The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, April 07, 1915, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Chautauqua Joy Night to Be In Charge of Ralph Bingham, Well Known Southern Humorist - >-5c .v.,^ RATiPH BINGHAM. 'OY night ot* Chautauqua week, with Its tun and freedom from care, will be In Hu- v* of Ralph Mlngbnin, widely known humorist and a prince of entertainers. Mr.< Bingham in a southerner-tn fact, IR ouc of thu few remaining southern humorists of national fame-and the south delights to. honor him'as one df its favored sous. Mr. Bingham haa been upon the platform for more than thirty years, be ginning sa a hoy orator, lt ls doubtful if any mad can speak for the Lyceum and Chautauqua in any.more representative sense than Mr. Bingham, ile founded the International Lyceum Association, backed by a little group of lec turers and bureau managers, and was Its first president. Today this organiza tion bas a membership of nearly 1,000 and Includes senators, governors and platform celebrities in many lines. Mr. Bingham was just recently made a member of the famous Lambs Club In New York, which ls considered the greatest club of distinguished nctors, . authors, composers and artists in th- United staten. In tba Joy Night festivities Mr. itlnghum will be assisted by the Christine Oiles-Bingbam Company of four mciul?erH, who play thu plano, violin, cello and flute. Mme. Christine Glles-Blnghaui headed her ?wu company in the Lyceum and Chautauqua liefere she Itecamu Mrs. Klnirbam. She ls the pos sessor of a lyric soprano voice of unusual sweetness a ul sympathy and an at tractive personality. In addition to her popularity ns a Hinger, she ls n . violinist of marked ability. A moat unifie tenture of her performance is the playing of her owu violin obljgato while she sings. Chautauqua Week Here May 10th. to 17th. From $40 to $60 of our profits-is what every retail buyer of a Ford will get, if we sell and deliver,300, 000 new Fords between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915. And the Ford is surely the most use ful motor car made, as it fits into the demands of all lines of human life, ?s low in price and costs less than two cents a /nile to'operate and maintain. Runabout 1M40; Touring Cur, iMSOjTown tar ?OOO; Coupclet, $750; Sedan, $975, U o. h Detroit with all equipment. Oh display and sale at TODL> AUTO SHOP COLE. L? BLE?SE CWambla, 8. C. i JNO. B. ADGER MULLALLY Anderson, 8. C LAWYERS Offices 751 W. milner St., Telephone ?58, Anderson, 8. C. PENSIONS F COUNT\ FOUR HUNDRED AND NINE. TY-EIGHT PERSONS ARE BENEFICIARIES PAID OUT IN THE STATE $286,171.50 Money u Sent to Clerks of Court From Office of the Comp troller General, The Office of thc clerk of court of Anderson county is in receipt of the pension rolls for the year 1915. The money will he forthcoming from the office of the Comptroller General im mediately, and In the next day or two the clerk of court will he ready to hand out checks to those entitled lo n--tve money from this source Tho general assembly appropriat ed I300.000.0U for pensions, out of which tl>o Confederate infirmnry re ,-. iv- $17.454.75. leaving a balance of 1282,545.25. To this was added tue refunds made by the clerks of court in 1914, on account of deaths and other causes, making thc totul amount paid pensioners- $286,171.60. Thc roil in 1915 was decreased, by 146, mid on account of this decrease and thc increase in tho appropriation, tho two lower CIOSSCB C No. 2 and C No. 4 will receive $28.50 in 1915 ns against $24.00 in 1914. Thc distribution by dusses ls as follows: Class. A 183-$ 96.00.$17,508.00 ll . 125- 72.00. 9.000.00 C No. 1 565- 48.00. 27,120.00 C No. 2 3,045- 28.50. 86,782.50 C No. 3 474- 48.00. 