The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, September 05, 1912, Image 3

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i'i-he K RS Sentinel LOCAL BREVITIES Some Till@! ou Know and Some / You Doi Know About Our Towns, Coonty & Pople se member ne. day is ele ay Rev. B. .Grandy spentsv eral days with his family last week. Mr. Will M. Aiken, of Pied mont, visited in Pickens last Miss Geneva and Addie Finley of Pickens are visiting in Pied mont and Anderson, Mr: isaac A. Phifer, a lawyer of Spartanburg, was in town last Friday on business. Mr. R. B. Waldrop has bought the stock of goods of Young blood and Brezeale. Miss Florence Ifewer, of Greenville is on a visit to the family of Maj. J..M. Stewart. The continued dry weather is seriously injuring the crops in this section, especially corn. Every voter is. urged to turn out and vote in the next primary election which will be Tuesday, 10th inst. Mr. G. W. Corbin is putting the .finishing touches on the paving on Main street. It is quite an improvement. Mr. E. R. Griffin, who lives five miles north of here, was re ported quite ill Monday with symptoms of fever. Abrs. Reese Fant, of Anderson, has been on a visit to Mrs N. E. Thornlev for the past week and has been Quite sick. ir. Willie Bowen, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Bowen, of Mt. Pleasant, S. C., was on a visit to relatives here last we k. On the 20th the stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Harris and presented them with a bouncing baby boy. Mrs. Aaron Boggs, Miss Ina Boggs and brother, Oliver, at * tended the annual meeting at Old Stone church. Mr. L. R. Dalton was in town Monday on his way home from an outing of a' week visiting relatives in Greenville county. Mr, N. A. Christopher has been quite sick for several days threatened with typhoid fever. He is some better at this time. Mrs. L. R. Roach, of Pochon tas, Va., and Mrs. M. M. Roex, of Fackler,Ala., are on a visit to Judge and Mrs. J. B. Newberry. Married, by Judge J. B. New berry, at his residence on Aug, 27th, Miss Ollie Medlock and Raymond Barrett. all of Easley.. Mr. J. Wade Dickson, of Westminster was in the city last week looking after some legal matters in the Probate office, The stork has been getting in his work around Pickens again. On the 29th ult., a bouncing baby girl was presented to Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Allen. Mr. R. E. Bruce and Mr. C. MV. Bowen left last Sunday for the Northern markets to buy the fall and winter stock of goods for the Big Store. Mr. 2rnest Folger, of Folger, Thornley & Co-, left last Sun day for New York and other Northern markets to purchase their fall and winter goods,, Mr. A. E. Mull, who has been * clerking in the Big Store for the past year has accepted a position with Parrish, Sloan & Co., of Easley, and left Tuesday to en ter upon his duties. Three were baptized at Secona last Sunday as a result of a meeting- -recently --held there, after which the pastor, Rev. A. E. Howard, preached a forceful sermon. Mrs. Maria Dodgins, wife of Joseph C. Dodgins, died on the 26th ult. Her remains were in terred in the Nimmons burying ground, on Big Eastatoe, the day following her death, the funeral services being conducted by William Holcombe. Mrs. Dodgins was 6$5 years old and had been a consecrated christian since 1864 when she joined the Baptist church. She leaves a husband and four childen and host of friends to mourn her death, Last Sunday at MIountain View. Last Sunday will linger long~ in the memory of some wno were at Mountain View church. A large congregation was pres ent to take part in the wvorship and to witness the baptism of several persons. A very un usual scene was witnessed in the burial of an 18-months old child and the baptism of its mother. This was the wife and al of Mr. Redmond Mull. er The sad rites at the grave people went to the pool .baptism was administer eight, by the pastor. Rev. Foster. As' te -people eaving the church a mule ay and threw Mrs. JOE nd Mrs. Will Durhamr two bibies out of the Candidates Expenses. In accordance with the rules of the Democratic party each candidate is required to file with the Clerk of Court a sworn state ment of all money spent by him during the campaign. The fol fowing is the amount soent by the various candidates in this county as shown by their sworn statements in the Clerks office. S. B. Craig, $56.20. J. M. Stewart, $20.00. J. M. Welborn $20.0. E.P. P. McCravey, $33.70 Fred Williams, $10.25. J. A. Hinton, $15.25. J. H. G. Mc Daniel. $36.00. A. J. Boggs. $52.60. 