The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, November 20, 1913, Image 1

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-T.N It1 ,, t, r ~~. 2 Xotra' lome ib"Vere lyves icens County News ITEP-~E S S~ ~'~ jI~OfiilPpro ei oi PUBLISAtD WEEKLY Entered Aprkl 23% 1903 at Pickens* S. Co. as second4 class mail matter, under set ur4Jougrekas of lrbs USRPIINPIO,%1VR Establiphed 187 1- Volume 43 6vPICKENS, S. C., NOVEMBER 20, 1913NUBR8 Derty Locals Miss Josie' )hastain 'and 'Miss Ola Morgan of Pickens visited -in Llber.ty b nday. Born unto Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Walker, on the 12th Inst., a fine girl. Miss Hinkle, of Pickens, visit ed her sister, Mrs. Eugene Thomas, Sunday. Mids Myrtle Freeman, of Eas ley, is visiting Miss Allie Belle Crane this week. Mrs. Z. L. Chamblin spent last week in Anderson attending the State Convention of the k' Woman's Missionary Union. The Keowee Chapter U. D.'C. went to Pickens last Friday and were .entertained at the home of Mrs. McFa.ll. They report a de lightful trip. The B, Y. P. U. was enter hned on the 7th inst., by' Miss ue Belle Brown. A most e yable time was had. There Wvrt bout 30 members present. The social committee has ar ranged for a 1 meeting once a month. r Mrs. J. J. intt speit Mon day with her arents, Mr. and M,s. R. T. Stewart. Messrs. tIubert Watkins, Clarence MoiWhorter and Wal ter Stewart spent last week in Atlanta attending the automo bilA show. Thanksgiving day is near. Have you counted your bless ings to see how much you have to be thankful for? Gus Aiken Resigns. Deputy Collector E. A.. (Gus) Aiken has resigned his position with the internal revenue de partment of the government. Mr. Aiken has been in that ser vice 26 years and made -a re markable record as an officer. He hasyrobably saved the gov ernment more money than any other man in the same position. For many years his headquar ters haye been in Greenyille and his time has been spent in Pickens county, where he is well known. Due mainly to his and Constable LaBoon's efforts blockade whiskey is scarcer in Pickens county today than ever before. No one has been ap pointed in Aiken's place yet. Prices going DOWN. Goods going OUT. P. M. Cate. You have not The Follo pil Armstrong Pharmacy. Edward L Ayers. EBarr Dry '-loods Company. R. L. Rt Bentz. Bruce & Doster Drug OC Spany. SBruns McGee Company. Secure from any of t1 made your last purchase. * Chamber of Commerce. Remember the e: ~The rest room ove for your comfort while ir Easley Dots. The carnival was here last week, but that is hardly any news, as almost everybody was here to see it. Well, now it is gone and with. it many ickles that ought to have been spent for meat and bread, it was noth - ing more than a licensed gam bling affair. What is the dif ference between gambling on the street in open daylight, and negroes throwing craps'at night? What ought to be the difference in the punishment? Our honest Ijudgment is that the whole -thing is demoralizing, and should never bo allowed in a town. It really coks as if Easley will soon be a real city. One nice brick store house, two sto ries, about finished, and four other two-story brick buildings going up, gives the town a real live appearance. Mrs. E. W. Tate and two sons, Walter and Thomas, of Norris, spent the week-end with rela tives here. Mrs. E. P. McCravey attended the W. M. U. in Anderson last week. Mrs. Prank Smith of Cross. Roads also attended the Wo-' man's meeting in Anderson. Rev. J. D. Holler, pastor of the.M. E. church here, will close up h13 work here next Sunday for the conference year, and will go to the conference at Rock Hill next week. Mr. and Mrs. Holler have endeared themselves to our people, by their lovable Christian lives and it is hoped that the Conference will return them to this work next year. The Piedmont Baptist Union will meet with the 2d church on the fifth Sunday and Satur day before. Joseph E. Leach, Esq., of Eas Jey, is in attendance upon the railroad meeting in Abbeville