The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, March 14, 1915, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 9

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Tuesday, March 16th ,You will be delighted with the exclusive models we show-styles for every occasion. Our Reasonable Prices Will Please You COME. TRY THEM ON! D. GEISBERG FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. Have You ?he Correct Time? The ms;? who carries a watch procured at this store, may compare time wi'?h auy one and be sure that his is correct. . We have sold watches to men who must' rely upon correctness to the fraction of a minute-railroad men, physicians, etc.-and in t every instance only words of the highest pry.^e have come from them. - Whether we sell you a watch of gold or silver or in a gold filled case, you may depend upon - ., .-,-_-;-;---. the movements being right We guarantee that. And our prices are invariably less. Walter H. Kecse&Co. Leading Jewelers. Here Is a Buoch of New Ones for Spring . Theso come in Patent and Dull Leather at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Get 'em at Thomp son's and sa vs the dif ference. With The Chi Phone l.iidi? v. Aid KiM-lrtj. t The l^ill' Al?! Society of the First I iaptist church lu id a very entertain- t UK meet lu?? un Tuesday afternoon at 1 he church. There were several i iplendid talks hy different members ! iud a sweet solo by Miss William I ?aughlin. Mrs. A. L. Sine the r read < i selection that was enjoyed by all i ?resent. I j Pleasant Meeting. I ] A' delightfully pleasant meeting of ! I ile ladles Aid Society or the First I | [*resbyteriah Church was held on ' i Vionduy afternoon with Mrs. Rosa I ! irlcCully at her home on McCully ( Mroet. Thc principal business for afternoon was the election of officers ? for tho coming year, and these were Mrs. W. J. Muldrow. president; Mrs. W. A. Speer, vice president, and Mrs. Fletcher McClure, treasurer. The nodal hour was especially enjoyable and Mrs. McCully served her guests with elegant refreshments. tittle Miss Kathleen Holland played sev eral bright selections during the af ternoon. " Meeting Mommy Afternoon. The Home Department of the Mis sionary Society of the Central Pres byterian Church will meet Monday af ternoon * o'clock at the church. Sub ject: The TexaB-Mexlcan Missions. A full attendance la *arneatly re quested as this is the time for elec tion of .officers.. Philntheu Class. . The Phjlalhea Class of the Central Presbyterian church held their monthly meeting last Thrfrsday even ing with Miss Carrie Gray -on Church street. After the business was finish- ' ed the class Bpent a very pleasant hour chatting during which the hos- ! tess served delicious refreshments. Kntertained for Phllntheas. A large number of the members of MBS. W. A. HUDGENS, Editor Phone 37. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nardin of At lanta are expected this afternoon to spend' a week with the former's motli er, MrB-. W. H. Nardin and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Drown have re turned from a week's stay in Orange burg where they were called hy the death of Mrs. Brown's brother. Miss Bonnie Orr of Charlotte, N. C.. ls the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Irving Brownlee on S. McDuffle street. Palmetto Chapter. The Palmetto Chapter V. D. C. will meet on Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock ,with Mrs. Charlie Pr?vost on South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sage of At lanta are spending several days at Hotel Chiquola. Mrs. Roy Smith of Pelzer and Mrs. Ernest Wakefield of Piedmont spent yesterday with their sister, Mrs. A. M. Sharpe. Mrs. Smith will remain until this afternoon but Mrs. Wake field went to Honea Path yesterday afternoon to# visit friends. Mr- nnd Mrs. Wilmot Evans of Bos ton are expected tomorrow to be the guests of Mrs. Evans' mother, ' Mrs. B. F. Krammer. They bavp been spending several weeks in Cuba, and Mr. Evans will return to