The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, March 23, 1915, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Acme Cafe Special Dinner TO-DAY 35c f rom 12 to 3 MENU Cream ol Tornato Soup Croton BakcJ Mackerel a la Creole Roast Beef With Brown Gravy \ Pol ?toes nu Gralin Boiler! Cabbage Stewed Tomatoes Sour Milk Biscuits Apple Sauce Sponge Cake Coffee Ten Milk Do You Raise Chickens I.' ?.. : re's tho pince to get your iel. V. enrry Hie ittll Cypher's lille - i.a;.!Maali, Bcrajcu Peed", Short j Cut ."1?.ilfa. Developing rood, for lit-j Vie "J'.iiMy" ?hicks, Meat Scraps, and Wheat Shorto,* etc., otc. M. McCowa Photic! 22 East Wliitner Street. 'Tiger Wo've sut a strong nace in < ? The Tiger Specials for $1.00 ii nor circle where the smartest si ThrTi?er Specials a^e.Silk iV attractive patterns. For men t SPARKLING CREATIONS * A new vintage of unusual d< .lng combinations. Ask to see at .Soc. Ask "Hugh, the Jew." To XJO Ody Order by I TODAY'S F THE 'PEERL1 pren "BR?ADWA A Very Laughable Mut of Goos Cleat MOVIES FOF "TH? FATAL BLACI "ABOVE PAR "A LUCKY LEA! Specialties 1 THE COMEDY H> Bolus and Bolus, ?he i Sho; dancers and Andi the harmony singers mn Baptist Church of Cily Huid Its Annual Meeting . Last Sunday Morning Thc annual meeting of the congre Kation 'i <h< h'lrj?i Ihipliit church w;is hehl : i Sunda} moring. The] m inhership of iii" rhurch uh Marth 1 lus) wa? I .'.ititi. Sm . Hie Kev, John: K. Vines became pastor ol the churcil 950 uccegsiohs have huon mude The following fads lak?ii from Hie report arc of Interest : SIIIU'.IJ School. Number fa home d epa rimen I .. 120 Number of officers and teach ci A . 45 I Nu m her of pupils . 055 \vorage ottenduncii . ?litt i Nut.ile r on (Cradle it'iil . ot (Jrund total enrollment .l.isi ; ( h ti rr h. Increase in membership during year. 133 Decrease in membership during year. 53 j Net gain in membership during year. io I'M ?ul membership.1.200 Contribuiloilp in ?iii (ihjt ls an fol lows: Missions and hcnovoleiico 8.0I1.K4 (*u rr eu I oxi*t*nst!. Miscellaneous .*. 1,570.12 Anderson College.13.538.34 Total .$28,000.93 Cash on bund for all o'? joela. . 4ST.!:i O raid total.(20,L4S24 A Specific Agido Colli?. "If th?ro Irt such ii thing its a mir eille against enids, it is lo he found lo tho Bleeping porVh 'ir thc open bed room. Next to that comei tho cold sponge hath In thc morning," Bays iii'1 Youth's Companion. Ile as careful a* you can you will occasionally Ink? colli ard wnen you do you will lind Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. n?.grcnl help in enabling you to Ret rid of lt Ohtalnublp everywhere. Specials" JUT new line of Spring Shirts, md they're from fashion's in*-? vies are created. Hxtures of unusual stripes and if discernment. J IN SPRING CRAVATS ;signs in rich tones and strik our "Tipperary Bat Wings" Company Post. PROGRAM ESS MAIDS" tenta Y BOUND" sical Farce, with lota i Specialties. i MONDAY K BEAN"-Majestic -Reliance. F"-Keystone Today hy -xRMONY TRIO. lin ging and Wooden ews and Thompson? di concertina soloists. "THJ CH W Featuring A In 5 rc from Rex Bi fr ^ ^ 9fc 3ft 3fc 3? 9f? 3fi Sf* ff* 9f? Sf* 3f> ^ > ELECTRIC CHT >* 1 _ Items of Interest sind Persona f- Wireless on the St ir. P'rhardN Will Arme Hore Tonight. A letter received yesterday ut the ha ut ber ol commerce from Mr. Ktl :.'.! I!. Richards, lately or Willow ?ly. N. L)., who ls en rou t? io Andcr rm to lake charge of til?- grain eleva >r which Is to ho erected here, stat il that he would leave Chicago Mon ftVi March 22. and arrive In Auder on tonight. Mr. Olchurds is bring- j ag hts family with him. Soon after | .a arrivul the grain elevator emu- ! any grill he formally organized, offi-1 era elected and .work of erecting tho ruin elevator started. o Session of The Police Court. There was no session of tho police burt yesterday, us there were no de indent] to come before the court., to i> tried in person or in their nbsenco. 