SLOCAL BREVITIES some Things You Know and Some You DOL Know About Our Towns, County & People Miss Mary Lewis is visiting in Richland. . Mrs. N. E. Thornley is visit ig in Anderson. Miss Marrie Folger visited in Greenville this week. Miss Lucia Folger is at Ceasar's Head this week. Capt. W. T. Jeanes spent several days in Atlanta last week. Mr. J. F. Freeman of Taylors was in the city last iveek on business. - There seems to be . almost an epidemic of dysehtery around Pickens. Mrs. Sidney Ferguson,of Ches ter, visited Mrs. W. B. Freeman last week. Mr. and Mrs. Davie 6f liovery Branch, Ga. were guests of Mr. B. F. 'Parsons last wbek. Messrs. Hal T. Boggs: aiid Eugene Anderson, of Clemson, were in the city Monday.. FOR SALE-Several fresh milk cows. J. M. Garrett, 3t11 Pickens, S. C., R. 2, Miss Helen Bozg was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. Lee Carpenter in Greenville last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Parsons, of Flowery Branch, Gd., are on a visit to the former's father Mr: B. F. Parsons. :*. The friends of Miss Nellie Freeman will regret tod.earHef her illness and hope for her a speedy recovery. The many friends o1 Mic Hagood Bruce will regret to hear of his sickness and wish for him an early recovery. Miss Buffle Moss, of Green ville, spent the week-end with her sister, MissAftide Moss, and Mrs. B. Leivis. Mrs. Richaid Jennings, from Greenville,~js spending her va c * it-h her parents Mr. and rs. . Griffin. Mrs. J. N. Morgan and two children of Central,. have been visiting relatives and friends in the city the past week. Miss Charlotte Smith and Mrs. G. W. Laboon of Ander son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith last week. Mrs. W. T. McFall has pur chased a handsome four pas senger Mitchell .auto; efrom Folger, Thornley & Co. Mr. A. K. Edens one of the s ibstantial citizes -from the OOlenoy sectiong 3vas. in town last Friday on business. The many friends of Hon. J. E. Boggs will be glad to know that he is able to take buggy( rides and that he is improving.C Mr. --Gillespie with his ,family have moved here from Greenville. He will have charge of the machinery of the Pickens Oil Mill. Messers. T. R. Allen, R. E. Lewis, J. E. Parsons and C. M. Bowenk spent two days last week on the headwaters of Saluda river fishing. Rev. J. D. Moore, secretary s of the Baptist Sunday school work in this State. conducted ( a Sunday school institute at the mill church last week. t Miss Ora McFall is entertain- r ing a house party this week and have as her guests Miss Floyd s of Woodruff. *\'iss Britton of r Kingstree and Miss Moore of 1 Bennettsville. Mr. Henry W. Farr is an- I nounced this week for County C treasurer. He is no stranger to our readers as he has servedl in s this office before. -If elected he will doubtless make ane cenC officer. - Mr.. Loton Turner of WVash ington, 1). C.. was in.. the .cit. last week among his fonner ae quaintances- He is a nfative o? Greenville county bun is ndw in1 the treasurv department atp Washington. .-. .. Mrs. WV. E. Stephens. who was carriedt~\ to the hospital in Grecen - ville about three weeks ago to a noperation and for has returned home :oved in health, to the her many' friends. .: . J. Mauldin, Miss Bowen~and-\Mrs, tE.4 -.were guests 'oV the li a~rh r. U . terJ) o was held with Mrs. Johnson, who proved herself a charming hostess. The protracted meeting at the Baptist church closed last Sun day. There were no additions but the church was greatly benefited by the helpful and u lifting simple gospel mjessages delivered from day to day by Rev. W. E. Wilkins. Attention is called to the half page ad of Ayers of Greenville. This is one of the leading mil linery establishments of the upper part of the state and carrv a very large lin& of goods. We advise oar