HAS A LAGRCICTI NT HA AYOTE NEWSPAPER IN PICKENS COUNTY THF ONLY ALL-HOME-PRINT NEWSPAPER PUB- - - --- LISHED IN PICKENS COUNTY i COUNTY COUNTY SEAT OF PICKENS COUNTY IKN PUBLISHED WEEKLY Entered Apri1 23. 1903 at Piekesim, . N. u-4 necoud 4utam sw~ill miatter, ti sider at-t ogo~Mof COIh3.I8 AOS PICKENS, S. C.. OCTOBER 24, 1912P -- -- eIof3 arh3 1 7 MR. CARPENTE ON LONG S Saturday, October 26---Will Tell Farmers How to Grow This Cotton---Much Interest Manifested iion. C. H. Carpenter, ex senator from this county, now em ploved .by the United States governmen t in connection with long staple cotton growing and secret rv of the Pickens county long staple cotton growers' as sociation, will speak in the court house in Pickens next Saturday -norning, October 26, at eleven o'clock, about long staple cot Great interest is beina mani fested by the farmers tirough out this county in long staple cotton growing, and it seems destined that this cotton is to bring Pickens county higher up in the list of prosper-us and progressive counties. Everybody interested is invit ed to come and hear this speech. Mr. Carpenter will discuss and explain the best methods of picking, ginning, selecting seed, and marketing the cotton. Government - experts, who travel all over the South, say that Mr. Carpenter has on his farm in this county the finest cotton in the world, so he must know something about this new cotton and how to grow it. A large crowd is expected to hear him next Saturday. Cedar Rock. There has been some frost in this -section, but no hurt done yet. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burdin were visiting relatives in the Len hardt section last Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Eck Jones and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. T. Jones last Sun (lay. Messrs, B. H. Whitmire, Tillman Julian and W. 0. Capps have returned from a a trip to White Plains, Ga. They made the trip throu-gh in a car. Born unto Mir. and Mrs. John P. Porter on the 12th instant, t fine girl. A large number of Cedar Rock people attended the unveil -ing at~ Zion church last Sunday-. Miss Rula Hendrix, a student at G. F. C., spent the week-end with home-folks. Walter Freeman, of Anderson county, visited in the Cedar Rock section last Sunday. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hendrix on the 19th instant, a fine girl. Miss Hattie Wood was the ,guest of the Misses Porter, Sun (lay afternoon. Mr. West. the principal of the Glen wood school, was among the visitors in the C edar Rock community last Sunday. Mrs. Jim Hester has returned to her home after an extended visit to friends and relatives in Texas. G. H. Hlendlrix is having his house remodeled and will add much to its appearance when finished. L. F. Smith, of Easley, was up looking after the interest of h-s farm in this section last w ek. Osborne Williams and sister, Miss Flossie, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Joel HI. Miller's last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sank Hester, of Texas, is visiting friends and relatives in this section at present. Messrs. J. T. Mauldin and Julius B. Dacus, of Easley. were visitors in this section Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. M irtin Barr were the guests of the former's parents. 31r. andI Mrs. John Barri, near Easlev Sunday. The fourth Sunday, the 27th, at 11 o'clock has been set apart for the election of a pastor, at Cedar IRock for the .ensuing year. Watch Cedar Rock grow! -- --.. -~ Rexie. R TO SPEAK TAPLE COTTON ROOSEVELT FEELING BULLY Back at Sagamore Hill-Stood Trip From Chicago Well. The quiet routine of life at Sagamore Hill was picked up again )y Col. Roosevelt and his family Tuesday as though it had not been interrupted by the firing of a shot meant to kill the master of the house, For the first time since he was wounded in Milwaukee eight days ago Col. Roosevelt was unattended Tuesday night by a physician. There was no one in the hou e except members of the- family and servants and the colonel spoke hopefully of being able, after one more day of rest, gradually to resume his work. Four physicians were with the colonel on his arrival at Oyster Bay from Chicago Tues day morning and after they had dressed his wound they told him that the one essential was complete rest. If their directions are obeyed it is