The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, March 30, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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EASTER This House of Good Shoes sends forth a joyous Easter Greeting! The New Footwear is all on display and it is a spread of the best footwear for men, women and children that ? the country's best makers have pro- > S . j'" , I duced. every .fool should be well dressed ?t Easter! The best dressed feet you'll see on Easter Sunday will be the feet in footwear bought here. Thompson's The One Price Shoe Store We Sell for Cash Only. Fish of \ kinda, Shrimp, Crab, and other sr. i food at all times at moderate prices. Phone us your wants, and let us fill them. Prompt delivery. FISH DRESSED FREE C. F. POWER Phone 117. Cor. McDuffie and Benson C. W. Dean of Portman spent yc8 terday In the city. .Dr. C. L. Guyton of Piercetown was In the city , yesterday. Knockec Out In Tenth Hound. LONDON, March 29.-Frank Moran, Pittsburgh heavyweight, knocked out Bombadier Wells, English champion In the tenth round here tonight The match was for 20 rounds. Moran sent right to Wells' jaw. Well tell flat on his faco as if dead. A Specific Again Cold?. "If there ls such a thing as a spe cific against colds, it is to be found in the sleeping porch or tho open bed room. Next to that comes the cold sponge bath In the morning," says the Youth's Companion. Be as careful as you can you will occasionally take cold and wnen you do you will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a great help in enabling you to get rid ot it Obtainable everywhere. Allie Hammond ot WU Hams ton was Jn the city yesterday. L. S. Wilson of Williams ton ?was a .visitor ip t**o city yesterday. ** E. Crow * and Oliver Milford of Townvllle spent yesterday in the city. Mrs. A. T. Pressley cf Septus w in the city yesterday. m MV Interior .?fe it is our business to beautify the home. Wc have beautified hundreds of homes in Anderson and it will pay you to consult us regarding your spring deco rating. ., i. In our showing of Wall Paper); every conceiv able color, ton? and design are ^presented tn a ran?e^of ptices to suit everybody. We guarantee all our work and do it by appoint ment, thus insuring promptness to the minute. We shall consider it a persona? favor if you will only call and inspect bur line of Wall Papers. Guest Paint Co. Bari Street Phone No. 48. ? ELECTRIC Cm * * ? ilia? of Interest ?tad Personal ? Wirelaaa on the St? Many In Iure? ted V Ia Tri*r<> Trip. That there may be enough people going from Anderson to the Panama Pacific Exposition, at San Fraucisco, to have a car to themselves, ?B prot able, If the number of inquiries made at tho chamber of commerce since data with reference to this trip ap peared in* The Intelligencer is any in dication. Secretary Wasley said yes terday that-he was going to make in quiries in Charleston, from which point the "Carolina Train" is to start in Joly for 'Frisco, if it would be possible to havo an Anderson car at tached to the train at Spartanburg. Having Model of Invention Hade Here. ? Messrs King and Fox ol Atlanta are having made at the plant of th? An derson Machine & Foundnry company a model of an invention which they are interested. The invention is a patented hub for a vehicle wheel. With a hub of this kind there will be no more need for having tires shrunk, for this patent hub is ao constructed thut by the operation ot a set screw in it all expansion and contraction in bugy tires can be taken care of by pimply turning the screw either way. The hub also makes lt possible for the owner of a vehicle to put new spokes into his wheel without having to take if to a wheelwright. These gentlemen ?rill take their model to Hagerstown, Md., where they hope to interest ' a large vehicle,manufacturing plant in it. C. FTaak Reed Goes With a Big Firm. C. Frank Reed, one Of the b?t ] kpown and most popular young busi ness men of the city, has accepted a position as South Carolina represen tative of E. A. Saunder ii Son a Company. J of Richmond, who . market the cele brated "Monogram" line of canned goods. This ls one of tho biggest firms in -the country and their pro ducts are ot the best, and no line of I goods is more favorably or moro j widely known. Mr. Reed had been traveling the State of Florida and Georgia for the Patten, Sloan, O'Don ohne company, coffee people, but re signed this position in order that he might be nearer home. In his new position he will be able to "make! home" every week. ' Mr. Reed's many | friends throngrout tho State will be interested in hearing of the change he has made, and wish him the best of j success. Death at Anderson Mills Village. Mr. Andrew P. Welker, of 34 E street, Anderson Mill Village, died at | 1 o'clock Sunday morning. The fun-1 eral services were held yesterday af ternoon at 3 o'clock at Bethel church, I after which Interment wes made at Silver Brook