'lila is the firsi Monday in several loons that there han haen no session f th?: recorder'.s court. For the po ce dragnet td work fro:n Saturday I '\ i to Monday noon Without catch lg something, In most unusual. . Irs! Announcement Of Envier V.KX Hunt. T'n first announcement of the Bea rii of nu Baster Kgg Hunt cum? yes- j : day from mcnibors of the Junior i h'lathta Ciaos* of tho First Baptist \ burch. A hunt will be given Satur- j n v afternoon, April ,3, at 4 o'clock, on le Reed let on South Main street, ic cream und strnwborries will he rrved. Au admission fee of 10 cents ni bc charged. . (erk reuriunu LcaiCi Ilospllnl. ? A telegram received i'i tho City iturday night stated that .Mr. Janus . I'eurmau. clerk of court, who went > Rochester. Minn., several days 10 to ho operated on for appendicitis, ould ?eave the hospital Monday. The ixt several day J will be spent re ipirating lu his hotel. .Mr. Pcarninn (poets tr. reach homo by April I. ls many friends throughout the lunty will be pleased to hear that he mending KO rapidly. euuly Sheriff Sanders la III. Deputy Sheriff J. Olin Sanders has ten confined to his home, on South eDuffie street, for uevcral daya with severe attack of grippe. It la under cod (hut several mem ho rs of hi? mlly are suffering from the same 11 lady. r. J. J. I'.aldrin's Knther Very III. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baldwin have en called to Columbia on account the Hines* of Mr .Baldwin's fath-' ,'Mr. Frank Baldwin, who la a r??l ut of that city, lt is understood lt Mr. Baldwin is critically IB and tie hope i held out for his recov er. This will be distressing news to ". and Mrs. Baldwin's many friends Anderson. Hon Receipt-? Ire Si ill Ott. Receipts of cotton at the Standard irehouse up until last Saturday tnt were 18.218 bales for the sea i. The receipts of cotton for tho 'responding t?erlod of last year re -'0.7K:i bales. >n mers Calling 'or Election Hoses, ??anaj^rs appointed for the special dion to be held In the county rch SI on the queH'.on ot voting IO.I 00 honda for good roads are call ; for the allot hosea already, stated somber of the hoard of commission I. yesterday. Cedar Grove, Cedar oath. Throe and Twenty. Mount bor and CraytonvtHo boxes were led for yesterday. Some of tho nagora neglected to get the regls liou i.Us. which are in the clerk court's office. 1 ?mulrcments for lng tn tho approaching election are same ai for -.Ming in tho general edon, that 1?. a registration cortl ?to and tax receipts for 1?U4 mujt presented. eels! yoting' :ik? Last Mg?*. V special meeting of the local Elks dge ?va -, held last night to re?oive . A. J. Hom. ot Fir. .enc?, district puty grand exalted ruler. A buffet ??per waa served and d few camil le* were Initiated into the order, e meeting was ? very pleasant ono i was greatly enjoyed by ihose at* iding. E ANDERO. AS. CHAPLIN IN 1 ?HEN BROADWAY .nderson's most favorite p ] Coming Wednesda iel? with MARY RYAN an Friday am Bach's hook in 9 reels featt ? SPARKLETS * _\ * J Mention Caught Over the * reeta of Anderson * Third Fire in COIIIII) (nu rt li OHM Sunday afternoon alu.ut I o'clock fire was discovered lu the treasurer's :>Hici' of the county courthouse*. The j automobil, truck wagon wai MIHI moued, hut the firemen wer? able to ' axtingulsh the flames with the aid of I chemical nppurtus. Tho fi.v origi nated in some brooms which were .^tacked In the corner of the office hy the janitor after he finished sweepiug Saturday aft? moon. An employee of the office. Mr. Lon: . Green, started Into tho office about half un hon.