The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, April 20, 1915, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THE ANDERSON _TONIGHT The Fountain Stock Company Presents ST. ELMO A play every man, woman and child should see. Prices 10 and 20c. AU Seats Reserved Can't gap tn the teat can't bunch nor bind cither wey. It's the Man'? UNDERWEAR for Comfort, Service and Convenience. Choose your st; lc at the price you want to pay from a wide array of fabrics in cotton, lisle, sUkateens, and others at $1.00 to $2.50. 2 piece garments from 50c to $1.50 or $1.00 per suit or $3.00 per suit Our underwear department is running over and we can show you most any kind of garments. PUy sure and buy today. T. L. Cely Co. PARAMOUNT TODAY Jesse L. Leaky and David Brlascr Present Tho World-Wide Favorite Star Blanche Sweet In "The Warrens of Virginia'' A Stupendous Picturizatk n of the Famous Civil War Masterpiece by Wm. C. DeMille. Open at 2 P. M. This famous picture will start as follows: 2:00; 3:30; 5:00; 6:30; 8:00; and 9:15 p. m. Please remember this and try to come so that you'll aaa it from the start, and you will enjoy it twice aa much. A spacial program of music has boan selected for each and every important scan? in this wonderful picture and will ba rendered accordingly. No Advance In Admission, Sc and 10c NEW OEMGnSTRATQ? HAS ARRIVED HERE S. M. BYARS OF CORINTH, MISSISSIPPI COMES HIGH. LY RECOMMENDED HAS HAD SOME FINE EXPERIENCE For Years Was Connected With Southern Railway-Rec ommended by Harrison. S. M. Flytirs. thc new sericultural demonstrator for Anderson County, arrived here Sunday and yesterday morning entered upon lits, duties. Ile spent the greater part of the day In letting acquainted with people about town and farmers of tha county. He will within a short while begin mak ing bia trip Into the country. - Before coming here Mr. Hy ar.s spent several- days at Clemson Col lege with Prof. W. W. Ix>ng. State agent of the farmers cooperative demonstration and extension work, getting acquainted with the character of work he will be expected to plfl" form in thia county. , Mr. Byars appears to be about 36 years of age. He has been with the Industrial and agricultural depart ment of the Southern Railway for the past two years, and has been as signed to districts in Mississippi in fected with the boll weevil. His terri tory included 200 mires on the Mobile and St. Louis road, between Okolona and St. Louis, and about l.~>0 miles on the Southern Railway, between Tus combla and Memphis. Before going with the Southern Railway Mr. Byars took apodal agricultural courae at the Mississippi Agricultural and Me chanical college and Volparaiao uni versity, Valaralao. Ind. He conies highly ..recommended by the officials of the Southern Railway, and * Mr. W. Wv Long, State demonstration agent, declares that Anderson baa procured the services of a good man. Mrs. Byars will come to Anderson about May 1st, Mr. Byars say.'!, after he gata located. . Chamberlains Cough Remedy. From a small beginning the salo and uso of this remedy lias extended to all parta of tho United States and to many forclgu countries. When you have need of auch a medicine give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and you will understand why it has bern vin so popular for coughs, colds and croup. Obtainablo everywhere. ^-^-_:_- - - - - FOR MEN'S BIBLE CLASS HAS BEEN INAUGURATED BY ORGANIZATION TALKS OF MAKING CHURCH LARGER Attendance Has Grown So Large the Present Building Is Tak en To Hold Them. Tho Oakwood Baptist church ha? luaugurated a series of lectures be fore the rucn's iliblc class on Sunday mornings. Already a number of men have been secured to deliver addresses to this large men's Ulble class at dif ferent times, add later often to the entire* Sunday school. O. II. Jones, the teacher of this cia is is a live wire, and is building up one of thc best classes in upper South Carolina Sunday morning there were In his class 95 incn, and thc speaker for this occasion was Dr. M. II. Campbell. Ile spoke on thc lesson to this class anil later to the full school, his sub ject being "A chestnut to Crack." Those who were fortunate enough to hear Or. Campbell are. loud In their praise of his forceful aud eloquent* address. Next Sunday morning another speaker will bc present and address lirst Mr. Jone's Bible class and later the full Sunday school. Mr. E. C. White is thc popular aud able super intendent of this school, and under his adininstiration thc crowds aro so largo that there ls talk of an enlarg ed building. Last Sunday there were 4'?'