cemetery. He was CG years ot age. " . . ? o . Will Ileeeive His Commfssiod Soon. Mr. William. Laughlin has forward ed his bond to Washington a*hd will probably receive his commission ss 'postmaster either today or tomorrow. As soon as his commission ? is re ceived the offal* s of the local post office will be turned over to him by] the incumbent, Mr. John R. Cochran. Three Addresses By Br. E. M. Potent. Dr. Edwin M. Poteat, president of Forman University, spoke at the men's mass meeting in the courthouse j Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, his I cubject being "Character in Business," Thc audience -was one of the largest,*< that has attended a meeting of''this] natura this season, and every man, ? present was delighted with the splen 1 did address. ' Sun liv morning and again that evening Dr. .Poteat'preach ed at the First Baptist* church. Both j sermons were splendid and highly en joyarle, and particularly the one de livered Sunday nljht. In thia sermon [ Dr. Poteat touched on the' European war, showing that the downfall of western * ctvillvation* was a result of its destitution, that is. destitution of Ood. The situation, he stated, was parellel with the downfall of Baby lonian civilisation. , --o Parlor Car Service On P. A M. Restored. The parlor or chair car service on the Piedmont A Northern Lines has be<*s restored, the "Saluda" and the "Catawba"-the names' of the splen didly appointed cars-having been put back on the run Sunday.. These cars will be operated throughout Ute sum mer. Last season '/tey proved to be exceptionally popular and were used a groat deal. The "Saluda" and "Ca tawW are the names Of the two cars and they are? as handsome. as any railway cars - to be found any where. Tho observation platform is large and designed for a large dum ber of passengers. --e.. Second Cream . > Beale .Likely. The chamber of commerce is In rt* ceipt of a letter from the dalry divis ion of Clemson College stating thst tho cream route ' started out of An derson several weeks ago has proved so successful it ls practically assured that a second route will bo started up in rho near future. This second route would probably extend from Anderson toward Belton, gobra m the direction of the home of Rolph Drake. B. C Creamer Was j,.. Better Yesterday. Friends" ot Mr^ B.C. Creamer, a'well known and progressive farmer of Gentervllle. has betn 111 ot his he lo the Prospect section for some I with pneumonia. His friends throu, out the county will be pleased learn that h4 was muon hotter terdsy, according to rt po rt* ******* F SPARKLETS . _ K ? I Mention Caught Over tho * .els of Anderson * * * * ********** Theatre Director* To Meet at 4 p. m. The board of director? of the An derson Development company v,. i meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock at ifce chamber of commerce. A number of matters were scheduled to como be fore the board for consideration. Cotton Receipts Are HUH Off. Receipts of cotton for the season at the local platform, until last Sat urday night, were 18.624 bales. The receipts for tho corresponding period of last year were 21,002 bale?. This shows a difference in favor of last season of 2,878 bales. Bicycle Stoleu . From Church. While services were in progress at the Christian church Sunday night a thief stole the bicycle of Manning Black, son of the pastor of the church. Rev. J. T. Black, which had been left outside the building willie the Ind wa.; attending services. Police were noti fied of the matter and ure on the lookout for the bicycle. -? Begin Work, ok . New Hewer Lian. Excavation tor the new sewer line which the city Is to construct for the southeastern section of the city was begun yesterday afternoon under the direction of Street Overseer Gllmer. Cantata Repeated Last Evening. The sacred cantata "The Crucifix ion," which was given lust week at Grace church, waa repeated last even ing at St. John's Methodist church. A large audience was out for the con cert and enjoyed the splendid singing of the large choir. Proper Treatment For Biliousness. For a long time Miss Lula Skelton, Churchvllle, N. Y.. was bilious and hod sick headache and dizzy spells. Chamberlain's Tablets were the only thing that gave her permanent relief. Obtainable everywhere. NOT SEEKING UNION Tho State. March 27th. To tho Editor of The State: Your reference to Anderson college does not quite clear up the matter. Anderson college'belongs to the Bap tist church. Dr. Byrd certainly said nothing that would indicate that they desired union with'the Presbyterians. GEO: AV BLACKBURN. Columbia,1 March 26. Dr. W. S.. Hutchinson of Se pt us was a visitor in the city yesterday. Asa Hall of Antrevllle wis in the city yesterday. WISHED SHE COULD DIE And Be Free Fran Her Troubles, l?* Finds Better Way. Columbia, Tenn.-"Many a time,*' ttys Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of this place. 