- be fore thc fire, hut changed his mind titer unlocking the door and did'not au In. Ile says he was not smi king at the time, KO the Tire could not lune ! originated hy his dropping a cigarette I on iii?? floor. Thd damage will not ? amount to more than SI?. Wyara Ile?orts Krem thc Navy. Louis r> Myers, formerly a resident of the city and a fugitive from Justice, who left Andcr-oti during the trial of ? several cases against him for selling liquor, and who later joined tho Unit ?d States navy, has deserted, accord lng to notice: received in the city i yesterday irom thc commanding otu- ', '.?r the lT. S. S. Milwaukee, the vessel to which Myers waa assigned. Thc newa of Myora desertion conies m a handbill to thc police depart ment. Regularly thc. army and navy send tb (.dicers of thu law through out tho country batches of handbills telling of thc desertion of sonic midier or sailor, and offering rewards for their apprehension. -o Mnrrh 81 Last Day Tor l'uy!ng Taxes. Tim county treasurer sounds a wurning that March 31 is the last day for paying State and county taxes. There will he no time after that for pay'ng ?taxes with a'penalty. April I executions will ho Issued without delay. Easter Wedding To Bo Snlcmnlrcd. It has been announce ' that Mr. Carl Wiedimmun, of Anderion theatro orehejtra. and ...iss Ondie II ombroo, of Pauline, S. C.. will bc married on Kastor Sunday. Mr. VVeldemann has been in Anderson bm I short while, but during that time" las made numerous friends. [lest lah Shaw itt the Season. The Palmetto is offering this week vhat is undoubtedly tho best tabloid ihow that lias boen- seen nt thin mm ..oniont house this neilson. There ire 10 people with the show, inclini ng u full pony chorus. There is a inP Hst of specialties. Patrons of the heatre stated yesterday after seeing . performance that it is a.-olinely a dean show, not one objectionable line teing in it from start to finish. ? ? O ' !? ?egTocN Observe Health Week. Negroes of Anderson, in keeping sith a nation wide movement in ef ect this week, are oaerving .health veok. Special exercises are being eld in thc opio -ed churches*. These xerclses began Sunday with a splen Id talk in thc afternoon by the Lev. J. M. Garrison,: pastor of the L. R. F. church. The meeting waa eld at ?t. Paul':, church. Tonight, t thc C. M. IC. churdy on (Heveland venue, an interesting program will e carried out. beginning ot 8 o'clock, he topic "Sanitation as a Moral Fae? jr" will be discussed by Dr. W. F. ishmore. The Kev. H. 0. Anderson fill make a talk on ..Bible Facts 3 to Health," while tho Rev. E.. H. nderson will make n talk relating > health. Two colored physicians ot Fish ot all kinds, "Shrimp, Crab, nd other sea fool nt. all times at louorato prices. PhOae us your 'ants, and let us fill thom. Prompt eltvery. C. F. POWER 'hone 117. Cor. Mctmff?e and Benson SON" Tuesi HS CHAMPION, 2 I WAS A TRAIL, 5 ?hoto star* BARBARA TE picture is unusually good, y, COHAN AND HARRI? "STOP THIEF" ? HARRY MEST AYER ai 1 Saturday 'THE SPC iring WM. F ARNUM and iii** city also will speak. Another meet lng will lie iicld Friday night. lui? resting Meeting Oi Churchniin'H Club. An interesting and enjoyable weer ing <>r *he Churchmen's ? lui? wu-.,held ! i>i iii"bt at s o'clock, at tho !:..