readers to call on them and give them a trial. The "Camp" has been a very )opular place for several days. A member of the party or band says that the head man is Seth Smith and -the others are his ?ons and daughters and sons-in law, daughters-in-law and grand-children They hail from Chicago but come South each winter with stock to trade. Prof. J. W. Ballentine has carpenters at work repairing nd improving the rEsidence he -ecently bought from Mrs. R. -S. Latimer on Hampton avenue. As spon as_ it is completed he will occupy it. The Pickens people will be glad to know that Prof. Ballentine and his esti mable wife are to become fix tures in Pickens. Several Pickenites left Mon day and Tuesday for Atlanta to be present at the marriage of Mr. G. R. Hendricks and Miss Bessie Patridge which took lace Wednesday evening. Among' those who attended from here were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Partridge. Miss Mattie Finley, FnrrhirMoiris and others. Mr. Alfred Taylor..of Taylors, ate of Capt. J. T. Taylor of, celebrated his 89th, ~it~da'y onthe 19th inst. For everal ^years he has observed iis birthday with a family re nion and the occasions are al ays made happy and joyous. e is vigorous and quie active cr his age. Hon. George S. Legare and imily reached Pickens last eek for the Suminer. Mr. egare has a home here whlure t e spends the hot months and ew will rest and recuperate a aw weeks before entering upon is campaign. He is opposed or re-election by Mr. Leon ~ arisy but feels very confident f being re-nominated at the oproaching primary. The Pickens County D~emo-1 2ratic Executive Committee is ~alled to meet in the' Court ouse, at Pickens, S. C., July1 1st 1912 at 11 o'clock A. M. very member is urged to be present as there is much im poitant business to come before he body. By order of-( J. T. Richey, Chairman. The Sunday School at Peters y ~reek church will observe r 1hildrefs day the, second Sun- t ay in July. An interesting i )rogram has been prepared and e peakers invited and a profitable L nd enjoyable day is anticipat- a . The public is cordially in- y ited to attend and brning well a lled baskets. The infant of Mr. and Mrs- li. ' .Henderson who live twot Qiles out, and near T welve Milet iver died last Sunday after S everal days illness of (dysenlter ' 'he interment was at the Baker ~emetery the (lay following. 4r. and Mrs. Hendlerson have il e tender sympathy of the ir h iany friends in their sorrow. s Supervisor Craig expertis to top the grumbliing about. good oads. He has another gaso ne engine about half the size a fthe one they bought last reek which he expects to put n the roads. It looks to be& bout a 40 or 50 horse power and hould pull two scrapes nicely rhis one is made by an (Ohio mern. If these gasoline en neslC proves to be SUccess fl Td diurable they wvill solvet e road prol em and will be the I e~t invesuuetnt that the couo- t tegQuld make. Mrs. T. R. Allen Entertains 1t in honor of her moethtr. airu-. 1. Allen. of Piedm i. Th iv afternoon. he reception hall and lar~ porch were prettily d-co ra adl fr l occasion. An ice~ cone as served duritig the afteru in 'I-Aboutia doenl'adiesy.i d Stores Close July 4th. We, the undersigned mer chants and banks of Picken. hereby agree to close our storez Thursday, July 4th, 1912. Keowee Bank Folger, Thornley & Co. T. D. Harris Parsons & Ashmore I. B. Waldrop W. B. Brezeale Heath, Bruce. Morrow Co. Pickens Hldw. & Gro. Co. Craig Bros. Co. Pickens Bank. A Card of Thanks. 