"Style" determines "Place" in the Fashion "Parade" "Style" is not so much a matter of WHAT you wear as HOW you wear it! The STYLE of your outer apparel depends largely upon your Corset! Let our Corsetieres fit you iii your new Mod'M in F r o 1 a s e t Front Laced Corset* and you will have the correct founda tion to "set oft" to best advantage the new Styles in outer apparel! ' Exceptional values at $3.00 $5.00 $7.50 ?Mrs. B. Graves Boyd Agent McCall Patterns^ As We Advance in civilization we learn to be more Sanitary, but no house can be entirely sanitary when infested with the FILTHY FLY, the "Common Carrier" of disease. To get next to him we must not allow hf.y. to come in contact with us and our food, and the only way to accomplish this is by the use of SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS. We have them. Also a car load of Bronze, Galvanized and Painted Screen Wire,-cut ta any size desired. * Sullivan Hardwaire Co. Anderson, S. C. Belton, S. C. Garden Fertilizer Wc are making* a good fertilizer for gardens that we can sell for $3.3o a sack. It will make a wonderful improvement In your vegetables. Anderson Phosphate and Oil Co. Make? flt Fed Like 16. "I Buffered wRh..kidney ailment for two years." writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Miss, "and comrnenced tak ing Poley Kidney Pl?!s about ten mouths ago. 1 am now able to do ail my work without f?tlguo. I am now 61 years of age and feel like' a 16 year-old girl." Poley Ktdoer Pills strengthen and invigorate weak, tired and deranged kidneys; relieve back ache, weak back, rheumatism and bladder trouble. They are tonic lu aotion. Evans Pharmacy. SPECIAL TRAIN Charleston & Western Carolina Railway will opernto Special Train April 9th from Calhoun Palls, Lown< desville, Barnes. Iva and Starr to Au dersoo and return account the Ander son County School Fair and Field Day, giving entire day in Anderson. For special round trip rates and schedules, ask depot Ucket agents, or T. B. CURTIS PURELY P It. J- LEGON, chief of the Green ville Fire Department, waa in the city ye..erday for a few hourn, and while here called upon chief Jackson of tho tocal fire department. Chief Legon ia one of the best Gre fighter? in the State and has hi? department worked up to u wonderful ?tate of efficiency. C. P. DALLENGEK, city engineer of Greenville, wa? In Anderdon yesterday for a short while, having come over for the purpose of conferring with Resident Engineer Wade Sunders of the local paving commission regard ing matt? ? ? pertaining to work which ls to be done lure soon. Mr. Bal langer ls a native of Seneca nnd has boen city engineer ut Greenville for a number of years. "TUB" WILLIAMSON, a paving contractor, wa? a visitor In the cf'.y yesterday, having como here for the nm nose of getting in touch with those who are to bc in charge of the Btreet puvlng work that is to be undertaken in Anderson in tho immediate futuro. J He was formerly connected with the Wost Construction company, of Chat ? tanoogn, Tenn., who put down most of Greenville's street paving. Mr. Wil liamson ls traveling representative of Robert C. Lassiter, a paving contrac tor of Oxford, N. C. EDGAR E. FAUST, of Columbia, ia in thc Hiv for a few dav.-, the guest ot his sister. Mys. Sam Trowbridge. ROBERT C. WEBB, of Webb & Webb, West Whitnor street grocers, is out again after a rather protracted and severe attack of la grippe. MR. AND MRS. A. V. BARNES, of Lowndesvllle, were visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. Barnes is engaged in the mercantile business at Lowndes vllle and is trna of the most ' sub stantial und highly esteemed citizens of his section of Abbeville county. MRS. HENRY MOBLEY, of Lown desvllle, was among the shoppers in tho city yesterday. MPS. J. L. WRIGHT, of the Roberts sectlo.. of the county, was among the visitors in the city yesterday. MRS. JOHN HORTON. of Belton, was In thc city-yesterday for a few hours. BEN PEARMAN, of Starr was among the visitors in the city yea-11 tcrday. He was at one time supervisor of Anderson county, a job which he filled most acceptably. T. B. MEACHAM, of Greenwood, a well known traveling man. was in the city yesterday. He represents a largo drug house of Columbia and makes Anderson frequently. FRED DEAN, of Starr, well known and prosperous farmer, was a visitor in the city yesterday. MR. AND MRS. W. J. MeCowan. of the Mountain Creek section, wero in the city yesterday for a few hours. MISS MAMIE HARRIS, who form erly worked with A. Lesser of thin city, now holds a responsible position With one of the largest dry goods ?tores in Danville, Vs? \_' oooooooooooooooooooo . o o THESE, IE