22,949.00 C No. 4 4,314- $28.50.122,949.00 8,706 $286,171.50 Of thu above 3,918 arc soldiers and 4,788 widows of soldiers. The amount sent each, county is as follows: County nerkeley. 3.400.50 Charleston. 8.754.00 Abbeville.$ 5.050.50 Aiken. 10.659.00 Anderson. 16,875:00 Bamberg. 3.043.50 Barnwell. 4.780.50 Chester. 4,593.00 Beaufort. 874.50 Calhoun. 1.504.60 Cherokee. 7,354.50 Chesterfield. 7,509.00 Clarendon.4,027.50 Colletoo. -9,664.50 Darlington. 6.285.00 Fairfield. 3,789.00 Dillon. 3.991.50 Dorchester. 4.105.60 Edgeflold. . 4.567.50 Florence. 7,552.50 Georgetown. 2,317.50 Greenville. 16.335.00 Greenwood.... 4,170.00 Hampton. 4,294.50 Dorry. 8,542.50 Jasper. 1,678.00 Kershaw. 4,705.50 lancaster... . .. .. 6.4SI.50 Laurens... . 9,219.00 Lee.,. 2.476.00 Lexington. 8,851.50 Marlon. 4.707.00 Marlboro. 3,607.60 Newberry. 6,134.50 Oconee.... 8,545.50 Orangeburg. .... 7.427.00 Plckens. 7,694.50 Richland.... 13,339.50 Saluda. 4,320.00 8partanburg. 19,$98.09 Sumter. 4,635.00 Union... . 7,702.50 Williamsburg. 4.602.00 York. - 8,481.00 $286,171.50 Sage Tea Darkens Hair to Any Shade Don't Stay Gray! Here's an Old-time Recipe that Any body can Apply The use ot Sage and Sulphur for restoring fauod, gray hair to its nat ural color dates back to grandmoth er'^. tim?-. Sho used lt to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abundant.. Whenever her hair fell our or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this, simp!* mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But b. cv.'mg at home ls mussy and out-of-date. Nowt days, by asking at any drug atore fer a 50 cent bottle ot "WyeuYa Sage and Sulphnr Com pound," . yon . will -?et this famous old recipe whloh car. bc depended upon to rertor? natural color and beauty to the bald and In splendid for dand ruff, dry- feverish, itchy scalp ?nd falltag hair. A well '.mown downtown druggist says lt darkens the hair so neutrally and evenly that nobody'can tell it has been applied. You simply damp en a sponge or. sot* brush with it and draw thia through your hair, taking on strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and ate*- an other application or two. it becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft und abundant. OR THIS \ rJfil6,875.00\ Turkish Consul Who Led Attacks on Americans! Melirnird Kaghib Hey. Mohamed Raghib' Bey, Turkish con sul ut Urumlab, in tito most eust c-n theatre of the war, where Turks and Ku83ianj are struggling, led an attack on Americans at that place. He was at the head of seventy Aska rls who sacked thc American mission M bout which l?.tMlO Christians had taken refuge; Thc consul /ordered three pricstB and two deacons to leave thc mission, and as they were passing through thL> streets they were insulted and mercilessly beaten. In the . courtyard of thc orthodox who was also subjected to Insults and blows, succeeded in sending to Selma:-, two messengers to ask prompt assistance from thc Russian troops to .save the lives of the Christians, whom thc mission was not able to protect. Willard and Johnson ? Preparing to Leave Cuba HAVANA! April C..-Jess Willard and Jack johnson aro preparing to leave Cubs'. Willard goe.? to Key West tomorrow, but his destination from there is undetermined Willard was given a dinner by Havana citizens tonight. Johnson remained in seclu sion most*?f the day. He auld he will start "Thursday or Friday for Martinique. \It was announced tonight tha* thc attendance at1 the-light was thirty two thousand and tho receipts a hundred and ten thousand dollars._ SULPHUR DRIES UP ECZEMA AND STOPS ITCHING This old time skin healer is used just like any cold cream. * Sulphur, says a renowned dermatol ogist, just common hold-sulphur made into a thick cream will Boothe and heal thc skin when irritated and broken out with Kr zenia or any form of eruption. The moment it i? applied All itching ceases and after two or th rc? applica tions tlic Eczema diHanpcnrn, leaving the skin clear and smooth. He tolls Eczema sufferers to get from anv good pharmacy an ounce of bold sulphur and apply it to the' irritated parts thc .?