The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, December 21, 1911, Image 2

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he Pidens SonetiI -5jqsoseeuseg U 2!!,AuPp c. rmZOB N, EDIAE. PIONS, S. C.: THUESDAY.IDEC. 2,f 1911. Let the egg-nofgo by once. Rvemember. ast you celebrate whose birthda hristmas is. Let this a model Christmas ordkr, good behavior and sori and sober Christmas SOmI the slogan of every ci4izei. D not think you must have our Christmas dram. Let it ane It wfil do you no good. Did you evernoticehow many os shthings a drunken will do? TheIn keep sober and be sane. 3Many a grave is filled to-day t> result of the Christmas tOUQ. One drink led to another, and then another, with fearful Will There be any killings or murders in Pickens county next week? There need not be. It - can be avoided if people will keep sober. Boys, be careful with your - It has been our sad duty ro ord some fearful accidents ?rom the cageless handling of nrea?'ns. ''h w idows and orphans trace their con dit-ion to the Christmas wine cup. Let it alone, friend. It fires she brain, dethrones reason andbreds_ strife. the many accidents, ui d disastrous calami :ee ch may avoided by keep 3 uring Christmas,an e- A father to the tings his tly to y fe ood -of a jfellow-man on hands. 'And the thought s narrowing that widows and ahas are made in a moment nie crazed and insane from on drink. n of Pickens coun w happy and prosperous . th a loving family, will 2nt- into eternity next w-eek a result of the Christmas mni Will it be you, reader? ,what citizen of the county l stand before the bar of the ourt next February to answer c o the charge of murder? Will .t be you, reader? - tre our es teem. contenisporary, the Eas 1-~ , that the stor of the ap of his Satanic .:ajesty in 'cinity recently w-as all a Ii x. The thing that *ade its ightly appearance w.e. the gh t of the old dispen sa- which the people of the co.v ty el more than five yes ago. t's harmless, neigh her, and y u need not be afraid Did Deiboerats Blunder? The Demfecratic outlook for a Rwee~pingvictory next year was nxer brighter up to the opening of e present session of Con are-s. :They had made gains )laid their wires so well as ipress the people of their -management and trust -" will only caught in by the Re expect to .It is feared, nowever, that her' made a serious blunder in .Congress last week. Press dis paches bring us the following a.s of their supposed blunder: 1ave the Democrats in the -.esse "thrown The fat in the "A careful poll of some of t~ best posted members made cmaay, regardng the vote of last 'ciht on the "dollar-a-day pen sia bill," which will cost the zoarnmbat something like $70, 90 000 a year hereafter, in ad n to the-amount alrbady go *or this purpose, bro~Ikht-out information t public ling appropri ions have -rably been ocked into a ed. .hat 'ver and harbor appbrift~asruined, and little imce left to secure the adop Sof their local, appropriation m* sures calling for outlays of .3,vs-fter. TRair- v' eady heavily overburdened, she people will not stand for an additional taxation of $70,000, DOO a year hereafter; in addition make appropriations for the in ternal improvements of the country. Many Democrats who opposed the measure wore a worried look today when asked what the re sult of voting this enormous in crease in the public expenditures would be. Summing up the situation, many of them take the position that it will be useless to try to pass either a public building or a river and harbor bill now. and these two measures are the backbone of the South's internal improvements. In Memory of Mary Bowen Rob ertson. A year ago this Christmas time Our. darling Mary left us weeping; A year of eternal life for her, Safe in Jesus' keeping. We have missed her sadly Missed the sunshine she ever brought, Missed her pleasant, cheerful smile, Missed the loving deeds she wrougyht. God called her, it was His will. But stil our tears of sorrow flow; And her memory is as dear As 'tvh as this Christmas time one year ago. She'll be waiting on the other shore Loving hands will greet us there- - Husband, father, mother, chil dren, all Will part from her, no, never more. Lovingly dedicated to Mary Bowen Robertson by her mother, Mns. W. T. BOWEN. County Sunday;.School Associ ation. The-Pickens 'County Sunday School Association held its fourth s~nual convention with the Liberty Pr -sbyterian church Wednesday,Dec. 6, and a goodly number of Sunday school work ers attended each of the three sessions. A very apjpropriate and in strucieagram had been ar ranged, and was carried out with but few changes. The speakers were among the best to be had, and they gav6 very in structive and -intelligent ad dresses. The convention had the pleas ure of- having