Boston in a ftw days, Mrs. Evans remaining^ for a viajt here. Mrs. R. E. Allen is sewing at Moore Wllson now, and her many, friends can find her there. She-will be glad to be of any assistance to them at any time. Anderson Ladles Honored. Official ladies, appointed by Gener al C. A. Reed, commander of the Sec ond Brigade. S. C. U. C. V., for the year 1915. Sponsor Miss Carrie Moss Dantsler, Orangeburg. Maids of Honor-Miss Louise A. SaUy. OrangAburg; Miss Mary Quer ies Link, Abbeville. Matron of Honor-^Mrs. Jas. R. Van diver. Anderson. The ladies all expect to attend both, the state reunion, at Columbia,?28th and Otb of April., and the general reunion at Richmond, Va., June 1st, 2nd abd 3rd. Official ladles, appointed by Maj. Gen. fl. H. Teague, ot Aiken. 8 C.. commander of the South .Carolina Division. United Confederate Veterans for the year 1*15. Sponsor-Miss Martha A. Itonham, Anderson. Maids or Honor-Miss Olive Mc Gowan. Columbia; Misa Caroline Slnkler. Charleston. Matron of Honor-Mrs. R. 9. Llgon, Anderson. Beautiful Affair In Honor et Promt sent visitor. Mrs. Frank B. Gary, was Mrs. Rutns Fant's charming honor guest at a de lightful little five o'clock tea yester day afternoon at her home on River street. In the parlor when the guests gathered, beautiful baskets ot killar ney ros*? were used filling Ihe room with tb ;,r beauty and STt-tneas. Tall i.??*?!- i, ., J.-L.. .ermamsam ireh Women 87. lie Senior Pkilatbes ciuss uf the First JaptlHt church, and a number of vlsl ors were entertained last Wednesday rom i to il by Mrs. Frank lia ri on, Vir?. Harleston Harton, and Miss Veille Harton at the home of the alter oif Calhoun street. In the re- ! " .civing line were Misa Nellie. Barton, j Mrs. Frank . Harton? Mrs. HurU'stonn Harton. Mrs. J. O. Sanders. Miss Ger rurte Sanders, Mrs. Frank Bolt and I Virs. Norris of.. Greenville. After a Misineaa session, the gdests were re lated with several musical numbers !iy Mrs. Ernest Johnson, Mrs. Hugh fitzgerald, Miss Wright of Elberton, Ua.; Mrs. G. W. Chambers, Miss Mir iam Lee, Mre. James Craig, and Miss Charlotte Parks; and also some very enjoyable readings by Mrs. A. L., Sniethers, the one written by Mrs. Bmether's herself being particularly pleasing and well rendered. Enjoy able refreshments were served in the tastefully decorated (*..uing room hy Miss Gertrude Sanders. Miss Miriam Lee. Miss Jean Harris and Miss Norris of Elberton. Ga. These af ternoons when the members of the claBs m?-et and .mingle with each oth er socially have been found very help, ful to all the class, and in Miss Bar ton's spacious home It was especial ly delightful. Stainer? "Crucifixion." Rehearsals for the cantata to bc given at Grace Episcopal church on the evening of March 26th are being held almost every day, and promises to be a most beautiful and impressive entertainment. Stainer's Crucifixion will be the selections and some, ot those tuklng parts are Miss Strana than and Miss Smith of Anderson Col lege, Messrs. Tribble, Rice, and Fitz gerald with Mrs. C. R. McDonald, Mts Charles F. .Green and Mrs. John Frank in different sole parts. graceful bamboo made a charming back ground, aud time was spent in a delightful social manner, in the halls palms and daffodils ' were used in a most effective way while in the din ing room a red color scheme was beautifully carried out In exquisite roses. The whole house was darkened and brilliantly lighted and presented a beautiful scene. Two ladies served at each end of the tables and these were Mrs. Carrie Patrick, Mrs. C.. S. tiinor. Mrs. A. M. Sharpe, Mra Mar shall Orr. An elegant menu was serv ed. ' ! ..? Those invited to" meet Mrs. Gary on thia delightful occasion were Mes dames Carrie McCully, E. R. Horton, B. O. Evans. Carrie Patrick, Marshall Orr, George Evans, Walter Keesc, Minnie Milford, Futter Watson, Joe. Evans, Anna Weston, \rank Farmer, A. M. Sharpe, Daisy Wilson, Clarence Brock, J. L. McGee, and Mrs. Goode, Misses Margaret Evans, Sara Strana tban, Alberta Brock Georgia