-amo ns you would any cold cream. For many years common hold-sulphur has occupied a ?cure position in tlie practice of dermatology and cutaneous affections by reason of its parasite-de stroying property' lt not only para sitic ?dal, hut aleo antipruritic, anti septic and remarkably healing in all irritable and inflammatory conditions of the akin. While not always effecting a permanent cure it never fails to in stantly subduo the angry itching and irritation and heal th? Eczema right up and it is often years later before any eruption again appears on the Bkin. New York Market. Open high low close May. 9.86 9.92 9.89 9.88 July.10.15 10.24 10.15 ?10.19 October.10.50 J. 0.57 10.50 10.55 December.. ..10.7a 10.77 10.71 10.73 mm WHEN BS MAKES YOU SK "Dodson's Liver Tone" ls Harmless Tc Clean Your Sluggish Liver . and Bowels. Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. Tt't horrible! Take a dota of*the dnngrroui drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or nuicksilvci which causes necrosis of the hone* Calomel, when it conics into contad with BOUT bile crushes into it. breaking it up. Ibis is when you feel that awfu nausea ?nd cramping. If you are slug gish and "all knocked out." if youl liver ii< torpid ami bowels eonstipatoi or you have headache, dizziness, coatei. tongue, if breath is bad or Ptomach 6our ju Ht try a swiojiful of harmless Dodson'i Liver Tone "tonight on my guarantee. IVlarRet Report LOCAL QUOTATIONS Ural? and Seeds. Ear corn, per bushel .. ..'JOc to $1.00 Mixed 50 to $1.60 Cane seed, per bushel.SI. 25 Soy beans, per bushel.$2.50 California black eye peas, per bushel.$2.75 to $3.00 Dwarf Essex Rape, per pound. ,,15o Seed Cotton. Cleveland, per bushel.. ..75c to $1.04 Cooks, per bushel .. ..$1.00 to $1.2.1 Toole, per bushel.75c to $1.00 Mitchells Proli -, per bushel.. $1.50 Texas Riordan, per bu. $1.00 to $1.23 Culpepper, per bushel.$1.00 Poultry. Hens, each... ?..35c to 50c Friers, each.30c to 43c Fresh Meats. Porkers dressed, per lb. 12c to 12 l-2c Hogs dressed, per lb.Ile Mutton dressed, per lb. 10c to ll l-2c Live Slock. Beet cattle, per lb.4 to 4 l-2c Veal calf, per lb.4 to 5 l-2c Hogs, per lb.8 to 'Je Sheep, per lb.4 1-2 to 5 l-2c Provisions Country hams, ?per lb. 15c to 17 l-2c Eggs, per doz.17 l-2i Butter, per lb.20 to 25c Sweet potatoes, per bu. . .$1.00 to $1.10 Turnips, per bu.60c to 8.">c Turnip Greens, per bu... COc to 73c Spring onions, per bunch 3c to 3 l-2c COTTON Lccal cotton 9 1-2 cents. STTOTSTOPI ?K AND SALIVATES I Here's my guarantee-Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right un and make you fcc! fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store ard ? get your money. Dodson's Liver Tono ? is destroying ide salo of calomel because ! it is real liver medicine; entirely Vege table, therefore it can not salivate or " make you' sick. I guarantee that o' c spoonful oi Dod - son's Liver Tone wit' put your sluggish ? liver th work and clean your bowels of I that sour bile and constipated waste - which is clogging your system and muk . ing you feel miserable. ? guarantee that I a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will I keep your entire family feeling line for , months. Give it to your children. It is i harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. The Bell Telephone Builds Business