The Pickens Sentinee LOCAL BREVITIES Some Thing !on Know and Some You Donu: Know About Oar Towns, County & Pecple -ilR-)v Grandy is at home for z few days. Miss Vesta Ashnore i inMiwsl3aude Ashmon in lanta., Miss Jaaie Ratterree l\e for her home in Chester Tu day. The friends of Miss A\iarie Fo ger will regret to learn of her illness. Mr. J. F. Jennings, of Iber ty, was in the city 'uesi -a on business. iessrs. Ben Parsons and tJa. Garrett spent the %li""s Fourth in Greenville. N.Geo. 'S. Mossnand children, of Columbia, are v inz Mrs. H. A. Richey. The boys around Pickens s the fish in these parts hav a. died from I ookworm. The Pickens Chapter U. ). C. will meet with Mrs. C . . IBow en on Friday afternoon. The Misses Hicks. who lavve been visiting Mrs. 6toll, ave returned to their home in Union. Miss Anna Robinson, who has: t been spending several weeks in I town, left Monday for Asheville; IN. C. Mr. L. J. Connelly, of Easley. comes to the front this week with his announce nent for A u ditor. Mr. Bert Jones and broher WVill, spent the past week in Ashville and HendersonIVill'1 N.C. Mr. and Mrs. A. ~J. .Bogg spent Monday with f riend and relatives at Clemson and t Calhoun. On the 8th inst., Mr. Earl Holcombe and Miss Essie Packx were happily married here by Judge Newvbery. Miss Fiorence Bowven is con fined to her home by sickness. Her many friends w>-sh her I Speedy recovery. We are glad to know tha~t 31r.I IHagood1 Bruce and Miss Nellie Freeman, both of whomi have had fever. are convyalescent. Mrs. B. A. HagoodI an.1 chiN - dren, of Charleston, arriv~ed lnst i Friday. We are always glad to welcome them here for the sum mer. Married. Thursday. Jul 4thI at~he residence ofth lii ing minister. Miss Pearle Cooper and. Mr. D. T. Stansell, both o this county. Rev. W. C. M born performed the c'eremo.n . Goy. Blease's book of pardone is being circulated in this con tv. Doubtless the great num her of pardons in this book 'xw be a great vote catcher. The W. M. U. of the Pi mont association will hol it annual meeting at .lftua church, July 20, and has' as the Pickens'union to attend. Miss Lorena Tavlor was at home to her friends Thurs~darV evening. Pre rssive c'onversa ture. 1Deliciouls punch wa served during th ,erening. Mr. J. A. W\hite, ofr ice enjoyed a part of the farmei meeting and barbecue at An sen Sat urday, and b rings the news of a great 'Iay and a good time. On July 1 Miss ida Alexan der' and Mr. Asberry Crenshawx were happily married by Ju 1 %ewbery, in his omeice. m young coule have Ihe ionra' ulations of many friends, who wvish for them happine-s an u prosperi t. farnmer rid~ i near ial - i st. He'am e totis ne~e with 1prtin vlv ?ohs anid today he~ is ihe ro - state th Iat thip -orriest in manyfl '*ears. TIhe Fourth1 of ? :ian am holid .iy. The 'tores. 