1 desire to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude J e many kind friends for their nany acts of kindness and ex Iressions of sympathy in the recent sickness and death of my ife. Thomas G. Chikds. Mr. Nelson Smith Dead. Mr. Nelson Smith who lived tear this place died on the 18th nst., from an illuess of several eeks. He was an old confeder te soldier and one of the best itizens of the county. Helived o a good age being at the time f his death 76 years old and uring all these long years won he friendship and esteem of all who knew him. He is survived )y his wife and one son. The uineral and interment was held it Tabor Methodist church the lay following his death. ,arge Crowd at Secona Singing The all day singing at Secona ast Sunday drew one of the rgest crowds seen at that hurch in mjany days. The nusic was very uplifting and nspiring and this was led and articipated in by some of the )est singers in the county, One f the most important features f the day was the addresses hich was made by Mr. J. C. ~arrett and Hon. E. P. Mc ~rvey. The former spoke ricipaly for the Six Mile cademy, of which he is fi anial agent, and it is said to iave been good. Mr. Garret on his way into many hearts r this worthy institution. r. McCravey also made an ex 'ellent address some what along e same line, education. Mr. H. J. McGee Hurt. Mr. H. J. McGee formerly 'ashier of the Farmer's Bank of entral, but r.ow with the ;outheastern Life Insurance Co. severely hurt in Greenville ast Friday by train No. 40. prom The Greenville News of aturday the following is taken: "Mr. Horace J. McGee. a well nown insurance man of Ander on had a miraculous escape on death yesterday afternoon ate when he was struck by pas ger train No' 40 at the South n depot in this city. Mr. Mc lee, who is general manager or the Southeastern Life. Insur nce Co. in the en y of Anderson Lad been in Greenville on bunsi ess and was at the depot to ake the gas-electric car back o is heme when the accident oe rred. He placed his grip cn oard the car and walking round some other cars ivhich cr on the track he stepped iretly in front of No. 40 which due here at 6:50 o'clock, -hich was coming into the sta n on the main line. The fact 'tat the train was running owly was all that saved Mr. leGe's life, lie was thrown verlal feet by the "cow Ltcher" of the engine, receiv g serious injuries. HI-s left nd and left foot were con derably mangled and a gash t in his left side." Mr. McGee has many friends Sthis county who regret the cident but are glad it was no Ir. John F. Harris Entertains The attractive residence of ir. John F. Harris, on Cedar :Ock street. was the scene of a festivitiles Wednesday eve ing, when Mr. Harris enter nel his Sunday school class ftwenty roung ladies and icir beaux. The spacious lawn, where the ng table was placed on which1 e audanlt supper was serv (1 was beautifully lighted and corated for the occasion. The uests were welcomed oni the oad veranda by Mr. Harris eciving with Mr. and Mrs. J. .Keown. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. :i, Prof. and Mrs. J. W. alie ntinc, Mrs. Sadie Johnson na Miss Elinor Knight. After eeral games had been played. Ir. H arris placed the names of h-gnmeni a box. and giving the young adlws their Leap Year privilege. had them draw the naivneF of their pard ners for supper. First a salad and meat course, followed by cream and cake. was served. Under a spreading apple tree a huge vessel of ice lemonade was placed and greatly enjoyed dur ing the evening. Those present were: Misses Janie Ratterree, Sallie Lewis, Rosa Ellis, Peaile Baker, Sadie Nealy. Sadie Craig, Olive Nealy Nannie Porter, Stella Porter, Grace Iudgens. Lizzie Belle Thompson, Flora Holder, Alice Thompson, May Ranipey, Chris tine Keasler, Mary Keasler; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mauldin, Mr. and Mrs. 6allentine, Mr. and Mrs. Keown, Miss Knight, Mrs. Sa die Johnston: Messrs. James Edens, Henry McDaniel, John Craig. Marvin Hutchings, t Dwight Attawav. Jack Garrett t Sidney Bruce, Robert Baker. Jno. C. Carey. Clarence Holder, Casey