Wednesday, the 19th inst. It is thought that a trolley line will he built from Easley to Ab beville via Anderson. Mrs. James 1. Carey, Jr , of Pickens, is on a visit to her mother in Easley. The pastor received 41 new members into the fellowship of the Baptist church at Glenwood on Sunday night. Married at the residence of Rev. D. W. Hiott, the officiating minister, Sunday afternoon at 5 Free RAI only the best marl the I -cash purchases a rchases of $25.00 < fares both ways vy Firrru~ Cam pbell Tile and Mante .Comnany. Carolina Hard ware Compani3 Carpenter Brothers. Childers-Cely Shoe Compana nm H. Endel. Flourney & Vaughn Gilreath-Durham Company ie above firms a Chamber of Co They will refund your railway The :nierchant himself will rede< ~r the Fourth National Bank, witi Greenville, Revenue Officers Busy Two large copper stills were destroyed last Wednesday and Thursday In the Cane Creek and Horsepasture sections of I this county by officers Aiken, I Alexander and LaBoon. They I also destroyed about 3,500 gal- I lons of beer and arrested Epps Robinson at a still which was In < full operation In the Horsepas- 1 ture. He was bound over to I Federal court by Commissioner I Hagood. Box Supper at Dacusville. There will be a box supper at the Dacusville school auditorium on Thanksgiving night, Nov. 27, the proceeds to go to making a payment on the school piano. The married ladies, as well as the young girls, are requested to bring boxes, the boxes of the married ladies to he sold separ ately from those of the young girls. Everybody is invited to attend and help us in a good cause. Income Tax Payers. Eight men in Pickens county pay income tax to the state, amounting to $117.40. as follows: J. McD. Bruce, Pickens, $8; Jas. P. Carey, Pickens, $25: W. M. Hagood, Easley, $40: J. T. Lathem, Easley, $10; R. F. Len hardt, Easley, $10; I. M. Maul din, Pickens, $5.40; T. M. Nor ris, Norris, $7; Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley, $12. A.Night of Terror. Few nights are more terrible than that of a mother looking on her child choking and gasp ing for breath during an attack of croup. and nothing in the house to relieve it. Many moth ers have passed nights of terror in this situation. A little fore thought will enable you to avoid all this. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail, JCeep it at hand. For sale by all dealers. o'clock, Mr. W. Thomas Hugh ey .and Miss Cora Waddell, all of the George's Creek section. The you ngv couple are very pop ular. We wish for them much happiness. WAY FARI :et in tipper South having yo ?lan: mounting to $25.0 >r more one fare x ill be refunded uy a that will I The Above Agreement Has Bi Globe Optical Company. 0. M. Goodlett. Greenville Furniture Compn y Henderson - Ashmore Willis, Company. Hobbs - Henderson ompany. W. H. Houston & Brother. Hlow to Get1 mumerce Rebate Book. 'Have pt are. This is an improvementc ~mit now. Greenvlle's ~e Greenville has: 56 Matron in constant attendance For -Greenville 4 4Ki Unique Plan to Build New Church The pastor at Cross Roads proposed rather a novel plan to uild a new church house at hat place. The plan Is about is follows: For each boy and girl In the ,ommunity under 20 years old, next spring to get as many cot .on seed as they can hold In #heir hands, plant and cultivate hem and give the proceeds to )he building of the house. All )ver 20 years old and under 100, ;et apart just as much land as ;hey are willing to plant and .ultivate for the same.. The women to save and sell all the ggs laid on Sunday and con. tribute to the same fund. If ihe people will adopt the plan lhe house will be built and no mne will be any poorer. GET WISE-The last four lays are going to be record )reakers for value giving at P. 1. Cate's. Miss Ressa Looper Dead. Died, at the home of her inother in Greenville, on the 4th nst., Miss Ressa Looper, in the 12nd year of her life. She had spent nearly all her life in the Jross Roads community in Pickens county, and her body was brought to Cross Roads for )urial the day after her death. [he funeral services were held )y the pastor, Rev. D.W. Hiott, n the presence of an immense .ongregation of sympathizing elatives and friends. rhe, flo -al offerings were abundant and very beautiful. She leaves an iged mother, Mrs. Matilda Looper, two sisters-Mrb. T. S. Lurner and Mrs. S.D. Hendricks )f the Cross Roads section, and live brothers-A. J. and J. L. Looper, of the Cross Roads see Lion, W. T. and Bird Looper, of Greenville, and Henry Looper, of Nebraska. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the aged mother, brothers and sisters In this sore bereavement. May the God of all grace com Fort and console them in their sorrows. A bi riend. We aro offering this week, ben thousand yards of 10 and 15 3ent lace at 5c. P. M. Cate. 3 TO GIEE Carolina in whic ir Railway Fare 0 the Pailway Fa -ill be re-mncded II to 0 miles. Iefund You sen Entered Into by the Followii J. 0. Jones Compan y. Keys-Mahon Company. King- 3rown ine Company. C, F. Lagerhol m Company. Lewis Printing Cornpan y. Markley H-ard ware & Manu - facturing Company. Vowr Railway Fa irchases entered in the book an m the former plan by which it ' Splendid Railu# is main'.ained I a Further Information 'N CThamber of U. D. C. Meeting The United Daughters of the Confederacy held a most enjoy. able meeting at the home of Mirs. Vesta McFall on last Thurs day af ternoon. The Entre Nous club, the Liberty Daughters, thirteen in number, and a large crowd of the elder Daughters composed the company. Mrs. McFall's large, elegant front rooms and hall were thrown into one room and most beautifully decorated. Mrs. T. J. Mauldin, president of the Pickens chapter, in a most charming manner pre sided. A very short chapter program was followed ha a splendid paper on "The Effect of the War on the Youth of the South" by Mrs. W. B. Glenn of Liberty. Then thi re were num erous war-time tales told by Mesdames Aaron Boggs. J. J. Lewis, W. H. Ashmore, W. T. O'Dell, Newton Christopher, Florio Griffin and others, some of which brought forth niuch laughter. Mrs.. Kirby, Misses Ballard and Booker sang several sweet old songs and Miss Ander son gave a fine instrumental se lection. The ladies were invited into the bautiful dining room, which was artistically decorated with chrysanthemums and can dIes. Mesdames Bivens and Hagood sat at the ends of a long table pouring deliciois coffee, and a bevy of pretty young girls served the delightfnl salad course. It was indeed a happy occasion for the large chapter of Pickens Daughters, and one they will not soon forget. Don't forget that eggs are 30c per dozen at our store Bring them to us if you have to hide them to get them to our store. Oraig Bros. Co., The Store that Saves You Money. Declare War on Colds. A cru.ado of educat-in which iunas 'that common colds tmny becomo un coinmon the next generation" ha8 been begun ny prominent New York physicIans, Hero is a list of the .on'1s" which the doclois say ill I pre v(nt the annual visitation of tiie cold: -Don't sit in a draaughty car." *Don't steep In i't ro(Ims." "Don't avoid the fresh air " -Don't stuff yoursoli it meal time. Overeatlng reduces yonr re sistance." To which wo would adId-when you take a coild get t id (if it las quickly as poatible. To acc i lish ti-t you will flnd ti amliberlinl's Cough Remiedy most exeolent Sold by all Jealers. NVILLE A) sh to do your tradi Refunded. re both ways will 'om 40:( to 50 miles r Railwvay ig Well Known Greenville Firm Metts & James. P? McAlister--Beattie Comnpanv IL Meyers-Arnold Company. P-ace Printing Company. S Pledmont Shoe Company. S Poe Hardware and Supply i Company, C ire Refunded di as soon as they total thc desir was necessary for the purchaser ay Facilities Iifomi all dlirctionls s to buy in Greenville Vlrite Commerce Good News for the Girl with Ugly Hair Don't mourn over itt Don't envy others because they have beautiful hair. Begin right now to give proper, intelligent care and attention to your hair- and