be lieved the ex-president's recov ery is probable although it can not be said that he is entirely out of danger. Dr. Alexander Lambert and Dr. Scurry Terrell who accompanied Col. Roose velt from Chicago were joined in New York by Dr. Jos. A. Blake and Dr. Geo. E. Brewer. After examining the patient they said the wound was still wide open, spoke of the possi tility. of infection and added they were unable to say w*heth er it would be pospible for him to take up work of the campaign aiyain. Marietta Route No. 2. Dear Mr. Editor: I wonder if all the correspondents are dead this morning. I am afraid some of our young gentlemen were out late last night and froze to death. Mrs. Thomas Smith spent Sunday with Mr's. Valina Whit mire. Born on Friday night, October 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tint Wil lams, a bouncing girl. The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Looper on October 8th and left them a boy. Miss Ida Phillips visited Miss Maggie Anderson last Sunday. We all think Ida had a nice time. Miss Janie Smith visited Miss Bessie Anderson, Sunday. There was a large crowd pres at Peter's Creek Sunday and Rev. Mr. Raines preached a very interesting sermon. Messrs. Frank and George Smith and Thomas Hughes spent Sunday with J.H. Hughes and report a nice time. -George Smith, who some time ago hurt his foot very badly and supposed to have broken a bone in it, is able to svalk with out crutches. Messrs, Hobril Singleton and Eddie Anderson and Misses Maggie and Bessie Anderson took a mountain trip Saturday. The happy four report a nice time. Miss Janie McCombs, who for the past three weeks has been very sick, is able to be out agam. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jones spent last Saturday with the Iformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PW. M. Jones. Harve Galloway gave a coin shucking Saturday. It is re ported that he made a large amount of corn. Mr. and Mrs. Buren Clark spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Heaton. "Dismial Turkey." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury a mecuryanill surely destro tha ese whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's catarrh u ie. manufacturedcobyins n. mercuryupond thetaken internalleyuacting faces of the system. In buying Hanl's ine. It is taken internally and nmad Ie Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes tImonials free. Sold by Druggiste. .Price 75c per bottle. 'Ege Hl1' Fawn". Pills for constipation. adv THE K pICKENS I cMet With Secozza'Bapt, The Pickens Baptist Associa tion met xyith Secona churchJ near Pickens October 16th, at 11 a. M. Rev. C. A. Waters, the appointee for the opening ser mion, was not well and he intr-1 duced Rev. WValter E. Wilkins, of Greenville, whp preached a very strong practical missionary sermon. Honl. W. T. Bowen, former moderator, declined re election and( the ass~ciation was organized by the election of Bio, J. C. Garrett, of Norris, moderator, and Bro. G. R. May field, of Marietta, re-elected clerk. The afternoon session was de voted to the subject of Foreign Missions. Preaching- at nig-ht by.Rey. I. E. McDavidl, of' Pied miont. Th'ursday morning,, October 17th, devotional services con ducted by Rev. J. E. Foster. The report on State Missions prepared and read by R~ev. J. E. Foster, was discussed by him and others. The report on Christian Education, read by Bro. G. R. 'Mayfield, discussed by Bro. MKayfield, J. C. Garrett, treasurer f th l or ofus tee ofthaadmyBo.H.D Singeto, Hn, EP. c~rvey RevE. h. abbadRe.W E. Wlkin. Th SixMil Acdmyi eigsppre vizhedt Pickens stAocad Tavl. m. Riv .ersn the apoine forssion opearng ser mcol ws notllelocaed he aino ouof Geile hracd liea vy strgporedtbycal murspeople. Thecthree adthassociation eas oranized abe the electot the ing, a C.l arrtt of rrsls modror and E.. Robnsn Mha beld, of thebeie ofaesce Teafternoon essio was eor antd toade asubjet but forceign Misins Peahisong at nhispa .rents i.o but fewid fid-y n Tfurldaf microiegoet Otoe dcod byhev. Ja youngster.n gTs he reot ofni ptateMsiad prard and reacheth te a.E. Foer, w s discposed bgey hof feetia Euesatnd adtt for inania Aget the time Six Mie treasrronfo theordo trues-n ee gofethe acadey o.lg andI Singethow toHonk .M~ey. tRe.. dBla mandi and. pla .whikinsk. THe Siomie Academ ihsepaisg suppoted to