as some of its speakers Prof. J. M. Hancock, of Wesleyan College, Central, S. C.; Miss Grace Vandiver, field worker of the State Convention; Rev. D. E. Wallace, president Anderson County Association and ex-Gov. Ansel, of Green ville. The Association is growing, and new associationsof other 15whships-wille adlded, D. V., before the next annual con vention. A new feature of the Associa tion was the Men's Bible Class Parade. This parade was com posed of men who are thorough ly interested in Bible study, and who were not ashamed to come out on the Lord's side. This parade was led by ex-Gov. Ansel, accompanied by Rev. -John C Bailey, pastor of the Presbyte rian church. All stores and places of business were closed for this parade. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Prof. J. M. Hancock, Central; secretary ,treasurer and chairman executive committee, Albert 'F. Riser, Liberty; com mittemen, W. A. Mathe ws, Cen tral;.C. J. Ellison, Easley; J. T. Taylor, Pickens; A. R. Dalton, urricane; Joe Looper, Dacus vile; J. H. Chastain, Pumpkin town; A. T. Winchester, East Superintendent home visita tion, M. A. Boggs. The super intendents for home depart ment, the elementary and tem perance were left for apooint ment. The time and place were also left for the executive com :nittee. While the Association- dwes o debts, yet it needs financial assistance from every school in Eickens county. Let's all work hard to have a Larger~and better convention ETr 112. _____ . E. BOGGS W. E. FINDLEY BOGGS & FINDLEY Lawyers Pickens, S. C. Office over PIckens bank. e k. ni. 1Wm'aseim Ifwls~ for i. DO hav vr shov Sbusiness. With pleni Sdisplayed, it will be a M lection. Come in ani THE 'DOL Maybe you have a Mter the race. Notice Sat our store of the fiv< I Coe Ear IAAv ONE PRICE ( BUSINESS LOCALS. Craig Bros. Co. want 30 bush els white multiplying onions, at' / $1 per bushel, in trade. '10o be --For land anywhere in Pick-' have ens county see or write J. R, i as la Ashmore. "The Land Man.''" useft For Sale-T wo mules, about to ha 7 years old. and W. P. STEWART, i Pickens. S. dec7 R. F. D. 1, Hol If you desire anything in .the jewelry line, I--have the best i watches in solid gold anfd gold filled that are made. Prices that ILadk will pay any one to call and see. 1 H. SNIDER, Easley, S. c. if Ma If you need anything in the Fant jewelry line for Christmas pres) a ents I have it. Bracelets,lockets, I fountain pens of various styles t( Pen and designs, cuff buttons, silver -I ware of many. and all kinds- liI H. SNIDER, Easley, S. C. .age86 FOR SALE.-I offer for sale the ouse and lots known as the A B. Cameron troperty, in the, own of Pickens, and in a good ocality. Reasonable terms can D. H. I e had... T. J. MAUJLDIN. GREEVIL: I have not visited Sani a Claus, 'ARC ut Santa is at my store, to re- BUIL1 ain until the holidays are WIL 8 ver. He has all kinds of tov-s. I Blue Printed P See him. He will save you fieat oney. T. B. BOGGS,OFI: dec14 West End Store. GaREY WANTED-In Brevard, N. C., Ph,,,, 3d good, sober, capable miller, ho can grind good meal and 55acres ti un a rye mill. One of the best east of Pick niller's houses in the state,with tivation, ba ~arden attached. Applicants woodland; ill please furnish references. Igood 7-room WM. E. BREESE, or DR, R. mae prc EIRSEY, Brevard Mills, Bre- you Immt 'ard, N. C. - dec14 t3 you want it. WANTED. -About 50 bushels TER, Picken eas, any kind, for spot cash. All peso 21-2t T. D. HARRIS. requested to Al toys, vases. etc.. at and dyof Jan Pickens Drug Co. pae nt Job Work neatly exectued n; this . w .eji YOUR PP 9) DW! ne of Holiday Goods we rn and are .now ready for v of help and goods well pleasure to make your se l ask about CONTES. little girl that wants to en the daily announcements e leading contestants. lyand Id the Rs IROS. 'C0. IASH MERCHANTS. Meers~haRR1l and French ippreciated should good looks as well Brie Ppes sting qualhties and ilness. Our aim is Ci - ars, Purses, Bill Books, endle only the best Perfumes, in Bulk and I you will find noth- Packages; Toilet Waters. rashy in our 1 Ask to see our catalogue of liday Line Nunnally's Candy such as inFancy Boxes and Bask ets and let us have your 's' Hand Bags, whee ine U.n.y. icure Sets inl None Like Nunnally's. y Leather - -_ _ s, SFountain EO E loliday Pack- PH ARM ACY. e* Where Quality Counts. t T TA W AY, Annual Meeting E'S PRACTICAL Notice is he reby given that the Annu; [ETadMee ing.; . f dih B iard o'' County Cor [IETad. missioners for Pickenfs County willi DE - - hi in the (fhic. of the S.'pervisori EPickens S. C. on Thuwsday after t1 IYO MOESfirst Monday in Janeuary next, the san la'is and Complete Spt-ci- !! per th y ofln Jli uaya19 ions Furnished. Pickens Count y. nct pre riously presen1 117k Main Street, ed to the" Board, niust fi!