Porter, James P. Carey, Jr., Hagood Bruce. Commencement at G. F. C. It is with great pleasure that a I .attempt to write a brief ac- a count of the commencement ex ercises of G. F. C., at the, close a of this prosperous and success ful session. I think every pupil r and teacher who remained en- b joved the exercises to the fullest extent. Many visitors from va rious parts of the State were in attendance. The final examinations came to a close Saturday morning, June 1, and then the real corn rnencement began. Saturday evening, beginning at 8:30 o'clock, thc expression class, under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Whitmarsh, our able and excellent expression direc tor, presented in the open air the famous Shakespearean play, p1 "As You Like It." The play vas well rendered and greatly ejoyed. Though the girls ie eived due praise. Miss Whit~-n marsh was accordel the highest onor to which she was entitled t On the following Sunday our fr girls attended the church of ta heir choice, but in the after- a oon, at 8 o'clock. all went in a le ody to the first Baptist church. T; The exercises beaan again le onday evening, at 8:30, when tr he musical department of G. pt . C. came before the public in SS heir final concert. So interest- le ng was this part of the program R~ hat the attention of the audi- ri nce was held spellbound. w Tuesday was a pleasant day or us all. In the morning the di tudeits and teachers attended th he first Baptist church, where ye has. E. Burts, D. D., delivered al he baccalaurate sermon to the er raduates of both G. F. C. and es urman. I am sure that only yE hose who have heard Dr. Burts an appreciate him as he ought CI o be. On the same afternoon, from 4 to 6, occurred the annual oil exhibit. The art work re flected great credit upon the ef- be forts and ability of our efficient M art teachers, Misses Sue Hall St and Leila Roe, assistant. ha In the evening, at 8:30, thea senior class rendered their The Princess." Again we WI ound ourselves Lgiving Miss th hitmarsh much praise, and ha -ere fully convinced that wem had a most excellent teacher. m11 On Wednesday t'aere were no exercisesS at G. F. C., but all of p u girls attended the gradua- pr ion exercises of the University o boys, across the river. Tursd1ay, the final day of t.he exercises, was a (lay of impor tane to the sevenity-three mem bers of the senzior cliss. In the C. orning, a t 14) 50, t he alumnae in met, and the seniovrs. dressed in a cap and robe, wecre present. Af- le* ter the meeting the seniors at- ye tded the alumnae banquet. or fe< On the same evening, at 8:30, re< alarge crowd was on hand to ste he graduation exercises. Dr, , Y. Mullins, president of the pet Southern Theological seminary',p addressed the seniors, his sub- pr ject being "Womanhood" Af ti. er his address the medals were col presented and the h-mors read. a Seventy-three received diplomas fl n thus was the close of the S exercises. 19: During the entire occasion the visitors showed high respect and esteem for Dr. and Mrs. Ram Now, let me sar in conclusion co that e'very one who attends 0. . C. will b)e pleased with every thing and charmed wvith our esteemed presidlent and every 1:3 member of our well equipped Fi faculty. Therefore, to those or who have contemplated attend- E ng G. F. C., I bea von to come. A Student itf Death Mrs. M. J. Childs. Mrs. Mi'rinda J. Childs, wif of Mr. Thos. G. Childs, passe to her reward at her home a the Alice mill. Easley. on th 18th after a short illness. He death was quite a shock to he many relatives and friends She was in her 37th year an< was a woman of many nobl traits of character and christiar zraces. Her friends wer( numbered by her acquaintance ind all who knew her loved ier. For many years she wa t cons)istent member of thE Baptist church. Before hei narriage she was Miss Morgan >f Transylvania County, N. C. 5he is survived by her husband mid seven children who have he sympathy of all their riends. The funeral and inter ent was held at Griffin church he day following her death, he services being conducted by tev. C. A. Waters. 