The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, November 20, 1913, Image 2

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Ar The Sentinea is niot r nsIe for the views of its corres- I I now of no more ng fact thai the unq abe abity of a man to eevazte his fife by a conmius endeavor., It I- somethinx to bew awe 1,0 paint a padmiular paeitne. or lo caVe a state,, and so nake a fmwobjectsbeaaultafuh but iis far mom glooushY1 to care a.d paintthevery atmospbere ano medIium through wbich wek which morallv we cand Thrau. The pearut Itrut trLaT not. bel as fmr)r&1 a it sourdV Andemri ik )iing. Thefe is camra] there- Ihis wee*k. Will s'rnebody~ pease gve as the correct pfornunciation of Huertat We haven't reOived our invi tation to Miss Jessie Wilsons marriage ye~t. NOW is the time for all good hens-and mosters-to come o the aid of their x)urjtrv. We suppose M r. Cheshire and Dominick are A iken to L to congresi from ibi distriet. The Gaffn'v Leidger asks, "What wou lud be tbe effect of a slit skirt CJ PRikens. S. C We pass. Who was. the g'y that Put hav- be'n Dr (-..i: Egg .x a r- s n a70 cn doza in w Ek . The' r,1; 4, dently abm;Tane h ifup;?v. was I, hr;hh v v e I The nowiAr'd ' a'road in >North Carolrina is 1n the hadt.~(is of a recelier. A Rieb.xid. Va.. denrit.t pulled the wIrog tooth f a :u tormer, and now the customer is trying~ to pull th'e dentist's leg for $1 000Y damage. No)w let's ha;v. a diw:,isi:in as to who raised the bitggest bo"g .n~ the co)unr try. -G' 7:re vm! P 'adf mont. W'Ie do'ijt know wh'. raisedi hirn but w'- know him. TJhe e-ditor of the Greenville Pi':dmiont s.ays hie has been 'eat. inig off of one- potato three days anid half of it is left, which shows how saving editors have to be with their grub. Hard to explain the continued absence of Sout hern Congress men from their desks, the water melon season having closed long ago . - Colu mbia State. But hog-killing time 1. here. It is estimatedx that war with Mexico would cost. the United States $1,000,000J a dlay, besides many lives anid would start an other iA pension roll. No won der Presidlent Wilson wanto the situation settled without war. We thought liekens county grew more cotton than Oconee, but we see by the receipts that Oconee beat by a bout 2.000 bales up to October 18. If Pickens beat in the "picken" she failed to go ahead in the ginning. Tugaioo Tribune. "The Stlate Gazette" Is the name of a new weekly paper started at Mo mnt Pleasant. near Charleston. last week. It Is a good looking sheet and begins with a liberal advertising pat. ronage-25 columns the first issue. Lonte may it wave. IL must have be n good and interesting to those present at the U, D. C. meeting at Mrs. McFali's last week t, hear the experjences of t hose ladies who were Ilving 'luring the war, told by themselves. It Is, perhaps, impossible for the people of this generation to fully realize the hardships, privations and dis couragemients encountered by by our women during, and for several years after, the war. Weoare glad that we live In the stae wichwas the first to erect a monument In honor of these grand womnen. May God length. en their days of happiness and one Istl kS theyr h re 1bVEM, C'nWF a 1Oth Zkm B0. ftset .tu' ,;tI. Owe tuWkaNk to Gkid f or Ibe &abtndamt hrivee ran0 work I g grm th~in we did am&t vew WW tad me bog Ibis wow. 14t us t"~ cphawte two for next year v ~iuxne ol or, Ur faauiew wt goo pIastmre WGUM Owl, bry #&I waMso=n dls2iowew it~ to li. "o~ mim and wronider wb T I b~A4 nt bmduweri6 h i Oft. 