1) - esand banks were all closed 'I rI t A n oi UKr G Rw q i ss Basin d"3 mmm b- 1,01 inn \ 1100 0 N- 13i t! - * I ,liit stil t i I ut refusal, 'A Pal' the9-ir (a#.wlih 0 - t. -ti Sh'ifMdoO o w 11 I.S U' - 'a 'Ii *\\'af. 1i aic, . z, o2 'p . Ifr at i1 "a ho1 1' hev ,' 5 : it "ot l L t~e ll O, lle T l 1101 2 0 1 tfal'iied t 1ux 11rd IkEli." x ndi tskcd hiim' to limecept :1ke D upe flind stop tIlI -1 1u t 's l121cr:T U: th V~I 3 h 1 , e x'oin 10!- - 1 f I 1a(iiR''tit \'' -~'. . . a '' 1 ' IJ a-' 11 - - 1 -~ \ t \1 ( , -"t - \ 1' 1 ' - -1 ;.a I - - 1 - a I 3 -1 t - 1! 11A !?w >\opQ lhq In. 7P ild t- '! j. . -i ' *i -~l w i 1 :A - :v h h 1.1 - W . ; i 11 W11 -N M a.Yt - In : - - I " -- *a k alai' '( 1 it L~. ITE' \ ''Ii 4. 442 liiilt~ inll Oelh t c 431 3 3 511. t 1 - 0 1 ia !"n A ntda lni - t '' '1 { 'i- 1 -444 - 1. \ otw to ( ol tr \ liP 2 4 * ~ * - . j ---- -, - ' 4.4 1~ .1 '4' - - ' ( 11 - 1 11' 'i '1 1' } sE * - t ii l 1 K .r. . 10 - -. m m n 14 .1. II Ma ly 0 lq ecinyarnimi wf 1 * - z) t: 41U - 1.- 1! -.\\ (- \44: li44t v10 S'rIt) OWNS ill i4ll lift.' VA :I ' :. i Fk 1.s ae ~ l \ iVallii! l. ww 1 1,'i1i 44i q xrlm opp WiL NAM :1raI In z AhP l l a!llwat of 10=1 ti, 1K. C. ek 0 i T lm l c CC in S-tiW W n a Q.1 10\ Ind of 'vi' r lm 1t g ) 1 0 1 11 14 4. - t 1)(1 14I:4444 ' \ !1Ci fu ' 111 *t I1' 4 1 - 4,4 ii 4; * '4{ 111 -' p'' 'C 4. .V4'iIt '11'' ii e \ 44 444' 1 ['4l1i1F8.2114 ill e 14:n2 non1(144 it 4111 4f S il Uiv 'j4>1C1 1. I .- I lei r1' e r iiVs(114 .4 4 1 10 hColil -n \ 1.\ V 1 iH 1 ! 1i4C I C).11 ' '~,1 FieloniV W' he !S1 4141 14) 0 t 1 ( 41 415 - -h' - a t ' - - - - 4'. ( 1 } b-1 - - n -1114 i4 1 114144n - 4 0 1 I::- 4:-' 41 ''4- 1 1' -- - (' 1 4' 4 .. - 1* I t ' (W K. t i1 -1 . ,1pA 4 t ' Ob 'v;. A, Aml MIA whh. 1 -11a (W1 Kim 11:6 :1P10 I VO -hi is I ' 1,4 t u } l V'1 it , Qq n i ch 11cif % j i n sm . S,0~10 1S Hi.4 re tc;14 liii ;U111~ th y I II jtl h-11 . U4111$ lit 1 141( Bon :.~ in p1~:1! For* : . '1 ' ban. a heea * 44 i. . nlever' h 1' of 3D. m i :11. Al (ile (f S (I dilt V !!l I e l mic nwis wo ow ; onif q ( i n I t- : . 11 1:110 i 11t Al T 10 T V(I 1 1 t . 1o-( .'bj.'.e. t a "lic by givin HIV4' '4 1 1I- Hi !1 I'm14 - 1i 11 1 A A an:CA! 'GK 1 C 1 1' il. i JI. 4 . t~r .lv 41141 ..(4 (.& 'V4j ' j T. i (I " . I .1l '' 4II 11 IAl i0 1114L !itx (41 4..' ' 1. f (li. :1 1 41 \I 4 p1 i 4 i 1 \"......... ' \ - - - 4 T T4. '1 4 j1 T 1 > 4. .t. 4 p'. m. a yo n. h4 y il . .ub~ Will4 b '41ll }44 ' 11 I .44 :'11 :1 ' 4i ol4ra l , 4itl W4 4. ,.4 ( 4Ir lal io box on' 1 lic Gil(01 1i Vili 14r - 4 44 '0 '14 8:41 ~ '11) '1l444. Fort of' Ju P S c \ I '4t -t ' 1,44 - 41 1' 1-: . - 4'4n1 -~1'' 4.1 } (4 I 11) 11 b 44~ 114\ 4b~n 4.14)1 ] 4. U ) n iL/L II\ -3 - te(}n a -, .i14. . 'A -W A Warin;'^ - ''1n b d t lie ilupril (* f~* ' anioltj'n. .Ju.t at1 th::a Sf'nn or:lit 81n(l YVr\' l(T'--'8V &r ..Cervoile tot sue I b:I all :.inks Lies .1( . p 8-: :4 l et '1.. ) * . t '- - ~a *iUl~ in everya.. ip aile li a 1. sse- andit (1e31 - no1'ther efe( ie'<'elltv h\1'S Vjlitte - ar heiii'sh njf.