'he Taxable Property of The County. The Auditor has completed is books and made abstracts of 11 the propey su e t to tax tion in thi co except the tton mills, ilroads, telegraph nd telephone companies. The >lowing shows the total of 1al and personal property and anks in the county by town lips: Easley........ $ 474,312.00 Liberty ............... 301,342.00 Central................ 365,152.00 Hurricane........ ... 148,389.00 Pickens................ 280,784.00 Dacusville............ 153,440.00 Pumpkintown...... 100,237.00 Eastatoe.............. 117,529.00 Banks in the Co... 155,925.G Cotton mills........ 989,340.00 Oil Mills............... 30,500.00 Railroads............. 857,618.00 Telegraph and tele ione lines............. 86,166.00 Total.........$4,060,734.00 With a levy of 191 mills for us year this will yield a, reve e for all purposes from proper -tax of $85,169.50. In addi m to this there will be $3,626 om the poll tax, $773.00 dog x, road tax $3,461.00, makingz grand total of taxes to be col ted this fall of $93,059.50. us does not include the special vies in the several school dis icts of the county for school rpose which will amount to 0,000, nor does it include the y for interest on the Pickens iiroad bonds in Pickens. Hur ane and Eastatoe townships, bich will amount to $1,600.00 According to the Auditor's tplicate the property values is year exceed those of last ar by $10,000, the gain was :ogether from personal prop by. The assessments of real bate fell behind that of last ar by about $80. ildren's Day Exercises and Preaching4 D~hildren's day exercises will observed at the St. Lawrence thodist church, on the 5th ndayin June. This church s just been completed and is out three miles east of Law ce's Bridge, and three miles ist of Central. It is hoped at a large crowd will be on1 nd. There will be two ser ms preached, one in the1 rning, at 11 o'clock, by the v. Crout, of Anderson, and v. Harbin, of Pendleton, will sach in the afternoon at three lock. Dinner will be served the church yard. U. D. C. Scholarships. ['he Piedmont District of S. D~iv. U. D. C. offers to a girld this District for Sept. 1. 1912 ~cholarship at Winthrop Col ;e. All applicants must be 16 ars old, must be the daughter lineal descendant of a Con lerate Veteran of honorable -ord, must present certificate . iting that her family cannot y for her education and a ter of endorsement from a sident of a chapter of the U. C. in this State. Examina ns will be held at county art house July 5, 1912. All 1 plications and endorsements ed with Miss Arminda Moses inter, not later than June 29, Mrs. J. L. McWhorter, Div., Vice Pres. Lor SaleZaTwo good milch ws, with young calves. R. A. Hester, 9 Liberty S. C., R. 3. FOR SALE-Georgia farm, acres. 10 room dwelling,1 ne cotton land. Good peachI hard, Railroad through te, and one mile to station. esv Terms., ikeno 5, C et BIG il MI SSome of ti ti COME EARl Heath. Statement of the Condition of located at Liberty, S. C., at the elose of business June 14, 191 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.... $51,200]1 Overdraft...--- 1,268.7 Furnitute and Fixtures,.... ...1620.1 Banking House. ... . ... ..... 1,791.7 Du frbm Bdnks and Bankers 3,416.1 Curracy....,............. 440.(9 Gold.......... ............. 10 Silver and other Coin. .. 184 Checxs and Cash Items 8.51 Total................$0038 LiABILITIES. apital Stock Paid In....$15.000 01 Surplus Fund................ 500.t Undivided profits less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1, 214.6f Dividends unpaid 12 0( [ndividual Deposits Subject to Check................... 