The Pitkens Sentinel Advertising Rates REasonable PICKENS, S. C.: THURSDAY, MAl16, 1911. c. E. ROBINSON, EDITOR. ADVERTISING ' RATE. Legal Notices first insertion per inch For each subsequent Commercial and other advertisirg for '!Ir months or longer will be made at reduc dte and prices can be had on application". En ereo at Pielens Fustomce as Second Cla Mail Matter Stothart is still chief COn stable in Charleston. When politicians fall out you may look for a washing of dirty linen. But, laying all joJW didn't the dicta.ga5 say some mighty curijg;s things? ou want to be sure of be g in the jubilant growd, bet ter get on the Jones band wagon. If you want to avoid having that tired feeling and a bad taste in your mouth the 28th. join the Jones throng. Sam Nichols, the Spartan burg lawyer who talked for the dictagraph, is now making stump speeches for Gov. Blease. We-are reliably informed that lihe, dictagraph was not used in George Washington's time. There were no grafters then. Some people object to~ the newspapers publishing the news. Maybe much they do publish is not news to some 0 them. Gov. Blease may attempt tc ignore the break with his rmrfriend and supporter. f~~?QflLQ~-Welborn, but we dare say he will feel the effects 3 of it. jThe news reachee Pickens al most daily of additions to the Jones column. A month agc Sthis county was debatable ground. It, was uncertair which would carry it, but witi: the changes which have and are taking place, it is thought Sby many that Jones will. be ar Seasy winner here. The bulk of what the news papers publish is the happenings, sayings and doings of others in various parts of the world. And yet some will say the pa -pers ought not to publish such things. How are the people tc -get the news unless the papers publish it? -We haye been informed that it is being circulated in some of the mill villages that if Gov. Blease is re-elected, the hours of -work in the miils will be reduc ~~~hours per day and the same wages will prevail. This is only a scheme to catch voters. Gov. Blease cannot do such a thing. He does not make the law, he can only enforce the law the legislature makes. It is entire ly and wholly with the legis -lature as to what laws shall or shall not be made. Surely, there is no one so weak *as to believe such a silly story. -A gentleman writing an ar ticle- for one of the State news papers a few days since, said: -"The time has arrived when it is positively dangerous for an honest man to stand by his convictions.' This, many of us realize, is true. It, therefore, behooveis - every man who has any in stinct of principle, and love for order; any -respect for decency. to consider seriously the cause ~of this condition d things, and -cast his vote against it. Sonme have the opinion that a support er of the present administrationi could shoot down one opposimg on the slighest provocation and escape punishment by use of the pardoning power. Constable Stothart has spok en at last On the 26th of July he wrote Gov. Blease a letter deC nying grafting in Charleston. Among other things, he saidI: "I have absolutely nothing to conceal from the public andI have nor, received one cent or one dollar or any other amount from any source or sourc. s ror illegitimate purposes, or to at tempt to persuade me or to con trol me from doing my full duty." --Why did he not tell the dis Sesr investigating committee th is wh n thle trin h truth i1 ane ko'.'r )I; cold hav-dP time about inon-r we have t m-h-1i printers. Li*P bills mu' h). month. scieswho anr- :jin 1 their sul -rli i them nmr t'-P dollar from"",c help us very iah not hIuI, .inii: ilyou re-spo! I Who Can Vote? Referen"ceha a the cointy caifii:t: passed at thlet i.n legislature Wo ijwSfj! . fine who shall be vote in the primtu'y This question wva'N ih at the county on A May, some takin 10 that the act disnA white citizets. Vh' the opposite im. To . tioni will likely b.)a in the present n though it has na L any other count y in far as cao be m has itbe rn non State candi'Kes. people Iay a A selves aN e N lo: a-' to what this act full, and is L:s f rlo: "Sectioli 1. the G ra A1 ' i State of Souh Crh. a.: hereafter onyI c*ii;.!no United St-. w . n been resideunts of i at least one year. ' i 'n e fide intention of - zens of this State. titledl or alb)red to v\ primiarv ducetion, or municipai. ' to s n that upoa pa vote, and iO I o chalenged bein by an aflidai knowk-le, r 'nd beli'f toh such p'er::nn~ is .. defined abiov, b - with themar - hkis aidarit that nb sptelfitvin v~n h - naturalized. :mua exhibit to, th ma certifieate na~ it will be .'n this act does n u least with an a t was Olnledl only to) effee h foreignier. It is wel non town has verv ljitl - tection. That i. ae r why the in-u *::: V: i Another reue - ''s ion of the CflimE's u ir iInsU1'alre op make ai re(;'e''(ion et for fie ha. . crntli prr 60 0 fues aleIJ edge waysw fires are v v fron1 fIIes~ - of terra o n ros a llg (Of in nl the u ' lowiig Ii bh Thie (' Ial.inine n Decorate O d Wtile Old Sthe u ..