The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, June 27, 1912, Image 4

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(tricky as Prompt Its benicial ef fects are uptU2111 felt very quickly . p. Makes rich, red, pas system - clears the brain - str A positive specific for Blo Drives out pRheumasM and is a wonderful tonic and body F.'V. UPPMAN, PICKENS To Loneson Women living on fa1 haven't time to seek and Distances are too great Women grow lonesome. of these pleasures. The Rural solves the problem. It enable bors and friends and keep ali Our free. booklet tells how y yT rhome at small cost. W should write for it. Address Farmers Line Depa SOUTHERN BELL I & TELEGRAPH 4 South Pryor St.. A ,* quantti< - never needed repail Don't put on that IIEATHl, BRUCE, MORI 1785 COLLEGE OF 127th YEAR BEGI[ -Entrance examinations at all the cour It offersi courses in Ancient and Modera tical Science, Debatsg, Chemistry, Pby Courses for B. A.. B. S. anu B. S. degr A free tuition scholarship to each cou scholarships giving $100 a year and free1 in Setmber. - Expenses reasonable. Terms and catal HARRISON RAN1 Charlest "0lr Personal to al I W* ~jinIn 2usness in thi ow build up trade by always advising our So when we tell you that we have tadbackofi with th manufacturer' ~o a eed upon h tha we gieh'er aice no in order to sel ea few bottle ea~ e know ho t wil elp our We pIn stock and sel, all th well kin u sintrouble, eczea psoriass ahortotr wwat you to tryafl anld, 1 it goes not do the work, this BURRIS GALA it is. not ue hu t * Write or JOHi anufacturi W WW J. T. BU 66SINKITNG r OF THE SOLDA BY e-~ LE t, Poke Root and Potassium) Powerful Permanent Stubborn cases Good results are yield to P. P. P. lasting-it cures when other medi- you to stay cured cines are useless Pe p. e blood-cleanses the entire engthens digestion and nerves. d Poison and skin diseases. Stops the Pain; ends Malaria; -builder. Thousands endorse it. SAVANNAH, GA. DRUG CO. ie Women! "Yes, MI be ready when yo= come." rms and in rural districts . enjoy social pleasures. -the work is too urgent. mnd listless when robbed Telephone s women to talk with neigh ve to the news of the day. ou can have a telephone in omen living in the country artment 'ELEPHONE COMPANY lanta. Ga. IGHUa~ sed1 in ever increasing ~s, because the roofs years ago are as day, and have rs. t roof * ' I S//([ / 1' E10W CO., Pickenis, S. C. 191t CH 4RLESTON V!S SEPTEMBER 27 ty-saats on Friday July 5, at 9 a. ms. 2 Langruages, Mathematics. History, Pol sics. Biology, and Engineering. s with Engineering. nty of South Carolina. Vacant Boyce tuition. open to competitive examinatiot ogue on application. Write to [OLPH, President ton, S. . PICKENS BANK PICKENS, S. C C APIT AL AND SURPLUS INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS J. McD Bruce, President. I. M. Mauldin. Cashier. Guarantee kin Sufferers" DKENS DRUG COMPANY bottle will cost you nothing. You alone to judge. Again and again we have seen how a to wthe sin, takes away he aii t~ In stantly. And the cures all seem to be pe a. en. Prescription made by the D. D. D. Laboratories of Chicago. Is composed of thymo!, glycerine. oil of wintergreen and other healing. soothina, cooling ingredients. And if you are just crazy with itch, you will fecl soothed and cooled, the itch absolutely washed away the moment you applied this D. D. D. We have made fast friends of more than co family by recommending this remedy to a skin sufferer hero and there and we want you to try it now on our positive no.Day guarantee. S METAL SHINGLES AND TANIZED BARN ROOFING uccessasry for u- to -ay mu h alot 'o u I this section. for we have mie hou:w- envere r goods thenz any, other sh inie on thUnak' eis that we hav ~ a :ok ue: or to anuy. al Is. 'I he loirn l'f:oofr ri1' ha- the Wurri-. ud corrasgated! Roofin: cli on me.C dr I wil 1. L. THORNLEY, Salesman l'! K i N is. c. RRISS & SON, Anderson, S. C TANIC" .JONES VICE IS CAUSE OF INEBRIETI One of Effects of Excessive Use 0 Alcohol Is Loss of Self-Control Analogcus to Insanity. In an article on "lnebriety," put lished in the Outlook, the writer ha this to say: "Inebriety, though a disease. ha been produced by vice and leads t crime. "The appetites and passions shoul be under the control of the will, an so guided and directed by the reaso as to promote physical, mental an moral health. When they are not th1 under the control of the will and az not thus guided by the reason, the r sult is intemperance. There may 1 an intemperate eating, as well as a intemperate drinking; an intemperal use of coffee, as well as an intezppe ate use of beer or wine. Such yiel ing to the appetites, such allowing them to escape from the control the will and the -reason, Is a vic Gluttony t8 as truly a yice as