The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, August 12, 1915, Image 1

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THEPICKENS SENTINEL PUBLISH WEEKLY OFFICIAL PAPER OF IICK4NS COUNTY SIJBSCRIPTION PRICE ONE )OLLAR PER YEAR Established 1871-Volume 45 l]CNS S. C., A (. 1ST , 1915 Number 14 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CHICORA COLLEGE TOR WOMEN A *tawbarb @?llege of Ref~tnte~nt, E11tttutns auab jlnarter q Christian Influences. q Home-like Surroundings. q Select Student-body. q College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. q Conservatory of Music. 4 Schools of Art, Expression and Business. As Ideal College for Women 4 For Catalogue and Information Address REV. S. C. BYRD, D. D., Columbia, S. C. -1915 191 WOFFORD COLLECE SP.4RT.ANURG, S. C. A Christian College with high standards and ideals. Well-equipped Laboratories and Library. Strong Faculty and full courses. Next session begins September 15th. Write for catalogue. HENRY W. SNVOER, President. Wofford College Fitting School - A high grade preparatory school for boys. Indiividual attention Ca rc ful moral training. $185 pays all expenses. Next session September 15. For catague address Of EA MA S TER Spartanibury, - -- South Carolina Medical College of the Stateof South Carolina CHARLESTON, S. C. hboiolk of Medicine & Pharm acy Ownd mnd Controlled by the State Eighty-seventh session begins October 1, 1915--ends June 1, 1916. Uinenew three-story bui ding -opposite Roper Hospital. Laboratories of Chemistry, Bac teriology, Anatomy, Physiology. Pha-rinacology an( Pharmacy provided w i t h new. modern equipment. The Roper Hospi tal., one'of the largest andI Iest .i Sg Cqu1ipp.ed hospitals in the South, 4ontami-s:218 heds,'and with an COLLEGE BUILDING exteniwve out - patient service, offers unsurpassed clinical ad vantages. Practical work in dis-pensiary for pharniaceutical students. T-wo years graduated service4n Roper hospital vith six a ppoLnments each year. De )artmntof Phyvsiology and Em r-yology iin affiliation with the Charlestom M usei m. Ten fubM iume k e .1C h e r s in laboralkirv bianches. For catalog addoi!.: MERasc ,iOt , . se ,im ET Es. Charleston, S. C. Beard3 ma P F 'ean CMaege GreeFrnvuiji e, ()l.., Pc. Affords completeearsvagoagor the broad, liberareceducation..iTrains tar.extendedeaforolivesof the est efficiency andtresponapebility. Equipmentty thoulhy. cotr es o entng was ineharmonynwdtlast.esant.. da rqureedymrnnts.h anhhm ' ~matr idns Coui edoge the.MryI.Cavro h most, inpdernMedisinorLcdnenwhet comforteoplee andetiest worrig oM. Jne ihr Esradnce reuctintpa-ei Trains. Fetaa h orf a Iigh studntsr forse lesdn o fulsB.A..'ON y Re.A '.1lm ei.keL. and A res.s bLityitupatreth Mtods EipnDmetc facuenc. Bouses of hrr..eaTegro, r tuand dcltualnle~ r ihi( reak on eocl in rmony M ith dpartments - al o trig iaiis i Aen Nrma T)tralifInsgrucse.~ dr arlit eea yasaoada Tis ili~stetui aiofr the abyacpe npoueto bestodaionleadane otainblovc&u anfwrngli ata nimu coqst.uFor atges adrsu s ' a otefrmnhpo DAVIDu . RSA, Dcone. D..ten Pres. 01 fth agsshe ace - Gni~ rnvm~~ce, . DuIC. sn nte(Oit.Snebcmn oferty Epruos.u aI ir.l iar g ar . d ossourensuxh cn jol0. . a I ra|| e&10besil.. gtih r atle hi u o w.n Th5. iso institutie. albi to f dte Ms m~e'a ii r~e' stamiimu cst.Fo Caakas ddiss M k Freeman is arriedfMrs DAVD M RASAY D.D..Fre. ick. Johnson, hoel oeft Pick andt., well reetymered. ynh pneplendee alcouof he wish Litti to n ot I ge th petty'~ though qietinwed ding was eodlist cahuh w ii~, xs' ~ I '. ii'tdayil monieng at Iete ranc homeust A. eryj~r'.jt''ii~-te .of. Mr1-2. Mrev Il. Crae od the I.E-Te' ~ upp e Medicine Lodte, colege atoCntr ofl te onethodtise J. fli. RHcDESrch.l.f .r.,TheCgroremchers Coming to Pickens Will D. Upshaw, "The Geor gia Cyclone." hiave you ever heard this famous speaker? Well, be sure to come to Pickens for the prohibition rally September 2 and hear one of the Lyrandest speakers of the nation. Gov. Manning has been invited also and it will be a day long to be remembered. Remem'ber the date-Sept. 2-and that every body is invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. Stephens Family Reunion According to previous an nouncement the children and grandchildren, with s e v e r a l friends, met at the domicile of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Stephens, a