BELGIANS o o o u WOULD BRING TEAKS o a o oooooooooooooooooooo "Yesterday, 60 years ago." Bald Wm. F. Lee of Co. D., Hampton Le gion, speaking ot April 4, 1865, "Gus idUllikln. Marcus Muinyin and I, marching on our way to Farmville. Va., atopped. near a small dwelling. We saw a few children out at the cowpen and went over to them. The eldest, a little girl omewhore be tween nevon and . nine, was milking and we asked her could we get any thing to eat there. *I will go Into the house in a minute,' she answered, 'and bake you some cornbread; that's Bil we have, some corn meal.' "Where ia your motherr* I asked of her. " 'Mother is dead.' sahl she. "Where is your father?" I asked again. ".Father 1B in the war.' " 'And are you three little children all hero by yourselvesf" "'Yes, but there is-one more-tho baby is in the house.' "Well," we told her. "we sro not going to take away bread from you little ' chaps." but she insisted that we walt a few minutes and she would bake us nome bread and we roust take lt. ."Thit was heroism," continued Mr. Lee, "and there were as many piti ful eases of desolate homes in * those days aa thore are now commanding grief in Belgium, but no one shed tears over them or scarce, remember DOW that seen children lived." Mr. Lee continued: "But we got ber to tell na where was the nearest mill, and she directed us a mlle down the creek. We went . Into the tnlll and Marcus told the negro mill or to fchow him what flour in the placo belonged to the richest mau. He showed us; away back, about eight or ten wooden barrels full. They belonged to 'Marse' Somebody. " 'Here get me an ax and open un ERSONAL MISS PEARL LONG, of Starr, was among the shoppers in the city yes terday. HENRY MOSELEY, of Lowndesvllle returned home yesterday after a .....rt visit Anderson. H? is h prominent and successful banker of that town. J. L. JA'.h SON. of iva, wu? arnon ? tho visitors In the city yesterday. He i?us at un', tune u member of the An derson county delegation to the gen eral assembly. HENRY JACKSON, of Iva, was n visitor in Hie city yesterday. He has just returned from an extended stuy lu the Land cf Flowers. I HANK PATTISON, of Holton, was among tho visitor In the city yesterday. He is a prominent mer chant of that town and has nie with success In his business. JOHN COX. a well known farmer of the Hammond school .section, was in the city yesterday for a short while on business. MRS. Vf. B. SCUDDAY. of Starr, was among the shoppers in the city yesterday. MRS. E. C. MACHINE and son, Morris, of lowndesvllle, have re turned home after a short visit in the city. J. B. KAY, of Lowndesvllle, passed through the city yesterday en route to Ellenton, S. C., where he is teach ing this year. JAMES T. ERWIN, of Antrevillo. was in the city yesterday for a short while. Hu is a United States mail carrier. C. L. TURNER, of Honea Path, has returned home after a Hhort stay In Ihe city. WILL CLINKSCALES. of Belton, was among the visitors in the city yesterday. HENRY MARTIN, of Liberty, was in the city yesterday for a short while on business. He suffered an ?ccldent to his knee some time ago ind is using crutches for tho present. R. R. DOYLE, of Lebanon, was imong tho visitors in the city yes terday. J. R. CHAMBLEE, of the Moun aln Creek section, waa in the- oily yesterday for a short while on buBt leas. AMOS MASTERS, of tho Mountain ?reck section, was a visitor in the city resterday. J. T. MILFORD, of the country, vas among the visitors in the city yesterday. DR. ANDERSON, of Antreville, waa imong the visitors lu the city yester lay. He ls a widely known and pap ilar physician of that section. S. A. McGILL, of Iva. waa among ho visitor.! in the city yesterday. Ho s chief of police at Iva and a fear ess and efficient officer. ? me of them,' said Marcus. The ne ?TO nearly scared to death, refused, laying we must not take the flour or. ie would be flogged. "'Bring me an az here at once,' ommanded Marcus, 'and knock In the lead of this barrel or I'll knock .ours," which brought the axe in mick time and we carried away 25 >r SO pounds of flour. We reached a muse about half a mlle away and itarted to go in there to have bread looked when the old lady mother of he house and one of her daughters .an out meeting us and the mother ell on the neck of Guss, kissing him ind crying over him, while the laughter was tearfully walting her urn, and we. Marcus and I, were mvying Guss the warm reception and tisses he waa getting, till Guss tear ng himself away and wondering what vas the matter led the mother to un terstand mer mistake, thal Guss was lot lier absent son returning after so ong from the war. She dried nor ears best she could, and for the love if Guss, who looked like her boy, irought us Into the house, and our lour soon was worked luto dough ind put to bake. The broad . waa learly ready to be placed on tho able when in walked three more felt ows, one of them, Sergeant Jackson if Co. I or maybie K, of our regl nent. bo carrying a ham. I never isked him where he got lt or how nuoh a pound, but we prepared for he feast, while the girls were en oying cooking and making all haste; he mother often looking at Gus.