* I . 1 X )j 4 m ~ h1rmi it Ovil s :lS a Ir 181 till lf 'ni fN l' t he US: ' Ipi ha'j id l Unjpilte 1125 nf -11C Vlt l tri y: ms ( i s IS Wi n 'e1 : an i Wl pay a 1n! ero Uie S INESS LOCALS. I . . T .:, F o . Xid ic:.sai *)i . ii.o \\ T).)ind ele* to al el 4 : i 1. r h a1ha a a un - -i~.d a v.) J. .X C h~ I a':. -a AUCIONONri t- l ff season's Prettiest Hats po tbr a Song AND) GET FI RST CHO10E.e ruace- orrow COMPANY MOLES ADWARTS "Molesoff" for the removal of MOLES and WARTS wfthout pain e nJ ain eter scar nor mark is the same remedy. wso your grandmothe.r, and has, since its appear me ao tlie market, carried the unauimous endorse mnent'BI1n an d woma n. MOLESOFira the besjiripi~n r da s, is the best today. &Our long experience protects you. We antee. Letter frompesons we all know, together with munch vanbeinformaUcon in attractive booklet, sent free upon request. If von have troule in gretting Molesoff, send $1 dire'ct to the unk-rignedl.9 .1Pi in gnl will lbe paiwi the person sending us theirY piure he~ cr and after using Molesoff. the pictures to be acceptedi by us. and used for advertising Molesoff. A miflion leople will seo your picture wvith and without an F LORIDA DISTRIBUTING C01, Dept. B 194 Pensacola, Fla. Only one Dealer in this Town can sell you the highest grade, ' fairest-priced coffee and tea to be had anywhere, for he alone sells The Votan Line VTOTAN COFFEE VOTAN TEA Each, best of its kind - This dealer if Folger, Thorniey & Company Womnen's Ailments The ailments from which women suffer are many and varied so far as the symp:cos indicate, yet thiey are all dependent upon a disorder lnth female gener ative system, and a remedy that acts on the cause of the trouble pu:s an end to all tne distressing symptoms as soon as the' unnatural conditions are removed. DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine .!s a Medicine for Women It acts dirctly on th~e feale organismr. Quiets inflammation, esepan ens the nerves. helps digestion, tornes up the stomach and puts the bodyn vigorc~s candi:ion.. It transformrs a weak, nervous, ailing woman into Co ci spark:zg cheerfe::;ess a::d vigor. It brightens the eye, revives the spirts an resto:'ss the rety bloc.n of health to the cheek. SJd b.y Druggists and Dealers. Price $1.00 Per Bottle. C, E'. S!MMONS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI iGOWEE PHARMACY. So uthern Railway hedulesE~ieci Feb. 9, '12 from Easley, S. V. -.. .. b- fo e-vn wh~hy. igur far published only as informla'iOnl ana .A: r t 'RlHE S)UTH > t~ - oi ie - lanta, or to ecei~ ::- w u' ~- ' a. nd .\TLANTA ----- - (4ly 4.n Sudys 835 am 4. N' ..x....t..unday..----.. T- 6 5 - Il pm - isHINGrTO -- -------7.3i am * ' rfor A'.ant.i and beyodl ~11 55 am > r - - -- - --- ---- -~~ ~~~ 4.00 p mI T---n---- -..-- ----- ----------~~~ ~~9.55 pm -iCIa-t Age it or corre sponld n ithi - :.Ty oJ. L. MEEK. A. G. P. A. .A-Atlant a G0. -.