'What a happy lot of 1nwo1)i oir farmm ouzgbt 1,()t witn I3OZs In the pen. zrimt; ni thi snyke house. t'rilE -ful: o-, com1 baznii u)I f Ira A11tivv a: themi3V1th) a ji 6'-*t'i 7lfliit &ifl( moDne yj in i- 't~j~L look tv them sitirm l a r'iwriw firt, ii anf operJ tiy-"' J'a''-. cthil(II1 T'OM ping alrjurjd. L it tht mec barji' ft "), r curr1*viti I femw Tutaper pok'ei it. hiF landb ittini.w b-. a littiJ. Ac ((iu ut'att wojiderilg hJOwA I)( kV1-07 U112 I)B&l kji - I'erlt arid W" rj l4iot s.jj, rut to put it) t'he p~aper p1.rik-. Lei (our fayriemi 1.Vjoi(-~ aricbt vit cl le0 teIli shout, lor vreal art hvi r ;'o-fieHiomw anid !;urrimd iivE Rural Policem en. .1PiIh-erl e:uty ever did ntiedar~ib~ic i;ItIF LCI~r ieUF and-& ';Tred h rL' new. Re. E.I91t EJ .Ci) ti Ii 1 ~;O u n o~'- ~i eej b-~&Z'AndL, i n '-~dh~ni iS aT' t L an 'ond a ag r j freP pave Wedihg Cake Ju amed imNeTmIa 1 mnhi. "rm'd Eiidk Unl tweiiv. twojtm anveis. W *leme weaily In Pas ame mii) bhe two:nntl1 ene-hA fetMAsL di* Cafm111ount the wase tAf liite ordhid1 to he $M0 and mill (o1tUin 111 ir d&itfi. 11i 1ol thonan(l tint t 11211 be-mf4 tifed With) sa-tinl rii* bw, tiheN-cakt- will bedist~rihnted, Oedb ibM the OIeT AiZe to go Under oeu'sf- pillow to dream I Over the hodv of the cake will i b1e miolded a thiek white icing, sRmll -1work. "Thin.'' to quotei the artiist who is making ii, 'therV wil! h i desin for the initial- of th bridu and bridc-I aroom. done in silver. And thnI there wili he lilies o! the valev I in whlit suga' on I Ht ide ' Whether You Use Calomel or Not You Will Realize How Much, Better for You this Sate Vet etable Remed3 Will 1k. The liver is sich a delinlo. o Lull that momt people hlave 1e1rn ed froll exptrience.( thef danntyytl of flogcingpii iinto Ict.ioni with the dtaInuerous drue- calomfl. Tb Pi-:ken Druc ComlnLl; v soll and ronimend Thidm 1 i 41 Li6 Tanit ii peasaun1-tastin~c ha.rnw iest veLgetab)if liqu aidti en courage5 the hver, r%)eflve en stipation Ua biliousesw wa out r'estric'tion of hi ordi., There are nT).9 tu e -ect fromei taking~ hasI Tone. i1 o ,. Dc lai<-i L T ups arm"i an +x:.e-em in e-~ The( Pick-n-s Dru2 C.'mpTID any '-ll Do~dson' Liver Tc n for ' 'ents rpr biett~ e.nid ve bott h fold ti guaae t~f' oU( Uiv lati-, farlti(1n. kAnd yOU ty ur m n ev back without a question if it fails you. Some ieredies ae soM4 in irmtaonic of Dodson LverTn-look out fr .th'm. Breazeale-Mcjunkin. Married on iN ovem bor 312. 191.3. Elbe' t McJunjkin and IMi-w. Dos sie B''eaz~ale. The~ mar~riage took place at the home of G. W. Brzale, near t h te camrp ground, anid was witness-'d by a many frienrds anid relatives. IM. F. Hester. IN. P.. ierforme the I ceremon. after which all pires I ent were inJvit.e.d into the dining room, where a large table was I heavily laden with good eat ables, too numeurous to merntiona, which his good lady knows how to fix. Miss Lesley, of near Glassy Mountain, played the wedding march. Many nice~ presents indicated the popularity Sof the couple. The nlext day 5 they visited at the home of the groom's parents, where another 3 repast was awaiting them. May I much prosperity and happiness 3 be with them thru the journey of life. 4ENT t stimulates the circulation -in soreness of muscles and joints. year ago~ I was laid up with rheumatism and Sloan a Ianienet an.d the moerning after I wi"h e ontie r*. -M"7:t ma .. ie., Neuralgia -4 Dipbtberia 'U11htire ds Ie: lriad .of -lihose nause ~ ~ 1OW tvlbtv nw llho-y mu)ibe LprovewtitL one byS "ac timdini, :the o.hor wlt0 h sntii-W6 tow,1n. Nt n epfala hlw 1'rlts, gripp: brandhitifs nOiuminlt, caarhs5ti ih thmarots cold-wea-ther stn11 - in1. t prp healt t ondit-torn heipI .he bod prodniel u 'tacswhicb provtw t hI v arowvi h of* disf'ncso f'rms,1 InI Mh0 blood, thIs pTHM tigieSYStemI i nto aI hieal h v ondition to re sistl diseasse. it wVill hePlli vonl ge; well and rong-if' 'von h1,v1W iny ofi the ahore disases. (r ot-her flisases. l i- vern anod for childreun jiosi oi ti- season of the vear --I 1m, timm boAlftlhv aind