drun enness, though uot a vIce which pr duoes anything like as seriously Inj rious results either to the individu or to society. Gluttony is a sin ax the glutton is a sinner. He is n to pity himself as a victim, but to co demn himself as a sinner. This sel condemnation is the first step towa. reform. -So drunkenness is a sin ax the drunkard is a sinner. He al is not to pity himself as a victim, bl to condemn himself as a sinner. Tb self-condemnnation in his case, as : the case of the glutton, is the fir step, and an indispensable ste toward real reform. "But while intemperance in all I forms is a sin, the disease which produces is not a sin. Gluttony mg produce dyspepsia; dyspepsia is not sin, though it may be a result of si Excessive drinking of tea may, al often does, produce serious nervo1 disease; nirvous disease is not a si though it may be a result of sin. E cessive drinking of alcohol produo a disease known as inebriety; th disease is not a sin, although it is g ways a result of sin. One -of the 4 fects of this disease is a loss of se, control. He who is afflicted with th in its most serious form is as unab to control his appetites as a man i flicted with locomotor ataxia is control his muscles. To put a mi afflicted with this disease in jail un1 he has recovered from the immedia intoxication, and then send him o1 again into temptations which he powerless to resist, is inexcusab folly. If a man has brought insani upon himself by vice, we do not pu ish the insanity. We set ourselves cure it. Inebriety is, in this respe< analogous to insanity. It is not be punished; it is to be cured. Tb is none the less true because inebi ety is almost always, as insanity frequently, the result of vice. Sociel should distinguish between thei three-vice, disease, crime-which often confounds. The remedy for ti vice of intemperance is largely mor; and intellectual, or, in the broad sera of the term, character building. TI remedy for the disease which tha vice produces is partly moral and par ly physical. For the crimes into whic the vice often leads the intemperal person, society must, in self-proe tion, provide some form of punis: ment. S"But, in our judgment. punishmen whether for the vice which produc< the disease or for the crime whic follows, should always be reformator; not vindictive, in its character. TIl distinction between sin and disease not easy to draw. Jesus Christ habi ually treated sin as a disease whic -he had come to cure. When he we condemned for associating with pul licans and sinners, he replied thi they which were whole nieeded not physician, but they which were sic) It has been well said that, if drunke ness produces poverty, it is equall true that poverty produces drunke ness. How far the boy who ha grown up in a family where there no control of the appetites, who ha inherited from the father and mothe a diseased appetite, who lives in a atmosphere which intensifies the cra ing for stimulants, whose inadequat or improper food further intensiie that craving-how far he is a guilt person to be punished, how far a di. eased person to be cured, is a quel tion to which no definite and final ar swer can be given. "What is true of drunkenness true of other sins. They are part!: the result of deliberate, intentiona violation of law. They are partly th result of ignorance, ill-breeding, bai inheritance. and almost irresistible sc cial forces. Society has tried fo many years the experiment of curia sin by punishing it. It is high time that society tried the experiment c curing crime by removing the cause; which produce it and by treating thi criminal as a diseased or insane per son, to be sent to a hospital for reme dial measures. "We can put our whole philosoph: on this subject in a sentence, thus: I should be the object of society, no to fit the punishment to the offense but to the offender. Or, in anothe: sentence, thus: The object of all pun ishment should be curative, not puni tive; its object should be to punisi crime only that it may cure crime first in the individual, next in society "There is no offense to which thi: principle can be and should be mor< immediately and constantly appliec than to the offense of drunkenness. HOME-MADE PHILOSOPHY Fun is not all foolishness. We need unshine in our hearts as well as sun shine in oir homes. ' is a big book. School! .an ocly give us the key to solving many of its problems. Men who ask God for a boost should learn to boost themselves with the boosting forces already here. It takes so long to gain recognition from the world that thousands of the Impatient become discouraged. So many women delight in a sis ter's fall, and I fear that sometimes they feel themselves slipping too. Whitewashing dirty walls only cov ers up the dirt. It's just so with