18,157.81 'ime Certificates of Deposit.. 7,048.4( Dashier's Checks....,.... 150.9% Bills payable, including (Certi ficates for Money Borrowea 18,000.0( Total.............. ...$60,083.8i 3ate of South Carolina, County of Pickenis. Before me came W. I. Chapman Jashier of above named bank, who, ie. g duly sworn, says that the above and ~oregoing statetuent is a true c. nditioni >f said bank, as shown by tihe books of aid bank W. 11. Chapman. Sworn to and subscribed bef re me his 21st day of June 1912. R C.'Robinson Notary Public jorrect-Attest J*. .CRA NE, ) T. N. BUNTER, 'Directors W.H.CHAPMAN Bank of Norris, located at Norris, S. C., it the close of business June 14, 1912. .RESOURCES: .kans na Discounts. 50,299.65 )vsrdrafts,................ 37.17 3onds and stocks owned.y the bank............... '1,000.00 urniture and Fixtures, , 2,090.09 anking House...........,1,444 5 )ue from Banks and Bankers 5,127.67 n rrency.,....,.........,..58.00 ilver and other Coin.... . 74.83 Total,....,.......... . $1,222.07 LIABILITIES: japita1Stock Paid In $ 20,000.00 urplus fund 200.00 Individed Profits, less Current Expenses and Tax Paid....,.,.........2,125 01 )ue to Banks and Bankers 60.1.0 ndividual Deposits subject to Check,....,........... ,,185.49 'ime Certificates of Deposit 4,634 31 aier's Checks............17.25 lils payable, including Cer tificates for money borrowed 25,000 00 Total................... $61, 229.0)6 tate of South Carolina, County of Pickens. Before me camne E. W. Tate, Cash r of the above name~d bank, who 'eing duly sworn, says that the above d foregoing statement is a true eon ition of said bank, as shown by the iooks of said bank. E. WV. Tate. Sworn to and subscribed before me his 2t day or June 1912. J. D. MAULDIN. Notary Public. orret-Attest ,G. PH1L4LOPS, . W. TATE -Directore. !, M BAKER Statement of the Condition o Fhe Pickens Bank Located at Pickens, S. C., L the close of business June 14th 1912 RESOURCES: oans and Discounts.. 19.55- 25 )verdrafts............. 1335 onds and Stocks owned By Bank................:.20.00 ~urnitre and Fixtures. .. .2.324 28 anking House............10,8 .O.84 3e from Bangs and Bankters 5.9 1;'0 urrency............... 4 5~G " sold........... .... ...... - 25 00 ilver and other Coin..... ?61.7 hecks and Cash Items.. ... 2.23.8. Total................. 8230.03.4 LIA BILITIES: apital Stock Paid in.... $ 20,500.00 ~urplus Fund............ 29,500.00 ndivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid................ .... 7,66 90 ue to Banks and Bankers 2,356.15 dividual Deposits subject to Check...........,,,,86.425 24 ~avings Deposits...,.. .....73.21.183 ashier's Checks...........41M.95 totes and Bills Rediscntd . 10,00MOC EDUCTI LL INE to 1=2 ie Seasoll's IPre > go for a Soi JY AND GET FII COMPANY State of Soth Carolina, County of Pickens. Before me came I. M. Mauldin, cash ier of the above named bank, wno, being duly sworn says that the above Sand foregoin0 statement is a true con dition of said bank, as shown by the books of said ban i. Sworn toM. MAULDIN. Swr oand sabscribed before me, this 21-r day of June 1912. .F1 ANK .M'FALL, (seal.) Notary Public for South Carolina. ,Correct-Attest. J. M. STEW ARTI,) J. M'D. BRUUE, '.Directors. I. M. MAUJLDINJ. Statement of the The Farmers Ba LoCated at Central, S. C., at the cL< RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts..... ........ 8i,32f 6i Ca Overdrafts....... .... .... ........~ 20 78u Furniture and Fixtures............. 1992 35 Banking House. 1.756.97 Other Real Estate owned. ........3,503.05D Due from Banks and Bankers 9.196.56 In Totaenc....-.......... .............. 