-: the old - Vi be ab ' -\ body brIinP- b~>k *J'seph L'' s M ue r - -- ,. r -. - ..~ - C; v'*~44~t %~~' tLFt' 7,. r / -- .5 .j fly-) r *~ ~ K ~*. , ',.~7 ~ W9~%I C ,..v,-r--r. ..fl4a91; ~r ---trlr ( --C N, - '44?' .4 - A:... ~r 4,- 1 3 4 - ---St rr~~jfl2 A. - " r - -7777NV7< CE SALE OF 0 at greatly reduced pri , ox1ord niow selling X x1ord now selli 0 oxford now selli S~ oxcrd now selli STYE~SiNALL asein S an( ifner S f 0 v~rytiing a ours truly, un Gents~ FLrnishing GC . t n1 dY dI im -- h tbw * . . * tr Li -.T:...,.f --4 - e . -A - ; - -***- * t -7- r ~- A. M' iiey Co~ XEORDS. :es for sixty days. at $4.50. ng at $3.75 ng at $3.25 ng at $2.75 EATHERS. tubes, and t all times. RiiLEY' ly ods a Specialty. t Overalls, Hawes Iat,. ml Babcock Buggies Mitch I "Clean Up the Bowels and Keep Them Clean" There are many remedies to be had for constipation, but the diffi culty is to procure one that acts without violence. A remedy that does not perform by force what should be accom plished by persua sion is Dr. Miles' L -xative Tablets. A/ fter using them, S Mr. N. A. WVaddell, 315 Washington St. WVaco, Tex., "A~ lmnost all my !! e 1 have bee~n *:bled with contipat ion, and have I - many remedies af! of which :i'ed to cause pa'in vithout giving !' .- relief. I fin aly t ried Dr. Miles' l.tx::ti'.e Tablets and foundI them ,ex ed lent. Their action is pleasant and ild, and their chocolate taste make's themr easy to take. I am more than glad to reco.mend them." "Clean up the bowels and keep them clean," is the advice of all physicians, because they realize the danger resulting from habitual con stipation. Do not delay too long, but begin proper curative measures. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are a new remedy for this old complaint, and a great improvement over the catharties you have been using in the past. They taste like candy and work like a charm. A trial will convince you. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory after trial, re turn the box to your druggist and he will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 12 Kill Lice Yucn positiv ely destr oy Sall chick-en lice and ver min with Pratts Powder Sed L ice Killer. Increase \ 0ur poultry plofits this season by using Pratts Staarnteed lice killer. 25c~x and 50c a box. ~FOLGER, THORNLEY &: Co ofit(ce of Final Settlement and Discharge. NOTICE is hereby given that I wil make apl'lication to J. 1B. Newherry E-ti., Judge of Probate for PI'ckens tiuntv., in the State of Siouthi Carolina. *on the : lday of A ug 1912. at 11 o'clock~ m the forenoon, or as soon ther.:after as I- application can b~e heardI fo r leave to make final set tlement of the estatte of Ivey (Clinton Cannon dtceased, aind ok in discharge as executer said estar e. 4tl16 William Catnion - Execuor. Subscribe NOW The Election is Next Month. 1912 CHI ARLES.TON S SEPTEMBER 27 ,- *'n' Fri. v .Jair 5. a .m )OLP. President TANIC" .JONES UD ealer in this Town the highest grade, . f coffee and tea to be hd anywhere, for he alone sells The Votan Line VT COFFEE VTAN TE Each, best of its kind This dealer if Folger, Thornley & Compa1 Hetrick Hosiery Mills A fford ideal emi v hnnt for girls and women. - r-' d ;:'. -n who wis' ti i: :r n i rad.-. a'n! ear . od Wages. ikurs: ]~~if ~ a.Ill.. 1111i w('rk till 12 ioc.-.. 12 -11 p. m . aid q it ;.!5 p. m,. except Satur . .r: : :: nu Neat mill vilge on tract of 20 acres. Four, five and m i : ---. R fifty cents pr riom ,tr monrth. God patur'- , 15 I. rs witli spring branch water, rent free. A Ius'emens: i:.selball diamond adjoirning beautiful park of three acre,. Address Hetrick Hosiery Mills WALHALLA, S. C. FOR AUGUST DURJNG the month of Auagust. we will close out our entire 4o of Odss aild Ends. 1n 3Rillinler Goods. wi)ll(fe suc11 valules that it will pay to buy them even it is late in the seasoll. Come aild see what we have, and ibrinlo all the chickens eggs aiid what money you can spare. oRAIC BROS.n CO. AL Cosn Protec-io A eeIn :.teFamrsfml reo fro islato_ :s Inteasec ftemn She tlked o --he Feande family e as fr to soto tice.a he snce ofshe wasson. a she had S. ph - a '. e at all l m eaoone o Wrotr frin ' ok! ~ t o se e off nitl it c lost ta ntehone cayo.u A s ddre os bths ie Sh alk r : s: .& arte ne adec fml SOT4'.TLPHN &ec t TELERAF ::COMPheAidYws oga