P lb llendewis haVbe a 'da u a a1~f le rn ade bsien asa. rint Grenvilelast vyesk. tbile~ Ing outaage plat has beiguni, wchremindsy to Guy~ MEll tendedha bten Kiig hTemparnetin inh< Ed Seao, oe Jra,er' setrias an busumess vion aui tounysatls w ek. r * Mi'rrs. J. Haisp ofa ste 04a Yd 16, husif s.ripto Setsviting th aaelat s M R -B.R Byr. neur-Eey; se f Jas. be.un, cheido uas Kight Tern p' uiia zi o iii c tasn as - business visitor at thcountyseat layk. JS. uM. hitper ca o lovte dbay'i withm hei f emiy oi s moved hpiis faily , heDr. Ganno yas, neafr the. e mreill. rdy ~it T.. eAllen, mangof t hie rater s abusiness, visitor at f tcounty sat:Milnastwek Mrs. Wade Ligonp, of Washin to, D. 0.io, tsevisiting-his brth R r. am LonEasthe Pck feOnSpartanburg tSpendSun day withhis family in Pickens. Constable J. C. AlFxander has moved his family Ao the Dr. Cannon house, near the Picken. conya fbusinessFidy or paid TomLinl a theasant cmll.il H. Clfor Lnewi hs, aiken, * che of the ockar ottnmill, * 8Mas.elle 8nd rond is aily batn e or Pienhi oldharle To. . oM Wood anagerof ti zernfA Niflelx Tesas at the countylet o uitsFrdy He pD Tcunin ah plasaent caMntnlfrlore.iecm bakHoth. Clfordntyis oas moknth tof make hiskhoe Weartecto il Laoha, hi back. . The. Pike n Dra00 as . tocnl HreEived nasipent ofa Chlest ostcad. Tre in areD tkenkinn who >und Pbck en 'Mana ore sole tiecme Voimaen hitoe Wa e electd oiraeco him back. cen he ce nsDru-PCo.ns n - recntyres.iPut athipmcent of 11,00 ostcrd.Te.iw ennde alweselctd "Ynen amonu hs e bi dj ersonal An early start In the contest nlay mean'the playet piano for L UDr. R. F, Smith and Mr J. P V. Wyatt of Easlev visited our re ty. on- businiess this week. of R, E. Bruce, manager of the -- Big Store, has been confined to p its room several days with a m ;evere cold. P1 Senator T. J. Mauldin is In M lolumbia attending the session if the senate and looking out 9( or our interests. - l Jake Baker, of route '3, had dt hei misfor tu ne to get ohd of his ai ingers badly mashed in a pea- p, mileor this week. Mr. John R. Henderson and 01 on, Salmuel, of And~erson coun1 y, were welcomed visitors toF ur city this week. Mr anid Mrs. W. H Cagd1ill of .nd children, of Addie, N. C., of iave been on a visit to her pa- cc ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willkium o. tilatrap,. of Pickens. M Di. J1.D. B616,' .ho hyed tf rom ,PIc1Nens tohsfey tvaM or n hrejveurs agohasigiveen'up t he practice 'of medicine and ' 6ught an Interest in the oener.. a store of Edpwin L. Bolt & Co., :nown as The Bttery. The . attry wa estlblished in Eas- C 3v saveral years ago and its usbness has constanty increas Ad each year... Dr. Bolt was re ,entiv elected to the legislatnre tr o fill ont the unexetd trmin of ,he late Fred Williams, and Is iow in Columbia. e will con onct himself ativelyouit the uity uo thweek adormeto Mran1.F'. .PH Ai0 ave nonasit toceive a-the eFtr croch and Mrs.ridery . t'Pr Sust washing. dysM J.' P.en Coat silene in3 aor hpeciapice o ecead. ot Soc vneet inte forne Tnnasett 'Rbon"er-2 '~che acy wasbbon ublis -2 inEas v My~en's drisngon ovfitso eings hoverstked. Othereglov Ctt Viah r..i rd at w5s pe- po Seci Dme un peds rm of Viginlia. ae oe ilpoun io hkel actvely ith the grc Beuptrc ahon thShjunents of he lilatr nsae 8.FSPAw THE SORE TAToS Shav justreceied a oe Je & .Casslkaenina Speia prce o nekwaL owder e as os carrid hs bek:to-have bl. re 7hope h Messrs, J. MD.0 hornl and 0 " , .