LOVE ANDA FELLOW-FEELING I am the man to fix your teeth so you can eat the pie that I put tn the Piedmont Belt. i make plates at $6.50 I make gold crowns at$4.00 Silver fillings, 50c and up. Gold fillings $1.00 and up Painless Extracting 40c. I make a specialty of treating Pyorrhea, Alveolaris of the gums aud all crown and bridge work and regulating mal formed teeth. All work guaranteed first-class. G, BRUCE DENI 1ST MEAT BARGAIN SALES For heaven's sake, child, STOP ! LOOK ! LISTEN" ! There is reason in all things. Think for a minute, that terrible foot and mom h disease. Buy the home raised meats and no other at any price. Buy from LILY WHITE MARKET % Phones ?94 and 695 On Whitner St. near new opera house For Particular Occasions only the best and nicest laun dry linens should In worn. Your full dress shirts, collars and cuffs, when laundered by our up-to-date process and given our stylish "domestic Finish" will satisfy your niuat exacting demands iii regard to Pt and appearance. We like to launder linen for particular men-to be worn on particular occaelons. Let us serve you In this way-you'll like fae work. Phone or postal brings our wagon to your door, at any time you request. ANDERSON STEAM LAUNDRY 'PHONE NO. 7. WE BUY AND SELL DEBTS If anyone owes you money furnish us an itemized written statement of the account. WE GET THE MONEY If you owe anyone money, we will help you pay the debt by Our Mutual Loan Plan. Our "Indian" will call on slow pay. ers and collect bad debts. That ls his business. MUTUAL LOAN COMPANY 105 1-2 W. Benson St Anderson, S. C.. rn DIMES Deposited Daily during youth, dou ble, trible and mul tiply for comfort, a home and happiness ? in old age. Interest increases your income \% hen deposited in The Sav aig* Depart ment of Toe The strongest bank in the counts*. Commen?ai J New York Cotton. NEW VOKK. March 12.-Afler a quiet morning, cotton today turned easier und closed barely steady at a net decline or 12 to 13 point?. After opening at a declino of "? to 6 points, tile market rallied on over flight buying order? and continued covering of straddles by Liverpool in terests. Active months sold u point or two about yesterday's closing, but offerings increased around 9.46 for October, and price gradually eased o fT. Tho market closed at practically the lowest of tho day. Private south ern nd' loes indicated large ?pot Bales at uteady pr'ces. Southern spot mur kots were unchanged to 12 point:; higher. Bearish/ visible suppl figures were af cator on the late break. Spot cotton quiet ; middling uplands 8.80. Sale? none. Cotton futures ciosed barely steady: Open. High. Low. Close. March. 8.?5 X.V.I 8.54 Mav. 8.90 8.97 8.81 8.82 juiv.9.14 y.i8 9.05 October .. .. 9.41- 9.40 9.30 9.33 December . .9.58 9.64 9.HO 9.51! New Orleans Cotton. NEW ORLEANS, Mureil 12.-Colton prices fell today under heavy liquida tion from til? long side. While the fall in prices wus iu the nature of a reaction, some of the selling was in spired by the turn of events in Mexi co and bulls were not pleased with the restrictions placed on exports by tho Europenu allies. The market bad .a general down ward trend throughout the day and tho close was practically at the low est, a ntt loss of 12 to il3 points. Prices of actual cotton were unchang ed while sales were 4.040 bales. Pres sure to buy spots to fill out engage ments by the middle of the month was reported. Spot cotton .steady; middling un changed, S.3S. Hales on the spot 2. 405; to urrive 1.635. Cotton futures closing: March 8.34; May 8.54: July 8.7?; October 9.05; December 9.23. Broadsheet's Reviews. NEW YORJ& March 12.-Brad street's tomorrow will say: "Poor.roads, unsettled weather and small lo't buying In larger lines are probably responsible for the feeling of disappointment visible in many markets. These features contrast with increased operations in heavy manu facturing, diminished idleness, activ ity in shipbuilding, a slight improve ment in spring retail trade at some centers, expansion in mail order business, excelleit winter wheat crop conditions, heavy investment de mands for bonds, a slightly more cheerful ?tock. market, tone, ^-and ir regular betterment in collections. "There are some evidences of bet terment in demand for lumber; tex tile mills are taking raw cotton more freely; some silk factories are work ing full time; ammunition concerns are rushed; automobile manufactur ers are doing better than anticipated. On the other hand, coal mining is re tarded and building, though chowing predictions of Improvement, is quiet. "Bank clearings for the week ag gregated $2,869.772.000t a loss of 19 per cent, from last weok and 11.9 from the corresponding week last year. "Business failures for the week number 385. compared with 271 in the like week last year." '\ Weekly Cotton Report. NEW YORK, Mai-h 12.