0. S. Stewart, 890.85. R. R. Roark, $21.00. J. C. Jen nings, $27.00. L. J. Connelly, $30 45. N. A. Christopher,848.50 J. P. Hyde, 831.20. J. D. Aiken $45.40. H. W. Farr, $25.50. A. L. Edens, $33.00. T. H. Stewart $41.75. E. H. Field, $36.50. R. T. Hallum. 826.60. Elias Day, 831.85. J. L. Bagwell, $22.70. J. M. Lawrence, S21.55, G. W. Bowen, $22.20. N. B. Moore, $22.20. E. C. Bowie, $2.00. E. W. Pickens. $2.00. W. S. Gantt, $4.50. J. F. Stokes. $4.50 J. M. Jameson, $5.00, C. G Rowland, $5.00. A.S.Porter, $4. 50. W. N. Cochran, $2.00. S. F. Keith, $2.00. W. H. Grant, $2.18. T. W. Child, $2.00. J. D. Simmons, $2.00. G. W. Dorr, $2.00. Miss Jessie Lewis Dead. Last Sunday night the sad news was received here of the death of Miss Jessie Lewis. which, occured that morning. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Lewis. who form erly lived in this county, bnt who now live at Piercetown, Anderson county. Miss Jesse was about 18 years old, a Christ ian, and had many lovable vir tues- She had been ill for some time with typhoid fever but was thought to be out of danger when she suddenly took worse and died. Her remains were interred at Williamston the day following her death. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have the tender sympathy of hosts of friends in this county in this sore bereave ment. Cutting and Shooting. Ice Cream festivals are all the go now with the colored people. They have supplanted the hot supper festivities for the hot sea son. But with all the ice used it does not cool their passions nor prevent disorder. At <me of these last Saturday night near the brickvard .a generat mix up and fight took place. During the melee someone used a knife so freely on Gus Hendricks that it required 80 stitches to close up the wounds. Will Hill was struck on the head by a flying bullet from a pistol, but he kept right on eating cream. Virgil Clinkscales was cut and Sam Terrell had a ball to go through his hand. It is not known whether any prosecutions will follow. The Six Mile School. The -six Mile Baptist Academy opened its fall term last Tuesday ord, inst., with Prof. S. A. Rut ledge as principal, and a full corps of teachers. The enroll ment has not been learned but an increased attendance was expected. Some improvements have been made on the girls dor mitory and material is being put on the ground for the erec tion of a boy's dormitory to cost $2,500. This building will accomodate forty boys and is expected to meet present de mands. As the school grows from year to year, both the boy's and girl's dormitories will be enlarged. Arrangements have been made to take care of the boys in private homes until the building is ready to be occu pied, which will be about Octob er 1st. Sttidents are urged to enter at the opening of the term or soon therea.fter, and all who contemplate attending this in stitution are urged to see or communicate with the principal Prof. S. A. Rutledge. Central, S. C., R, F. D. No. 2. Mountain Trip. Quite a delightful time was enjoyed by the crowd that pass ed thru here kst Tuesday on their way to Table Rock. Tlhey reached the hotel that night and Wednesday mlorning began to clinh and explore the glorious scenery of the mountain and to view the surrounding countr' Thursday they surveyed the base of the mountain, which displayed even grander sights than the summit. Friday. all returned to their homes after stoping at Pickens for ice cream and cold drinks, and later at J. 8. Morgan's for dinner. The party consisted of: Misses Berta and Nannie Jones, Laura. Virginia and Ethel Lawrence, Janette and Evelyn Westbury. Elsie. Ola and Lula Morgan and Rosa Murrav. Messrs. James, Henry, Tom. Jlarvin, Walter, Russel and Henry Lawrence, Lson Stanl1ey and Mack Mor gan. Miss Berta Jones, Misses Laura and Virginia Lawrence and Mr. James Henry Lawrence were the chaperones. M. Married. Miss Nettie Chapman and Mr. Edgar Faaan. both of Galhart. N. C.. were happilly married on the 29th eQf Auegust at the resi dene~eof J. A. Holder. J. D). Simmons. N. P., spoke the solemn words that made them man and wife. The happy cnnnle have the best wishe of Cedar Rock. Mr. Editor: It has been quite a long time since I have seen anv news from this section, so w ill give a few items. The red spider on the cotton is getting to be plentiful in this community. Misses Lila and Nannie Clark and Mr. Furman Poole. from Laurens, has just returned home from a visit to the Misses Miller. Misses Lala and Carrie Stone, from Grey Court, visited re latives and friends in this burg last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Julian and on Tillman. have just returned from Atlanta. 