The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, April 10, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 5

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Low Cuts on Sale SATUROAY At most reasonable price. We don't claim to sell you shoes below cost, but we will sell you the best shoes to be found at prices "within your reach." Read these, then come and see for yourself* Baby Dolls For Saturday we offer Baby Dolls, worth d?1 QC*i $2.50 for. . ?P 1 They can't be touched. t ' Oxford Ties Patents, Vici Kids and Gun Metals, worth d*l QGn $2.50, Saturday.V* ?v5f Silk Hose AH pure Silk, but slightly imperfect, white and IQ 7" blacks, Saturday.1*7C Women's Pumps * Patents and Duli, Colonials with the newest heel, worth, $3, $4 and $5, on sale Saturday $2 95 for 50 Pairs Sample Shoes Women's Samples worth $3, $4 and $5 tf|1 Ott on sale Saturday for. .. vl?vO (Sizes 3 1-2, 4 and 4 1-2) Men's Oxfords Tan ar.d Gun Metal Goodyear Welt, worth d*0 AA $3.50? on sale Saturday for.W?Uy Rroerr.ber-We have hundreds of other styles to show. 1 COME AND SEE GEISBERG BROS. SHOE COMP'NY UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE *SHOES THAT SATISFY" ? I ll PIEDMONT INSURANCE AGENCY A ! i S?e Me For % I I Jsfit \ Any and All ^ 7 , f f "~ INSURANCE. \ f y C. E. TRIBBLE, Manage 1 . Brown Building. - AUTO OWNERS! Now is the time to have your tires repaired for the spring and summer service.- I can vulcanize your old tires or sell you new ones. See me for GOODYEAR AND AJAX - tires and accessories. Also the famous HOWE RED TUBE better known as thc clover leaf tube. All repair work guaranteed. v v #5^ Free air to customers. * 'j Templeton's Vulcanising Works 108 N. McDuffie Street. Business Phone 270. Resident T hone 814. UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK.. DONT STAY BILIOUS; CONSTIPATED "DtfsM'i Uver Tm" Will CIMB Yoir SiHggisb Uvtr 8imr Un GaiMRH ai tuMJto?L Calomel makes yon sick-.^ you lose a day's work. Calomel* ia quicksilver and it? salivates; calomel injures your !ir?r.' If yon are bilious;* feel lacy, sluggish and .all-knocked ou ti if your bowel? are constipated and your heud ache* or .stomach is sour, just tat*e a tpoonftDof harmless Dodson's Liver Tone inHU-ad nf using sickening. seGvating caktmel. Dodson's Liver Tone' I?, real liver sncdl eiae. # You'll know U?next morning) he catiae you will wake* up feeling fine, your liver will be walking, your bdid aebe and dirtiness gnce, your lUsnash will be sweet and'bowel? regular. Yt u will feel like work irv > You$Jl be cb.-wr fol) foil of energy, vigor and antbiti ua. Year druggist or dealer sells yon a 60 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it won't make you ?lek and you can eat anything yon want without being'salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start yo,?. lifer, clean . your bowels and straighten yon np by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone beean**- lt is pleasant tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. . J am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that thia pleasant, vegetable, liver medicine taken tb? place of dangerous calomel.g* Boy one bottle on my sound, reliable gu?rante*. Alk your dvuggtrt abrnt me, ' * Prima Donna Who Is to Appear Here on the Last Night of Chautauqua Week ALICE NIELSEN OF THE METROPOLITAN AND BOSTON OPERA COMPANIES. TUB initial announcement of the appearance of Alice Nielsen, prima donna of the Metropolitan and Boston Opera Companies, at 120 Red path Chautauqua-? this season bas been widedly heralded throughout the musical world. This ls the first instance in which so celebrated a musical artist bas appeared on a. great chain of Chautauqua-?. It is safe to say, however, that with increasing demnud among Chautauqua patrons for the best in music many other toora of world famous musicians will fol low in years to come. Lending musical Journals have commented upon this tour as an Innovation which will open a new and broader field to the greatest musical talent Alice Nielsen, unlike so many of oar greatest artists, was not born In Europe, but is a native of Nashville. Tenn. Sbe ls a beautiful southern wo man of whom tlie South ts especially proud, lier fame as a singer ls world* wide. Chautauqua Week Here May 10th. to 17th UNIONS OPPOSE SUNDAY WORK Can Produce More Munition? of War If Given Regular Rest Periods. WOMEN TO DRIVE AMBULANCES Ask Permission So Men Can Serve Their Country at Front. LONDON; April ?.