joiuntly ascrtnthre .ascouldn't Twelv a Mpie rier an cuthe inn.me worrieth Balon. from setoMfr counryhan ought to behariyn ir lyspotedousaldu peoe da rmwhbl t spoThe DEATH OF L. A. BROWN. Old Pickens Resident Passes Away in Cateechee. It was sad news to- Pickens people to hear of the death of Mr. Lawson A. Brown, which occured last Friday at his home in Cateechee, where he had lived for several years. About thirty vears ago Mr. Brown lived in Pickens and many of the older people here remember him well. He was a cabinet maker by trade. Mr. Brown was 88 years old and had been sick for some time. His re mains were interred at -riffin church Ijst Sunday. He leaves a wife and several children, one of whom, J. Alonzo Brown, runs a large store at Cafeechee. Norris. Lee Smith spent the week-end with his parents at Piedmont. Rev. Mr. McLendo preached a very interesting sermon here Sunday night. Mr. James Whiten and wife are very sick with fever. Their many friends hope them a speedy recovery. Tsaac Sheriff and several others spent the past week in the mountains. They brought back a fresh supply of cabbage, apples and other good things. Mr. and Mrs. Whit Gaines were in Liberty on business last Tuesday. Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Bowen both of Easley were the ricent guests of Mrs. E. W. Tate. Miss Bell Griffin has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Cork, for the past two weeks. Mr. L. A. Brown died at his home on the 18th inst. He leaves several children besides a host of friends to mourn his death. We extend to the be reaved family our heartfelt sympathy. Alba Rosa. Pickens Route 3. Mr. Editor: As this is my first attempt to write for the paper I hope my letter will not be cast int~o the waste basket.. We learn with regret that Mrs. Thomas Bolding is quite ill with typhoid fever at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Lollis. Mrs. Sarah Gravley is visiting her son, W. 1). Gravley, and other relatives in Greenville. Arrie May, the little (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. N. Gray ley has gone to Greenville where the will spend the winter attend ing school. A. S. Porter and mother, Mrs. J. H. Porter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gillespie, of Transyl ania, N. C., last Wednesday and Thursday. J, IR. Porter, who has been sick for some time, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Gravley and little daughters, Virginia and Lois, haye returned from a yisit to the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clark in Greenville, Bertran Porter is visiting rela tives in North Carolina. The Hagood school will begin the winter term November 4th, with Miss Essie Kelly as teac'her. Mrs. W. H. Chastain and Miss Ida Price were the guests of their sister, Mrs. WV. H. Stew art last Thursday. Farmer's Wife. Walker-Hunicutt. There w~as a beautiful and home-like wedding at the resi dece of Mr. Thomas Hunicutt on October 1~3 at 11 o'clock a. m. The contracting parties were Rev. W. M. Walker and Miss Shelonia Hun icutt, the younaest daughter of Thomas Hlunicutt. Rev. B. F. Murphree performed the ceremony, assisted b~y C. R. Abercrombie. Bro. Walker has for five or six years been state evangelist in the Twelve Mile River association fishing foi men and it seems that he has drawn in one at last best suited to himself. and made for his old home in Spartanburg. May good luck attend the happy ~01 It UNET SSOCIATION st Churih October 16, 1912 talk. Rev. Walter E. Wilkins, secretary of Laymen's Move- i ment for the State, followed r with a speech of great power. 1 Preachineg at 7:30 by Rev. W. 3 E. Wilkins. 0 Friday morning, 9:30, Devo- a tional exercises conducted by Rev. C. A. Waters. After ( some routine business the report t on Temperance was read by a Prof. R. T. Halluni and spoken to by the writer. Bro. Waters, Foster and the writer spoke for the Baptist Courier. After the r appointment of co:nmittees etc., the committee reported on time a and place of next meeting. a The association will meet at Norris on Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday before the third Sunday in October, 1913.