-. 'he sari Ls .with tne Cit rof the loarci on or befoi LL,~ *the first day of Jan~uary next so thi F68- they may be examinied and ordere ptidl. -JOHN C. CAREY, tree and a half miles Decl4t4 Clerk. ens, 25 acres in cul ance in pasture and Notice of Final Settlement an splendid neighbood; -Discharge. 2-story house. Let NOTICE ;s hr I y give n that I t1 this place for I can make a;pplicati'.n to J1. B> New berr Sthat will interest ts- u of obte fo ckjer cou ~diate possession if the 15th day of Jan. 1911, at Se H.M. HS-foer as isaid applicationrcan be hear SS.C. fo e esave to make finaiS settlemen s indebted to me are and obtain discharge as Admm,1istratri settle before the 1st of *adstate. iary. All accounts ec1tNadni .Stratri, that day will be'Ainirai. hands of a magis- j er e goin to bed taice ., Dr. Mner .L. BoLT, M. D. Lxtv alt 1ino- us your Job Work Mitchell "30" 5 Passe The Wonderful Reco AUTOMOBILE IN THEI You have probably heard a lot of talk abou well cars in the Glidden Tour which was recentli ville, Fla. The facts of the mitter are that all l all were driven by professionals with factory me prepared for this trip and in fact went through a start of the Glidden Tour. - The Mitchell was the only car that had the classes. The Mitchell 4-4 in division No. 2 fror Division No- 5 car from $2001 to $3000 was wo It was the only car in its class that came througl Brown, of Athens, Ga., who drove the No. 19 IV with'3%4x5 cylinders,-is an amateur. He never run started in New York. It was delivered to ' Branch and when you think ihat he had no meel an amateur driver and brought the car through 1 class, it reflects some credit on Dr. Brown and a I ' No. 26 which won in division No. 2 was also dri mechanician, Taking it all in all the performan< den Tour was the most wonderful of any of thos< We have a stock of these Automobiles on]I call and see them and let us give you a demonsi what the MI' CHELL is. Mitchell "25," 2 Passe ~"The CarYou Ought toHa 7 at the Price Silent as the Foot *Folger, Thon Clothing, Shoes, Hats ad Gents' Fir Sole agents for Walk-Qve.Shoes, Hews~s g .Sewing Machines, Chase City Buggies, MitchelfW Fall plowing tinr tion to Win. J. O0ia r orove this-ask any < -, season and only had< A SIHT OR ANT -. easiest part about a1 ~ ad i fllwes s rad hre Jweryantee every one of the 1 WE INVITE EVERYBODY S talk C 1to view the display and feel sure they have eG never seen a finer collection of Jewelry. mheres Aehv o h are gifts' innumerable for yeung and ofd1, malenefateabu e and femnale. Costly gifts and inexpensive,.nsrns hcw Btecisapresent worth getting as you will Le dmit when you see it. bae ogv.T H-. SNIDER. chnadwlhvet eEasley, St.esC Stat ofSouh Crolna-Rane isave got ashe 13J.B.NebeyPrbae ude. ou n aTsi ~l Whereas, onPsprinersmwdeichitwt me o ganthimletersof dlade Coe give' and tio wth hewil aneedof heEsateGrcie and ilhardwt a fect oftevResnea 'roihalad sigatkindrdn crtors of othe aoidna, . r e. ineCourt of Prbaens, b el i k 191 Je. aftewery Pobliato Juer. at. o'lc inWheres.P fornoon, tod shwcuset me if ant him whtesai adminisr- T trtion sihol thbe raned. f the Estate Gi undet my W.R.Anderhs.6dyo D Te areo theore 1911. ndad Dcdtr fthe sadJ. . nder ohaackso he 28t d o c. ngers $1,350. rd Made by the GLIDDEN TOUR.. t the wonderful record of the Max run from New York to Jackson Iaxwell-cars that made any record at chanicians. They-were all specially rigid course of training prior to the distinction of winning firs: in two ni $801 to $1200 inclusively won first. n by I. C. Brown in No. 19 Mitchell. with a perfect score. Dr. L. C. [itchell which was a 5 passenger Six saw his car till two days before the im in New York by. our New York ianician and that he was absolutely with a clean score, the only one in his whole lot on the MitcheI. Mitchell ven by an amateur drder with no :e of the Mitchell cars in the last Glid among the entries. uand and will be glad to have you -ration. This will prove conclusively rsgers, $1,000. ve You -Ought to Pay." of Tinme. Iey& Co. iiishing Goods a Specialty.3 atj ron~ n..toves, ew Home agons and Mitchell Automotl. 0' ie is here and we want to call your atten rer Turn Plow on the market tody. To >wner We sold 5o of these plows last one broken frog returned. The frog is turn plow to get broken and we guaran ANm J. Oliver Plows. utters best, thing yet in a stalk cutter. The them is arrangement of the cutter part en striking a solid substance, enables the is is an important feature about this ma be seen to be appreciated. * nd Ranges ne ot these articles. 'The "Tip :an be found. We also-want to the "Odessa" Cost Range on di a beauty. see us. We carry a complete are of the better kind and will Hdw. & Gro.. ALLEN, Mar'ager.