~P lttl Tings ou can very well do without big things, but little things yournust have, and this store has always catried a nice sup ply of little things. Below we mention a few: Hose Supporters for Children, 10c pair. Hose Supporters for Men, 10c to 25c pair. Blue Seal Vaseline, the kind you always call for, 5c Nice box Paper and Envelopes loc. Pearl Buttons, 5c per dozen up, large or small. Boys' Caps, 10c, 15c and 25c each. Men's Caps, 25e each. Mirror,- 10c and 25c each. Stove Polish, Brush. and Polisher, lOc set. Cologne, 5e and 1o bottle. Scissors 10c, dull point for children. Scissors 25c, (lull point. Children's Belts 10c. Ladies' Patent Leather 'Belt 100. Ladies' Waist H6lders, 5c each. Embroidery Cotton (red) 5c bunch. All kinds Silkoline rli1i aml 5c ball. 1 )J. .3! Tooth Paste, 10 p'k'g. Harps for the boys, 5e, 10c and 25c each. Boys' Ties, 10c. Mei's l'ies, 25c. Banjo Strings, 10C set. Come to see us. Cr aig Bros.. Co. The Store that Saves You Money. Speial Sale! Beginning next Saturday, Oct. iith, I will sell everything n my store at and below actual cost. This stock consists of )ry Goods, Notions, Shoes- and Groceries. Below are a few of the prices I am offering for NEXT MA TURDA V. . $1.00 Shirts for 75c. S0c Shirts for 58c. 50c Underwear for 35c. $1.00 Underwear for 75c. 10c Hosiery for 7e 25c Hosiery for 17c 10c Men's and Boys' Collars for 7c. 15c Men's arnd Boys' Collars for 10c. $1.00 Overalls, Bust on Earth, 75c. Best Outing, short lengths, 4 1-2c. Every piece of cloth at actual oost. HATS. $2.00 Hats at $1.48. P.00 Hats at $1.98. $1.00 Hats at 79c.' SHOES. $4.00 Shoes at $2.90. $5.00 Shoes at $2.17. 3.50 Shoes at $2.75. Children's Shoes at 10 per cent. below cost. Remember, I am going to quit the mercantile business, nd propose to give my customers -the benefit of every piece f merchandise on hand at and belowv actual cost. All new oods---not an old piece to offer you. GROCERIES. ALL GKOCERIES to go at actual cost. Remember the, day, - October 11fth, and continuing fttil everything in the house is sold. Any customer surchasing $10.00 worth of Dry e eds, Shoes or Notions will be refunded 50c in isk. Respectfully, W. D. SPEARMAN E ASL EY, S. C. PICKENS BANK .PIQKENS, S. C C APITAL At INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS J. McD Bruce President. | I. Mf. Mauldlin, Cashier. The State of South Carolina County of Pickens, By J. B. Newtierry Esquire, Probate Judge. Whoa., Mrt. L. E - Gillilaud made suit to me, to grant her Littetre of Ad ministratio of the Eitate und Effects of Joseph illiland. These are therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred atid creditor@ of the said Joseph Gilliland, deceased, that they be and appear be fore me In the Court of Probate. to bd held at ickens. 8. C., on the 28d day of October, 1918, next after publication hereof, at 12 o'clock noon, to show cause, If any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand awl seal this 4th day of October, Anno Domini. 1911. J. B. NEWBERRY, . 2t J.P.P.C. Citation. The state of South Carolina County of Pickens. By J. B. Newbery Ei'quire. Probate, Judge. Whereas, Mrs. Mary M. Holder nindo suit to m, to grant her Letters of Ad ministration of the Estate and Effectsn of M. M. Holder. Theso are therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said M. M. Iolder. dt ceased, that they be and appear befor, me, in the Court of Probite, to be held at Pickens, 8. 0.. on the 2111 day of Ocio ber. 1918, next after publication hervof. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given tinder my hand and eal thiis 21 day of October, Anno Domini. 1913. J. 9. NIEWIBERRY, 2t J.P. P.U. Olerk's Sale State of South Carolina County of Pickens In Court of Common Plaas. Farmers Uank of Central, a-Corporat Ion duly charted by law, Plaintiffs agnatist ft. P. Price, and J. 11. liruce, liefeudants. In pursuance of a decretal order iatde In the above stated case by his Honor Il. 14. 