'They came thru in their automobile. Miss Ora Miller spent a few lays with relatives in Easley last week. Mr. Tom Bramlett and dau thter, from Laurens, are visit ng in this section. Mr. Elmer Hendrix spent sev ral days in Greenville last week. Miss Zoa Porter is visiting re [atives and friends near Liberty The road scrape is now in this ommunity, and is doing some :plendid work, Mr. and Mrs. D. Burdine visit d relatives near Croswell last week. Miss Beulah Smith, from the ion section, is spending awhile with her sister, Mrs. Martin Barr. Tobia. A Card From Mr. Bates. To the voters of Pickens county: I am informed that it is cir culated in some parts of Pickens county that I have stated that Maj. J. M. Stewart is in favor f making the rate .of interest as high as twenty per cent. and that he is in favor of requiring cotton mill operatives to work twelve hours. I wish to state that I have never made any such statements, but on the contrary, I do beleive that Maj. Stewart is the friend of the peo ple of his county and would favor a lower rate of interest and every possible relief that the law could give to the work ing people of whom I am one. Respectfully, W. T. Bates. Magistrates of This County. The following magistrates w:-re nominated in the primary election last week: Pickens township, A. S. Por ter. Easley, J. M. Jameson. Liberty, M. A. Boggs. Central, C. G. Rowland. Cateechee, T. W. Child. Calhoun, W. N. Cochran. Hurricane, W. S. Gantt. Dacusville, D. F. Southerland. Pumpkinitown, S. F. Keith. In Eastatoe township a second race will be made by E. C. Bowie and W. HL Grant. Singing Convention. The Pickens County Singing onvention will nmeet with riffin church, Saturday and Sunday, Sept., 14th and 15th. We hope every church and Sunday school in the county will be represented. We expect to have some of the best singers in the country with us. The public is cor'dially invited. E. P. McCravey, td President. Cards of Thanks. Mr. Editor: Please perriit me through your coun to express to the people of Pickens county my high and sincere apprecia of the very flattering vote given me on the 27th ult. I hope to merit their support in the elec ton to be held on the 10th. Recspectfully, A. L. Edens. Mr. Editor: Please allow me space in your paper to thiank the people at Pickens pounty. for the flattering vote they gave me on the 27th. No one apppe ciates this more than I; words cannot express my gratitude. God bless the people. I am a servant of the people. J. M. Lawience. To the Voters of Pickens County Dear Gentlemen: I wish'to thank you one and all for the good vote given me in the last primary election. I assure you that I appreciate your confidence and will give you the best service that lies within me. Thanking you again and again, I am faithfully youYs, Mr. J. P. HIyde requests us to state to the people of the county his hearty thanks for the flat. tering vote given him in the last election. LEARN TELEGRAPHY and earn $50. to $150. per month. Thousands of operatois needed. Most fascinating and education al work. Positions assured all graduates. Write immediatelv for catalogue. Spartanhurg School of Tele graphy. Mlain St., Spartan burg. S. C. For Sale or Rent. One two story brick store on Main street, in Pickens. Terms easy. C.. RQRINSON. Gon to the polls next Tuesday ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegetabrparimforAs *similating thelbodanl~egua tingtheSaatsandBowlsof Promotes Digesionawerfu nessandRest.Contalsittnekr Opima.Morphine norMioeral. NOTNARcOTIC. r. t ndyfor .tion,sourStowajlDrlt Worms,Covudsions.Fevefis SnessandLossorSLEEP. FacSiile S*iAgre of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. "Our Personal to all We have been in business In this town for some time, and we are looking to build up trade by always advising our patrons right. So when we tell you that we .have found the eczema remedy and that we stand back of it with the manufacturer's iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves you can depend upon it that we give our advice not In order to sell a few bottles of medicine to skin sufferers, but be.' cause we know how It will help our business it we help our patrons. We keep in stock and sell, all the well known skip remedies. But we will say th$s: If you are suffering from any kind .f skin trouble. eczema, psoriasis, rash or tetter, we want yu t t aoul It i'oes 'not do the work, this * .2.. 