- Open ing sermon by Rev. J. E. Foster; alternate, Rev. J. M. Stewart. A vote of thanks to the mem bership of Secona church for the splendid entertainment dur- v ib.g the association. Rev. A. E. c Howard and his people are to be ongratulated. The association I adjourned. The song, "God be with you "till we meet again," was sung, the parting hand , w'as given and prayer followed. Retlect ionis: It was very sad' for some of the older members to think over the past. Thirty six years ago the Twelve Mile ' River association met with r Secon i church. Then Rev. W. B. Singleton, Rev. Harvey Ken nemore, Rev. William Reed, Rev. Thomas Looper. Rev G. W. Singleton, Rev. T. WV. Tolli son, Rev. E. P. Stone, Bro. H. J. Anthony, Bro. Alexander 1 Algood, Bros. Jacob and James ( Lewis, and Bro. Joseph Looner. 1 Among our preachers so far as ( I know only three remain, Rev. I J. M. Stewart, Rev. B. Holder 2 and Rev. J. T. Lewis. We were all so sorry not to t have Bros. C. E. Robinson. J. 1 T. Taylor and Middleton Hester. I These three brethren have add- 1 ed so much to the success of the t association in the past. C . D. W. H. t But True year to year gradually acquir- ( ing offsprings until his house resembler a Sunday school class just before Christmas. He fret eth through the day and lieth awake at night trying to figure ( out how to keep his dependent ' population out of the poor house I is efforts are rewarded by hav- ( ing his daughter run away and ' get married and bring home a V nice son-in-law every day to t feast at his board. His sons ] grew up arid call him govenor and set him back for a five every I day or twvo. About the time he i has acquired enough lucre to I quarrel over, he contracteth a ( bad cold and is hurried away before he has time to talk to his family. His sons blow in his( estate on bad whiskey and plug I hats, and his wife puts the finishing touches to his career by I marrying the hired man. --Ex. : YOU Cdan 3 thian fiVe 1c every week en tinel. CENTRAL LOCAL NEWS Vlethodist Women to Meet 'here-Marriage Announcement From the Messenger. The following invitations have been issued: "Mr. Lee arson and Miss Allie Johnson -equest the pleasure of your presence at their marrage on 3aturday, the twenty-sixth of 3:.tober, one thousand nine ?luindred and twelve, at half >ast six o'lock, at the First Baptist church, in Central." The Woman's Foreign Mis ionary Society of the M. E. hurch, South, in Anderson dis rict, will hold its annual meet ng in Central, beginning Oct. 05th. There will be services at he auditorium Friday evening it 8 o'clock, at which the hour vill be announced for meeting aturday morning, afternoon Lnd evening. On Sunday, the 7th, the services will be held at t. Zion church, In the morn ng at 11 o'clock a special ser non on missions, in the after oon a mas ; meeting, closing vith the Sunday evening 8 'clock service. All are cordi lly invited to attend. Miss Sadie Johnston and Mrs. ). S. Stewart of Easley, were I he guests of Mr. Robert Stew ,rt, of Pickens, last week. Mr. Henry Collins, on the ,arl place, is the champion tur ip raiser this year. He sowed 0 cents worth of turnip seed ,nd has sold 139 dozen turnips t10 cents per dozen and has many more. Liberty Route 3. a Jake Hudson, who has been ick for some-time is improving. 1 Doyle Hudson and his mother r isited relatives in Anderson a ounty Satnrday and Sunday. s Mrs. Lula Dillard visited Mrs.1V far. Hudson Wednesday. Miss Fannie Hudson was the uest of Miss Geneva Brown aturday afternoon. William Bolding and. wife e isited Mr. aind Mrs. William .1 ~orter Saiurday anti Suntiay. c Eddie Natioqs, of Dillon, S. C. ~ isited his parents the latter ~ art of last week. A Farmer Girl. ~ h Jack McCall Dead. t Jack McCall, (lied Sunday ' iight at his home in Pickens t ounty, and- his remains were ~ buried Tuesday afternoonm at lane Groye Baptist cemetery in f >ickens county. For several C rears Mr. McCall made his home et Double Springs, in this coun-. v. He was 61 years of age. I moved from Oconee to the S llace of his death one year ago, I was a native of Rabun coun y Georgia. Mr. McCall's s hildren in this county desire to t hank the friends and neighbors ~ f Mr McCall for the many C :indnesses shown him during his [lness and death. These servi- ] es will ever be held in grateful ~ e m e m b ra n c e.-K e o w ee ~ ouier.