The Pikkes SOeulR1 QOCT.BER 9. 1918 KCut Trd at Picitenis rostomee art Second Clas mail Matter The Sentinel is not responsible for the views of its corres pondents. Help the man who needs hell is what ought to be done, bul sometimes the man who needs the help is the one who can't get it. The man who is able t,( help himself can get plenty o help, but he doesn't need if, But the poor fellow who is down and out, and wanting and need ing help is the one who is goij erally neglected and sometimes actually refused help. Give hi a helping hand at least once and see if there is anytlihing in him worthy of help. Get together amil pll our town upa itcli or two. Our citizens are the ones to do it. Strangers are iot coiing into town build it ill) for us; that matter is iy to us. What will we do about itf Let all the merchants advertise. Tell the people what you have for sale, how cheap you will sell it, invite them to come look your goods, and boost- your town. Let tho good work of.working tho streets go on. We should have moro paved side walks. Let the world know that we live in the best town inl Pickuns county. We are giving away Keen Kuttor Pocket Knives to all who pay one .ear in n(Ivalce for The Sentinel. This offer will 1)osi tirely not last longer than the 31st (lay of this month. If you want a Keen Kutter absolitely free come in berore then. HAVE VOU Gotten, One? DRY GOODS AT FACT4 As I have decided to dis t-on business, I am going to o tire stock at First Cost. * Remiember Ev J. McD Bruce President. hour and twenty minutes he I. M. Mauldin. Cashier was through all danger." Sold - ' -d . by all dealers. YOUR SHOES ARE THE KEYNOTE OF YOUR APPEARANCE Choose them so they will fit and feel right. That means comfort and a graceful carriage. Women's Footwear Including all the very latest Spring models in Oxfords, Slippers an d Pumps. Ladie's low cuts in white canvas, white nu buck and white linen. Ladie's low cuts in tan. Ladies low cuts in black. Men's Low Cuts In. all leathers and all styles from the low flat heels Of the English. lasts to the fuller toes and higher heels. If it's iiew, stylish and worth wearing you will find it here, and, at a price that you will appreciate. School Shoes for Growing Girls and Boys We k a speeialty of eild ren's Shoes, from baby's first soft solos to the hard wearing, traniping Shoes built to, stand -the rough usage of the healthiest Boy Scout. When in Greenville give us the pleasure of helping you solve the Shoe question. We are near the corner of Main and Washifngton,.the busiest, corner between Atlanta and Charlotte. All interuiban cars arrive and leave within four seconds walk of our door. Pride, Patton. & Timan [The Shoe People; GREENVILLE, S. C.