-;, ind Guss aa we told him, wanting to te kissed again. Wo relished the good dinner-the tame of dinner being almost forgot en by us. This was Tuesday. We tad had nothing to eat since the Jonday before and that Was only a neck, just enough to make one hun ?NOW HILL ITEMS. Tho farmers of-this community are vorklng hard to get as much work lone as they cap while the beautl ul westher lasts. Mr. Curtis Simmons spent Tuesday light with Mr. James A. Drake. There was a nice little shower of .now early Wednesday morning. All of the people are honing that he war lp Europe will soon-close and he farmers will get a good price tor heir cotton this fall. Mrs. A. D. Fish?"-, and her little laughter Eunice spjnt Thursday wtth 1er brother, Mr. Black Reed. Many Prominent People Say That She Can. Crowds Continue To Call The Rich, Poor, Exalted and Bombie Seek Her Adrice on Business, Mar riage, Friends Enemies, Changes, Speculation Lore Affairs, Journeys and Ali Events of Life. The test of one's popularity is the measure of their usefulness in the practical everyday things of life, and it is because her active and unusual piychic power and marvelous insight into human lifo and destiny have proven of permanent and practical assistance to those who have con sulted her that Zorada Izmar, the great psychologist, who is perma nently located at 408 N. McDuffle St., ia kept busy long after oillce boura, which aro from 10 u. m. until 8 p. m. There is nothing of the Gipsy about her readings; the truths that are told you are so startling and they come in such quick rotation that one is mysti fied. She is a woman of excellent edu cation, a fluent and interesting talker and one whoso knowledge of her par ticular line is without an equal. Her reading^ aro acknowledged by the press and public to be of the highest order, y She is one of the favored persons to whom, by tbe gift of nature, has been granted the dominance of the soul-mind. Through her marvelous powers she loads you from the by ways of misapplied elTort and directs your footsteps along the paths of your natural adaptations. Through her wonderful ability to draw aside the curtain which hides the vista of the future from our view, as well as her ability to read what has been written in the archives of tho past, she can at once tell you whether the troubles over which you brood arc real or fancied. If marriages, sickness, changes, travels, divorces, separations, law suits, business transactions, wills, deeds, mortgages, lost or stolen prop erty, hiden treasures, lost or absent friends interest you. If you care to know what you should do to be suc cessful and whom to avoid when to buy and when to sell stocks, etc., if you desire to have your domestic troubles removed, yorr loBt love re stored, your bitterest enemies con verted to staunch friends, in a word, whatever may be your troubles, aus plciona or desires, call on this gifted woman and ahe will send you away happier, wiser and bolder than ever before. You need have no fear of unpleas ant surroundings, or having your confidence betrayed. This great Life Reader's parlors at 408 N. McDuffle St. are so arranged that you meet no strangers. Special readings for this week EOcts. . LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE We will close down our ginnery for the season on the 16th of April. Pnr ites having cotton to gin will please bring it In before that time. Peoples Oil & Fertilizer Co. NOTICE Wanted to buy a.lot of baled pea vine hay. Will pay ?'O per ton deliv ered ai county home, for No. 1 hay. J. MACK KINO. County Supervisor. SOTICE- AS TO COMMUTATION ROAD TAX All persons. liable to road tax for 1915 arq, hereby notified that the time Tor payment to the county treasurer ot mid taxes will expire on the 1st day of May, 1915. After mat date a penal ty will be attached. J. MACK KINO. Supervisor. * NOTICE The annual meeting of the stock holders of thu Pendleton Cotton Mill will be held at the Bank of Pen illeton, S. C.. on April 19th, at 2 o'clock for the purpose of electing offlcera for the year, and tho trans action of any other business that may como before tho meeting. By order of the treasurer. J. W. SANDERS. Secretary. Watch your oppor tunity! * Our classified ad. page, is a page of op porturfity. lt's the short cut to many a successful busi ness deal. , Watch it ! Profit by it! .w y? m i tcrday is gone. Tomorrow does not ex Li V? ist- TODAY is tne day of Opportunity. jp ?? This is the coloumn of opportunities. Read ?"