-- --- Visited in Oconee. a Maj. G. M. Lynch, of the )olenoy section of this county, ~ isited his sons W- R. and G. A. ynch, of near Poplar Springs, I )conee county, last week, He isited Walhalla and saw sever ,l of his old friends and acquain ances. among nhomn was Col. t. A. Thompson, whom he j :new before the war, having i et him in Virginia while he y as in command of the 2nd 1: tifie Regiment S. C, V., as e olonel of said reaiment. He ( dso visited Seneca and saw r everal persons and acquaintan es. Seneca is developing rapid- d vand is bound to be a city c oon Surrounded by good arms and a fertile soil. Pickens is keeping up the1 mublic roads generally better han Oconee, although~ the nain leading roads in Oconeei tre in excellent condition. We ill should bear with the super risor and county commissioners< is this has been an unusually 1ard year to work and keep up roads. - All Day. Subsriba for the Sentinel. - MAD DOG BITES MRS. M. C. SMITH Wife of Popular Cashier Thought Dog Was Merely Sick-Is In Pasteur Institute Mrs. M.'C. Smith, wife of the :ashier of the Keowee bank here, was bitten by a dog last ruesday and taken to Pasteur ,nstitute in Atlanta Friday for reatment. She thought the dog was sick mnd was trying to give it -some nedicine when it bit he. <. 5mith killed the dog ts head to Columbia fo iation. Friday he recei elegram stating that the iad hydrophobia, and he i nediately accompanied his wif o Atlanta. Their son, Theo, e nd small baby are also with P heir mother. Mr. Smith returned Monday . ,nd reports that Mrs. Smith is J etting along nicely and that here is now no danger, for ix vhich their numerous friends h re truly grateful. D MICAH J. JENKINS DEAD. a 0 assed Away in Charleston I ad Thursday Afternoon Major Micah J. Jenkins, son f Gen. Micah Jenkins, the amous Confederate leader and timself a soldier who won honor p nd fame in the war with Spain, ta .ied Thursday shortly after l oon at his residence, in Char- ii eston. Major Jenkins suffered n , severe attack of malarial fever , Vhile at Blackville about a fs veek ago. He grew steadily T C vorse, and was taken to Char- c 3ston on Tuesday. No improve- a aent took place in his condition nd he passed away Thursdy 4, hortly after 12 o'clock. He ras in his 56th year. A Class Reception. a Editor Sentinel: On Friday vening. October 18th, Mr.U tobert Welborn entertained his a lass with a sumptuous supper a t the home of his parents, Mrg nd Mrs. Martin J. Welborn, Lt five o'clock, the appointed '* our, the guests began to arrive ,d in a short -while all were here. We enjoyed ourselves ti alking and laughing until 6:30, a a rhen we were invited in the ~ .ining room, where we found ti he table groaning with all kind f good things to eat. The table e ras decorated with beautiful p owers and arn excellent displayh f sweet fruits. The supper ;as followed by a dessert of t1 ruits, lemonade, and cake gal-? re. Afterward we enjoyed1 our elves on the spacious lawn a ith games. Then we returned o the house where we had ongs and music till it was time o o go bomne. All left praising a, nd than king our kind host for tu ur good time.* a zouise and Annie Gravley, r addie and Ressie Stewart, Essie Ldams, Pauline To wnes; Mr. *, 3dd Stewart and their dear ia eacher, Prof. Henry A.Townes, a .nd also Misses Velma and ~ iavinia Parritt. who were not aembers of the class. Those rho haye ever had the pleasure ~ I f being in the hospitable home f Mr. and Mrs. Welborn will c :now what an enjoyable time re had. A Participant. * The many Oconee friends of 2 ohn M. Ledford, who resided ~ ai Waihalla for several years, .1 1ill be glad to know that he has 1 ween promoted to an overseer in ine of the rooms at the Central e jotton Mills. Mr. Ledford ~ I noved to Central about a year i o.......William Miles Reid e ied at his home at Tamassee ' n September 23rd after a ling- i ~ring illness from pellagra. He vas 45 years old and was a ving and affectionate husband mnd father. He leaves a wife, four children, two grandchild en, two brothers, an aged fath- k ~r, besides hosts of other rela- j ives and friends, to mourn his I leath. His body was buried ( t Cheohee Baptist burying- i ground on the 24th, the funeral I services being conducted by a Rev. J.L. Hudson of Cheohee. -Keowvee Couriet.( LIGHT ON ANCIENT PANIC ARGUMENT History Demolishes Republican Claim That Democrats Make Hard Times. 