Palmetto Theatre Today's Program Williams Musical Comedy Company -PRESENTS "The Eloper*" A Very Funny Farce Comedy. Movies for Today "TheFaiker" A Two Reel Keystone Comedy. Thit ii a Scream o? a Picture. "The Schemers" Princess. "We run the cream ol the Mutual Service when it comes to Comedies." Paramount Theatre TT O D A Y "The Love Route" A Famous Flayers Paramount Feature. Featuring Harold Lockwook, considered the finest looking and mott gifted,man in the movies today. A picture thal will certainly please you. TO-MORROW "In Tune With the Wild" Selig In 3 Reel*. Demonstrating man's dominion over Wild Beasts; tone ol the mott wonderful Animal Pictures ever produced. Illus trating the influence of man over the animal kingdom. , "Broncho Billy" A One Reel Ccmedy to be Selected. Making 5 Rael*. Open 1.30 P. M. Admission 5c Children-10c Adults. Author and Impersonator In ? Reading of Her Original and Humorous Southern Stories Anderson College Auditorium Friday, April 30th, at 8:30 p. m. ADMISSION 25 Gents TENNIS We are sole agents for Spalding's Tennis and Base Ball good?. (See Window.) Fant'sBook Store W. THAD BETHEA DEAD President sf Baa? al ??Ilea aaa Pre?, taeat ntlita of State. A telegram wac received la the city yesterday announcing tn? death ot Mr. W. Thad Bothea, at his home in Dillon, lie w^-.pi^id?gaJ^^i:Ajha< Ban* of Dillon and one of tho most upright and subalknttat citlrens of .'?bat section o? th? State. Uetfesa was a jnomber ot tbfc South Carolina' delegation to tbs tlonal Democratic Convention whi nominated Woodrow Wilson for dent Of the county convention, ai promlnant tn otho raffalrs of tbe munlty. He and Rev. W. C. Kirkland, edi tor. ot the Muthern ckrletsaa^^eAvV. cate, were warn frienda and tba lat ter, who waa advised of Ttl*. 'Bet?ieeSi death* will probably attend tba fan? ?ral which may bs bald Ba tc rosy. THROUGHOUT COUNTY FINAL EXERCISES AND BIG PICNICS ARE THE ORDER OF THE DAY TODAY'S PROGRAM Contest ai McLees School-A Big Picnic W01 be Held There Saturday. The season of school closing ls at hand, and Institutions of ; learning throughout the rural districts of the county will be suspending work for the season In large number be. een now and the middle of next mouth. A few school H have already closed down for the summer. Generally speaking, tho schools usually hold their Anal exercises on Friday, and follow this up with a big public picul? on Saturday, to which all the patrons and friends of the school come,, and bring well Ailed baskets. Concord School Next Concord school will close with an entertainment Saturday night, May 1. A very interesting program han been arranged and the general public is cordially Invited to atter.d. ?o ad mission fee will be charged, but a collection will be taken for the bene fit, of the school Improvement associa tion. Mc Lee s Reboot The closing exercises ot McLeen school, of which Minn Lillian Clink scales ls principal, will be held to night. An interesting program will bo carried out, and a gold medal will be given by "Billy" Lyon to the boy or girl who delivers the best recitation. Dr. W, ii. Frazer, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Miss Jean Harris and Miss Maggie Carlington are to act an judges. A big picnic will bo held (Saturday near ihe Behool house. Tho general public is Invit ed to attend and bring well nlle.d baskets. Central School Picnic. . A picnic will be held Saturday at Central school, near Wllllamston. Ad dresses will be delivered by Hon/ Winston Smith, county auditor, and John I). Adger Mullally. Contest .Monday Night. . A contest will ' be held Monday night, at thc Hohen Path school to select a- boy and a girl to represent this school In the, O'Neal Oratorical contest, which will be held In the town-of Belton'between the school of Belton, Wllllamston. Honen Path and Anderson. 8even boys sad three girls will take part in the preliminary con test th be held next Monday night at Hon ela Path. 'Wliiiji" AI COLLEGE TONIGHT WeB Known Writer and Reader , Will Give One of Her De Ughtful Recitals. Thia evening at 8:30 o'clock a re cital will be given tn tba auditorium of the Anderson Cillege by "Betsy Hamilton" (Mrs, M. V. Moore), the author-reader of her humorous char acter sketches,' sovtthern dialect of the Illiterate whites and plantation negroes. Mrs. Moore' nea given these read ings from California to New York and In Philadelphia and New York city has given a number ot return engage ments. Bbs was for two * ears on the chautauqua platform itt New York.. The Inimitable entertainment will be given for the benefit ot the Ander son College. An admission fee of only 26 cents will be charged SPLENDID PLANT IS THE LOCAL FOUNDRY ?'