1ice dat ed Sept. 30, 1918. 1 will sell to the. highest bId der oD sal.>sday in November 1913 during tho legal hours for sale at Pickens C. 1I.. S. C. the following tracts of land to wit: A tract of land In the state and coun ty ofore maId containing ninoty-three and one half aicres bounded on the North by lands of N. R. Kenne more and L. P. Price, on the South by lanls of Nina Montgomery, Isaiah Seaborn and 1ink Kelley,on lthe West by lands or N. it. Kenie. nore and Mrs. Jones and on the l'ast by lands )f Mrs. Nina Montgomnery, and being the trael >f land conveyed to L. P. Price by his father, WY. R. Prien, also tradt Nn. I containing forty :w' rn. in .ro r-t. t" , # It ers of Six MIl0 : ' - ? - ,' . i.. l(ennenore. .1. . Vte; : e,.,:.. i sher - '.ot No. 2 conitain, S- . -;. .:-' niig the aboye tract.1 '' * :'r .- . 1 Ainng two aid I -1 lcrea Ijo bl; -n. t b.. s. t. Tract No. 4 -stonk t.m,' . ' .mg landa of itild rV,-me -.1ery owned by W. that other pliee. 'AV or LTs. :c: , en waters of 'Tothb11 'l- A ) .d Kelly, on the .-1th on the Ea.st -'v;,,u the South asild -t '-ti rk r acres. T < f - 'of sale, the bal i ne , . ...onths, the credit tsn''E '9 : 'indt of' purc'haser art s' w 4*m A :N~ n:cses and draw 1n tos 'om .h . '' ai :h rate of8 pcr cent per an -, , -en' 'a' i ;urehaser to an-J tihnps tb e*H ren ...m day of sale. S' sdti t eohs. *s'. 'n-omaply with the ii':1. 5sf ' i is ''' '',5 4.Sbnld p~remises will 6 U: - m.' s p V C - ak ofthe formec, PT A, , -o S- C ipera and for re Ier'ding S.. m A. J1. HIOUCs, Clerk of Court. Given Away| In the IndIana adOhio Aod.the cyclone at Omaha.,([ the Mississippi overilow andl other disasters of the year 19xt. thouusandsi of 'I'. FREE inENW were destroyed and neaw machilnes giv-n away wIthout cost to holders of The FREtE insur ance potlcy. See Picture. ing our Windows 'Buy The PREE Sewlar Machine and secure poliy whIch protects the machine agajinst los.1 by ood, tornado, cyclone. Are, breakaqe or any other cause. The only insured machine. *=---WE SELL IT F. J. Gantt & Co., Liberty, S. C. RPAl. -. : N s WATCH REPAIRING Is only one of our specialties. We do just as careful work in mending broken jewelry, re modeling old fashioned articles a~nd making NEW JEWELRY to order. We also invite yo i to call and see our large stockc of attractive ornamenta and up-to-date Jew elry. ii SNIDBiR. Eaulev. Le. C CASTOR IA ber Infants ad Ohildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought latre of Laud SE State of South Qarolina County of .Pickens. We the undersigned heirs c IJackson E. Stansell deceasek will sell at Pickens 0. H., to th highest biddef for cash, on salei day in November 1918 durini the legal hour3 for sales, all tha piece parcel or tract of land hi ing and being situate in th above named state and count on Big Eastatoe adjoining land of Leo W. Stansell and lands o the Carolina Timber Compan; and containing (190) acres mot or less. This being the remain der of a tract of land that wa deeded to Jackson E. Stansel by J. B. Newbery P. J., an< was supposed to contqin (35C acres but by recent surveys I was found to -contain (420) acre and from this tract of (420)acre there has been conveyed (225 acres to R. E, Johnson leavin as above stated (190) acres mor, or less, which will pass unde: this sale. Thero are (50) acre of good bottom land on thli tract of land also a fine appl, orchard and a good dwelling house and some good timber. Lee W. Stansell F. H. Stansell Mary M. Stansell Greg. Nerva A. Stansell Stewart, Addio Stansell Walker, Tex Stansell Meece. Notice of Sale State of Sottli curo ina, At a eiet ing of the Stockholders of 'i'-o Piekenua Sen tit el held on the 3rd daV of S'iteinber, 1913, a resolution was in-anmimtily ' l4depted authorizing and directing th Diroctors to sell at public atution on si ls-Inv in Noveibe. next the plant - f The Pickens sentinel for ti pupiose. of going into liquidation antd