1893 WAS UNDER HIGH TARIFF very Panic Since the Civil Been a Republican P From 1907 Upheaval. The en Democracy are mak ig their ted and regularly re orMng hw -they are predicting hard Imes If Woodrow Wilson is. elected resident on a~ Democratic tariff revi *n platform. (he Republicans are caiming all for present prosperity. A glance backward will be worth rhile at this time. Every panic since the Civil war riginated and developed under Re blican rule. The Republican campaign textbook f 1904 devoted much space to the any business disasters occurring from uly, 1893, to November, 1894, intend kg the public to attribute them to the auguration of President Cleveland L March, 1893. But the Republcans til to refer to the fact that the Re ablican tariff law was in force dur ig more than twelve of the sixteen Lonths of greatest business disasters.' his fact must be remembered-the cKinley tariff bill became a law ct. 6, 1890, and the first indications the 1893 panic were seen No 190, scarcely more than thirty daysw' ter the McKinley law was passed, d the panic reached its worse stage L 1893 and early in 1894, during hich time the McKinley law was Ja il force. -Millions Lose Their Jobs. It may be recalled, too, that the anic of 1873 under Republican rule ad in a period of twelve years of high Lriff taxation, was most disastrous. continued five years, 3,000,000 work gmen were thrown out of employ tent and bankruptcy rani In 1890 the McKinley as passed, and there wEre 10,673 ilures, followed by 12,394 in 1891. he tariff was raised -to nearly 50 per mt, but wages stood still or de ined while the cost of necessaries Ivanced. The most serious labor troubles In e history of the United States have :curred under Republican high tariffs. Some Lessons From 1907. The Republican panic of 1907 fur ished another forceful refutation of te Republican claim that Democratic iminstration and hard times, lower riffs and panics have been co-ex ,ting. In 1907, in the midst of prosperity, iousands of leading banlrs, with hun reds of millions on deposit, suspend I cash payments. The trouble began Sa result of a struggle between reat New York financial institutions ir business. The New York post in October, 1907,. td: Condemn Themselves. "The certain and significant thing Is at It will be known as -a Republican id high tariff panic. Protest as Re- - ablicans may, they will be held re ymsble. Out of their own mouths te Republican party and the Dingley es will stand condemned. They fixed t1896 the standard by which they mnot escape being judged. In the arty platform of that year they re red to the panic of 1893, and the rd times following, squarely to rarge up the entire accountability to ie party in control of the' ai aernment, and the political Inter ice was stated with merciless logic: "'Every consideration of publid ifety and Individual interest do' ands that the government be res ed from the hands of those, who , ve shown themselves incapable of )ducting It.' "Now, what are the Republicans go. tg to do when the Democrats hand iem back their poisoned chalie? ** A great emergency has come ad the high tariff is seen to be of no vail whatever. It was to keep us allR ght and prosperous." "Because the country has just got rer the results of a Republican pan1. ie president and his friends are urg ig us to perpetuate the Republican Imnistration," says the Philadelphia ecord. Business Depression. "As soon as business was checked v years ago the steel corporation. hich was encouraged by Mr. Boos ent to swallow the Tennessee con. en, then Its most formidable poten al competitor, drew Its fires and rew about half Its workmen out of mployment. Other industries did mch the same thing. *** There ias an extensive stoppage of mills i Philadelphia. "The itepublican candidate for cn ress in the Kensington-RIchmond istrict is using the 'soup houses of 8' as a means of scaring the wage aners from voting the Democrats icket. .Those soup houses existed un er the McKinley tariff. But there ave been more recent ones. After. 907 there were soup houses in the ensngton-Rchmond district, and ev rybody who was charitably disposed ras begged for contributions to feed Le people who were out of employ ient" Nine Prisoners Now. Sheriff R. R. Roark tells us Le now has nine prisoners in . ai. They came over from the. 'ederal court at Greenville fuess we'll have to quit boast og about about no prisonlels eing in jail now. But for; > ,bout two weeks the jail wa0i~ mpty and there are veryre ounties with so good a recOgd