The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, March 14, 1915, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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li All our entire stocky of store fixtures for sale. Na tional Cash Register, Show Cases, Safe, Elec tric Coffee Mill, Wales Adding Machine, Com puting Scales, etc, etc. SPECIAL One lot solid colored lawns ?n 12 different shades, perfectly sheer and tine, regular 10c value now .. .. .. .. , SPECIAL The famous "Kaynee" Blouse for boys, with that faultless draw string, solid colors and stripes, assorted, regular 50c on value, now.vuv SPECIAL Men's pink and blue striped light weight Outing Night Robes, regular 50c value, now. **** SPECIAL Ladies' bleached and unbleach ed light weight ribbed Drawers and Union Suits, regu lar 5oc value now . . 25c SPECIAL Fine Swiss and Cambric Edging and Insertion on thc "Hurry Up" counter, the price begins *| at, yard. * C We are clearing out the re mainder of this stock. A New Record In Selling The First 9 Days of That car of Sugar is nearly gone, but as long as it lasts we make it possible for you to buy it at.4c pound If you haven't gotten yours yet come in before it's too late. GREAT QUIT SALE was such a phenomin?l success it has boosted our enthusiasm to the highest pitch. We have not sold entirely out but we are certainly making great strides in that direc tion. We are going to push every department this coming week to the limit. We are going out of business and YOU are going to help us out. Let no woman in Ander son fail to take advantage of this out-of-the-ordinary opportunity to SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Big values that will make economical buyers hurry to this store. Each day next week will be a red letter shopping day at this store. Bargains, genuine bargains, big ones, will mark our daily offerings next week. HOUSEKEEPERS SPECIAL One lot best made, four string Brooms. These Brooms were manufactured to re tail for 40c each. We will place them on sale Monday, 9 a. m. for, each . . .25c Bargains that will make dollars do double duty and dimes buy two to three times as much as usual. Tremendous Business Is Coming Our Way, and No Wonder-Look At These Prices AU Odds and Ends in Silk and Satin Ribbons have been dumped on the "Hur ry Up" Counter for quick clearance, the price begins yard You will never buy Ribbons ai these prices again. Yard, wide Bleached Domestic, Boft finish, regular 10c value, now.. 7c (Limit 10 yards.) Best grade 8c Apron Ginghams, assorted colors, extra good value, now. 5c (Limit 10 yards.) ? *s Yard wide Pajama Cloth regular 10c value, now ..... ,c rLimlt 10 yards.) Full size Marseiiles Pattern Bed Spreads, regular $1.25 value, now. H?V Beatiful quality Ilookfold Dimity, regular 20c value now .12'ic 10c and 12 l-2c grade Dimity Nainsook and Lawns, white . only, now. . Tc Men's $5.00 Thomson Uros. Shoes und Oxfords now_>j2.?K Men's ?4.00 Thomson Bron. Shoes and Oxfords now-$2.7."? Men's $3.60 Thomson Ilroa. S' ?-*?? and Ox Tords now-$2.19 Men's $:1.00 Slices and Oxfords. .$UW All tho above come in patent leather, gun metal, black and lan. Trunks! Trunks! Trunks! All iliose goods were made by H. W. Houndtrco &. Uro., Richmond Vu. 2.50 Trunks 3.00 Trunks. 3.50 Trunks 4.0? Trunks . 4.50 Trunks 7.00 Trunks .# 1.75 . 2.1". . ?.li? . 2.0S . :?;?", . 4.9h 8.00 Trunks. 6J>8 S.50 Trunks ... .., ... ft?5 10.00 Trunks. HM* 11.50 Trunks. B&? 12.50 Trunks. H.7.? 15.00 Trunks ... ... . ?~ UH*?? The only money made In this sale is pocketed by the wise buyers who come daily and snap up the bargains. OSBORNE & PEARSON Irestistable Prices. Sweeping Reductions. Now is the time when the thrifty woman can add a snug sum to her savings. Economy without sac rifice of quality. GREAT MEE TOBE ? _ . . . i MR. S. D. GORDON OF NEW YORK BEGINS SERIES THIS MORNING ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Meet* With Baraca Class First Baptist Church-Preaches at St John's 11:30 Mr. 8. D. Gordon, of New York, who arrived in the city yesterday for a stay here of several days, during which time he will deliver a number of lectures at various places, will make a talk to the Baracca class of th? First Baptist church this morn ing at 10 o'clock. At 11:80 o'clock Mr. Gordon will preach at St. John's Methodist choreta. That Mr. Gordon would appear before the