?"^ P**^ ?t. Use it-if you seek a broader opening for yourself, if you seek men, if you want to buy or sell machinery, fixtures, equip.ment. Classified Columns 11 Ti Want Advertising Rates Tw?nty-Kve words or lesa, Ons Time 26 cents, Three Tunes 60 cents. Six Times $1.00. All advertisement over twenty-five words prorata for each additional word. Hates on 1,000 words to be used in a month made on appll ttom. No advertisement taken for loss than 26 cents, cash In advance. If your name appears In the telephone directory yon can telephone your want ad to 321 and a bill will be malled after its insertion for prompt payment. FOR SALE FOK SALE-Potato slips. Oct your ground ready as we will have ship ments early next week. Furman Smith, Seedsman, Phono 464. MISCELLANEOUS THE DRY STOVE WOOD we sell is certainly giving the best of satis faction. How do we know? By tho repeating orders from satisfied cus tomers. Stove wood cut any length. B. N. Wyatt. Phono 182. WANTS WANTED TO SELL-Sandy Springs, Kural Water Works, supplies fa nu with water for stock and home. No rama and no pumps. Erected by manufacturers. For prices and information, apply to Rochester Sc Smith, Sandy Springs, 3-17-1 mo. DO YOU eat to live, or live to eat? Well, no matter which in either case whenever you wish to eat something good, and don't care U? pay all you've got for lt, come to the "Little Oem" Cafe, No. 128 W. Wbltner St., J. E. Derrick, Propr. BUCK-EYE BARBER SHOP-Hair cut 15c, shave 10. Best service. Sat isfaction guaranteed. C. A. McClain, Mgr. ' I FEW BOARDERS can be accom modated at 210 West Whltner St., next door above Opera House. Ex lent table food. Rates reasonable 4-5-3t. L'OTTON SEED-I have a ?no lot of Cleveland and Sunbeam at $1.00 per bushel "The Turner Farm." is about midway between Craft's and Hailey's Ferry just across the riv er in Hart County, Georgia, J*. D Turner, Hartwell, Ga.-4-6-6tp. WANTED-To buy 50 to 100 bushels peas at $1.00 per bushel. J. J. FretweR. 4-l-2wks. WANTED-A reliable representative in every community to act as agent for The Intelligencer. Liberal com missions paid. Apply The Anderson Intelligencer. 2-28tf. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Store recently occupied by The Intelligencer Job Printiug Department If interested in a fino stand and good proposition, apply to The Intelligencer. 3-13-tt FOR RENT-fi room house, nil con veniences. Corner S. Manning and Johns St. Mrs. Beaty Gossett. 4-4-3t. ?ORN. CORN.-Bring your corn to Faht's Grist'Mill and get a square deal. We have a new modern corn mill and corn sheller. You get the free uso of sheller. Our mill is op posite Brissey's Lumber Yard, ?on Blue Ridge railway. Will grind your oats for 5c per bushel. Faht's Grist Mill. iUlCK TORPEDO ROADSTER-In excellent condition, for sale at sa crifica W. D. McLean,' Ligan & Ledbeti?" liultdlng.-4-8-tf. * FOR RENT-One seven-room cottage for rent-Crayton street 407, pos session given at once. Apply to James F. Rice. Office over old post office, Anderson, S. C.-4-6-3tp. FOR RENT-One five-room house on McCulley street. Modern conven iences. Apply to N. C. Burriss. 4-6-3tp._ ss . LOST .OST-A r.ng wih two diamonds, toward if i et urned to Intelligencer. -4-7-11._ Taking* Care of the Children, No parents would consciously be areless of th? children. Joe A. Roz a?rin, Clarkson, Nebr., uses Foley's loney and Tar for his two children or croup, coughs and colds. He ays, "We are never without - Foley's loney and Tar in the house." A- dis ressing cough, sleepless nights, and aw, inflamed- throat lead to a run ?own condition in which the child is ot able to reals, contagious or infeo ions-diseases. Foley's Honey and 'ar ls truly healitg and prompt In etlon. Evans Phar.uacy. - ? DR. J. E. WATSON General Practice Office in'Ligon & Ledbetter Building. North1 Main Street. Office Phone 210. Residence Phone 386. Fish of all kinds, Shrimp, Crab, and other sea food at all times at moderate prices. Phone us your, wants, and let us AU them. Prompt delivery. FISH PRESSED FREE c m POWER Phorie 11^, Cor. McDuffle and Benson /I? RIDER AGENTS WANTED * i A&fi HeifiStBora Panetore-Proof t M ?J B W.K.'^'S^g?s:*.i.HIIIE Bs um^^fmfm^:m tafe ANmjo^^thMnmo^U? ??duSf jaar. OHHB rtdlar, rory dumble and fined inside with f^HHBMI ? ?ssssst ?^??drt*hSL* StajS naT*rt^j ^^sW^^Bff*^T^P^^^^^flW^