-Cotton ha3 been more active during the past week, and prices have advanced to within 3 points of the season's high record bu October contracts. Appre hensive-ot at immediate interference' with tho export movement liuve boefcr relieved by a supplementary aiir nouncemeni that cotton might .be shipped', without danger of seizure on contracts estating prior to .Marci; 2. providing lt was cleared before April 1. and the rush to fill export engage ments while marino insurance was still--available at reasonable rates has nhown Itself in larger epot soles, continued heavy clenrtnces ' add firmneso iu tho southern markets. Buying has been encouraged oy re ports of a reduction of from 25 to 30 per cent, in the southwestern acre age, continued reports of a big re duction in fertilizer saleB and that mules will be very scarce in the 80Uth this season. On the advance of over $3 per bale from the low level reached on the break of March 1, there has been considerable realizing and some scat tered selling. ?et?ferally, speaking, offerings huve been absorbed on comparatively sl|ght reactioni;, and prices at the close of business" tonight wore within 15 or 16 points of the best. Liv/ Stock. CHICAGO, Mc.rch i2.-Hogs higher. Bulk $6.75iirfi.80; light $G.55?6.85; mixed |6.60@6.37 1-2; heavy *6.26$? 8.86; rough $6.25?6.40>< pigs ?6.60? 6.75. Cattle firm. Native steers *5,75? 8.75; western $5?7.35; cows and heif ers $?.i;0?>7.t$5; calves S6.SCQ10. Sheep strong. Sheep $7.10@8.15; yearlings S7.8S09.15 lambs $7.75? I*. Liverpool Cotton. LIVERPOOL, March 12.-Cotton, spot, prices steady; good middling 5.43; middling 5.17; low middling 4.77. Sales 7,000; speculatoin and export 2, 000/ Receipts 28.000. Futures quiet; May-June 6.04; June-July 5.0?; July-August 6.15; Oc tober-November 6.3*1"; January-Feb ' mary 5.38. Bind Financial Chicago Grain. CHICAGO, March 12 - Urgent Euro pean riemann for cash deliver} amt the May option today kept wheat to a higher level. Closed strong, 1 1-8 to 2 3-4 above last night. Cora scored a net gain of 5-8ir3-4 to 3-4; oat? of '<::-! to 1 3-8iil 1-2. and providions a shade to Sc. Grain and provisions closing: Wheat. May $1.55 1-4; July $1.21. Corn, May 73 3-8; July 75 1-2. Oat?. May 58 7-8: July r.3 3-8. Cash grain : Wheat. No. 2 red, $1.58 -2?U.59 1-2; No. 2 hard. $1.58 3-8{j..ti0 1-2. Com. No 2 yellow. 73 1-2?T74. Cotton Seed Oil. NKW YOF.-X, Mareil 12.-UotiOU seed oil was steady today on demand iron? March shorts and local profes sional buying on thc stronRi.i :>j oilier commodity markets. Marc/ t-losed '.t pointe higher Tn-l other months unchanged to 2 ?i-t higher. Total 3alcs $.500. The market cloHcd steady. Spot ?$0.74 bid; Karch $t> 74(& C.8?: April $fi.'i9'7t0.82; Mav $r,.S8(fi 0.89; June $7 f.iT.i?:?; July $7.10??7.12; August $7.19 j Cn 7.20; September $72t???7.3a'; October) $7JD6#7.20. t Dry Goods. NEW YORK. March 12. -Cotton goods markets were quiet and steady today. Yarns were dull. Wool mar kets generally firm. Silks for Im mediate delivery In fair demand; fu tures quiet. Money Market. ' NEW YOlto, March 12.-Securities displayed lesi resistance to selling ! pressure Jn tile stock exchAngc* to I day. some speculative favorites de- j dining over a point. Heaviness was | most p 'onouueeri in the afternoon, I motor shares yielding practically all the ground gained during the morn ing sesdon. Geni ral unSettlement occurred In the final dealings when it became known that Southern Railway direc tors had decided to pass the dividend on the preferred stock, which broke I 5 point.-, to 45. two points above itu i minimum. At the same time an nouncement was made of the suspen sion of the dividend on Sloss-Shef field Iron preferred. Foreign exchange again was varia ble, the feature being Italian lires, which were about 2."? points under rates quoted a week ago. Rank clearings confirmed recent advices of a halt in .trade at lead'ng centers. Time money waa freely quoted at recent, low rates and commercial pa per was on a parity with long tinu maturities. Total sales of stocks were 22">,'?00 shares! Investment bonds irregular with more steadiuess in .som? of the cheap er Isiues. Total sale? tpur value) $1.995,000. Panama coupon 3's were 3-i per cent, lower on call. . Hr?. John ll. Rockefeller Bead. NEW YOr.jX, March 1..