4Twished f would ole and be relieved of my Buffering, from womanly troubles. I could not get up, without pulling at something to help me, and stayed in oed most of the time. I could not do my housework. The least amount of work tired nie ; qpL^ Myhead would swim, and I would ?mblc for an hout or more. Finally. 1 look Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I am not bothered with pains any more, fend I don't have to go to bed. In fact, flan sound and well ot ail my troubles/' Cardui goes to sil the weak spots and helps to make them strong. It acts with nature-not against her. It is for the tired, nervous, irritable women, who feel as H everything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. H yon are a woman, suffering from any of the numerous symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardin, it win help you. At all druggists. Wrtttn: CnaaSAMga Matea* Co, Ladle* Advtsory Ont- Caumnoog*, T?na.. for S/teiat /met*-mt?nu on ?our nus and a I PH book. Hom? Tr?aiK.?nt lor Wog?a" in Ualn wt?pp?r. K.P. 1 SS .-?.?*=-1 IF THESE WAS A BET TER COAL I WOULD SELL IT. IF lt were possible to sell as good coal as Blue Gem Block f or less I would do it. BUT IT CAN'T BE DONE. B. M. Wyatt the $5.00 Coal Mari. ] Phone 182. . ? Keep the Children Bright and Happy Happy youngster* must be healthy. The digestive organs of children get out ot order aa readily as do those of their elders, and the result is equally distressing. When the bowels are clogged with an ucr cumulation of refuse from the stomach tho child naturally be comes crosr, and fretful from tho discomfort, ?md is often punished for temper -when medical attention is really what is needed. The next tima your child ls cross and unhappy, without apparent reason, try giving it a mild laxative Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Popsln is a mild, pleasant tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pcp stn, and ls especially recommended for children because of ita freedom from all opiate or narcotic drugs and Its gentle acton. It IB sold in drug stores everywhere. A free trial bottle can be obtained by writ ing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell." 462 Washington St.; Monticello, Ills. ? PROFESSOR DEAD AT CHARLESTON Chas. R. Henderson, Noted So ciologist, Died There Yes terday CHARLESTON. March 29.-Dr. Charles R. Henderson, professor of' socialogy at the University of Chica go and widely known for his work in socialbgy, died here today after an illness of several days. He was fiC years old. His death is said to have beon due to a stroke of paralysis, sluperinduc ed by over work as chairman of the union of charities of Chicago, upoir which fell thc burden of caring for the unemployed last winter. SIE CONAN DOYLE'S ST OH Y "The House of Temperley* at Thc Paramount Today. 8ir Arthur Conan Doyle's stor I "The House of Temperley" will b the attraction at the Paramount thea tre today. This I3 known as England greaten photoplay, and tho fact that the author of Sherlock Holmes is th author of this story is guarant enough for the theatre-going public Tho Now Globe bas this to ss about the picture: , The attraction at the Strand Thea tre in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Tho House of Temperley," which is a dramatic version of his famous novel, "I odncy Stone." The incidents ot the story are closely adhered to, and "ie quaint old-fashioned settings are preserved ia every detail. Aside from the beautiful examples of photography, the production la highly artistic, dignified^ vivid and vigorous, and there S.i an absence of exaggeration of action such as has never before graced a moving pro duction. The interest gains strength as the play proceeds. It truly ls a remarkable production, und one that Lil lovers of the "silent art" should not fall to see. It is such plays us "The House of Temperley" which will have a tendency to destroy any conclusion that the moving picture is simply a fad. Victor Watson, critic for tho New York American, writes: . "Last night I witnessed the film production. "The House of Temper ley." The picture ls prefented by the London Film Company of English ac tors. The story la many respects 'ls typical of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and those of you who have admired his novels will do well to see this splendid silent drama. I have seen pretty near all of the feature movies that'have been showing around town, but this in ita particular line hes no peer." * . ? ' MASTERPIECE PBQHirrriOX X Beal Feature Picture at **Tbe An denton^ Today. Today at The Anderson, Manager Bleich bj offering the lovers of fea ture pictures one of the bos*, produc tions ever produced, thc picture being a six reel Lubln masterpiece, "The Wolf." The story wag written by Eugene Walters author of "Poid in Full," "The Easiest Way" and many other late books. The story of "The Wolf" ls well knvwA to . everyone, the scenes sro layed In canada in the dense woods, the , acting