The Pickens Sentinel LOCAL BREVITIES Some ThiBdsou Know and Some Yon DOnII Know About Our Towns, County & People Don't forget to put your name tn the club roll. Dr. Reece A. Allgood recently stoou rsuccessful examination before the State board of medi cal examiners and has been li censed to practice medicine in this State. Read the rules of the Demo cratic party on the first page of The Sentinel this week and you will see who is entitled to vote. Politics should not get in the way of the c-tton mill project. Let this enterprise go forward, of the candi a e meeting will De held a, Six ML*e on Saturday, August 17th, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time *hey will address the voters. Mr. and Mrs. T'. L. Bivens en y6me days last week with fte relatives in Greenwood. Mr. J. E. Gillespie says that last Sunday was the coldest birthday he ever remembers passing, and he was 58 that day. The members of Enon church, and others interested are re quested to meet at the church on Saturday, August 10th, for the purpose of clearing off the grave yard and grounds. They are also requested to bring their wives, daughters aud sweet hearts, and well filled baskets, and mix pleasure with work for a'general good time. If you want to vote, see that your name is on the club list at least five days before the elec tion. Miss Nellie Grandy returned home from Charlottesville, Va., Friday. She reports a most pleasant and beneficial session of the summer school. The musical given in the home of Mrs. Vesta McFall on last Thursday evening was a de -i . " 's "" a large as with the of classic G. Hugue-, let, musical director of Chicora college, Greenville. and was not less appreciative of the vocal so los by Mesdamies Hagood and Kirksev. Dr. J. D. Chapman financial agent of G. F. C., occupied the pulpit at the Baptist church last Sunday morning and delivered - a very interesting discourse on Christian education. At night he was with the Liberty Baptist church. Protracted meetings are in progress this week at Mountain View. Seneca and Oolenoy. There will be an aliday sing ing at Antioch Baptist church second Sunday in August. con ducted by Prof. R. McD. Bold ing, noted singer. All invited. Bring baskets. Everybody who is interested in the cemetery at Bethlehem are requested to meet at that place on Wednesday, the 14th inst..- at 7 o'clock a. in., with suitable tools to clean off the grave yard, the church yard and put the road in good con dition. Carry your dinner and go prepared to !do a day's work. There are many in easy reach of this church who are in some way interested and who should willingly and .cheerfully give one day to this worthy cause. Last Sunday was the cold day ~~-Aust. Winter clothes wete con~ortable. and many toes hre reaching toward the fires. 0% mercury tumbled away down; Quilts and blank ets were brought from their hiding and put on the beds. It was the coldest day in August ever experienced by many of our citizens. Miss Rachie Dickinson, of Tampa, Fla., is spending a fewv dlays with Mrs. J. J. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie J. Lewis. of Piercetown, Anderson couu ty, returned homie Saturday after a week's visit to relatives S andi friends in this county. Mr. and Mrs. J. McD). Bruce and children spent last week at Ceasar's Head. attention of the city * sis called to the publie * Main street. Luther Grandv and a.i of Greenwood are visit Miss Vesta Ashmore, who ha. been in Atlanta for severa weeks, returned Tuesday. Misses Janet Bolt of Easley Bivens of Durham, N. C., am Stokes of Greenwood are th( pretty young ladies who ar visiting Mrs. T. L. Bivens. Mr. Arthur Stoney. of Chai leston, is the guest of Sidne Bruce. Miss Inez Morris has issuet invitations to a large Leap-Yeal party to be given at her hom< on Hampton avenue on Thurs. day evening, Aug. 8th. Mrs. Ruby Moore, of Monroc N. C., is the charming guestol Capt, and Mrs. I. M. Mauldir this week Only one tract of land was sold last salesday. In the