Marshall, May Russell, Anna Rosa Cunningham, Nelle Cochran, Minnie Wilson. Thalia. Mrs. G. W. Chambeca has organized a new club for the study of music, and they held their' first meeting on Friday afternoon. Thalia was: the name decided on, and about twelve young ladies joined. They will meet once a month, and the time will be spent in studying music and com posers. Mrs. Chambers gave them on this occasion an interesting lit tle talk on the word Thalia and its meaning and there were also three instrumental and one Tocal solo given. For the April meeting Ameri can and French composers will. be studied, and these meetings will. bo of great benefit and/ help to young students, in music. Mrs Chambers Served her young guests' with delight ful refreshments. M?'i, '_? ' ' . . i?'.i o r .'. 'ii ? ?? i ? { .- . s? ... . Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dixon, of At lanta are here to spend: the week-end with relatives. MISB Lois Reece has gone to Green ville to attend a week-end house party at' Miss Marie Harris. . POLEY KIDNEY PHIS ?<M? BACKACHE KIO.'JtYS ANO BLAOOfB OOOOOOOOOOJOOOOO AT THE CHURCHES o o oooooooooooooooo st. Joseph's Catholic Church. Fourth Sunday of Lent. Sunday hool 10 a. m. Mass and Hermon 1:30 u. m. Rosary and benediction :30 p. m. .Mass on Monday 7:30 a. i. Station j of tho Cross and Bene ietion Friday 4::50 p.* m. Visitors re wei court?. First Presbyterian ( Inneh. The services at the First Presbyt erian church will be held as follows iday: Subbath school at 10 'clock under the direction of ruling ider. E. W. Brown. The pastor will reach at ll.^lO. There will be no ight service owing to tbe mass leeting at thc First Baptist church nder -the ministry of Mr. (Jordon, i very cordial invitation ls extended a the public to ivorship here. Csh r.* will meet you at the door, show ou to a seat and band you a hymn ook. Christian Church. There will not be any preaching ervice at the Christian church to morrow. Pastor is away fil Hug other ppointment. Only Bible school will e held at 10:30 a. m. Announcement. The Woman's . Missionary Society f Second Baptist church will in?et ?linday afternoon'at 3: SO o'clock; The New Patriotism"' is topic of tudjy for this meeting, each member f the society ls urged to be preseot, ndj^fevery lady member or the church s .'cordialiv invited. The young ad?es Philathea class and !members ?f;pr. W. A. are requested to'be .re||?nt. , . ijjV/1 (?race Church. ReV,. .J. H. Gibboney, rector, 'hone 8:15. Services in Lent, March 4th. 8:00 a. ai. the Holy Eucharist. 0:15 a. m.. Sunday school and Bible 'lass. 11:30 a. m., morning prayer ind sermon. 4:30 p. m., Choral Even Song and sermon. Monday 4:00 p. n. Evening prayer and address. Puesday 4:00 p. m., Evening prayer ind address. Wednesday 10:00 a. m. he Holy Eucharl3t. Thursday 8:00 p. n. Evening prayer and address. Fri lay 4:00 p. m. Children's service. Music ut Crace Church. Th? following music will bp sung Lt |he choral Even Song on Sunday nternoon at 4:30. Processional-O Hapjiv r .Band of Pilgrims. Gloria Patrl-G regor fen. r Magnificent-Gregorian.. ?ha?v<-.. Nube pimltti8-Gregorian. Chant. Credo-^Sialner. Hymn-Blest Be the ?" Tie' Thbt Binds. Offertory Anthem^-God So . .Loved Lhe World. Rece^sipi^-There Js^*.; Blessed; Home. The.'publie i*. ?ordfaTiy . invited to this service and the Lenten services hiring the week. ' 'First -"Baptist Choreh. * Teachers' prayer service at 9:45 Sabbath school at 10:0p. Br. A. L. Smethers; supt. Publife cordially Smethcrs. supt. Public worship' at 11:30. Sermon by the pastor; Rev. John F. Vines. Subject: "That Oth sr Servant." The Sunbeams will meet at 3:30. Thank offering for Home Missions. Meeting of the Y. W. A. Mission Study class at 4:00. The pastor will teach the lesson. B. Y. P. V. meeting at 6:30. Hermon C. Ging, leader. Public worship at 7:30. . Sermon by Mr. S. D. Gordon. Friday-Meeting of the Christian Growth club at 4:00. Every girl is urged to be present at this important meeting. Mrs. A. L. Smethers, lead er. The public ls cordially invited to. be present and worship witli us at all these services. OrrvUle . Raptln Church, . ; ; ?Rev. Herman.' W. Stone, .pastor, Sunday school nt 10:00 a. nu, ?. M. Wood, supt. At the morning hour .for worship. Prof; Cliff D.. Coleman, will speak on Sunday school .work and its growth. Ladies missionary society at -3:30 p.m. At night the pastor ?viii preach at 7:30. . The public is cordially invited to attend and. wor ship with us 'at all the services. Centra! Presbyterian Church. 