rlsolition. now, therefore, Notice Li INereby Given that the en tire platit of The Pickets Sentinel von. sistiig of Presen. Engiue. Type, Com-,. Ilosin; Stone, toget her wit I all the fix and goo.1 will t hereof will be sold Salef. fily im Novembler. next, at Pickens cotta t Hi us., 8. ,U., during the legal honrs for ptubbeIc saleH, to the highest bider for shi. E .ery. bidder will be rtouir-el t leposit wit h tle Paesident o lTle Pic lkelns Sentinel a certified check for $0O llefore bidding else his bid will 1ot he COllAiler eId, anid if the successful bi'ldl-lr fails to comliply with tho terms of saHl' atd pay the puirchase money withlinl 1111 Io n r thteafter. the plant will lbe '-e-sol it his TisC and he shall Ii I ffeit the chI ek of 8.0 1. d. v D. liRUClf, Prest. C. E. ROBINSON. Sec. I.. . (IUOE., E11 . cit kI10, 0.. I IIENDluI KS, Directors. Education consists in know ing things-know how a range is lade inside and outside Call at our' store during om: our special Majestic Rang4 demonstration--week of Octo ber 27th to November 1st. Heath-Bruce-Morrow Co. '-Thiat the farmers of South~ Carolina are adopting with much favor the use of cover crops during the Fall and Win ter' months, is stated by W. W. Ljong, State farm demonstration agent. A Marvelous Escape. "My little bo~y had a marvel ous eISCape,"t w rites P. .l'. Bas tiams of Prince Albert, Cape of Good 11ope. "It occurred in the middle of the nigh t. He got a very severe attack of croup. As luck wvould have it, I had a large b)ottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. Aftei following the dlirections for ari hour and tw~enty minutes he was through all danger." Sold by all dealers. Two Car Loads New~ Parlor Organs Three di fferecnt nmakes irorr 1o to 25 year guarantees tc close out to make room in ou: warehouse for our tremendous Fall and Wvinter stock o: Pianos and Player Pianos Many fine Organ bargains ir lot, formerly sold from $75,oc tc, $ i0o- will be closed oul from $49.50 to $69.50. Also several bargains it slightly usedl organs including One $75.oo organ used tw< months for $39.50. One $9( organ used three months 48-5C John H. Williaim Grand Opera House Building Greenville, S. C. Headquarters for thirty-ve leading makes of pianos, play er-pianos, reed and pipe er gans, Victor Victrolas, Columi bia Phonographs and Graphc phone supplies. Don't Let Your Liver Get Lazy Dodson's Liver Tone Wdl Keep it Working an4 Make You Feel Well and Clean -No Bad After. t Effects. e y If you have allowed your fear a of calomel to keep you from f toning up your liver when it Y gets a little sluggish and lazy a try Dodson's Liver Tone, and note how quickly and harm s lessly it starts the liver and re 1 lieves constipation and bilious I attacks. ) When you take Dodson's t Liver Tone, you do not have to s stay in the house all day. None s of the weakening and harmful ) after effects of calomel follow c its use. Dodson's Liver Tone s is a mild, pleasant vegetable r liquid that cannot hurt either 9 children or grown people. Yet s it easily overcomes the most 3 stubborn and inactive liver with out making you quit eating or working. These are not just claims. The Pickens Drug Co:, backs up every one of these state ments and agrees to refund the 'price of Dodson's Liver Tone with a smile to any person who pays his 50 cents for a bottle and isn't satisfied that he got his money's worth. Imitations of Dodsons Liver Tone are another proof that it is a good thing. Nobody ever imitates a poor remedy. Bo sure you get the genuine Dod son's Liver Tone--the kind that is guaranteed. B. G. Nealy Hurt I While at work in the Pickens Oil Mill Ginnery last Friday, Mr. B. G. Nealy had the mis fortune to get his right hand caught in one of the gins and two of his fingers were comn pletelv severed from his hand. Dr. Robinson was called and dressed the hand and Mr. Nealy is now getting along nicely. Don't take Calomel For Torpid Liver 8tep