few miles west of Six Mile, on the 7th instant, to celebrate the 58th birthday of Mrs. Stephens. A fter singing several soul-stir ring hymns, which was led by Bro. W. J. Rampey, Rev. B. C. Atkinson preached a forcible and instructive sermon from the 2d chapter of Hebrews, which [ouched the hearts of every one in the audience, after which he was followedl with short talkE from Bro. Thomas Pace of th< Nit. Carmel section, Rev.Ch arlie Atkinson, Bro. Stephens and one ther brother whose name we failed to get. Dinner was then spread in the zrove and everyone invited to make themselves at home. Af ter everybody had eaten all they wanted there was enough left tc have fed the crowd again. Bro. Stephens was born an( partly raised where Mr. James Mullinix now lives, which is be tween Oentral and Norris. H< then moved from there to An derson and from Anderson t< Williaiston and from William ston to where he now lives, it 1877, ani has lived there eve since. He has plenty of every thing around him to live believes in adhering to that par of the Scripture which say "First seek yc the kingdom o heaven and it righteousness an< all thitigs shall be added tint< thee." Brotier and Sister Stephem have been marnied 36 years Their union has been blessed with eight children., all of whon: re living., and 26 grandchildren, Their lives have been blessed and they seem to have had good luck in eve.ry respect with one exception. About ten years agt a mule ran away with Brothei Stephens and crippled him,fron: the effects of which he has nevei been able to do any real hard work since. Ml ay these t wo old people liv< to sece miany more birthdays ani maiay their declining days be theil happiest ones is ou-r prayer. B Farmers to Meet at Clemson Th~lere wVill be another meet ing held at Clemson College fol farmers of Pickens (Wounty A n gust 201. Thle meceiung held July 27 w a success and all par-ties thal attended were pleased wvith th< trip. T. A. Bowen, demionstratio: agent. will be- there for the pnr pose of showing the farnmen over the buildings and grounds Ie hopes to have a large cr'ow( fromi this coonnt. Approaching Marriage A mar-riage wifich will be ol much interest will take place al the home of the bride- to-he ir Pickens SeptemI1ber 1. wheni Misf Kiziah Lon1ise? MlcIaniel wviil h given in nmarr-iage to Mrt. Geor-g Edward H-olley, of Atlanta. Ga Miss Mel)aniel is a (daughter of Postmaster J. II. G. McDanie and nas lived most of her- life ii Pickens wvhere she has nn mer ous friends. Several years ag< she toook nyl the profession o trained nnrise and1 developer great skill and success in tha profess ion. Mr-. 1 folley is proumiinenti: croinnecl ed in Atlanta and1 hai mlal friends with those wh met himi durming his visits her-e. \l iss bnhla B. I Iart, a traine nnrse of Spartan bnrig. has local E'( atL Easley. Umbrella Fixer Landed in Jaili C. Allen, who has been visit ing different towns in Pickens county for the past month and who claims to be a preacher, detective, German spy, umbrel la niender, etc., etc., at last wore out his welcome and has landed in the county jail. Sev eral weeks ago Allen was invit ed by the city authorities to leave Pickens. It seems thati he went from Pickens to Easley, where lie was also politely ask ed to leave. He left Easley and visited Liberty and Norris, where the citizens did not seem' to cotton to him and he return ed to Easley. Upon his return to Easley he was given two hours by a policeman to leave town. Allen did not like this even a little bit, an( from all re ports he pulled off a stunt which caused a suspicion that he was Jess Willard travelling in dis guise, but with several healthy punches concealed about his per son. He engaged the policenian in a fistic encounter in which both participants were somie what bruised Witnesses say no ordinary man would stand a show in a fist fight with this fellow Allen and he badly worst ed the representative of the law. Others came to the law's aid and the unwelcome visitor was landed in jail. It is almost cer tain that Allen is an escaped in mate from the North Carolina hospital for the insane and ne gotiations are now under way to take him to the hospital at Morganton, N. C. Mt. Carmel Locals Miss Grace Wyatt, of Easley has been visiting her uncle, B. D. Lenhardt, for several weeks. H. Frank Smith was a visitor