- e ,eut to Atlant-I ar-yl, fnd ouht back a13u I rge's new ithhell tornobl Iving the , b.ack. tbrou4gh e country. - William Branin, the 18 onths;old so4of Mei and Mrs. P. .Law e.dof Liberty, ed Monday, and was'buried in Iberty Wedes ay-, The little llow was a rndeon of B. V. rsons, of Piekens. The be aved ones haj the sympathy a host ofifrieip. Dr. J. P. Jewli, *ho came to ekens several nionths ago, has oved to Easley, Where he will -actice medicinb, the retire eat of Dr. Bolt .making it, nec sary for another Ohysiciqn to there.. In the time Dr. Jeiv I was in Pickens he made aiy friendo by hAs excellent ieanoi' ahd they wih for him abindance of success in his -ofession. Furman Morris, who for sev al years past has been with .ger, Thornley & Co., has irchaped an intei'est in the Ltdniont Tie and Lumber Co., Pickens. He will have charge the Wal talla branch of this ncern. The firm is composeOl Messrs. Gibson, Hughey and orrit3-three jjood -men-and et dx'pect to do a greater bust 38than any other concern of isakind in this section. How's This? We offer One HuzV2red Dollars Re ard for any case, of Catarrh thai nuot be cured by Hail's Catarrh ire. P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned have known F. J. ieney for the last l years, and believe m perfectly hon6rabl in all business Dnuaction a= finaneiall able to carry it any obwia Oo made byhis Urnu. NATIONAL BANK 01 COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. FEall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, ting directly upon the blood and mu us surfaces of the system. Testimonials nt free. P'rico '75 cents per bottle. .Sold r all Druggists. Eake Hall's Family 1ills for constipation. RSONS LVES YOU MONEY shipment of Peter's Shoies. iole family. Diraco in all shades. tii shades. [shades. Teek only 24c. wide 5c. wide' 5c. ridd de', redueed to Soc on account of mid. - .oo. cans 35C. ries all the time. all- and get one. I wil order charge. a ec to asti loca county eprosentate househokti remedies. (an devote all or part time s A good ohanice to establish a lucrative slnes,. F'or full particulars write at on'ce tc >sesineW ebster Aemedy Co. SOUT liNDIND. On the.19th of ,JMnuary, 'at 2 clock, there will be exercise, .the schootauditoviumin morn. 'v of .General Robert; I. Lee here nyll).be. an address by Rev. .E. Wikigs andsongs lyy th& ~hool' childron, The public6"i n'dia 1y iilted, A Genuini Scholarsh Dos otcot nepe nyt4ne tecne + Fe Peas Genmfuin PIN OTETb SclNoaMEl + DRS + HOEO Cu4utadmalt Fy oer fathot OR A A' ~ ~*4 ~Y ~' . r1u1iS~ tl e ip in Draug~ -' of Gre( t I e e N. *~~" &~ ~ tion Blank ns Sentinel, formation about' your PLAYER eturn mail, ----------------------- ?vt~&1 ~ Contest our chance t Piau6 now on exh 1Q be given a * . ,.* *.,,,* / .~* * , ;..** .. ..... e~ formatie~ Sfirst ~pa~e of ,** 4 7 ~ ~, K ~ ~' "7 I, ,to ml grnnt~ eat ewJ~ 17 Job ~t~) El 1~' ;7A 7' 1A~ ~ 7. ~, \~4. !e'~ ~ h~ ~4 \{ ~ E~ I ~ I~jI'~ Id :7~f? LOfl!~~ ~ * 7: ~ J~fl I /11 ,~ 'I '~ .'* I -I **.'. V~O~ 4C~ Nom inatioi To enter the contes~1or 0~ coupon to the Contest Depat GOOD FOR. I I HEREIY O~TNAT Mr. Mrs. Miss Post~fflce '4.'' ~ .~ ~divu1g~ed~P~bI Y~ ''I-, II Q owni~hau WI A * withuini t eo~ ibitiou ill I way Absoiui 'this paper, A V nmunicat~ 0 ~0 ~ j~Z~44~ , ' ~ 6~ -40 V, 31 I A -, b s e you - and- address and then mail'~ ':6r. bth m e ng0 to th CONTEST; MANAGER. PICkENS SENTINEL. D0 "IT TODAY--One minutte in you'r favor may caus ot u toi own this handsome Player Piano. aeofthe aries. send thens CONTESTESNGE PICKENSSENTIN. ;' oDwlT beOrdited ton a minueinator willvo may -as' yo t.ow .i handsme PayerPian. 4 4 eofh pies selfthi tie ickensSetel 4 S * - 4 - * --------; r/