white washed politicians and statesmen. The man who is mean to boys should never run for office. The boys yril2 IIUTORM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AYgeabePrepaitionfriS sDA ogaa Rega Bears the d d SIiaur d A~lOesI~igesion~ltf SnssandRestiontainstisr o e Opiu.Morphine norit NOT NARCOTIC. :- FaRmile sinareo In Use AII WorRmlUSSedyforCos!I .d For Over nmsandLossoSLEEP. S FcSugieSignanire or Thirty Years 'a OASTORIA D Enct COY of rpper. ts It at -Jl is leN it The wee Tmeand Death and Fame - to a meeting place they came - And in brotherly affection they saluted each by name. Ly ~e"Of my labor do you ask?" Fame confided, "This my task: eI am twining wreaths of laurel, I am weaving wreaths of bay S On the path where Glory leads men are doing mighty deeds eAnd the guerdons of their striving I award to them each day. S To the victors I must give tokens that their work shall live, I have led them to their honor through the trials of the fray." ~:Then a knowing smile came slowly to the sober lips of death; "I have made my share of victories," he said beneath his breath. t "I~ have led men," Fame went on, "in the days and years agone; e Ihave thrilled them withmy brightness, as a star that sends its gleam . From its biding place on high, till of all the arching sky h 'Tis the only lurmg jewel--'ts the star of which men dream. S And today I write the song set in measures full and strong t Of the men who rise supremely where their weaker brethen fall S I have made the victories of the lands and of the seas, I have made the goal of glory--I have made them one and all." .a Then it was that Death said softly, with a countenance sedate: " "Was there never any victor through your foster brother Fate?" 'r S"No, 'tis I," continued Fame, "I who carve in stone the name; e I who wreath in gold the story of the daring and the deed; It is I who am allied with ambition and with pride - It is I whofll the flagon to the man who holds the lead." S"It Is you?" asked Death and Time. "And for you t.hey fall or climb? And for them you work the laurel and the bay in rounded weaves?" Thmen they turned to their way-and the laurel and the~ bay IAt the feet of Fame were lying in a heap of withered leaves. le Then Time sat, and fell to laughing, with his hour glass on his knees; t "Ihave seen," he told his brethen, "many thousand victories." e 4 (Copyright. 1912, by W. G. Chapman.) VIEWiNG THE FLEET. -Macauley in the New York World. ticed. It is most unfortunate tht this basic fact is not kept more prom inent before the American people whose anti-trust sentiment is only the expression of a revolt against high costs. "It is relief from the high cost 0 living that the country demands, and the agitation should be, first of all, for tariff reduction. With that accom plished, the trust question will take care of itself. Without it, neither prices nor monopoly will be con trolled. It may be doubted chai cheaper tobacco will result from the disintegration of the tobacco trust but It is certain that It would follow the lowering of tobacco duties. It i? unlikely that steel products will fal much In price if the steel trust is die solved, but no one will question tha they would be materially lower if thA duties on imported steel were rie duced. Indeed, the proposition Is si obvious that it admits of no argu ment. Lower the tariff and Inflatloi will cease. Monopoly extortion, ei cessive capitalization and high cost will disappear. Competition of th proper sort-that of America with th whole world-will be restored and th natural development of our superic resources and of our commercli ability will follow."-New York Timei An esteemed contemporary start out to prove that Taft Is a greater fo of the trusts than Roosevelt. M Taft is surely entitled to any colmfo that can fairly be extracted out of 9 modest a distinction. CURRENT VERSE. Environment. Ah! all his soul in music he doth sink, And in sweet sounds he finds a raPture rare, And long before his breakfast time, I think. His "Part siamo" rings out on the air. And though "11 balen" does not him dis grace. And "Di Provenza" does not him con demn, [ think he ought to find some other place To do his practicing at 6 a. m. [ have important duties of my own. And I want quiet when at my affairs; When at them I don't want a barytone Repeating "E tu" ten times upstairs. And when I'm bent on my postprandial nap And seek some rest from labors of the pen, (do not want to listen to a chap A-wreatling hard with "Caro mio ben." A4nd when about the reading lamp at eve All hubbub and all noise I fain would bar. ro say the very least he makes me grieve With variations on the "Evening Star." [try to keep hard thoughts from out my brain. Though woes sufficient come to make me weep. But