-The abolition pAniS( AprH 9._The French Wo of all Sunday work in munition fae- men<fl Autoraob,le c,ub naa beg,.,, en tortes ls strongly urged by the Gen- roUlng WOmen motorists, aviators and eral Pederatloa of Trade Unions In bajloon,st8 U; form R brigade of am a resolutlon.-coples of which are be- bulance3 ior the p^nch army. Ap ing sent to Government officials and pI!caUoI18 are coming at the rate of to- all employes of -Abor. 100 a day. "The management committee of the Th? organlzation aims to nnd Federation." aays the resolution, has enough capable women conductors to evidence of serious physical and men- replace al, men now driving ambu tal overstral nand Increar'ng sick- lances wno are capabie of rendering ness rates, and it believes that tue beMep 8erviceg at the frcnt aggregate output of munitions of wi. Pour women aviators, -Including would bo increased if labor and ra Mme Pa",er Barroness de la Roche cillles wei-e properly organized an?. and M"e Helene Dutrleu, who had proper rest periods provided. hoea refu8ed admission to the avla "The committee has evidence tba tl0n corp3| ha^3 Joined this move cases of breakdown, due to overwork ment Many applicants for enroll bave occurred. In some of the factor ment naye been made by women mo tea in the No-?a. Among girl work torcycllata who want to act ag driv ers, who have boen, required to worl ers at the front, at high pressure, fainting fits" hav< r been common. _ _ "In one case where lt was all?g?e (?ERMAN5 WILL that 120 employes of a munition rac ot-?g?i vii ra \rtt I a^v-o tory did not turn up to work on Mon KLOUILU V llJLAvaEiO day, we have discovered that a larg? ' ' number ort h em were teetotallers ant* workers fn the temperance movement VIENNA. Aprlt ?.-(via london). and they had simply stayed at hom At the war office today tbe tclowlng to catch up on their necessary skep. statement was issued: "~-'. "Obstinate section of FEDERAL LEAGUE OPE.N'S SEASON tho Hast Baskid mountains (along i- the boundary between Hungary and President Gilmore Predict.* Prosper- Galicia), which has lasted for Bev ans Seasons-Opening Game in eral weeks?[reached its climax at Kansas CHy. E^stc. Continual Russian attacks, CHICAGO, April 0 -Predicting a especially ue both sides tot the La prosperou? ceascn this season, "The b^reza valley,-Where thd'vnemy waa best so far," President Gilmore PSft reinforced by-, a majority of the for Kansas City, where tomorrow he troop* which bad besler.'sd Pryemysi. Will wa,tcb th? opening Kamo of the wero repulsed with enormous losses Federal league campaign. Most Fed- to the enemy. Counterattacking, j eral teams, swording to their mann- German and Austrian troops captured gera, huya improved greatly. on Ute heights to the west rnd eaat fi-1-? of tbfi valley several. strong Russian Told That. XNere Wa? fio t'?re for position. Him. ^ "Though tho fighting at thia point "After suffering for over twenty has not yet terminated, our success years with Indigestion and having in the-Easter battle, ID which some some of. thc nest doctora here tell me 10,000 unwounded prisoners were there was no cure fdr me, 1 think lt captured. 13 Indisputable, only right to tell yon for Gie sake of "In som? paru of tbe wooded dls otber ancerers aa weil aa your own Hirts east of'tbe Laborcxa valley ?e ratisfacticr. that a 25 cent bottle of vere fighting \% progressing. Chamberlain's Tablets not only re- "In southeast dalle* there fca*?* lloved me but cured nie within two been artillery combats at acme months although ? am a man of 65 places, years. ' writes Jul. Groblen, Houston. "In vest Galicia and Russian Po Texaa. Obtainable everywhere. landit !. comparatively quiet." MHS. W. A. HUDGENS, Editor Phone 9?. Miss Ellen Wilson of Granville ?H liing uest of Mrs. <*. NV. Causey. She came over for Uie dance at Rose Hill club last night. Mrs. Weldon of Richmond is visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. H. DeCamp. Dr. Lillian Carter has gone to Char leston to ni tend a. meeting of the Stute osteopaths. She will return on Monday-or Tuesday. Mrs. Hurry Geisberg has returned from an extended visit to Atlanta, Madison and Elberton, Ga. Miss Carrie McGee of Honea Path is the guest of Mrs. J. ii. Humbert. Mrs. Joe Cohen of Elberton will ar rive tomorrow to be the guest of lier daughter, MTB. Harry Gelsberg. Miss BCSBIC Adama of Greenville came over yesterday for the Rose Hill dance last evening. She is the guest of Mrs. T. L. Cely. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jones of Townvllle are tho guests of friends here Mrs. F. H. Calhoun of Clemson spent yesterday with friends here. Prc?. Scott Murray of Mercer Uni versity at Macon, 1B at homo for a few days. Mr. Charles Sullivan, Jr., will en tertain his Sunday school class this j evening at his home on South Main ; street. Delightful Little Theatre Party. Miss Mabel Dillingham entertained a congenial party of young people at a delightful little theatre party yes terday afternoon at the Paramount theatre. Ther. uests gathered at her home at 3:30 and went from there to the Paramount theatre, where nearly two hours were pleasantly spent. Af ter "the theatre they returned to the home on Benson street and Borne time was spent playing merry games, after which a delicious sweet course waa served. Those invited for the after noon were: Misses Virginia Cl liner. Clarice Townsend? Gladys Cater, Car oline Maxwell, Hazel Murphy, Marcile Guest, Lavinia Klnard, Lafayette Johnson, Lucia Sullivan, Dorothy Sullivan, Dan Ledbetter, Clarence Brown, Walter Bewley, Tom Balles. Ed Hillhouse, Richard Laughlin, Cal Harris, James Klnard, Todd Barton, William Martin, John Thompson, Pat Sullivan and Martin Neely. ; Pleasant Meeting Rue West Alumnae. An especially pleasant meeting of the Due West alumnae wa? held yes terday afternoon with Mrs. L. L. Hatcher at her home on East Orr street Besides a good attendance of members several visitors werep res ent. Mrs. Irving Brownlee, the new president, presided in a very charm ing and graceful manner. Russia was the subject for the afternoon and proved a most interesting one, all the papers read being well written and snowing an unusual amount of study and preparation. Thc. program open ed with a bright instrumental solo by Mrs. A. M. Sharpe, after which the following papers were read: "A De scription of Russia," by Mrs, Prank Bur ri HS; "The Royalty of Russia," by Mrs. Holbert Acker; "Russia's Part in the War," by Mrs, John Hood. Misa Mildred Hatcher ended the pro gram with a pretty instrumental se lection. The gracious hostess, served an elegant two course menu and was assisted by Mrs. O. M. Chenault, Mrs. Eugene Watkins and Miss Mary Acker. NOTICES NOTICE-AS TO COMMUTATION ROAD TAX All persons Hablo to road tax for 1915 are hereby notified that the time for payment to the county treasurer ot said taxes Will expire on the let day o* May, 1915. After that dst? a penal ty will be attached. J. MACK KINO/ Supervisor. NOTICE Wanted to bny s lot of btled pea vine hay. Will pay $20 per tot. deliv ered at county home for No. 1 hay. J. MACK KING. County Supervisor. UNITED STATES post efflec, An derson, 8. C. Office of custodian, April 7. 1915. Sealed proposals wilt be re ceived at this building until 2 o'clock p. m., on the 10th dsy of April, 1915, and then opened, for furnishing elec tric current, water, Ice. and miscel laneous supplie?, removing ashes and rubbish, and Washing towels during the fiscal year ending Jone 30. 1916. The right to reject any and all .bids ls reserved by1 the treasury depart ment. John R. Cochran, Jr., Custodian. CITROLAX CITKOLAX! CITROLAX! Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, laxy liver and sluggish bowels. Stops a sick headache almost st once. Gives a most thorough and satisfactory flushing-no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet sad wholesome. . R. B. Ras mussen, Escanaba, Mich., writes: "Citrolax Is a fine laxative, pleasant to take, and does Ute work In a very thorough manner.