< tory. Meeting of Knit' Lodge Tonight. Au Important meeting of Ruff t.oilge. So. 240, A. F. M.. will he held this evening at 7:30 at the hall. All members are urged tn he present. Invited brothers ore cordially in\it od to attend. This notice is issued by C.. C. Cason. W. .M. und \V. I'. Wright, secretary. Itpiiglitful I.j penni i Attraction Last Mghi. Tue OrnheanB, or -the Orphean Musical cluh, who appeared last ? night nt the Anderson College, were i probably thc most pleasing attrac tion or thc kind thai has even appear ed before ai Anderson audience, lt was the last lyceum of the season. Thc attendance was unite lurge. prob ably tho largest of the season, among those present being a number of denison College cadets. The work of .ill the :-.rtists. individually and col lectively, was heartily enjoyed. The quartet work waj particularly en joyable. Solos by Messrs E. V. Wil liams and E. H.'Dennis, first aid second tenors, respectively, were plcndid. Thc cartoon work of Mr. V. F. Henry was one of tie best fea tures of the program. There were trombone, cornet. saxophone and j Mcllophone solos, ducts, trios and quartets. And. taken all lu all, und atoro delightful evening haa never been spent ia, Anderson by anyone. \ Wedding In lite Country. Mr. Lawrence Furtuan Brigwell, of near Fpurtntiburg. and Miss Hallie Estell Hay,ii>>, of near Hamil's etore. were married at the residence of Mr. Charlie Cobb, near Triangle church, liy the Rev. H. B. .Martin. Mr. Henry Tate, who conducts a mercantile establishment near Starr, is seriously ill in a Richtuond, Va.. Hospital. Mr. Tate was carried there icme 10 days ago for treatment. It is .inderstood thati little hope is held out Tor Mr. Tate's recovery. TEN YEAR'S MISERY ENDER. J. T. Chambers, merchant, Jones )oro, Ark., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills :ured me cf a ten-year standing case >f rheumatism. I suffered miserably. V friend told me of being cured; so I ised them, and they cured me, too." A??t middle aged men and women nra tlad to leam that Foley Kidney Pills .nord a way to escape sleep disturb ng bladder weakness, backache, rheu natistn, puniness under eyes, sift and .woolen joints, and other illa nttribut d to kidney troubles. Evan's Phar macy. . -omb Sage Tea in Lifeless, Gray Hair Wt Stay Gray! .It Darken? So Naturally that No body can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair hesuti illy darkened, glossy and abundant Ith a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur ftienever her hair fell out or took n that dull, faded or streaked ap snrance, this simple mixture was ap lletl with wonderful effect. By ask- . ig at uny drug atore for "VVjfeth'n ; age and Sulphur Compound," you ill get a large bottle of thia old-time ?cipo, ready to use, for about 50 mts. Tills simple mixture can be ?pended upon to restore natural col * and beauty to the hair and is splen d for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp and liing hair. A well-known downtown druggist iys everybody uses WycUi's Sage id Sulphur, because it darkens so it ural ly and evenly that nobody can ll it hos been applied-lt's sb cosy use. too. You simply dampen a ?mb or soft brush and. draw lt rough your heir, taking one strand a time. By morning the gray hair sappcars; after another Implication . :two, il is restored io Its ? atura! ?tor and looks glossy, soft and sbun int, Keep Your Bawds Begr mr. Aa everyone knows, the bowel? are to sewerage system ot the body, and ls ot the greatest Importance that i ey move once each day. If yo^r >wela tn-oomc constipated, take a me' of Chamberlain's Tableta ixM rter supper and they will correct tue iBordcr. Obtainable etorywhere. ?ay, March le?is of Roaring Laughx Reel Shubert Productio :NNENT and O. A. C. U 5' big New York success id ?the original New York ULERS' RATHLYN WILLIAMS. GIRLS! BEAUTIFUL, CHAR! NO DANDI Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair and stops it falling out. Your hair becomes light, wavy, Huffy, abundant, and, appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young Kiri's after a "Danderlne hair cleanse." Just try this-moisten a cloht with a little Dandcrinn and carefully draw j lt through your hsir. taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil lind Goods Roads Commends (??od Hoads Fight.' Editor Thc Intelligencer: . Your up-hill fight for good roads certainly commands the praise and admiration of all fair-minded rende-? 