Baracca Claas of the First Bap tist church and' at St. John's Meth odist church this morning did not be come known until yesterday, hence the fact was not mentioned in other accounts of the program for the lec tures. President E. M. Fotest of Forman University, who spoke here yesterday to the teachers of the county, knows a great deal about Mr. Gordon, and spoke most flatteringly of his ability and the great good that he io accom plishing. > At the courthouse at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon Mr. Gordon will speak to the men ot Anderson, which sub ject being* "How and Old Town Was Quietly but Radically Shaken Up and Then Shaped Up Anew." " At the First Baptist church thia evening Mr. Gordon will preach to all the congre gations of the city, bis subject being "God on a Wooing Errand." Mr. Gordon wit! bo In Anderson for three days after today, and will speak twico dally, In the afternoons at the Flret Presbyterian church and at night lu tbs First Baptist church. The program for the afternoon meetings, which will be held at 3:80" o'clock, is as tollu*.?: Monday-"How to Assure Answers to Prayer: Tho,Great Simple Condi tions." . Tuesday-"How to Assure Answers to prayer: The 8chool of Prayer." Wedneeday-"The Significance ot The World: War to the Thoughtful Christian." The subjects fer the night meetings, which will be held at S o'clock, are: Monday-"Biography pf a Man Who Took a Long Wain With God and Never Came Back." , Tuesday-"The Masters Rule ol Exchange and Brokerage." Wednesday-' The mastering Pas. alon." Miss Rosella Wilson of the Cray? ton vi ile acct lon la visiting Mrs. R H. Wilson and the Misses Geera on East Whllner street. TINGS ?G11V TODAY U. C. T'S" Annual Meeting and Election of Anderson Council Last Evening The annual meeting last night of j Anderson Council No, 423, United j Commercial Travellers which was held in the Knights of Pythias hall, resulted in tho election of officers as follows : I J. B. Shanklin, past counselor. C. B. Allen, senior Counselor. H. B. Simpson, Junior counselor. C. C. Gribble, secretary-treasurer. J. L. Rf Rast, condustor. B. A. Cromer, page F. K. Thompson, sentinel. Executive -. committee, Raymond Beatty and J. M. Giles, for one year;. ?. S. Sullivan and P. D. Skelton, for two years. J. B. Shanklin was elected to repre sent the Anderson council at the an nual convention of the council of the Carolinas, which will be held at Dur ham, N C., June 5-C. , Emperor Gees to Front. LONDON, Mar?h 13.-The emper or of Russia'left the imperial resi dence at Tsarskoye Selo (his morning foT the battle front, according to a Rentor dispatch from Petrograd. RID STOMACH OF GASES, SOURNESS? AND INDIGESTION "Pape.'* Dia.nepsin" end? all atom ?> adi distress un five minutes. You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach la had-or au uncertain one-or a harmful one-your stomach, lg too valuable; you mustn't injure lt with drastic drugs. Pepe's LHapepsin ls noted for ita speed in giving relief; Its harmless ness; Its certaln^unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.. Its millions of cures In Indigestion, dyepepala, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made lt famous the world over. Keep, this perfect stomach doctor In your home-keep lt handy-get a -large fifty-cent caso from any drug store and then If anyone should eat ; something which doesn't agree with them; lt what they eat laya like lead, ferments ?and sours and forms gas; , causes headache, dizziness and nau sea; eructations of acid and undigest ed food-remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin cornea In contact with the stomach all auch distress- vanishes. . Its promptness, certainty and ease In overcoming the worst stomach disor ! dora la a revelation to those who try tt. ? ELECTRIC err ? _ ? Items of L forest and Persone ? Wireless on tho St <t my ? 