3unday school at 10:15 o'clock. Especially ra Ready~ Of course there's a reason We An serve you M< NEW SHIRT \ just open* ?cw novelties in Ne< are out shopping. Glad tc re - VJ New ( George commenced having new Spring Coat Suits shipped in right in the first week of Jan uary and they have been com ing in every week since- Fri day's express brought us 18 pretty Suits in the new shades of battleship gray, sand, Rocky Mountain blue, navy,- black, green, etc. These Suits arc this season's smartest models, materials are Serge, Poplin, Gaberdeen, etc. Values $12^50, SIS, S20 and 525 Bailes Special Price $10, $12.50, $15 $17.50 and $20 SUIT PLENTY, ? We have plenty nerve to I Dresses, Dry Goods, Shoes, c South Carolina, bot not nerv $20 suit and $50 for a $25 money, or know the value of mg we make you on these Ne G. H. B Morning Bervice at 11:30. The con gregation will have the great pleas ure of hearing, ? at this hour, the splendid address of Dr. Thorn well JacobB, "The Oglethorpe Story." Special music will be a solo by Miss Stranathan, "The Earth is the Lord's and the Fullness Thereof," and a chorus by the Anderson College Olee club, "O, Shepherd of Israel." Wo unite with the other churches of the city at night in tue Gordon service at the Baptist church. We cordially invite you to worship with us in the morning services. St. John's Methodist (burch. John W. Speake, pastor. A great revival of interest and enthusiasm is on in the St. John's Sunday school at the present time. The entire congre gation wi'l please cooperate by work and by attending Sunday morning. F?blic worship at 11:30 a. m. Mr. .8; D. Gordon" will make an address at this hour. This is the only time during the series of lectures that Mr. Gordon will' appear at St-.' Jolm's. It would be a great misfor tune, to. miss hearing him. There will be no night 'service-the congrega tion will hear Mr. Gordon at the First Baptist church. Asociaied Reformed Church. Sabbath school at 10:3p a- m. Let every member come and bring a new ?id business, a big business, the bes 1 merchandising. to-Wearand , prettier styles, best goods and rea Dnday or arty day tn ''quite a satisf; VAIST fd / :kwear, Jewelry, Combs, ?ags, etc. > have you. $1.50 (unca! .*? - F NERVE tray and sell more Suits, lc, than any store-in upper e enough to ask $35 for a ; suit. If you earned your it you'll appreciate the sav vy Suits. AILES pupil. Preaching at 11:30 s. m. by pastor. Subjectr "Jesus Mission and Plan." Mr. S. Et; Gordon will con duct service at First teaptist Church" at 8 p.- m.' Let'fis' all hear him at that place* anil hour. -EPWORTH LEAGUE" The Epworth League will hold Us regular meeting at St. John's Meth odist church Monday night, March fifteenth, nineteen fifteen, promptly at eight o'clock. Everybody ls cor dially invited to be present. Program arranged as following: Song-No. 106. Scripture Reading-Kuth 2, 3, 4, 9. Song-No. 75. Sentence prayer. Recitation-Tho Sign of the Cross. -Miss'Nell Bowley. Instrumental solo-'Melody of Love -MIBS Ruth Wells.. Reading-By Little Mary Ramsy. A summary pf. "The Rook.of. Ruth" --Mt. 'Charles SulMvan, Jr.', Vocal solo-Flee as a Bird-Miss Daniels! ' h '.J Ti?ague benediction. So teach us to number our days that w? may apply our hearts Unto wisdom. ; Leader-Miss Viola Felkel. - Prof. F. H. H. Calhoun of Clemson. College was a vistor In the city Sat urday. t we've ever had this early in Mii?in?ry sonable prices, ictory manner. to$2?o Just stop in every time you