ls superb, the scenery unusually pretty and the story ls one that will grip from ??tart to finish. The cast of characters include some of the most popular playhouse this afternoon and tonight tb witness this great production as ii deserves the patronage of people who desire high-class pictures. CAPTIVE IX SIAM TUREE YEAHS Missionary Return* Howe and Re weds Wife. DENVER. Col., March 23,-rLost lp tho Interior of Siam and held incom municado from the ontsfde world for three years, Justus Le Poy Bulkier, 56, a Baptist foreign missionary, re-, turned to Denver a secret divorce during his absence in the Orient. Both wept, a reconciliation followed and the pair were remarried. The divorce decree was procured hy Mrs. Balkley in Golden in December, 1913. on tho grounds of non-support. Tho legal separation was known only to a (sw close friends. "It was all my fault." Mrs. Bulkley tr id Marriage License Clerk Hall. "* thought he had deserted me when I failed lo hear from him, but ho could net tre'o lt." I Y. R. Richey ot Sandy Spring? I spent yesterday in the city, i j.e. Bolt ot Roberts wes a visitor 'loathe city yesterday. tcrday is gone. Tomorrow docs not ex ist. TODAY is the day of Opportunity. This ls the coloumn of opportunities. Read it. Use it-if you seek a broader opening for yourself, if you seek men, if you wanlto buy or sell machinery? . fixtures, equip-ment. Classified Columns " ? '? . w n M i j i iii i VijiiMi .Want Advertising Rates Twenty-five word? or lee?, One Time 26 cente. Three Tunee BO conn. Six Times $1.00. Ail ed vertu ??men t over twenty-five word* prorate tor emoh additional word. Rates on 1,000 words to be used in a month made on appll tt?n. No advertisement taken for ?ess than 26 cents, cash In cdvance. It your name appears in the telephone directory you can telephone ?our want ad to 321 and a bill will he malled after Its Insertion for prompt payment. ? FOR SALE FOB SALK-Prolific Pop Corn, pure white and extremely tender. Un questionably one of our best forago crops. Furman Smith, Seedsman, PLione 4t>4. FOR SALE-Single comb Black Ml ?.orca oggH for bnlchlng-$1.00 for 15. L. M. Murphy, care Murphy Coul and Wood Co. Phono 72C. 3-26-Ut FOR RENT I FOB BENT-Store recently occupied by The ' Intelligencer Job Printing Department If Interested in a fine Rtand and good proposition, apply to Tho Intelligencer. 3-13-tf WANTS WANTED TO SELL-Sandy Springs, Kural Water Works, supplies, farms with water for stock and home. No rams nnd no pumps. Erected hy manufacturers. ( For prices and information', apply ' to Rochester & Smith, Sundy Springs, 3 17-1 mo. FOR RENT-Three or four nice rooms, modern conveniences, near in and in good neighborhood. Apply to W. D. Simpson at Hotel C lil<ino la. Barber Shop.-3-28-Rt. "LOST --i-- ; ? WANTED-To correspond, confi dentially, ' with anyone delirious ot becoming permuaently cw "d .of the morphine or whiskey 1 AL Tho KESLEY INSTITUTE, COLUM BIA, 8. C. Box 76. WANTED-To purchase a good milk cow, Jersey preferred. . Write Box 466, describing what you have to sell, and quoting price. 3-30-2t WANTED-A reliable representative in every community to act as agent for The Intelligencer. Liberal com missions paid. Apply The Anderson Intelligencer. 2-28tf, LOST-A bunch of keys at Col. Rob erts' fox hunt Finder please return to lt. W. Tribble and receive re ward. 8-27-3t WANTED-The uri viler', to cure tobacco users at home. $5.00 buys the cure. Information If desired. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, CO LUMBIA, 8. C., BOX 76. i LOST-^Inatento pin in Ute shape of u trowel, made of gold and white enamel. It ls old and partially worn, but highly valued as an heir loom. Please', return to E. W. Tay lor, 201 West Franklin street and receive Uvera)! reward,. . i-I--,-_-.... . ? DR. J. E. WATSON General Practice . I Office la Ligon ft Ledbetter Building North Main Street, Office Phone 210.' Residence Phone 386. MISCELLANEOUS THE DRY STQVE WOOD we sell is certainly giving the best of satis faction. How do we know? By the repeating orders from satisfied cus tomers.- Stove wood cut. any length. B, N. Wyatt. Phone 162. DO YOI' eat to live, or live to eat? Well, no matter which in either case whenever you wish to ?snit something good, and don't, care to pay all you've got for it, come to the "Little Oom" Cafe, No.. 128.. W. Whitner St., J. E. Derrick, Propr. BUCK-EYE BARBER SHOP-Hair cut 15c, shave 10. Best service. Sat isfaction guaranteed. C. A. McClain, Mgr. . . Exclusive Styles for Women of Good Taste Never has any season opened with such an array of new., snappy shapes which fairly sparkle with style. V'1?' .'? \i '?'>'' ' . The woman who appreciates 'ho note of refinement that comes with being absolutely co?rect, will be greatly Interested in Otis chowing ot new hsts. Many ot these cannot be seen else/ where, being exclusive with na. Mrs. B\ Graves Boyd Ewausive Agent for 'Trojaset Corset? ead McCall Patterns.