4L? ?4 Fire Department ..A ?'as Called Ont The automobile Are truck was call ed ,,to Franklin street west, yesterday I shortly after 12 o'clock to extinguish some burning grass near the resi dence "ot Mr Levi N. Geer. No damage was caused by the^flre. Ught Docket Ia The Police Court. It was a light docket which de manded the attention of Recorder1 Russell yesterday at noon ia the police court ' Heh Drake and Lennie Trlbl'* were tried on charges of fight ing and disorderly conduct, and the former fined $10 while the charges against the latter were dismissed. The only other case on the docket was that of. Mr. Sam Trowbridge, who was fined $5 for drunkenness. Distinguished Tetaran Visiting in City. Capt. P. A. McDSTida, distinguished I Confederate veteran, of Greenville, is 1 visiting relatives in the city. Capt. Me- j David was sa interesting and con spicuous visitor in Anderson during the reunion here Jest spring ot the Confederate veterans of the State, i This is his first -trip to the city since I that- time, aud he says that ho is happy to be here again. Mr. Pear SUB Hes Bees Opersted OB. A telegram received la Anderson1 yesterday contained the good news that Clerk of Court James N. Pear man had undergone successfully an opetaiiun for appendicitis in the hos pital st Rochester, Minn., where he Trent for treatment. The telegram; which twas sent by "Sheriff Ashley, stated that Mr. Pearman had been suffering with a BSd appendix and nothing else. It ls expected that Mr. Pearman will recover shortly. Meat Market " Has Been Said. Announcement has been made of the sale of the meat market of Mr. J. G. Lindsay. , on South Main street, to the "Jim Cash Cooperative Meat Company," which is. a local organisa tion. The new company will handle country raised meats, lt is understood, and Mr. Lindsay will continue to be identified with the business. The buy ing for the market will be ?one by Mr. R. D. Henderson, proprietor of the abattoir. The new company trill move the business from Ita present location to the store of Mr. 8. D. WU liford. Soathern to Lay Off Twa More Tra?as. Tba Southern Railway company has boen sr? o ted the necessary permis sion to discontinuo tra?as Nos. 43 and 44, operating between Atlanta sad Washington, according to information received In tbs city. It is understood that the Southern desires to discon tinue these trains ia order to cut dow*, operating expenses. & 9fr 9fr 9fr ?Y? Jfr 9fr 3fr 3fr *y 9fr $fr 3fr jfr ? SPARKLETS . _ ? 1 Mention Caught Ovar the * reeta of Anderson * Greet Im pro renient io Lily White Market. Under the painter's brush, the Lily White Market, on Wast Market street, bas been transi?* ned into one of the neatest placea ot the kind in this sec tion of the country'. Mr. J. N. Lind say, proprietor and manager of the market, ls being congratulated,on the great improvement which bas been made In the appearance of his place, which has always ranked aa one of the best to be found in these parts. The building has been treated to fresh coats of white paint both Inside and out. -o Interest In Meeting Woodmen of the World. There is considerable interest local ly, and especially In Woodmen of the ! World circles, in the biennial State j convention of the order, which la to be convened in Charleston next Tues day. It ia understood that delegates j from Anderson will extend an invita tion to the convention to meet In this city in 1917. -o Reduced Raies For Encamprnev? At the request of the transporta-1 tion committee of tba cha.icbor of commerce the Blue Ridge railroad company has agreed to pot on special low rates on account of the encamp ment of tho Clemson College cadet corps here next week. A rite of four cents per mlle, with a minimum fare of 40 cents, has been ordered. Tickets will on sale March 24, 25 and 26. with final limit to reach original starting point at midnight of March | 26. - ^ , Col. E. H. AaU a ? latter la City. Col. E. H. Aull, editor c?l pub-1 Usher of the Newberry Herald and 1 News, one of the best semi-weekly j newspapers in the State, ls a visitor] in Anderson, the guest of his. two ? sons, who are among the makers of The Intelligencer. Col. Anil ls one of tbe most conspicuous . figures in South Carolina newspaperdom, and la an able arid forceful wedder of the editorial stylus. He has many friends , in Anderson who are always del ignt ' cd to welcome yim to the city. I : -. ISuggests Reception For Clemson Cadets. It has been suggested that lt would be only proper for a reception of some nature to be extended tbe cadets , of Clemson College during their en campment In Anderson nett week. A prominent lady of the city In. ?peak ing of this matter/ recalled that when the Citadel cadets encamped here a reception was tendered them, 'and suggested that the same ought to be don. for the Clemson boys while they are in the city. President