** Children love lt Evana Pharmacy. *w y terday is gone. Tomorrow does not ^/ L{ ist. TODAY is the day of Opportui \A\^J "1 Th's -s the coloumn.of opportunities. Rea? it. Use it-if you seek a broader opening for yourself, if you seek men, if you want to buy or sell machinery, fixtures, equip, ment. Classified Columns Want Advertising Rates Twenty-five words or len, OB? Time 26 cen ti, Throe Times 66 cesta,1 81z Times $1.00. All advertisement over twenty-five words prorata tor each additional word. Rates on 1,000 words to be used In a mooth made on appll tton. No advertisement taken for l?ss than 96 cents, cash tn dd vane*. If your name appears in the telephone directory yon can telephone your want ad to 321 and a bill will ba malled after Ita Insertion tor prompt payment FOR RENT I FOR RENT-Store recently occupied by The Intelligencer Job Printing Department If interested in a Ano stand and good proposition, apply to The Intelligencer. 3-13-t! MISCELLANEOUS ~ -o I THE DRY STOVE WOOD we sell is certainly giving the best of satis faction. How do we know? By the repeating orders from satisfied cus tomers. Stove wood cut any length. B. N. Wyatt. Phone 182. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Potato slips. Get your ground ready as we will haVe ship ments early nekt week. Furmau Smith, Seedsman, Phono 4G4. ' FOR SALE-Four complete volumes^, of Interior and Exterior Deeorof*5; lng Window'Dressing, Painting and Mixing of Paints. Cost $64. will sell for |10. 8ee books at Intelli gencer olflce! . 4-8-3L WANTS DO YOU eat to live, or live to eat? Well, no matter which in either case whenever you wish to eat something good, and don't caro to pay all you've got for lt. come to the "Little G?m" Cafe. No. 128 W. Whittier St., J. E. Derrick, Propr. ITO FARMERS OF ANDERSON COUNTY? Commencing April 15th. we can supply you with Nsncy Hall Potatoe plants. Leave your orderst with us and be sure of getting your Plauts. C. F.. Power & Son. 201 McDuffte Street, Phone 117, 4-9-3t I BUCK-EYE BARBES SHOP-Hair cut 15c, sbave 10. Best service. Sat isfaction guaranteed. C. A. McClain, Mgr. ? COTTON SEED-I have a fine lot of Cleveland and Sunbeam at $1.00 ?er bushel "The Turner Farm." is ?bout midway between Craft's and Halley's Ferry Just acroSB the riv er in-Hart County. Georgia. J. D. Turner, Hartwell, Ga.-4-6-Gtp. WANTED TO SELL-Sandy Springo, Rural Water Works, supplies farms with water for stock and home. No rims and no pumps. Erected by manufacturers. For prices and information, apply to Rochester & Smith, Sandy Springs, 3-17-1 mo. WAFTED-To buy 50 to 100 bushels peas at $1.50 per bushel. J. J. Fretwell. 4-l-2wks. WANTED-A reliable representative. In, every community to act as agent for The Intelligencer. Liberal oom' missions paid. Apply The Anderson intelligencer. 2-28tf. .'? CORN. CORN?-Bring your corn to Fan t's Grist Mill and get u square deal. We have a new modern corn mill and* corn sheller. You got thu free usc of sheller. Our mill la op posite BrlBSny's Lumber Yard on Blue Ridge railway. Will grind your oats for 5c per bushel. Fant's Grist Mill. WANTED-Ught 5 passenger auto mobile to' trade? for 2 passenger or to buy cheap for cash. State age, ? condition and price first letter. Ad dress C. care Intelligencer. 4-D-3tp. m WANTED-Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Apply C. H. G. P. O. Box 387. 5-19-3tp. LOST -?~- . * IGST-A v?|h twoi-dla&onds. leeward it leiurned, te. Intelligencer. -4-7-11. ! BUICK TORPEDO ROADSTER-In excellent condition, for sale at sa crifice. W. D. .McLean. Ligon * Lcdbet:-?' Building.-4-8-tf DAY OLD CHICKS-12 1-2, 16c, Reds. Plymouth Rocks nnd ordinary chicks. 100 off every Monday. Sate delivery guaranteed. Phone 847, or write Room 6, 1191-2 N. Main St. I TAKEN UP ESTRAY-Little brown mule, poor and . lu bad condition. Taken up on morning of April Sib. Owner can have animal by calling and paying for ad and expenses. Dr. M. A. Thomson, 818 Elisabeth Street. 4-9-lt. Three Great Watermelons Monte Cristo, Tom Watson and Kleckley Sweet 2 Great Cantaloupes Stowaway's Giant, ko to 40 Iba.} Dreer's Hoodo, none batter .... Get seed at FANT'S BOOK STORE ?fl ^1? RIDER AGENTS WANTED ii fl IX l*nAOM TOW* and dU^cttoridSmnd exhibit a ?ample L*u?*Mo*>l J'JK U W fiffiy btcjrcJe f nrntibsd^r^-x^OnrR^CT Aa^n^ verj^rearw /^jj 10 ^^^^^^^^n^p^^ft^yg|^^^^t^^^^ta A^u^'dr^tr^waa?d^i^r* ?IdTut jw. flBSH lidtas> verr durable sad UnSI lottos with Wt a WKUI ooalUir of robbi*, whick novar be- ^^m\mkWmkWlLWWMmm^^^^mmUmW . ooma* porous and whten dom no mull ^^mm"~^fsn~^m^^mrr . ^^^v psjtttam withoutallowina ?irto esetpe. They welrfr W??M Urti-th*thtekrabbettnwft "HSr^fe^^^R^^^^^^fe ,: \