Xl ANDE MOI> ~~ WAF 5 reel Kalem spec This picture is one ( very interesting. Yoi last Thursday, well, tl TUE! The 6 reel This production is a thor, Eugene Walters and many other late 1 in today's paper. ?> Cot Evelyn Nesbit Win. RU? "THE THREAD Our orchestra will re Monday. ADMISSION No, we do not < "Tiffi WOLF" AT "THE ANDERSON" Story Written By Eugene Wai tan, Author of "Paid In ; ^ ' Vv->' ''MT * ' '? * When jolee Beaublen's rather died, ; the young mah found, himself keir to j the stout old mansion at Montreal and' a big fortune which the family had made In the lumber of the c'est Canadian forests. But on his death bed his fatter had made a confession that 20 years ago he ha/, ratet a squaw < of the OJibway tribe and that a zirl child was born. She was now up in , the NIplsBlng country with a rench I Can', lian family that hod adopted her . by arrangement with the father. Old . Beaublen's last words to his son. ex acted a promise that the boy would 'And his half sister, educate.and care j for her, and'give her a liben; share of the estate. As soon as affairs could ' be settled up Jules startet! on his ; quest to dad Annette. Arriving iu the Nlplsslng country La found that the family had moved from i he folley,1 but he was Informed that a voodf. 'mad. Baptiste Le Grar.dc could ?'ll i hun all about the girl, aa He-had been her sweetheart Fie Mad loved the ( girl with all the strength of his rough ' manhood, hut a city m kn had come along and betrayed heir. ? - Baptiste fried to tell the story, bot bli *e*e would not permit him to be coherent Snd Father Tani continued. He told ules that'the seducer had abandoned the girl and gone back to America. Annette knowing she was dingraccd ran away from her foster parecas and wandered to the campe where* thc women of the trappers tried to care foi her. she became delirious hat ehe never mentioned the mab's nama When her child was horn she wan j dered" out Into a storm and with, her babe tn her arms laid down In the : .snow and died, and this wolves hod .eaten her and the child. The rage*; ? of Jules and Baptiste was terrible. They joined hsnds and swore to And this man and kill him. Baptiste trek Why Cook limner Sunday Oine ai Ute" Piedmont Cafe w Srjectal Dinner 35c v Sunday, March 28, toll *" Cream of Tomato Soup s Mixed Salad Roast Lamb # - . Chicken Satte | ^ ? Green Garden Peas *\ Stewed Tpmatoes Apple Sauce Bananna Fritters [: Coffee Tea ^ Milk v HE RSO|N ?DAY :FARE 1 tacular production. )f the-recent war. It is i remember the picture lis is just as good. SDAY Wolf Lubin. masterpiece. The au , wrote "Paid in Full," books. Read the story ning Thaw and Son jseli Thaw it ' ". ; \ . S OF DESTINY" ?nder a special program :-: 5c and 10c :lose for supper. a crucifix from bia bosom, botb men kissed the symW I and for two years ! the quest of ve-^eance continued. lu the Indian Bummer Jules and Bap tiste put up at MacTavlBh'B house. Two other men arrived, Mr. McDon ald, a civil engineer and bis assistant, ! Mr. nnntley, who were surveying for a Canadian railroad. McDonald was a splendid specimen.of.physical man hood about 40 yeara of ?ge and very ? entertaining. His ability at his pro fession bsd made him .rich and witta .all he waa a man of courage and likeable. MacTavish's . daughter. Hilda, a j strong and beautiful girl of Swedish ! type, did the cooking and housekeep ing and it was not surprising that Mc Donald and Julee soon nr**i*>ed that each were contesting for the smiles of the Scotchman's daughter and Hil da was not averse to the pleasantries of the good looking boarders for her I life was far from being a happy one, her ' mother not being able to stead the Irascible iiacTavlsh had run away j when H?de was a child and the fath er had vented his revenge and hatred u: ion thc daughter. Soon the rivalry between Jules and McDonald became