takingftaomeL-Here's a oon. stipation and liver remedy that's ..ate oad sre. (et a bo to. Hot Springs Liver Buttons from Hoe Spring., Ark., are surely Alue to tone up She liver, give you.a hearty appetite, drive the poimon from the bowels and make you foeleplendid --all druggists 55 cents. abt :thte famos Hot Sprg Rheumatis Pickens Drug Company -gnuini refreshment? Starts . quick as the first delicious drop of Pepsi-Cola moistens your tongue. Lasts long as the fruity, tart juices and oils stay In your system and mix with your blood, Not so sweet as some others--it stops thirst--doesn't produce more! Anybrdy can drink it and feel better. PEPSI-Cola. gives you nsatural refreshment in a perfectly natural way. It's pure. Cools off body -- wakes up mind. It isn't I medicine -it's pleasure and benefit all day long! Do yeu drir.k Pepsi-Colae One glass, then a second will pres it is better than them all. Try It. You're thirsty, NOW! a2' ,V COLD W$IR6..8$ Do't forget the place-to 0I 4tU , B ange, sat. ers and Grates. Stoves that do cook for $10.00 u . .4 Heaters that do heat for $3.00 up. .-Sewing Machines We sell the only Insured Sewing Machine on the market. One that is guaranteed to give You satisfaction as long as you live. Ask at our store for the Free Sewing Machine. Turn Plows Remember the Wm. J. Oliver Turn Plow. See the Stan dard oy this plow. When you break one of these Standards through the Point Hole'we will. replace them to you free of charge. Disc Harrows We want every farmer to see the Walter A. Wood Disc Harrow before you buy. Why bed your land with a single Plow, when you can do the same work with this Harrowt Igure the time you save by using one of these harrows. Roofing All kinds of Roofing you can buy from us at $1.66 per square up. . Wood Heaters We have a few Wood Heaters that we are going to selt at factory cost to you. If you are in the market for a Heater of this kind, see us at once. Hardware and Groceries Our Hardware, Tin and Grocery line Is always complete. Come to us for yout supplies. Bring those chickens and eggs to us by the load. Our trade demands a large supply of this kind of produce. Itenembor the place. T. R. ALLEN, M'g'r. . me e QM !FURNITURE!g We invite everyone who intends buying Furniture * this Fall to cone to see us and see how much they can save on the bill- You will find our stock large and as- 0 sorted. Iron and oak beds-from cheapest to the best. Mattresses from the straw to the luxury felt. Springs from the noisy kind to the noiseless ones. Stoves all5 grades and sizes from the No. 7 to the &juare Delight and Jewell Ranges. . Chairs from the baby rockers to.e Jthe Netherland Oak Kraft with leather Seats. Bed room suits and odd dressers in plain and quartered oak 'at3 reasonable prices. Rugs, Art Squares, Side Boards,3 Buffetts, Davenports, Wardrobes, Feather Beds, PillowsW B llankets and Comforts, all at very reasonable prices. We want your trade and will give you your money's3 worth. It will be to your interest to come to see us.3 J. J. GANTT&ACO. The Place Where Quality and Price Both Count. LIBERTY, S. C.5 omemsm *me@ My stock of new crisp Spring Goods is now ready for your inspection. I spared no effort in selecting this Stock with a view to Quality, Style and Price, and am satisfied that I can show you as complete a iine of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Notions as you will find anywhere, and as heretofore, my prices for the same quality of goods shalt be the lowest. White Goods are greatly in hvor this season, and lam specially strong here in new white goods from b c to 5oc the yard. One of thc biggest stocks of Hosiery in Greenville -the right goods at the right prices. Underwear for men and women, in all grades. You will do yourseli an injustice if you fail to look at my goods and get my prices before buying your Spring Goods. A. K. Park West End,Grevl. The Sentinel is the BEST Adver tising Medium in Pickens County