-Mrs. John O. Rockefeller died at 10:20 o'clock this forenoon at the Rockefeller coun try home at Pocantico HIIIB. just outside of Tarrytown. Her death was not expected, although she hud been 111- for somo time. Her husband and her son wcro at Ormond. Fla., and were advised early today that lier condition was worse. Mr. Rockefeller and his son immed iately engaged a special train which left Jacksonville this morning and i? due herc ?s>me time tomorrow. Brooklyn on Guard. WASHINGTON, March 12.-Secre tary Daniels -late today announced that the armored cruiser, Brooklyn, receiving ship at the Boston, navy yard, had been orde-ed to patrol the harbor there to guard against viola tions of neutrality. Six German steamers are tied up here, including the passenger steam ers Kronprinzessin Cecelie, Amerika and Cincinnati. So far as known none of them has made preparations to salt. Not Fatally Wounded. CHARLOTTE. N. C., March 12.-'. M. Acanl, seriously but it ' is not thought' fatally wounded In an aQray at Pageland, S. C.. was brought to a local hospital tonight for treatment. Phybiclana accompanying the wound ed man said that J. D. Wallace, siso injured in the fight, was sent to his home because nothing could bo done for him. CoofPHHeH birder. WILMINGTON. Del.. March 12.-4 Bernard Montvid. In a signed state ment, according to Wilmington and Connecticut " auOioritiei. toda? con fessed bis connection with the mur der'of Rev. Joseph Z?brls, a Mtb uarian priest, at -?ew Britain. Conn., and his housekeeper February 8. H?. named Peter Krakas, alias Mel ba, as the actual perpetrator ot the crime and declared the priest was killed because be refused their de mands for money. CITHOLAX CITROLAX! CITROLAXr First-get the name down pat-then buy it of your druggist. Just the very ? best thing Ipr constipation, sick head- . acne, sour stomach, lazy liver, slug- J gish constipated bowels. The pleas- ' ant est, surest, nicest laxative yon ever { used. Tastes good-Uk lemonade.1 Acts promptly; witbont pain - or ! nausea. Gives you the most satiafae-j tory Bushing you . have ever had. ! Rvans Pharmacy. i Good Roads I ncle Josh "Agin* it "Altin." Editor The Anderson Intelligencer: I am very sorry that it is neces sary for nu? to say any moro concern- ; lng tito bond issue, but in your com mente on my former article you have miseuoted me more or lus.?, eil lier by mistake or intentionality. In the first place, you ?aid that 1 had assterted that 1 was iu favor ?ii . good roads but wanted them by di rect taxation, i ??aid thal while wo would all like better mads (for who would bo nguiust good roads) b?'.l I j am against anything iii..t '.YOUid add on to the taxpayer., of Anderson j County, al present. Now you say another objection lo my article is that i do nol seem to j baye absolute confidence in thc* com- < .mjttce .named to bundle this fund, lt may he that you want a fact about a J good portion of this committee. If so it is in this way, I will ask you one ! thing! You have only, been a resi dent of Anderson County for n short | while, and why do you try to run S your estimation ol lasso particular men far beyond those of citizens that i have been born and raised right up | with them and have known them in all of their ways and doing?? True,; there is some objection then hut nut j ail because the whole tiii ig i?> ob jectionable from begiuuiug to end. i Now. Mr. Editor, you seem lo i?ik like the whole objection of us peo- i pie is from a political standpoint { why you know that this i: not true, for look mound von ia the city and ' COURT GSNOS AWAY ON INSURANCE CASE SUIT OF JUDGE J. S. FOWLER AGAINST GLOBE AND RUTGERS CO. ON LEGAL BATTLE Thia ia One of the Most Stubborn ly Fought Legal Battles Seen Here in Years Court ot common plca.< '.6 still engaged with the case of Judge J. S. Fowler against the Globe and Rut gers Insurance company, a suit for $2.000 damages growing out of tho burning several months ago of tho plaintiff's garage on Wost Market street, and tho first of six such cases brought against various insurance compao'es by the same plaintiff as n result pf tlienhme fire, the total amount sued for being $22,000. Trial of this case was begun Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and has continued uninterrupted since that time. When court moots thia morning ut 0::i0 o'clock trial of the case will bc resumed. This caso presents one of tho most stubbornly foURht legal battles thu! has been stated in', the court of common pleas for Anderson coun ty in years. Just what course the matter will take today, remains lt be seen. The five other eases scheduled for trial at thia term of the court, that is Hie cases brought by Judge Fow ler against tho insurance companies, aro as roi lows: against the Georgia Homo Insurance company, the Phoe nix Insurance roninany, the Com mercial Uni?n Insurance company, the Phoenix insurance company and the National insa.auce company. Suspend Dividend. NEW YORK, March 12.