though my wrath I always do re strain. I wonder much if singers ever sleep! -Nathan M. Levy in the New York Sun. Life. Life Is too brief Between the budding and the falling leaf. Between the seed time and the golden. sheaf, For hate and spite. We have no time for malice and for greed: Therefore, with love make beautiful the deed: Fast speeds the night Life is too swift Between the blossom and the white snow's drift, Between the silence and the lark's uplift. -For bitter words. in kindness and in gentleness our speech -Must carry messages of hope, and reach. The sweetest chords. Life is too great Between the Infant's and the man's es tate. Between the clashing of earth's strife and. fate, For petty things, Lo! we shall yet who creep with cum bered feet, Walk glorious over heaven's golden street. Or soar on wings! -Margaret E. Sangster. Mr.TaftConfes5fn. Explanation -and apologies are feeble planks for a platform on which a president must stand for re-election, and Mr. Taft's confession shows that he realizes his mistakes. This is creditable to the man, but does not justify the president. Why should the people re-eet tc Iha uraatar' office of Dresident a mar Want to C ~Fly TLrai Jars, Jel] K Jar R 4 Power a The best B. To in has not 1 S (l1"Of T 1ki11 ti ,wI Boy's P chickens, 4 (Iry hide10 N Come to Knowledge That Has Brough Man Nearer to God tI -r!m~K1N I MLLONS ET us think a little in millons not, my speculative friend, mI lions of dollars, but, to begi L With, in millions of mile Where were you last year I this time? "Just where you are no' aI and sighing for some experience C e travel," do you say? Why, my des e sir, or madam, you have traveled som e hundreds of millions of miles in thl r twelvemonth add still are traveln4 What is Panama or Constantinople c Tekin in comparison with this grei journey of the sun and its attenda earth! While you have been longir e to go from Boston to Lynn to vim friends, you have in fact traversed I t unimaginable breadth of space. TI difficulty of getting started Is in 701 imagination. The veriest Lob-lie-b the-fire, in the remotest hamlet-ev< that woman 1ho lived for sixty yea i within sight of the paSsing trains al never stepped on board of one them-is a far traveler. Yes, but you say, that cosmic trav is both unimaginable and unsatisft tory. Lynn and Boston are at lea real places where houses stand ar taxes are collected. One get# the e citement of the crowded station al may look out of the car window. Bi our world-spiral round the hastenit sun is like going from nowhither I nowhere. There are neither statiol nor stops nor scenery. Two Views of Life's Journey. It is quite true, of course, in oi sense, that the pleasures of thJ prodigious journey are largely out 4 sight. But do not the world and YOt fellow travelers take on a differer aspect because you are not maroone in some corner of the universe, bt travel in the midst of stars and sun These thoughts may not appeal t you. Perhaps your imagination is a rusty from disuse that you cannt make it work at all in this directiol Then you are like the fly that buzze in a moving railroad car. It is u aware that its car has moved froi Boston and will arrive In Montrea So long as It finds food and occupi tion, the journey is a matter of indi: ference. The fly Is happy-let it buz: and find no fault with its limitations iIt will be quite as much at home I Canada as Massachusetts. And s are we, except that age draws on, i all the stages of our unimaginabi journey. The vividest imaglnatli like the exactest research, cannc grasp and picture the facts and In plications of this planetary and sola flight-a journey where to stop won] be annihilation, and In which we ha, no hint of destination. Did we stas from anywhere? We can only guesa iAre we bound for anywhere? W can never know. Some of our friends the astronomers, have reasoned thi we are bound from a collision an catastrophe to a collision and catas trophe. Others Incline to guess ths -barring accidents-our journey ma be endless. The first effect of this thinking 1 Imillions of miles was to make ma seem insignificant and God remota The poet Young, who told us that ''A undevout astronomer Is mad." migi come back to find astronomers of thi degree of madness not uncommoi God, regarded as the artificer, mui certainly seem far away when u consider the unthinkable distances u travel and the greater spaces we dia cern. Man seems puny in the limits tions of his being and his knowledge How slow our steps beside the silex See Yoa )S, Fly Paper, Frui y Tumblers, Frui e', a nd P reservi n louglas Shoes make inl Amrc tten Htoes your cotton thai >een) planted yet traw Hats WVonmen aind Chili e Powder Rummer Pants i o buy your eggs ducks, bees wax, , all kinds or sala ,corn, peas, etC. see