cast of T. H. Smith vs. D. C. Mills, 941 acres in Easley townshir was sold by Sheriff Roark and was bid off by Mr. I. M. Maul din for $2,500. Attention is called to the ad vertisement of Mr. John H1. Williams, the music man of Greenville, on the fourth page of this issue. Mr. Williams, conducts one of the best stocked music houses of the upper part of the State, carries a large and select stock of instruments of all kihds, and is thereby in position to make low prices. Persons in thc market for an instrument for home or church would do well to consult with him before buying. Married, on the first instant, Miss Ella Lovelace and Mr. James A. Burgess, both of Easley. Judge J. B. Newberry performed the ceremony. Bennett and Sam Langston. who have been in the west for some time and who have taken in the sights of a large part of the United States during the nast two or three years, came in last week to spend awhile with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Langston. Mr. Garland Seaborn, who holds a lucrative position with Hobbs-Henderson Co., of Green ville, is here to spend his vaca tion. Mr. J. R. Ashmore, the land man, comes to the front this week with an ad., in which he tells the people where and how they can buy dirt cheap. See him. Program W. M. U. Meeting The annual meeting of the Pickens W. M. U. association will be held with Cross Roads Baptist church August 10, 1912. Following is the program: 10.30 a. m. -Devotiona' ser vice. Song. Welcome address-Mrs. J. B. Findley and Mrs. F. S. Smith Response-Mrs. R. A. Hester Roll call of societies with re ports of each. Reception of visitors. Superintendent's address. Song. Reading of constitution and by-laws-Miss Sonora Glazener. Discussion of foreign missions Song. Address-Mrs. J. E. Ashmore Report of Committee on Lit erature. - Appoin'ment of Committee on TIime, Place and Resolutions. Election of Nomination Comi mittee. Announcements. Song. Dinner. 1.30 p. m.-Song. Mountain Schools-Mrs. J. M. Stewart. Round Table of Band Work, conducted by Misses Pearla and Edna Hester. 1. Finding Leaders. 2. Paren tal duty. 3. Best Helps. 4. Teach ina Tithing. 5. Children's Mis sionary Libraries. 6. Teaching How to Pray. Report of Obituary Commit tee. Address-Mrs. C. E. Watson. Report of Committees. "What has this meeting meant to me?"-Delegates and visitors. Farewell service. Brezaeale Family Reunion The reunion of the descend ants of Kenon Brezeale will be held at Belton on August .15. Every descendant. however re mote, is invited to be present as guests of the descendants in An derson county. A picnic dinner will be served and there will le speecht. s by some of the desceu dants. Let the Anderson coun tv descendants bring well tilled baskets, and anybody wvho ever saw a Brezeale cook will know there will be no hunger. by lHon. J. F-. Brezeale. 12::O-Dinner. 2:00 p. m.-Address L. L Ri 2:30 p. m.-Ad'dress Prof. W E. Brezeale. of New Jersey. 3:00 p. m.-Address Rev. (. Copeland. It is hoped that all the Bro zeales and their families will ib present and to that end we wil ask that all who read this wil cut it out and send to some rel ative who will not likely see thi paper. Olga Farm News. 3peakina of the Anderson am arietta railroad. What is th, rouble that it can nit be bail and built at once? There's no a man on the proposed rout that is not willing to help liin it, in some way lend a read hand and willing heart. A beautiful country like thi needs a railroad to show L< others the beauties of naturo that we are endowed with Look at those magnetic noun tains. towering aboVe the r( mantic Saluda, like- sentieh placed to guard the peacefiu valleys, rich in hidden treasures beautiful in luxuriant vegeta tion; all varieties of grain, cot toi and profusion of wild flowers. Our limpid streams of the pur est water, and the cool breeze: that fan the brow when heated by honest sweat where by mai: attains his bread. A country like this opened up to the out side world would prove a boon to many an aching brain, tired of the turmoil and vexations of city life, and the communion with n iture in all its prestinc lonliness, would tend to draw man nearer to the divin power who made all these things for the benefit of man. Let us build a railroad throuAi from Anderson to Marietta and show to the world what an arcadia we have in our midst, and some enterprising man c:mn build a tourist hotel and reap the benefits, while he bestows blessings. Do not let the beau ties and blessings God has given us be hidden. "Full niany a gern of purest ray serene, The dark unfanthomed cares of ocean bear,. Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air." 4ir. and Mrs. Guy Butler, of Greenville, after spending a week at C2easars Head, came on here on a visit to Mr.. Foster's parents. Mrs. Harry Geiger and two very interesting children, of Hamlet N. C., are staying with Mrs. Geiger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Foster. Marcella. Golden Grove and Flat Rock. Several of the candidates at tended the Children's day exer cises at Golden Grove. Our friend, Mr. Hinton, .gav' u:s a talk, his subject being~ 'Tha is life?"' He made some wonder what w~as next, and as he spotke we took a peep into the ftturi and saw the lives of our chil dren and the great need of proper training in the hes and Sunday school. Mr. San Craig was also with us and ga ve us a good talk on education. especially Christian. education. He told of some of the hero.s who ha~d obtained a Christian education and some who had not. We are living in a day when Christian education is badly needed, and if we fail to give it to our children, they will be scattered and poisoned with such literature that is so pre valent and that is now fouind on many center tables. The day was heartily enjoytl by all. The best behavior pre valed and not one wxxent away hungry. After several months of suf' fering, Bert McCurry passed peacefully away on the 25th Iult. The day following his body was laid in the Flat Rock cemetery to await the great ressurrection. Rev. Levi Rig don conducted the funeral ser vices. Mr. McCurry is survivedl by a wife and four children, who have the sympathy of many friends. Sore E yb cnad' Ae cured without pinnoedybLoar' IGoden Eye Lotion. There is no other eye remieds so soothing, healing, prompt and effective. Il Makes strong eyes. Guaranteed or money refunded. Druggists sel it at 25cts, or forwarded prepaid on receipt o: preby S.B. Leonardi& Co., Tampa, via One two story brick store or Main street. in Pickens. TIernu 4S'p &M ." A*( oil, mviv Q i -m A . -i - - l ut I Thi T - 11 t 1 1, I a n. thi nqw Soa.V ti l SI Ii bi! . i . 1 a and Th-- in:1 i q w! i 1pec t u n:1 -I prlI (Oii.flI ' hiK ha ;. au: va' n "h tree, Nv% all -04i -il canoeutt e : . nim. Art int zier Ar .A 1,11 ~ ' Es atl.1s e u h iCU O .IGIvi I- 1 nVile i 1il' pat 11luan 010A W covurn y i . tJ. T rad ph nt 1;Q- I lin 1z: licitor. lsoll , 111* s m 111 1 % & alk nd ir ;;i1:i& z.~ i e ou tid of h i 1; tI the lkwnt 8 zr1~ I fe Sai r1 .-" hske past are ani in antid tted itha h sear 1 I * $:1 rC i aO ui).Cll ile In11- I -I'2 ur0e1: lv:1 1en w . thenli eX w15 SI w.'id. T T nadOfl illsi il l.' 3i r - . A . next :1en : - *isUr t he \1u11 .1eU 1 ) 1 e 5e( : . i \\htld t en Ie dutai ies 1 .~u s -Tg HehaA-o .1.j A -77 1.-C- c -- - q rh- i" pl w i && ~-k~ N> N I, Y IU ZkZU 3 - I. ' -'S 1!kVi\IA(Y * 1 a yy -T". THI ISTHECOVR~ Z E1 as ~ far. hsqaiRtysek COr iCK Yo'lsyM"' wc asrgo wi. ~- r ** e~-i RIY-TLO CO ER ~ ~ ~-e i LEat had WzARTS. Nwhupa us car io to ra rks theetraordin r md sti~g o t~ oferenhas, little itisaper *w~.--er c~red wtther coauimos.enos - a he bc'?al esminoeds, thes as fr. s wquall speksnor. togethr.t Man ii1iaion rv its attraieblten oula pe its goolesofsen. 1drc So- cvryhee Accet f n he picstu e S - Uh REL-AL r COwOeraigM olsf \ * . ' - - -r x d4!~Sforaqurer ifee I ~ i~4*EundideWAe. wthou pains r nrmar is tihly erfmed * h~r.and sse hais oapear ? w" al k -. Askthe th ~evf he cresOD a I -