? present. Accident To Engine of Brogon Mill Caused Shutting Down Yester day. . i A slight accident to thc big engine '.hat drives the machinery of the Bro gon mill, occurring yesterday morn ing between 8: SO and i) o'clock,-caus ed the shutting down'of the plant for the remainder of the day. The trouble occured in the cylinde.' of tbe engine. Tin;, hip machine was not seriously damaged, however, and it was anticipated last night that tho trouble would be re pc Ired and every thing in readiness for, the mill to ?tart at tho usual hour this mornlug Bound Over Robert Bowie Sent Up To Higher Court-Bond Is Fixed At $11,000. Following a preliminary hearing be fore Magistrate G. H. Geiger yestor da yon two warrants, one charging assault and battery with Intent to kill and the other assault with intent to kill, Robert Bowie, colored, was bound over to tho court of general sessions for trial .In'default of bond of 9500 In each case, thc negro wai remanded to jail. Bowie, lt will bc recalled, ts thc negro who shet Health Officer T. A. Campbell two weeks ago, while that (?nicer :?nd Police Prluatc Clamp were bringing him and five other negroes lo the guard house from a house ir that vicinity of the. colored school, where they were arrested'on charges Df gambling. The case of aaaault with Intent to kill was brought against thc negro by J. H. Wall, the otnor caae, ui course, being brought by Health Of ficer Campbell. en. ww us c Launchi CLEANING UP OF PREMISES WITH A VIM-P2CTUR2 TODAY FOR SCH Anderson's "clean-up abd paint-up" week watt successfully launched, yes terday, morning, and indications on the first day were that a bitter war will be waged on dirt and rubbish In general between now and . Saturday night. On a number of streets ot the etty yeaterday, in front of residences, 'piles of trash could be seen rearing their tops skyward as wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow load of rubbish was hauled from beck yards. The wagon*. I were . kept beay^ during thc day haulieg tb. ?tuft away, and lt is probable that e." the week progresses wagona will be taxed to care for the stuff that is piled out for them to haul away. Pictures This Morning. The second day of "clean-up week" which la thia morning, will be fea tured by e visitor ot the 2,400 white school children , to The Andoraon thea'.re. where they will be shown lantern elides and motion pictures ap propriate to.the occasion. The achool children -will ~be divided Into three squads of about 800 each and will vis it the theatre at various hours. The lantern atfdes and motion pictures are calculated to Interest the children ie ! Paint-Up Successfully id Yesterday STARTED OFF YESTERDAY IS AT THE ANDERSON OOL CHILDREN the significance of clean-up week and ! in practlelny personal cleanliness at all times. The Rev. D. W. Dodge, pastor ot Central Presbyterian church, and the Rev. J. H. Olbboney, rector ot Grace church, have been Invited to deliver the lecture? which accom pany these dlcturea. Swatters Didn't Arrive. The G.000 fly swatters which were to have been sent hore by the South-' eastern Lire Insurance company, of Oreen vii le, for distribution among tbe. achool children of the c'iy, failed to arrive. It ia thought, however, that the a watte ra will be received later, and If they get here before the end of the week they will be distributed among tho achool children. , Dr, W. Frank Ashmore, chairman ot the board of health and chairman of the general committee la charge af clean-up week, will be out of the city Wednesday and Thuraday tn at tendance on the annual convention of the South Carolina Medical Assor.a tion. at Greenwood. His duties iu connection with the clean-up work, (?owever, will be looked after-by Sec retary Porter A* Whsley ot the che Mr ot commerce 9= AN ADDED TRACTION THE FOUR GRAHAMS Big Vaudeville Circuit Acrobats MACK'S MUSICAL COMDEY AND BLUE RIBBON GIRLS Including ELLIOTT and ELLIOTT THE SENSATIONAL DANCING TEAM Dancing all the latest and most popular Tango-Hesitation--Fox Trot, etc. 14-ARTISTS-14 TODAY'S PROGRAM THE TWO SENATOR'S" > A Very Laughable Musical Comedy-Clean and WJiolsesorne Fun For AU. , Three Reels of Good F^ietu?ee Admission ONLY IO and 20c This Show Is Worth 50c Anytime. You'll Say So Yourself ! rv, THE PALMETTO LONDON. April lt?.-The admiralty i onlght issued a statement saying i < ?erman submarine torpedoed and san' he trawelcr Vanilla. The crew was ost. and the admiralty declared tho rawler. Formo, which er-!eavorcd to | rescue the crew was fired on and liiven off. Preparing For the Future. "Th0 prohibition wave has hit ?lt Crimson Oulch pretty strong." re iii?..'koU Bronco Bob. "Why. I uaw c?ery man in thc place lined up lat the bar." "Yea, but Bevon or elgnt of the ui?n are learning to take water on Ibo aide." You are Invited to Attend aa j Exhibit of *Beautiful Summery Dresses to be held in our Ready-to-wear Department tomorrow, Wedndesday, April 21st. You'll find quite tibe prettiest you've seen or will see, raaging in price from $6.50 to $35.00 Whether .you wurt one or not we'd life ^ to hive yon eoae aaywjy. MOORS-WILSON COMPANY Received yesterday another lot of 24 Coat Snits I at 1-4 off I 'mmmm'mmmm'mmm'a''''mmml'm''mma''Qm"''m*mm**,^^ ?