in open book. Jules loved Hilda'while tho. other man was simply playing for a dishonorable advantage. One day the men admitted their rivalry face to face. Jules waa wining to I play the game fair, but demanded of McDonald if his Intentions were hon cat The roue laughed in the other : man's face, admitted Chat he had ??djte, tn America,* but boasted of his I power over women. In. his bravade ho told of an affair some years ago with a little half-breed girl up In Ute Niplssing county. It was the story of Annetta. Jules should have killed him on the spot, but ono impulse pre- I vented, he. waa a man of honor, ho j could not aaecaalnate, he must fight thia fiend, man to man, and lt would be before the day had spent. Then he must also tell Baptiste who would also want to kill him, which he wuold I if Jules fell tn Ute fight. McDonald, feeling that hs vas losing ground with Hilda, planned to work her ruin r through her father. He told Mac- V /ravish that he had a good mother In [ Amer 1er that would care for and edu cate Hiida, and that then he ? would | c marry her. The old Scotchman was e only toe wining to get rid of thc girl and demanded Of her that aho would go with McDonald. Jules had told Hilda ot the good love and thc bad love and she had found that the engineer's love vjua a passion, and I she had learned to love Jule*, ^v*hen | MacTavish ordered her to go with McDonald she resisted. Tho old man in'hin rag* would have seised her by the throat and strangled her. but Jules bore niai to the floor of tho cahlh. whfla Baptiste from outside the window covered McDonald with hts Winchester. Tb* fight-was desperat? and long, but Tales seised Hilda, and with Baptiste ead Huntley who had discovered his master* villainy. The four hastened to the creek and la canoe which had been furnished with [ supplies for he trip, made towards j the Canadian raliway for Montreal. McDonald followed and Jules lett the! party at a landing vO meet him. I desperate dael waa fought in which ] McDonald was killed and. Julee andi h: J party, after burying; Ute body, has tened tr- his home and happiness. I*^Hr^lrt ^tet^pe^tttasaf^B^?^^^^??'J?^S?BS?V* LOCAL VETERANS IN BUSINESS_ MEETING :AMP STEPHEN D. LEE HAS CHOSEN STATE AND NA TIONAL DELEGATES GENERAL ORDER rVith Reference to Richmond Re union te Received-Other Matters An interesting business session of ump Stephen D. Lee, No, 763 U. C. was held yesterday In the court lOUS.'. Among tho matters transacted was h<; election of delegates to the State (inion, which will bo held In Co umbiu. April 22-23. Tho following IcURat*s were chosen: H. H. Gray, lohn Thompson, J. N. Byrum. The al emates are: J. L. McCarley, Joe Sake iv. Miles IMckens. Delegate to he United.Confederate veterans re inion, which will be held in Rlch nond, June 3-5 were elected, as foj ows: W. W. Russell, W. C. Brock, i. J. Henderson. The alternates are: >. II. Russell, A. H. Osborne, John I. Cochran. Sr. The following resolution, presented >y Co!. J. C. Strlbllng of Pendleton, vas unanimously adopted by the amp: Whereas tho remains of General iarnard E. Bee, who gave General ackson the name of Stonewall Jack mi, rest in the cemetery ai the SplscoVal church at Pendleton, S. C., nd where a monument for General itonewall Jackson wj>*be unveiled at he Richmond reunion: Be it resolved that this assemblage >f Confederate veterans respectfully equest all chapters ot United Dough ers of Anderson to Join with the Iarnard E. Bee chapter, U. D. C., of 'endleton, 8. C., In contributing for ? uitable wreath at the monument un oillng in honor of General Bee. The Richmond reunion was dls ussed at leugtb, and a resolution was dopted calling on all comrades who ?pect to attend to notify Adjutant j. P. Smith by May 1st. Col Joseph I. Brown, commander of the camp, rho presided over the moeting to Isy, read the ' following letter re lived from the reunion entertalu nent committee, Richmond? which urnishes much information about the eunion and which will be read with nterest by the veterans generally: I y Dear Comrades: The Unfited Confederate'/ veterans eunion will ' be held in Richmond lune 3 to 5, inclusive, and it Is the [csiro of the local committee to make ho reunion one ot the grandest that ras eves held slnco tts organisation. Ve want every ex-Confederate In this and to attend. We bell eve v that many if our comrades are not in a financial ondltton to attend. The general com nlttc/ tbjereforcf, wants to assist hem after their arrival in Richmond, u thst they will be in ? position to .ttend the, reunion. We request all camps to fill In the ncloscd blsuks with name and regl aent of such members as are not in , position to stand the expense of ? tel and quarters, and on their ar ival in Richmond they will be al igned to their quarters. All veterans rho, will accept quarters of local ommlttee will bring blankets. Not only members cf your camp, but II ex-Confederates of your city and ounty who desire to attend. We will extend to them the best ospltaltty of old Virginia; Adjutants of the camps w'll klnd v give the names ot all ex-Con ner at es that will attend, and register lie names on the enclosed blank and eturn to'these headquarters-not 1st r than the first of May, as the com mittee wants td make proper assign ants for them. Sincerely your comrade, D. A. BROWN, JR., ?bairman, Reunion Entertainment Committee, 607 E. Main St, Rich mond, Va. SPECIAL TRAIN Charleston ft Western Carolina tailway will operate Special Train pril 9th from Calhoun Falls, Lown esville. Barnes, Iva and Starr to An orson and return account the Andir on County School Fair and Field ?av, giving entire day la Anderson, 'or - special round trip rates sad cnedules. ask depot ticket agents, or T. B. CURTIS ommerclal Agent, Anderson,.v 8. C. ? GI CA B Ac. ' I Give Your Wife a Rest Take Her to Dinner at the Mulligatawny Soup . toast Beef Tomato Sauc? Minced Jowl on.,Toast clashed Potatoes Sour Kraut Macaroni a la Creole Peaches and Cream Bananna Fritters Tea Coffee Milk ia ? Wik 'syn "bl ?ur ^ dla the tor Th! dov leg no v;a in feu ant of dis 1 CAI UP, up Til "ar sw we gfi i we .bel foe dis len (Th pta %n hci dU-? the nu: to pla no? sui . i cai Dr a . the ms thc uti tad coi At left--the Tower of Jewe of The Panama-Pacific Inter trance to Court .of Sun and S an acre of. ground. [Ut - . I S?C?lBS TO DREAD "BL?GK LEG** SE WHICH CROPPED OUT THURSDAY DID ITS WORK QUICKLY ODY BURNED cording to Federal Laws Gov erning S*.-i Matters-Pre cautions Taken Ometlmb between 9 and IB o'clock day night the cow belonging to: K/ Ballentlne, ffoVtiowct ftVignU tch developed a genuine %?uscr-,>ot' jptomatlc anthrax, better kawmBM! ack leg" or "hip evil'r dlssseft i?fc->. abed to the drear malady, 'eaterday Dr. Mitchell/'whe gnoaed the case ?nd who attended cow, gave The Iutelligencer* a his y of the case. About 2 o'clock teat ursday aftemo?a, theNcow suddenly eloped lameness ?n> tho left rear . Upon examination by the owner, evidence of ah /injury to- the leg ? shown. Dr. {Mitchell was called about 6 o'clock that.afternoon. He bd the cow with high temperature I discovered -several though not all Oie symptrona of-the "black leg" seeo. Wilvy morning. t% . well developed !. ot the dread, disease had ahowu clnracterlietf by- severe puffing ol -as skin and ??seles of the leg. e cGv waa given a double dose of .tbrax vaccine,"-.but grew steadily rae. The affected parts continued to ell and the cow continued to grow aker, being unable? to rise from the Yesterday morn Wk arrangii?p3 re made by Health Officer Cnmp >1: Dr. John Major, meat, milk and Ki -inspector, and Dr. Mite, ill; to pose of th* carcass under toe f?d \l lawn governing auch matters, e