. " Prepared to Make Moat Anything From Iron That Comes Into* Daily Uta. lt's dollars to doughnuts the aver age citizen of. Anderson, who does not have direct business connection with the Anderson Machin? ana Foundry Co.. has any conception ot tte magnitude of this concern's buai They are stuck elf by themeetvea. entirely off the beaten path, and there ls hardly /any" chance et the transient visitor Seeing thia plant, unless he goes O?t looking for lt. But once a person ts Introduced to th? several dif ferent dopartu'sits, all occupying dif ferent bdlldlrigs, and learns that there ht not auother machine shop rrj foundry anywhere hear'Anderson tiat cab compare with thia one, his respect ead amiratlon for the home plant fn ereases immediately. Thew? we any where from 40 to Se skilled mechanics employed tn this plant tac year round, , which means the support andr roaln tatnacce of that many famille* .in An . demon that otherwise would probably not be here. Mr. Wi jg legten, the manager, says , that there ls hardly anything mads 2 from iron thei comee Into .dally use. Shat what.they are prepared to mahn, abd that on vo?y short notice. An . derson would be -better edt, if there ware mora such factories within her midst. ' ' RESUME MINOR ITEMS BEFORE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COVERING MAT TER OF SEWER CONNEC TIONS TO BE DRAFTED THE CITY BARN Will be Constructed of Brick work on Calhoun Street Or dered Completed. At a special meeting of city council, bold yesterday afternoon in the ofllce of the mayor at "? o'clock, a number of matters of important were considered, as well as several items of a minor nature. Among the minor matters brought before council was tho question ot what type of construction ?hall be used in the city barn which is to be erected the city's quarry lot. The I relative merits of brick, wood, sheet I iron and other kinds of building ma terial were dlsuuased, and it was fin ally decided that lt would be best to build the structure of brick. Thc sp?c ial committee will, therefore, proceed with the preparation of plana and specltlcotionn with this in mind. Another matter of minor importance but of considerable interest brought before the council wa? that of an or dinance requiting property owners to maki? connections between their pro perty and wa';er. gas and sewer malus along street;, which are to be pav*d. Aa generally known, council has had in mind for some time the proposition of requiring all property along streets that are to be paved to be connected with sewer, gae and wate/ mains be fore the paving work is undertaken. This is. to prevent the pavement-being Lorn up for making these connections. . The quest toe of framing> an ordi nance coverng " this matter was brought up and the committee on or dinances waa instructed to gather from other cities data pertaining to f ie matter and turn' it over to the act ing City attorney. , Just boforo council adjourned Al derman Barton brought up the mat ter bf completing certain work on Calhoun ". street which was started some time ago but not' completed. The city engineer 'Was Instructed to look' after the matter and have the work completed right away. 'i. 3Lki ?.>.??? . i. . . Funeral C* Mr. \f^?N$#aL be Held .Church. The funeral services of Mr. Ft. C. Webb, who died Wednesday night, will ba held thia afternoon at 3 o'clock at G rt ce Church; conducted by the rector, the ReV.-J.H. Gibboney. In terment will be at Stlvar Brook Ceme tery. The pallbearers will be aa follows: Messra. E. W. Taylor,, W. E. Steele, C. G. Sayre. B. c. Maxwell, Porter! A.. Whaloy and J..;H. Godfrey. The honorary pallbearers will be Messrs. M. L. Bonham. H.H. Watkins. E. A. Belt. J. A. Brock and Dr. B. A. Henry. CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED . "., . ? ? * .? Look. Mother ! If Tongue is coated give "CaliforniaSyrup of F?ga.', .y .?? . . " ' ' ' ... ' I Every mother realises, after giving her children "California Syrup of Pigs" that this ls their ideal laxative, because they love Mts pleasant taste sud lt thoroughly: cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowel? with out griping. Wheo cross, irritable,, feverish or breath ls bad, stomach