then let others envy you. Use Harmony Hair Beautifier, a de lightful liquid hair dressing that is jaist what it is named-a hair beautifier. To make the hair glossy, soft and silky-to make it easier to put up in smooth, wavy folds, and "'stay put"--to restore to your hair the well-groomed up pearance you want it to have to overcome the unpleasant, oily dor of the hair and leave in 3tead a delightfully dainty,'l fresh rose fragrance-Harmony Hair Beautifier will please you, or your money back. Very easy to apply -simply sprinkle a lit LIe on your hair each time be Core brushing it. Contains no il; will not change the color of: the hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep hair and scalp dan iruff-free and clean, use Har inony Shampoo. This pure 11 ,Iuid shampoo gives a rich lather that immedia ely penetrates to Every part of hair and scalp, in suring a quick, thorough cleans ing. Washed off as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Can't harm the hair; leaves no harshness or 3tickiness -just a sweet cleanli ness. Both preparations come in >dd-shaped, very oi namental >ottles. with sprinkler tops. Iarmony Hair Beautifier. $1.00 Harnony Shampon, 50. ' oth guaranteed to s *-, vim in every way, or your iio y v hack. Sold in this comunit. oily at our stoi(-The Rexatll Store one of the more than 7,000 lead ing drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Brit ain, which own the big Har mony laboratories in Boston, where the many celebrated-Rar mony Perfumes and Toilet Prep arations are made.-Pickens Drug Co., Pickens, S. 0. (adv) CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ia". tug Signature of ED RETURN ng, but the added be refunded up t for purchases of rde, Patton & Tilmnan.R Rothschild. eyibt & Carter Th mithi & Bristow, t~ewart & Merritt. - Ja' V. G. Stubbs Shoe Company ~. D. Stradley & Company. Th .H. Stringer. ed amount, surrender the book to surrender the book direct [8 on the Interurban, -The trading center of Can't Sell Lap Pistols. In replying to a letter eoking information from the Attorney General's office with' regaArd to the sale of paper cap pistols and paper caps, Assistant Attorney General Fred H. Dominick ren deied an opinion Saturday de -faring that the code prohibits ble sale of same. In addition ;o the prohibition against the ;ale of paper-cap pistols and the >aper caps, Mr. Dominick calls tiention to the section of the ,riminal code' which defines vhat sort of firecrackers can be iold in this state. EVERYTHING TO GO- Just our more days of the g)'eatest noney saving event in the his Oory of Pickens. Have you got ,en your share. P. M. Cate' State Methodist Conference The South Carolina confer mnce of the Methodist Episcopal .hurch, south, will convene in lock Hill for its annual session, )eginning Novem ber 26, and ,ontinuing through December 1. t is expected that some new nd important questions will !ome up for adjustment at this neeting. Bishop A. W. Wilson will preside. 5 & 10 cents worth looks like ,5 cents worth; 25 cepts worth ooks like a dollars worth; a dol ars worth at my store you can't 'toat." Johnson's 5 &10 Cent Store. Baptist W. M. U. Mrs. J. D. Chapman, of 3reenville, was elected president >f the Baptist Women's Mission xry Union, for the ensuing year, ott the closing session of that body in Anderson Saturday. The body had been in session since Wednesday, and nearly 500 delegates were in attend ance, representing every section of South Carolina. The conven tion decided to hold its session next year in Newberry. The Pickens Fruit Co.. Doc Pace, proprietor. can supply your fruit for Thanksgiving. See ad. in this issue. You have been cheating your self if you have not attended P. M. Cato's Great Money Saving Sale. advantage ot o 40 miles; for p50.00 or more L. Tannahill Company. 3 Baptist Courier Company a Johnson Company. WI. Waddill & Son. nes T. Williams Hard ware Company. in H. Williams. to the firm from which you to -the Secretary ol .the 38 0on st~eami roads(I the Piedmont.