to the county seat last Satur (lay. Messrs. Anderson and Nelson Looper. Ben Fields and1 Wi. Ellison went to Anderson in Mr. Loopers car Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Parmer and children spent Sunday at Mr. J. K. Lathem 's. They were on their way to Tavlors from Pickens where they have been visiting Mrs. Farier's grand-parents Mr. iil .lrs. 11. A. Richey. lr%1R. R.Fraik Leniardt left Monday for California to attend the Panama-Pacific eXpos it'on. Clyde Miller has been visi ng Ray Williams. These bovs are class mates at Cedar Springs In stitute. The neeting at Mt, Carmel came to a close Friday morning. Rev. Thomas Pace is assisting Pastor Atkinson in one of his meetings on the Oconee sideO. A number of farmers in this section will lay by their 'rops this week. ers and y'ou will he treatedl fairly Rev. W. M. H-ammlond will preach at Enon Baptist church next third Sunday at 11 o'clock. A singing school will begin next Mondlay at Pickens View~~ churich wvith Prof. D~ufY Bolding~ in charge. In the election hel in the fourit~h congressional dlistrict TIuesday. August 10, to nomi n1ate a congr'essmiani to repr-esent that district Sanm J. Nichols of Spartanburg andI B. A Morgan of Greenville were the leading candidates and will make a sec ond race in two weeks. Nichols led the ticket b~y about 1,200) votes. There were six (candi~i dates in the race. Con tractor Andlerson Blabbl re Ports that he is being kept busy these dlays. lie recently finishi Ied a line two-story, ten-room house for M:'. Wyatt O'dell on the Central road, and has just finished a mighty pretty five. room bungalowv for Mr. and Mrs. Almo Chapman of I iber ty. He is now laying material for a commodious nine-room, I wo-story dwelling for Mir. Wal er .J. Boggs on the Laibery road. A\ctualI construction will begin on this dIwelling niext Mlonday. D on't forget to read I lhe ad - vertisement~s this week. I t m ay Oolenoy News Notes Oolenoy, Auvust 4.-Miss Lois Hester, of Pickens, * who is teaching the summer term of of school at Newtown, was the attractive guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Southerland on last Saturday. W. N. Jones, of Easley, agent for the Ford automobile com pany, is lookii after his busi ness here the latter part of the week. Messrs. Sam and Jerry Robin son spent part of the week as guests of Mr. and Mirs. Geo. E. Keith. Mrs. Dr.. C. W. Smith, of Lib erty, who is convalescing from a recent illness, is spending sonie time with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Crenshaw. Misses Bessie an(d Frances Jones and brother Ellerbe spent part of the past week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. ). Keith. Miss Agies Edens of Pickens is spendingf somev (lays as the guest of M ils Pearl Southerlaid. M\lessrs. Thos. J. Keith, James Anderson, Clyde and Dewey Jones are oin a combined busi ness and] pleasire trip to Bre vard. Miss Bessie J ones was a recent guest of Miss Mary Roper. The revival services which were conducted by Pastor Ham mond at the Baptist church, for the past week, came to a close on last Sunday. Revs. Thomp son of Seneca and Fallaw of Six Mile assisted in the meeting. Much earnestness was shown in the work and as a result, nine members were added to the church. Mr. G. N\. Mitchel., of near Greenville, who is trvelling in the interest of Sunday schools, Ispent several days with us dunir ing the meeting. M\issos Cleo Hendrix and Jessie B. Edenlis were in Easley Saturday afternoon. Miss Agnes Edens, of Pickens, who spent the past week here wi t relatives and frielnds. re tirined to her home Mollnday. M:1arried, Sunday afternoon, Aigust'1st, at the residence of the officiating nin ister, Rev. J. M. Stewart. of Pickens, I r. Er ley Lynch an11d fiss Florenice Freeman. Tlhe groom is the second soil of Mr. and Mr's. H1. 11.. Lynch and is a young man of many admirable trait's of character. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and M's. 'lhos. Freeman, of the Ambler section. 'Phe young couple have the best wishes of numerous friends. Pickens Route 3 ert M., spent the wveek-end in Williamiston. Mrs. Gillespie and dlanghter, Miss Olive of route 5, calledl on Mr's. J ohns~on at the parsonage Friday afternoon. Rev. Joh nsoni *losed( a very successMful Ii m(etinug at Porters Chapel Friday night. Tiriiteen members we're added to the Misses Malti ' Johnuson andl Louise (Gravlcy arec a ttendIing the (Gre'n ville d(istrict Sund iy school con)iivenItioni at Bethesd a church this week. Rev. W . 