99,226.0 thatlter aoher Cneoing.. tatement15 isa14u o Sworn to before me this 20th day of June 1912. Correct--Attest: JJ..LANG ) TR Rt.G. GAINES ~DIRECTR J.T.GASSA WAY STATEMENT OF THE THE [IBER Located at Liberty, S. C., at the < RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts.............. 479,834 11 Caj Overdrafts ............. .. 1 98 Sur Bond and stock owned by bank 400 00 Una Furniture and Fixtures....... ...... :1.834 18 p Banking House .. ...... .... ..... 1.543 82 Ind Due f'rom Blanks and Bankers 10.164-08 Tim Curreter.... ... .... ........ ..... 252 00 Cas Gold..................... ....... J 200 Eil] Silver s'nd other Cnin ....... .... . ...59 08 Checks and Cash Items.............. 215 15 Total................... .. 95,039 38 STAT E OF SOUTH CAROL.NA. I COUNTY OF PICKENS. Before me came C. R . Bush, Cashier of the abol that the above and foregoing statement is a true con< said Bank. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th da; correct-A tt est: W.T.O' DELL Statement of the Cc Located at Pickens. S. C.. at the c1< RRSOURC ES Loans and Discounts,.. . ... 55,972.07 - Overdrafts......................... 30.68 Cal Furniture and Fixtures..... 2300.00 Suw lDue from Ranks and Banker... 10.968.21 Un< Currency............ ............ 1,400.00 s Gold .................... ........ 400.00IDu Silver and other Mlinor C'oin.... 180.99 Ind Sai 'Cat Bit ~fI Total...... ...... ... ............. 7.4S.95 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF PICK ENS. Before me came M,. C. Smith. Cashier of th< says the above and foregoing statement is a true c( of said Ilanlk. ISworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day c Correet-A test: .1. P. CA REY. lirtr. .I.CC'AREY Th imet fHeart Syi The almens ofwomen include symptomso of the heart. The palpitation is so violent leads the patient to fear she has heart diseas not heart disease at all but only a symptom the normal action of the heart, and on apply throbbing ceases. The stomach and dig depressing effect of these disorders on the For the latter purpose there is no more effect DR. SIMI Vi Iconveys a strengthening influence to the de rglrand healthy periods, overcomest nerves and puts the generative system in fi and bowel disorders one or two doses of -- needed. It clears the stomach and boweis 0 proper nourishment of the body the rt conditions all through the system. Dr. Simmons Squawo Vine Wine Is S@ C. F. SIMMONS MEDICINE KEO WEE PH ON ONJ ttiest Hats -'u (ST CH01C.0 I have six Titanic Sinks" left.- S&e ' AMJON28 --f This office' = Condition of >se of business June 14th, '1912 LIABI-..TIES pital Stock Paid In, ............ .O00 10de Pots ls Current Ex enses and Taxes Paid...... ..... ,8.~ - e to Banks and Bankers -1935 ividual Deposits subject .to Check. 3490 ae "ertidcates of eslt.... ... .0 hier's Checks,...... ............0 is Payable, Inclding-tcrtificatee or Money Borrowed.......... J. H..R1M00.00 :al1Stock.Pa.d..................*100q ditone aid axes Passhown3by 24oos loe name busbing ulyeswo4, -191 ition Sock said Bn..--. ..s . -..h ..;n5, 000 bo kso iivield~ ProdTT Notar C urrent E. seC16 e of -epsines ...,.. .,.. 12 3 for Stoney Paidowed....-...-.- 2E000 00 Ttlu.....d............. ...... 85090 einamed Profit, leo, Curent dcu-on a iind Taxe b3o e to Banks nd.BankeH. [Sal DJpo.GA SueT Tor Chle S3. 84 >iras Ctocksad.I........ ......25000 Lus Funda.............. ......ica0es rivoey Browlsrend Expen saTa es.Pa.... ........ ..,s o223 aoe toBnksaed Bankr .... bei.. 20y 78 -- itvofsidua Bankits scow Chec 2,35 b84 C. ybe Oinn, ertias -uli >rM oneyBrrwd . aov time Ban who beypinguly anorn ndition nef str Ba n hw b hok fue 19i2. c.t E.a rgBiNsO, reoetaryblie epanfup mtOms.ulSu h heath tiol nor te ioe turtimes ob heal iesinf andh suitliver disordsrswhnch hal eted embyallrsmmmDt~ $b.0 ve remed toUIe fo.yhr 95 tONS* *e.W..e