us-- -a square Is fast travelng for train 0= l -ght But the sun fies, they stimate, some sixteen miles a second-wen toward a thousad miles while our Chicago limited passes from milepost to mile post on Its journey. And the speed of light from star to star Is much mor,- -han a hundred thousand times as great as that of the rolling train. How slow is man In the midst of the swift movements of the universe. How t little is man, who think the little earth so large. Good In the New Knowledge. Yet the second and the real effect of this new knowledge was different. It helped displace the thought of Go - as the artincer. It gave man real dig- ; - nity and close relations In a larpr n universe. How little and cramped the ' ancient maps of the earth In space! t In fact, space, as we think of It, had no real existence for the ancients. ' They did not get outside the closed box in which sun, planets and stars e went circling round the earth. In all s good faith many of them believed that - Jerusalem was the physical center of Sall things. In place of that conceit Lt of our human importance, we have it gained the thought of God as the soul S of the universe and made the old It doctrine of his presence everywhere . something more than a cold dogma. ke If we can no longer localize the New ir Jerusalem (there was a man. I re 7- member, who wrote a book to prove In that the globe within the sun was our m heaven), we are learning to think id that this earth Is given us to make as f much like heaven as we can. And all these things the Good Book told us el centuries ago.-Boston Transcript. BC St t NATIONAL MENACE IN FRANCE o Country la in Danger of Deith from s Drink-Army Corps Is Lost Each Year Through Alcohol. The French National league against e alcoholism declares that France Is In a danger of death from drink: "Alcohol of desolates our most beautiful prov r Inces, Normandy, Brittany, the t Vosges, Picardy, Maine. In Orne the d decrease of population has been 80,000 it in twenty-flive years, In Manche 75.000, ? in Normandy 200,000. Infant mortal o ity is appalling, and conscripts by o scores are found unfit for service." it In Orne. one report states, 67 per L cent. of those summoned to the col a ors were rejected, In March, 50 per i- cent., in the Vallee des Vosges, 60 a per cent., and the drink evil Is large 1. ly responsible. The military authori i- ties calculate that .France loses an e- army corps each year through alcohoL. r.. Dr. Jaques Bertillon, the famous '. criminologist, who has made astonish-: B ing researcheslinto the relationof al 0 cohol to tuberculosis, estimates, in n the Revue de Tuberculosis, that a suc e cessful fight against alcohol in France I, would reduce the number of deaths at from consumption yearly by some 16, 1 000 more. What steps can be taken r 'are being discussed by the authorl d ties in some kal'oge, but widespread e scientific education on, the subject of 't the baneful effects of aicohol must be L promoted before a radical change for * the better can be looked for in France. tBut It Pays. i Because It pays, the social cesspool i Is kept open. *t It pollutes the people, but It pays. T It burns out hnman life, butit pays. It turns energy and Intelligence Inte n worthlessnes and vices, but it pays. n It forces children into the factories, 5- but It pays. n~ It forces women Into the sweet it shop and the brothels, but It pays. .s It beclouds the brains of men, and 1 makes them easy prey for Industrial It oppression, but It pays. e It blinds and criptples and dements e the second and third generation, but s- t pays. t- It-mae justice a joke, government '- a farce, civlisation a mockery, but It tpays. Take an IHi C Ene A TALK with your local dealer may open your eyes to gasoline engine Lpossibilities you never thought of. For your own information drop in and see him the next time you are in town and talk it over with him frankly. He'll -tell you the truth about IH C engines-and the chances are, he'll show you how you can't afford to run your farm any longer without one. Gasoline Engines are among the best labor-savers and money-makers a farmer can buy. The local dealer will tell you why and give you facts and figures to prove it. He will tell you just what an I HC engine will do for you and why it is the best engine for you to buy. Learn from him what it means to have a thoroughly tested I H C engine and take one home with you. Made in sizes I to 50-horse power. uterndateaillariester Companj f Auerim Chcago U SA INHC SerMce B3mm free o charge toall ther bet informatio obtainable on better farming. If you have any worthy questions concerning soils, crops, land drainage. irrigation. fertilizers etc.. mak your inquiries spec ic and sn li e o ". r-C Serice Bureau. Harvester