11. Leis and( f'amily of Laur'ens hav'e ari'ived. Rev. Lewis is assisting Rev. Johnson in a mee(tinug at Bethel. Th'le ic cr'eamI f'estival, con. duclted b~y the Ladies' Aid so ciety of Salemu Methodist church Saturdiay niight, w~as quite a success. A large cr'owd was present a nd au neat sum of mnon ey was re(alized,. which will be used in 'efur n ish ing the parson age. Misses M at tie andl BuenaJohn son spent, several (lays with Misses L~ouise and Annie G*rav Iey last. n ek. J1. Mi. Snmitbh has dliosed1 of his i nter'est in the Palmetto Phiarmnuacy at Easley and form - ('d a par'tnership) with WV. N. 'Jones for the purpose of dlealing in nutonmobiles. Tlhey have thc agency in Pickenis c'ounty foi |Ford(s. Marietta Route 2 Mr. Editor: We are proud to say that everything passed off nicely at the children's day ex ercises at'Mt. Tabor on the 4th, there being no drinking or any thing to disturb or mar the en joyment of the day. There was plenty to eat and some to spare. Able addresses were made by J. J. McSwain of Greenvilleand S. B. Craig and R. T. Hallum of Pickens, besides some of the best speeches by the children we ever heard. A large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral of Miss Jeanotte Singleton at PetersCreek church lastMonday, August 2, the funeral being con ducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Hutnnicutt. Revival services closed at Mt. Tabor church last Saturday eve ning, after having continued for a week, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Joseph E. Foster. During this meeting Brother Foster did some extra fine preaching, es pecially on Friday, when hedis coursed on the terrors of hell, from the text, "Son, remember." to be found in the 16th chapter of Luke. We bid you godspeed, Brother Foster, and may you tIe the means of many souls being brought to Christ during your stay here below. The next thing on the progra m for Tabor is a 10-day singing school, which began Monday, August 9. This school will be taught by Prof. Burns of Cedar Mountain, N. C. Mt. Tabor is very fortunate in procuring the services of Prof. Burns to teach this school,as he has taught here before, and is a good teacher. Crops look somewhat, i mprov ed since the August showers have been visiting us daily, al most, and if the French and Germans will cease their fight ing, or at least the remedy be applied that, will give us a good price for o1r eotton, there may be some few dollars in this coui try this fall. Pno nissivI. Hogwallow, Oconee Co., News Jefferson Potlocks sat on the front seat, at church last second Sunday. It. was at first. believ ed that I was getting interest ed. but, it later turied Out that he was only admiring the preacher's new watch charm. Miss Hostetter Hocks has gone to the Gander Creek gra ve y Ard to get, "atmosphere" for a serious art(icle she is to write conceirning Thomas Jefferson. It. will be read to the Wild On ion School children. She will read fhe Horse Doctor may be seen hurrying (down the 'roadI wvit~h his saddle pockets almost any (lay. HeI does this instead of adlvertising in the papers. Tihe Tinm Peddler has discon tinued carrying a line of w atches with him on his rounds, as thei r constant ticking bothers his horse. Business in this section is get.. ing bietter since the heavy rains. Both Gander andl Gimlet creeks are runnV ine night and (lay. Tlob~e Moseley, wvhose lantern is the greatest competitor the lightning bugs have, 'vas out last night walking easy with his laiterni turned downi low. Being ini doubt as to what he was up to the D~epitv Constable shadowed him for some) distance with his own bright lantern. unbeknownst t~o Tobe, and did not leave the trail until Tobe was treedl a~t a family prayer meeting. .The rural pol icem an, to keep in practice as a (detective, went out yesterdlay and practiced1 on slipping up behind a jay-bird. Several strange rats have ap peared and taken up their abode at the postoffice. However, they will be turned over to Tobe Moseley, as he hasn't any at his house. D~ock .H ocks, erstwhile ton sorialist was called to Bounding Billowvs Monday to shave Slim Pickens' neck. The town of Liberty will elect a cotton weigher August 21.