'FLAVORING ETACTS "True Fruit" brand, best made. 2-ounce bottle 25 conte. A book of choice recipes given, with every ( purchase. Other goods and sizes of extracts 10 cents. Pickens Drug Co. M The RexalI Store.. rl Ask for sample of Hallum's Liver Cleansers. Reg ular size box-40 pills-mailed for 25c. Large size 50 pills-mailed for 50c. Local and Personal J. M. Gantt spent Mvlonday in Joe Gilland, of the Oolenoy Pickens. section is seriously ill. C. E. Robinsol, Jr., spent the Warren Smith, of Liberty, week-end in Pickens. was a business visitor here Mon day. Miss Ada Craig is teaching the Ambler school. Miss Lovett, of Georgia is the attractive guest of Miss Floride Mrs. Beckley, of Atlanta, has Carey. been visiting Mrs. B.A. Hagood. Patul Childress, of Oreenville, Cap'n. J. T. Taylor, who has spent the week-end at the home been quite sick, is much better. of B.'l . McDaiel. Ernest Porter lef t Tuesday for We -are sorry to hear that Lisbon, Fla., where he has -so- Ars. 1K. L. Cureton has been cLired a position. quite sick with pneumonia. Messrs. Attaway, Allen, Wils . Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Aus son, and Mcal, s u ti m ,reen, of near Pickens, on at Table Rock. ast 'Ihu'rsday, a fine girl, Mrs. J. Mc). Brice and soni, -Miss Lucia Earle left this Hagood,spent Frida' n Gn- week for Calhoun where she H ag o o d s e t i y il G ree j - w ill. teach sch ool 'h e com in g Mr. W. 1'. AWdams, of ,!een- I iss eliuiorKnight, who has Ville, spent, Sunidav with the beenlvisiting Kfriendsin Liberty family, of' J. T. Taylor. benvsiigfinsmLiet ioand Westminster has returned Misses Gussie and M artlha to Pickens. Cureton spot. Sulday with R. E. Bruce has been confined homtefolks in Pickons. . to his room several (lays on ac COunt of sickness, but is now M11iss Josio Bramlei(1of, of Green Al~~~~~~ iss -oj ~' tldt NGeu - able to be0 out again. ville, is le atiract ive glost of Mrs. B. F. Par sons. Rev. G. F. Kirby assisted Pas 0 . .....tor E. S. Jones in a series of J , T. Dowd, of ll I. I )ora,F la., mei is visit-ing his sister, Mrs. P. M. c h in Gen llethweek. Miss Jsi e Chastain has e 'U. :.\Ashmoro and family turned to Pic)ens for the wh left Tullesday,- morning for Lis- aer. She will again be with th hours ila. hchrchinios Grenlln ear the -.1si Ahmor andfanu o tred bridgen o the hi.n set on'eday mlrnin week Lis- cter.ahewilagonbrwtht hoe lae inHeth-ruc-Morow o.lnet Joe Johnson andrt.Jandsfamtl nil,sent th aek-n fw Mr. cen hn purchs frmcingP. her areitsin ~ickns.Sto armonu thealg oad h overha brigenosePckn hape oetd l''n as weeksit oha ben thegusctor.s e finadrelatives i neori leLgr o oetmh .MsandiePrtr Alabma.rehae(mve to he fame Bre vil, spet. the wek-ndi wth AcntlyurcThoas ho hasP hich pae me rcentl. Stewafrt omte Etse, hsrad Mras. siCny n a gneh-.ha cete ii erMissOie .Nlorand letce lassMrartGasen h shae willurne cha-ge of vise ner has inned uesle ofsFr schod Alabanuo.trtune to'he rs home win Bir --- mnghm,0 ist. Tefi for.h ads. J. H.y lu. Mc Dapong. Jr. owocuyh Stewhoa, ho has e whic plce h reentl u- diing near Piomes fore hsvral cals osteP sR ies hand phas ced a armof rodCoreot ht-h- fegh-7 arsneon Clhorng ai. buinss Oiv piknewt)one land wilprbby-- e hr fully fondMultins . C. wertrde Upbt the fis the eargi.. staes whif thae businesof he nrassnedfvblso on ncrasiga it ha fo ted On theda ftnoon Thes pTfw chlden oft era fors.ae atear Cofeacyineto T.w.illenh uueedeen qulit ean icetemrsb .Befer17h that the patmehas but arcesthreuaodrofbins amreovuing th god.Ke Wr. Plen sterved whios ie yoriciae of the adeiing Rail- creams had pcae A areof fully. onducStonJ. and Patide abrot the memrs werte per. onl