s4tront tf nens fhlty reIis I h allu -I In ever ingre ian Rowall Olive OiI Emit~AblI&. ui fir MVD qhtishit( II "'nn.01ins vr nts&I hv IOlealtL 111:'st.ilins~ (tV rM when.' III dOtlihi . tLheti t.he ne'rvr-, 1'1rni'l olive Ol All'.'f J.o10 esPjI~ tilti 'ii1 us OUnow, hanot nn.v'i h Iou mi thrn'tl; iA I.hi tO r1h1 out1"rn "VS.1n1. Tiol V-1W 1lli vi Wi lI,; ".7 ZI.. -wlnan w hoi aii'. rewird appar aniVwilnw Ui a h-hk- to suffr fromj faranrenoJ wfrohm kwlinsn e l. v-j611 FImkTn o "ou and kour fal6 lv.C Pront r inthe ironain Pa no a. oh .. or dangerous lauv , :. voi*- be as enthusiastic A)COU1 it as wve aie when you a ie nokhd it- strengtheni-ng, invigorating, buiedine-up, dit ease-ireventOin effecu. if it dess not help you your money nl no acOven bk t you with aout aurerit. Sold in this parernoteitr strengttoueninge mTiereatrebuldne-up, dire tane-rev eding effectstoresi idote nted yout, ouamnda and GrgueatBrt.Sol ikhis omntyrvice at ourstore Ther wxll Stbe-- ongervic atr thana00 Methdig chrch sone inthe tUnted Saten, Cn andniGeat Britai .-cPockens ong ofervic are iRuhaeda t aTed wild brin song s.ea Ruhamah justhoit church mil thoe othena loteind o,m mencing atv 1:3Co'oc. st n Ale installed the corn mill formerly owned by Hughes Bros., and have put in a good crusher. I can now grind you first class bread meal and crush your feed on short notice. Give me a call and be convinced. Respectfully, Robt. L. Harris, Pickens,8S.C. NOW HER FRIENDS HARDLY KNOW HER But This Does Not Bother Mrs. Burton, Under the Circumstances. Houston, Texas.-ln an Interesting letter from this city, Mrs. S. C. Burton writes as follows: "I thlnkit is myduty to tell ydu what your medIcine, Cardul, the woman's tonic, has done for me, I was down sick with womanly trouble, and my mother advised several different treatments, but they didn't seem to do me any good. I lingered along for three or tour months, and for three weeks, .1 was In bed, so sick I coldn't bear for any one to walk across the floor. My husband advised me to try Cardul, the woman's tonic. I have taken two bottles of Cardul, am feeling fine, gained 15 pounds and do all of my housework. Friends hardly know me, I am so well." If you suffer from any of the ailments so common to women, don't allow the trouble to become chronic. Begin taking Cardul to-day. It is puely vegetable, its ingredients acting in a gentle, nzatural way on the weakened womanly constitu lion. You run no risk in trying Cardui. It has been helping weak women back to iealth and strength for mnore than 50 rears, It will help you. -At all dealers. Write r0: Chantnooga Medcie co.. au (dvlwr Dept.. Chattanooga. Ten.. for 'pedL CL0 At The Whifter time wifll soo tpi to q.onve rthe ma& tip in a tray -er suit 'cillol Tailor Made Saits. -the prices and qualidies foi to trneC with men who fee - -men who nMst make evi Strouse & Bro. ready. few concerns in this coant meAS1re ellows and their' -workmanship znd fit. A of cheaper clothing, bnt ja Nc.te some of these p we CO it, 'why we do it, is Men's clotking fro SI5.6O a suit. In the BOphIns nd" the Secut I r Bill Boy''s suits i Od anlts-We have * OVECOATS-The mnm is qIte liht in weigt in wear. Prices from is goin3 to be an excel one of these overcoats There'$ Dellar$ ai Folger, A ASE TO WOMEN Who Ar '"JuSt Ready to Drop." When you are "just ready to drop, when you feel so weak that you can hardly drag yourself about-and be. cause ycu haRe not slept well, you get up as tired-out next morning as when you went to bed, you need belp, Miss Lea Dumas writes from Ma lone, N. Y., saying: "I was in a bad 1Y run-down condition for several weeks but two bottles of Vinol put me on my feet again and made me strong and well Vinol has done me more g00n than all the other meds. cines I ever took." If the