George W.Perkins says: "The first requisite for doing butines. Uto be able to get at a customer. The more cu?;, tomer? you can readily get at. the more business you can do. ? . * ; . ...... . ," :r As it' is "the mind that does business" and "the telephone gives the mind wings," you can domorebwiness by tele phone than in any other way, because yr>u can reach more customers. And you reach them in a personal voiceto-voice manner, that builds business. Do You Make Full Use of the Telephone in Your Business? SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Judge Sentences Them To Work For Ford i Judge Alfred K. Mpprrt. Judge Alfred K. Rippert of tho County Court of Common Pleas In Cincinnati has accepted tho offer made by Henry Ford, the Detroit automobile manufacturer, to care for convicta and reform them. Mr. Ford told thc Federal Industrial Relations ! Commission, when he testified before lt, that h,e would be able to reform I all thc prisoners in Sing Sing if j they were sent to him. That was not done, but Judge Nippert made . on arrangement with bini by which prisoners could be Gent from Cin cinnati to the Detroit plant. One Cincinnati man has boen sent to thc Detroit plant following Iiis ar rest as a result of being out of work and unablo to furnish his wife and baby with food. The young man who was sent to tho Detroit plant, in stead of to Jail, has written the judgL> ho is well satisfied. WOULD FURNISH FAIR AMUSEMENTS Aeroplane Flights, High Diver and Zoo Proposed For Coun ty Fair. i Representing the Henry Myerhoff company of New York city, Harry Bentum was in the city yesterday in conference with ofllcials of thc cham ber of commerce looking to .tho stag ing here during Anderson County Fair week, which has been set fer October 25-30, of a number of attractions, such as aeroplane flights, a high diver, clo. This company makes a specialty of putting on attractions of this naturcut big fairs throughout tho country, and hold contracts for putting on thous ands of dollars worth of exhibits at fairs in big cities of tho west and northwest. If the arrangements aro carried out, Capt. Thomas Baldwin.,.said to be an efficient "blrdman," will bo_ brought here for a series of aeroplane flights, two fligitts being given daily. A fe male high diver and a zoo of consid erable siz0 are also among thc attrac tions. It is probable that more definite an nounccmcnta with reference to thu fair and those attract if.'is will bo forthcoming in the near future. - Liverpool Cotton. May-June.5.50 6.56 July-Aug.5.74 5.86 Oct Nov.5.91 5.U6 Spots 5.69. Sales 5,000. Receipts 74,000. : DR. J. E. WATSON General Practice Oflico In Lagon & Ucdbetter Building. North Main Street. ^ Office Phone 210. IteBidecce Phone 38C. Greatly Reduced Round Trip Ticket? via Southern Railway Vrcmfor Carrier of thc Mouth in Cintr? nectloa With Blue Ridge From Antler-on, S. C. $88,70.Houston, *?x. and roiyrn account of Southern Bap tist Convention; Tickets oh sale May 6th to lilli, with return limit May 31st, 1915 fa&?0 . - ... ... Memphis Tenn. and" return account ot Cotton Manu facturers Association. Tickets on sale April 10. ll and 12th with return limit April 24th. SS2.50 ...Washington, D. Vi and return account of Daughters of tho American Revolution. Tickets on sale April 15. 16 and l?tb with return limit May 8th, 1?15. fU8. ,.Atlanta. Ca. and return account of Atlant- Music Festival. Tickets on sale April 36Ut to 30th, with return limit May 4tb, 1915. t&Jt?.Chattanooga, Tenn. and return account of Southern Con ference. Tickets on sale April 25, 26 and 27th with return Iriiit May 8th, 1915. For complete information, .Pul?man toservation, t nd tickets call on a ti y agent,. or fVGEE. Ai G. P. A.,