sour, tonk ot the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful ot (his harmless "fruit laxative," and In a few'boura all. the fo'd, constipated waate, sour bile and undigested food passes out .of... the. bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system ls full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, dlarrhae, indigestion, cOlic--re member, a good "inside Cleanarhg" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of o .others keep "California Syrup of Figt* handy; they know a teaspoonful tc day saves a sick child tomorrow. As*" 'your* druggist for a 60-cent bottle ot "California Syrup of Figs." which has directions for babies, children ot all ages and grown-ups printed ot? tho bottle. Beware ot counterfeits sol? ????. so don't b? fooled. Get the genuine, made by "Call tom Ia Pig Syrup Company.'* J FlLUa* Cfc** Beeratt*. LONDON, April 29-Flirting can be made aa affective recrultin*;. ex pedient. At a retreat recruiting rally a girl held up her hand and announc ed that sh? hid sent five young men to the front. At the end ot the meet ing, sho Indicated tba young maa ai her i aide and declared. "Here's the statu!" Tata caused the -??peaker to say. "Kilning of inst kind ls th* right sort o fpatrtotlsm." And ho advised * tba- you*.- ??rt* ?t ?bb andiene? to Are You Looking For Shirt Satisfaction Coatless and . Veness Summer days demand good-looking shirts. We believe these "Em ery" shirts we are show ing are the best shirts made in this country. We have judged them by comparisons and by the service they give our cus tomers. You will find - here a larger stock tor select from. < Shirts with Soft Cuffs $1.00 to $3.50 Shirts with Laundered Cuff s $1.00to$2.500 "EMERY** SHIRTS ARE GUARANTEED : AS TO FIT, COLOR AND WEAR. 1 .r.. PARKER & BO LT '?The One Price Clothiers" ^ GABBAuEliiNERnTOi) ^ XITY COUNCIL YESTER DAY AFTERNOON IN SPE CIAL MEETING FURTHERO?TA i-:-7" : Wilr be Secured by Committee on j Sanitary Mattera and Report, Made Sack to Council. j Data wita reference .to the cost of, a garbage Incinerator for the city bf Anderson' was -placed'.' before council at a special'meeting hfcid yesterday afternoon .for tho puroona of consid ering a number ot matters-of-'a roU/ tine nature;" Some weeks ago, lt will ho recatladr the matter of ther advisability of the city purchasing an'l^clnerator fdr tho. dispoaal of garbage ?fraS'brought be- j fore counert.^tnd referred,no th? san- I kary eoaMBtfteo- for';- infestation. | This committee, with the assistance Of* members of the board of health, col lected data-with r?f?renc?e to the cost, of such a plant and placed St before ?the council yesterday afternoon. ? Dr. W. F, Ashmore, "chairman of the board of health, apxired before council .and stated that after Investi gating tho plant nt OreenvHle he. had arrived at the conclusion that eVia [ dr^erator Ilk* the, one . in . use there, ' with certain lmtorovemepts,(would en trer the purpose here." rite' reminded council that the. board of health had Often expressed its apprO\(aI~nt the Incinerator idea; and. StaWd that he Stood ready et all. tbhea ?te do. ?hat he could to hold tho cause along; ' 'A. C. Felton, president of the, Nye. Odoriere Crematory company, . nf M?teon, Qa., appeared bVfore cocecll aiid submitted pricey and other-data with reference to an Incinerator. His company furnished the-Greenville lu ein?rator and has placed numerous, others la tbs south. 'He proposed to ?rect the incinerator without cost to the city, Uk? two employ sea of-the' city and. train them ia the operation j ot the plant, and have everything tn perfect working shape before asking for any pay. When the plant ?rea ac cepted he weald take a eash peymsbt] and etty, notes at 6 per -cent taieresti for th? balance. The cost of the type of incinerator" he woWd erect In Anderson woeld be.H.??0. Atter discussing ^ha matter pre and [ cork eouncU retorted, .the. matter .back to tb? sanHaey ceesmHtaes for- a.fnr SE^?naj! $20.00 Pattern f?ats, Saturday. $18.00 Patter? Hats. . Saturday ?. Saturday ... ... $10,00 Pattern Hat?, ; $10.00 $8 00 Pattern Hats, Saturday ... ,\ . EXTRA SPECIALS FQR SATURDAY Linen Silk Hose, regular 76c s4fi v ... ; ............ ^,. Ladies' Suaver Union Suits, out sise, . at....;.. v.-.' Babcock Talcum Pow Jer al, 2 .: Saturday ... ... Children's White Dre???? mt CbMciaV'wUto Sm ::.... ... . 25c 98c 10c day of the year for it*. Be on hand, for there will