careworn, run-down wome the pale, Eickly children and feeblg old folks around here would foliou Miss Dumas' example, they, too, would .moon be able to say that Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron remedy had built them up and. made then strong. It is a wonderful, strength creator and body-builder, and we sell it un, der a guarantee of satisfaction. You~ get your money back If Vinol does not help you. Pickens Drug Co., Pickens. S.C II , O -nuine refreshment! Starts quick as the first delicious drop of Pepsi-Cola moistens your tongue. Lasts long as the fruity, tart juices and oils stay in your system and mix with your blood. Not so mweet as somte others-it stops telrst--doesn)'t produce more! nyb'Ay can drink it and feel beLtter. PEPSI-Cola r ;es you naturalrefreshmenit 1:1~a perfectly natural way. wks up mind. It isn't Imedicn-it's pleasure and Lenefit all day long! Do you r:k Pepsi-Cola? One glass, te-i second will prove it is Letter than thenr. all. Try it. You're thirsty, NOW'.! InT'c'des At I h fUs un ts .41 Btere of The PeOple. be here and clothes must be bought -for all. Wef are -to-neasure man to our way of thinking. We cat- fi6t you for a great deal less money than you can get these so Comparing prices and qualities found in this place, with mnd elsewhere is a very beneficial thing for us. We like I that they haven't a cent to squander in buying of clothes try penny count. made clothing is the best to be had. They are one of the y that have held their own against the so-called made-to. line is hard to crowd when it comes to quality of material try-on will convice you. We have several other lines, also st as good considering th i price. ices. First in quality, first in style,*but la3t in price. How immaterial, as long as we do it without doing you. m $5 (T to $25. 0 a suit. Youth's from $3.50 to Boys line of clothing we handle the Mrs. Jane ity Bond Nalke. A guaranteed suit for a tive Dol. rom $2.00 to $7,50. Let us fit up the little fellows. em--A good all wool pair of pants at 75c a leg. t popular overcoat is th - CRAVENETTE. This coat t but is just as warm and are sure to please you $5.00 to $20.00. Weather prophets tell us thjr' tionally cold bad winter. Protect yours & -*ith kd cent$ in the$e good$ for yoa. Thornley & Co, Do You Want to Make Some Easy Money? I am going out of the mercantiile business and am selling dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, gro ceries and tinware at cost, in fact some of these goods are going at below actual wholesale cost. Every time you buy goods from me you save money. Money saved is money earned. The amount of money you can earn in one day here is only limited by~ the amount of goods you buy during this sale. I want you to come to my store and see for yourself. If I can't sell you the same goods for less than any one else, you needn't buy from me. la silngExtra Special I a sllngwinter underwear at less than ac tua cot.Now is the time to put 'em on. W. D.Spearman, Easley, S. C. N OT IGE ! ~My stock of new crisp Spring Goods is now ready for your inspection. I spared no effort in selecting this Stock with a view to Quality, Style and Price, and am satisfied that I can show you as complete a iine of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Notions as you will find anywhere, and as heretofore, my prices for the same quality of goods shall be the lowest. $White Goods are greatly in h~vor this season, and lam specially strong here in new white goods fromi oc to Soc the yard. T0 n.of the biggest stocks of Hosiery in Greenville -the right goods at the right prices. Undierwear for men and women, in all grades. You will do yourself an injusttee if you fail tolook at my goods and get my prices before buying your A. K. Park~N WetEnd, Greenv Hie.