3f your paper. I read your editorials tally and though sometimes of con Icpendcnt stand at all times upon tra ry convictions 1 cannot but com mend you for your fearless and ln Icpendunt stand at ail times upon juestlons of public interest and im portance. regardless of the means necessary ;o accomplish thc end 1 am heartily n favor of good roads for Anderson ;ounly and "ace no reason why the State of South Carolina cannot have reads equally as good ns those of Texas or any other State. Last summer in pas3lng through CITBOLAX v CITROLAX! CITROLAX! First-get tho name down pat-then my it of your druggist. Just the very lest thin? for constipation, sick head ache, sour stomach, lazy liver, slug gish constipated bowels. The pleas antest, surest, nicest laxative you ever ised. Tastes good"*- Ilk lemonade, tels promptly, without pain of lansen. Gives you the most satisfac tory flushing you have ever had. ?vans Pharmacy. The Garrie TUESDAYT? Their 2 Reel Gc Featuring CLEO MADISON of and JOE KING. Everybody mi Alias Greasei Mini Here is a roaring comedy, it is sui The Human . , Lubi A good drama featuring ORME CALFE. When the Mumm; Neste This is one of thc LYON FORD ? better dailv." t ADMISSION Sc and 10c. Geming Thursday, "101 23rd ter n JND. This cast. MING HUIR, FF-25 CENI OANDEMNE in just a few moments you havo doubled the beauty of your hair. Bebides beautifying the hair at once Danderlne dissolves every particle of dandruff ; cleanses, purifies and invig orates the scalp, forever stopping itch ing and falling hair. Hut what will please you most will he after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair-fine and downy at first-yes-but really new hair growing all over the scalp. It you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'a Dandcrino from any drug gist or toilet counter, and Just try lt. Department the Zarline section cf Abboville coun ty. I was attracted by the admirable public spirit which the farmers of that community were showing by lending their spare time, their teams, and their help in constructing' the Abbeville-Due -Weat highway.' Now it is evident that the majority of thc farmers in Anderson county favor good, roads, but are against the bond bill; So. in ca3e the issn,, is defeated, I think it would be no bad idea for them to follovv the progressive ex ample of our Abbeville friends and In this way we could soon have roads which would al least be passable dur ing the winter. Wo must have good louds if we want to stay on the map. ' Respectfully, A RKADER. Helton. S. C., March 23, 1915. GET BID OF LINGERING COLDS, COUGHS AND LA GBIPFE. Spring finds many afflicted with lingering, hacking coughs that weak en thc system: Slush and wet cauco nore colds than zero weather. Croup, bronchitis, and pneumonia ure preva lent. Every family should have a safo ind reliable cough medicine ready for is. Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound -ontatns no harmful ingredients, lt ?uses a cough, checks ft cold and re leves ir famed and congested mem branes, it clears thc air passages and loothes Inflammation. Evana Phar nacy. > k Theatre 1ARCH 23rd Hour >ld Seal "The Trey O* Hearts" fame, ist see this picture. i Lightening re to make you laugh. Investment rt, t . ?. ; HAWLEW and EARLE MET y Cries For Help MORAN comedies. They gel ?>'",J, I ?.. v Wc do not close for supper. RANCH SHOWS."