2 J. I.1 BUSINESSLOCALS. FOR SALF4-40 acres fine farm land. Good dwelling, out buildings, water, pasture, good orchard and other improve ments within half a mild of Six Mile Academy. Terms ea'sy. 4. B. Robinson, - Central. S. C., R. 2. FOR SALE-Nice horse and buggy. Horse six years old; rich sorel, sound ag a dollar, good style, hiigh class roadster. A bargain. Carl L. Gnllick, Phone 863. Greenvil, S. C. All parties awing Parson & Ashmore will please settle the sane right away with J1. R. Ashmore. FOR SALE=For the next 15 days I offer iry farm of one hundred and three acre; of land for sale at a greatly reduced price. The farm is on the Maddins bridge road;.just below the Six~ Mile Academy, Land lies well, 40 acres cleared, two houses, onle four l oom. Titles guaranteed. A pply at once to, Mrs. Ninia Montgzomery, CJentral, S. C. FOR SALE-90 acres land on T welye l4gle river, iegr Uunters nilI. Q ares in state of culti yation, halance in woodland. 4esonahle terins. 10 acres good bottom land. Wash Hunter, R. F. D. a Liberty, S. C, a2t4 FOR SALE-I have 300 acres fine farm land for sale, 12 miles from Pickens, at $5 per acre. Several good tenant houses, a large barn, plenty water. good neighborhood. (1~4 cut to suit purchaser. J. T. Taygpx, CASTOR IA Ihu KlnG YQu||ave AlwaJs Bougbt Beas the Sigp#ture of CASTORiA For Infants and Ohildreu. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ''In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTIRIA Guaratee 31n Sufferers" PICKENS DRUG CO. bottle will cost you nothing. You alone to Jud ge.I Aga and again we have seen how a few drops of this simple wash applied I to the skin, takes away the itch. in stantly. And the cures all seern to be permanent. D. D. D. Prescription made by the D. D. D. Laboratories of Cicego 14 washd ay the momen yoapied io tisCKNS, D.C McDn one, P yrecomendth reed. t M auld in asui er h e n thr Pad w wt s enee it. z49 on, ou positive. peciftY (Qe Zt ICKEN BIPAN PICKENSCKENSC 00IA- 5,0 TEES PKE NEPOF 8 Haldium'sier.Cener a P8 eroalkinds bening t Lr and e Blood right The 'aoedari e ust eqas~ good. aTheydaru on2c a box. 0000000000000000000000000000000 ~ e all knsbcleansing netetsa o w ier slyrgandmo rgther, Syance onle yet capx onmecent of n on woras,. 1MLES wAslh s anodlav'ilng eiscrn antee.o h ~k~,er aetgr hau prso~ns we * nuch yahuable inf ormatioui -free upon request. SIf you~ hav~e trouble in gett to th~e undersigned, $100 in gold will be paka th picture beiore and after usinm be accepted by us, and used million people will see your ugly growth on your person. FLORIDA DISTRIBUTJ 1=3 to 1=2 Off mam ILM Some of the Season's Pretti Hats to go for a 80< COME EARLY AND GET FIRST, CH0i Heath-Bruce-Morro COMPANY So/dAy ies/ ere MANY IMI TA TIONS claim to be "just as } ,) good," but a claim is - is never a proved ~, PekS o. aMa Potbton Powerful Permanent C F rS l rE c a e P, latngi Icures celnd nfon fMthds outbildwrs.etc in fdont odthese.:thacrenl o t . sphenaseesan nre, .Hlg tasciic. gsln fgeaS BIops the P. al eds Mistaulsoadorea:gn aiil. Thousands endorse it,.6 Itrainlm utd SAANAH, GA. 2H .gsln nie l ngo odtoi )RUG 00, S lot to of~~e yor. Le eko yurw ts-Ica 7 room hMoarel, Tend onto infotfte1.9ar m e tndnc o ee ofge of An h., ogo ataack and 1 fivepasseeeramodl "TtFordgutohe Oo s e woaho oseo swat for eas tostau~ te. hAls onl ea, onervousrseoagomn t We wil i~aithem t you CIee alof the ym to her hou rgains work fa lanalI, tonprospNowerthee poor wm ed lie to rayoburdn itere~so athndsever for oe y i l usr r.snigahuea a ItGps an en to ufferig Lte kneous yste. ISI can apite actsh e neiilm. oensdlct rans.paid _________________ '. . SH MDC ORE,Te LandS n"SOU ad not, make yoick, lkea We wm a2. the et yo ~n attractiverbooklet, sen Lug MoleAnfAchindg.Bacdiaec a personBsendnggusotheiri9s Onlysufeeigowmanootheos watcttmansto nsto h foradvrtsinnMoesfofA thes syptms 'Teei oueodi onliatealrrvuswithouagdanmantowott.Itusthnan at h and theer in, for tho even ho ill use it. -. N Squw Vne in t put an enosufing, bulsu h evu ytm teghn appetit and ceneiial MoRwomen's de icat ensm T.FSIMN MDCNEC. T.US, MISSO /off