 9.9s, $12.50, und up to $5.00. New Middie Biouse M ......... ........ ............................... Plain, white, fancy, etc., 80e and 98c. S New IButterick Patterns for Spring.* - Lots of Pretty Shairt Waists Some Pretty New Spring Goods Just arrived, 93c, $I.5O, $1,.98 aui.2.48. . Beautiful showing of new Striped Silk, 25c yard. _____________ Flowered Organde, lots of pretty patterns, 25e yd. Printed dot and white Swiss. 36 inches wide, good Some Values at 5c Yard value, 25ejyard. Apron Ginghams-.... - -- .........--5 e Yard White Marqulsette,.all new patterns, worth about Clico ------------------ --- ------6.c5 Yard 7cyr.Our price 59c yard. Dress Ginghams - -------... 5ecYard "Georgianna" Satin Edge Crepe de Chine, in any I.Se mg..----- -- -... .. 5 Yard ) shade you want it, 50c yard. Silk Finish Tissue Ginghams, very special at 15e L des nyard. Jhams 12 1-2c yard. "tit"DresslGinghams 10c yard. China Silk, . black white, pink, navy blue and. Ensad R-nns C gen goo va e fo themoney, 48c yard.-Renat I ace il,s lls -reg"'-r'y at*1.26 ar. Our that w ere L ft f o h Beautiful Wash Silks 25c yard. - ae fo h Edwain L. Bolt &'Cro. Easley,.8. C. " The Store Thes Always Busy"