So mc ouin tat it will pay ten nd Frida afternoon asve thau the doyorhalltrofdikn ere. eglar mostdesofhsness arAu ig te g os en M s le ssre eiiu c M n Th n' 11 '* A1 eat ruce-Moro CO M-PANY FRiDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH AND 2. W E cordially invite the ladies of Pickens County to attend - V our formai opening on the dates above mentionedi. ~ 19* Margaret Booker and Miss Josie Chastain will a'gain be in charge. Miss Booker has just returned from the Northern fas hion centers where she secured a representative assortment of - the newest and most up-to-date styles in Millinery. We aie,, sire the ladies will find much of interest in this large display - of ready-to-wear and pattern hats and everyone, interested 'i 1 the fall headgear fashions is invited to inspect the showing DRESS GOODS! In this derartmept we have on display the largest We have just received and have on display one of and most select ideas of Dress Goods for fall and winter. the best lines of Shoes ever shown in Pickens. It will We call your special attention to- pay you to inspect our line of shoes. - Queen Quality for ladies and misses and Crossett for men. In the Wool oods:medium priced line you will find the'Robert,. Johnson & Wool Goods: Rand an d Craddock, Terry's shoes. for men and women. You will find here Mohairs, poolins, tafetta cloth, serges, ratines, and Panama cloth in all the leading shades-navy, black, brown, tan, green and Copenhagen Ladies' Tailored u blue, It will pay you to inspect this line of goods. We have on display oe of the best lines of ladies tailored suits ever shown in Pickens, in all. the latest W hIte Goods shades and styles. A most complete line of white goods in lawns, lin- Men's and B C ens, batiste and mercerized waistings at prices that will I please you. Our new fall and winter stock of mes and boy's Weclothing is complete and you can get here as good val We avea cmplte ineof ll he atet ting inues as can be found anywhere, in all the latest styles laces and embroideries, and shades. Cold wcathcr is just a short tinie away. Realizing this we have cxidncded you this invitation and we proiWse to have on display the larget and msto select line of J)ry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Clothing, etc., at prices that willn please you flpt has ever beena shown in this section. Yours truly, Heath Br ucei Torrow Company PICKENS, S.. C. w.OW-NIN Weve hwaveoyipa reo h etlnso lde Me ' and Boy's Clt Ohioh ~L~dL i11..~...~Lfloodi, the cyclone at Omahad ratus tO u newhfall and wntere stoississippi overflow an otler disasters of the year 1913. thousands of of 1lichens. S# 4r# I E-h F RE LBMAHNK P NDENNIS COFE I were destro~hi and now machines given away ACold e eat her isju without cost to holders of The FR insur t i we have ed yo ac policy. The best roasted offee t $proag -M tnv anb attern 'K ts Se, ictu!res in our Windows fre.,sh shipment just, in.- Don',t forget. the name, but oet Buy The FREE Swine Machine and secura C oliey which vrotects the machine against loss n str*a ge " -i. line of DrybGoody flood. tornado, c nlohn, fire, akape ortha t will is you that has ver beenshon any other cause. T iheonly Y sermuachile. 2eWE BELL IT Everythinomnd yin groceries. Se 3teem r _ __o_ _ erC G Pickens wa y__ H.tM allwy who Gratas__ *~ oI ~Ptekens.i~ to. was iFEd before, PENDENNIS OFFEE nnonc t.efi teslhowewitnem ta 5pr a itPtinery anb ptter 3 GatwyadJhv'OI a h enie seB S annalteriatoi"i1 ba0&anowayaturIa wa. destr n n o ahnsgvnaa 'Ce * ought toMe dim t------ w lackin-r ---- Ert h nSgodnroeres 5epemer26an 2 incknsiHrdwaes&Couceyty stor atthe Piesmid 1 -- - tising Medium in P ckens Conn