Byrd Of Cale*? College, ' Dr: 8. C. Byrd, president of Chico ra College, ol Greenville, 8. C., Waa a visitor in the city yesterday. AB gen ORR MILLS BAND IS TO BE MUSTERED OUT ASIf TO BE RELIEVED OF AN EXAMINATION AND TO BE DISBANDED MILITIA INSPECTED Palmetto Rifles Underwent In spection Friday Night by U. S. Army Officer The Orr Mills band, which tor the J past four years had been the regimen tal band of the 1st South karolina In fantry, National Guard of . )uth Caro lina, will be mustered wut. The band has expressed- a desire not to stand an examination, and has requested that it be mustered out of service. Thia request was made up on the arrival here Friday of Lieut. Hunt, 40th Infantry. U. B. A.. who came to inspect the local company of the National Guard and the regimen tal band. The Orr Mills band was 10 years old. and after it had attained its sixth year became regimental baud of the 1st Infantary. N. G. S. C The request for the mustering out of the band was brought about by. the -enignation of the head musician, R. W. Hembree, and tho retirement of other members from thc organization. Last Thursday afternoon an inspec tion of the Palmetto Rifles, the local company of the National Guard of the State, was Inspected by Ad], Gen. W. W. Moore. Th? inspection was conducted by Gen. Moore alone, ns the united States army officer, who was detailed to assist In thc inspec tion, did not roach here in time. Lieut. Hunt, who was to assist in the inspection, arrived in Anderson. Friday morning. That night some 25 members of the company were called together for inspection Ly the army officer. crally. known. Ch leo ra College is the Presbyterian college for women in this State, and 's a splendid institu tion. STOPS HEADACHE, PAIN, NEURALGIA Don't sager! Get a dime pack age of Dr. James* Headache Powders. You.can clear your bead and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache la a moment with a Dr. James' Headacho Powder. This old-' time headache roller sets almost magi cally, end some one to the drug store now for a dime.package and a few mo ments after you take ri powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neuralgin and pain. Stop sot ferlng-lt's needless. Be sure you got what you ask for. YOUNG MULES Saturday Saturday morning we will have a CAR of YOUNG MULES, suitable for every farm pur pose, in our sales stable, and if you are in the mar ket for some real good Tennessee mules, come here Saturday SURE! DAVIS BROS, /-pg" RIDER A6ENTS WANTED ii. iff flb^ftf*?!?^?T*^ V? -J5-L ?1^ R?na?r?'?iIci-clofuri.liJic'd?)yuK. Ou r K1 do rA?cnU BTOT whrre a*ro /yTMR S?***"*Yl?QUIlWDunt? J??rwlv?andapproveyour?IcyeK / /> HU? HV iiVi V"! 10 ?"lA"?? anywlii re in tho V. fi. vlthmtt a (CTtdwo?flln I f\ I mk M iVm* yhichtinR-ymriiiiiridot?ioblcvc?o ?nd pul lt loony tost vo^iiS? \ ri W H ? irfl?cycl? >tback tous ?t ourexpoiweaiid v<m ir Ht not he ovlbrucmL \\ lilm 9 luAWFJRTf?RY DBIPEC XVf" '?jubd? the battiest ?rrado blcycteslUs \ tt?LMMm-\Wr*<> f!11*' TH?fc?i>o?lbl.> to make ??ton? binni* patatera \ lllHSWM^K?*eto,,?, ****** coot. You wive SlOtotf?mlddleuH-ii'aDrofltab-Tb?^ J??lMLj?rTilbicicl,> 00 WOT BUY a bicycle op noah? of Urea frottcwHwneat ?^yfiMXjU?mNVManv Vice until you receive our catalogue* und lean? ouruSeartOf ?\Oi\wStWtMym,act'''"J Prieta A nd rcmcrnaliU special offert. " ?)T\V/V?Y0? w,lL aE ASTONISHED?ifJlSSV^?Sa^ 1 ll i'll 1KB \JKf7 ownn?ii;.?i.t.toBtBo-.l.lo(,i:riirloi?. Orfar*th?dar I^OBlr?<L \\? j Kif lut cratelr taara .muntere? band taken In trad, by ow OtSS^S^KSS^tS^V^S!^ * i ?&M Hedgethom Panctare-Prod Sito I if Self-hea??og Tires A ?AZ,T??'?r ?L IB ^?kW T*" rtmlar rr tatt prim of the?? ni wi-TT in?, i 29 TMtoor Olau wilt not let Uta ?lr Mt. A hundred thousand palra sold last mr. OBHEBB n-Jln?. very durable and lined inside with ^m^B?B?Kkw?B??^k^k^k^k^k^k^k^?a^M ft apeoUl Quality dfrubtx-r. uhlcu never be- ^OM?mmB?L^?^mkW??kw^K?M H / como? porous and which closes up ?mail ^^^^T?lT^^^T"T^ ^^^mmWB? puncture? without allowing nir to encapo. They wrurhIH n?.*i?M*?^?ut^-~?.?^_ no mora than an ordinary Ure, the puncture resbtln? Kffl "A*????I^!!???!3^ ?uUtttesbohurtrtvoii by so ve ral Uyeraof AJn.t?ecW5? W mfU *SUl?S2?^^to..S?, ?.^^??^oonU!ctfM<1,; The ivjnilarprtcWthese |K fftV.rJljjTT-?fl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J.L.???DSME 6(MP?NYfGHIt)A@0, ILL.