carcase waa taken beyond the city Uta, wherc lt wa* placed In a pit i cremated. In the meantime- the ?th officer oroceeded to completely infect tlie entire premlsea liiere i cow died. Dr. Major established a &r*nt(ne in the neighborhood, so aa prevent cowa being moved from one ice to another, He oleo M.rew tho ?sMiry precautions about the milk ?ply of'that vicinity. IL? to whether there will be otlnr les like thia, remains to be sec?. . Mitchell stated that lt would take ./eek for cases to develop, and lu i meantime a cleae watchorn wlil be lntatned and If ether cases show np i matter wilt ba. baadled with the noet dispatch. rbis disease la highly fatal, the r'.ility amounting jo about 05 per tt among animals whick are afflict ls-thc dominant architectural fei lational Exposition, lt is at south tars. Stands 430 feet high; base cc .! . ! ' 1 1.-! ed with it. The cow was a valuable j one, Mr. Ballentinc buying lt last De cember f(.r $40. This Ino" dent serves to emphasise inore strongly -than evv?r . the great need of an incinerator, where not only animal bodies may be cremated but all garbage and vegetable matter can be iestroyed by fire, thereby redusing to he lowest minimum possible dangers irising from situations like that wrought about in the death of this cow [rom a highly fatal disena?.' FERTILIZES TAG TAX Receipts at Clemson College are 36] Per Cent, et .Last Year. .CLKM80N COLLEGE* March 27. H." M. Stackhouse, secretary of the. ?tate board of fertilizer control nt Clemson Colege. announces that at he close of business on March 24, 19ir?, receipts from the fertilizer tag! ALL N?2 "We have an attn which we ?re willing mora people than oe} have hod to appear fa any other year." (Signed) MOVIES F( "$1,000.00 REW/ "THE LAWBREA "WHO GOT S ^ Come Monday ai This illustra one of our S Suits, the "M?lh It is a young The Coat is f o sof J; roll Lapel pockets. The Trousers ? and have two im We have th beautiful Gray I cady Ti $25 iture i en iver* Other Good $10 t< Parker "The One Pr] tax had reached the amount of $100. 000. At the close of business on March 24, 1914. receipts from the tax had reached $239,000. Receipts for 1915 to March 24 are 42 per cent, of the receipts for 1S?4 to? March 24, and 36 per cent, of the total receipts for 1914, which were $276,000. However, the fertilizer movement haa been late in getting under way this year and lt ia ex pected that ? larger percentage - of increase in receipts will be shown in the final weeks of the season than ls the case In ordinary years. -\-fr.v irvohi?r.r.KT-. PINKSTON >R TODAY ?i?.?.m i? i. LRD''-TnanhatMer ' KERSLV-Rehauce TUNG"~-Birsn id See This Show v L. . * ? mm ilion shows ociety brand Iv anke" frc:'-?> >? s * man s m rm fitting, with ls, ard patch are cut narrow, eh cuffs. is model in a lomespun* o Put On .00 Suits from o $25 Bolt ce Clothiers" =-.- . . ? . Greatly Reduced Ro Trip Tickets via Southern Railway Premier Carrier of Use Sooth in Con? iu>r?on With Bine Ridge From Anderson, 8. C. J38.70 .... ..Hsnston. Tex. md return, account ot Southern Bap lat Convention. Tickets on sale Mr Ith to 11th. with return limit list, 1916. B9JE0.Me? phis Te md return account of Cotton Mi acturers Association. Tickets .on sate Vprll 10. ll and 12th wfth-.return Imlt . prll 24th. 82.50. ... Washington. I). ;V. md return account of Daughters ot he American Revolution. Tickets on ale April 15, ld and? 17th with return imlt May 8th. 1915. (MO ....Atlanta, Ga. ind return account ot Atlanta Music .estival. Tickets cn sale April 2Rh o 30th, with return limit May 4th. [i. \ ?. t.?\Chattanooga, Te**, md return account ot Southern Co&i erence. Tickets on sale April 26, ,26 ind 27th with return limit May ?t?i, 916. ? For complete information, Pullm&n enervation, and tickets call on oby gent, or write to, W. E. M'GEE, A, O, P. A., Columbia,. S. C. W. T