-The South ern I?aiiT/ay < Vi puny directors to day decided to suspend the dividend 'on the preferred .inch, ordinarily April. ID October last tho director?; declared a dividend at Ibo rat? qf 4 par cent payable iii flVft Kxpeet lo'St?r? ifonrbardmeut. LONDON, March 12 <8:30 p. m.). It ia learned Through diplomatic sources in London that the Russian Black" Sea fleet expected * to : start t\ bombardment of the Dosphorus ports today in active co-operation with the allied fleet which ls attempting to force its way to Contantinop'<) through the Dardanelles from the south. [Corni nc VAWECIVIMG THURSDAY Your Dollar will do double duty on th ? ab< mg merchants of Ande country and you will (ind tho mont I ? Influential men ?n boin aides of the j administration fighting iii?* issue. So! lt could no? be ? political lisbt either j' nay. anil 1 Millik ybu should bi' Cit icised moro or loss for your atteuipl ; to make it a political ?ght, th?nklnfi nu doubt thut tills would tend lo i Bl rei gthen the rheaBure. ? Mr. Editor. wrlty do you keep sa>-? mg that tbs country people will on O have io pay thirty per cent, ol this | .ax, that you and tho corporation will pay tlie other seventy. Why ?who are the corporations ami neu-way who makes them? Are they not made and supported by the country .' And be long tu the country Jf Does not thc country keep them up? Then why do you want to join yourself to them in order to make your burden lighter? Don't you know that corporations seldom ovor suiter from anything, il ure go und put something on them ! they will corni right back at us and ? make it up ri?ht off of us country people, just as the oil trusts, etc. Why if you hit them a little What do they do. jtit>t raise the price of oil a !Iitl? and make yon and me and ev erybody else pay for the bit. and all corporations and trusts ure just the same. No, Mr. Editor, wc do not need any thing along this line now. tn.? lets get togothcr and rjult trying to pull thi; thine; any further. Yours very truly. JOSH ASHLEY. Hones Path, .March ii. ANNUAL MEETING OF LAGAL COUNCIL U. G. I - WILL BE HELD TONIGHT I KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HALL 8 O'CLOCK ELECTION OFFICERS For the Ensuing Year Will be One of the Most Important Matters Coming Up The ann na i meeting' of Anderson Council No. 42:;. United Commercial Travellers, will be held tills evening lu Knlgh s of Pythias hall, and ail members of thc organization and all visiting travellers arc cordially in vited to attend. Thc election of officers for the ott- ' tining year is to take place, and other business of an interesting nature will be transacted. J. H. Shanklin is Senior Counselor and C. C. Gribble is secretary of tho Andem:ii Council, which has a total o' some 35 members. lt is the Intention of those calling tho meeting tonight to put new lifo in tbs council and make it more In teresting for the member.1! that it may have been (ii the past. Tor that rea son a largo attendance of members ls earnestly desired for thc meeting this evening. Vermont Will Vote. MONTPELIER, Vt,, March 12. Governor Gates signed the prohibi tion referendum bill today and the voters will decide in March. 1) fi on the substitute Statewide bill for local option. I caph- Indlgnuut. BERLIN; March 12. -(By Wire less to Sayville.)- Reports from Stockholm to tho Oversea News Agency s?w that indignation prev?i?3 amcng thc people of Finland be cause of the deportation to Siberia , duty and a half or ?ve date with the lead ?rson. For yourself, If you seek men, if yo? fixtures, equip-nient. Classified Want Advert: Twenty-five words or lee?, Ono T 81? Tlniirt'$l.X)0. AU advertisement over twenty-ilv. word. Rates on l.OOu wolds to Hon. No advertisement taken for 1er* If /our name appears In the tole your w>.nt ad to 321 and a Lill will prompt payment. FOR SALE roi: SALK A carriage :oi whl?^>t?W'>r. VuaimlflcM- thu? pr??>fn?tu(f dfcvrmxjul rion. ?ii'?.T than ?C. ti?? f-? tu ta? wot nt. ca Otiutr.? rt w CORI.', S^c, SOc, tl .it drain* or t>7 mal), i'-.ost pal?. . BOTAMCAL MfC. CO. 4tk 4k fUc* St*.. fhUtt'.stohia. />?. s ?oiie. Tomorrow does not ex? )DAY is the day of Opportunity, he colounm of opportunities. R^ad it-if you seek a broader opening j want to buy or sell machinery, Columns ?sing Rates lui? '25 cents, Three Times GO cents, o words prorata for nach additional he u$cd In u montli umtio on appll than ZS cents, cash In cd van ce. phono directory you ran telephone be mulled after its Insertion tor WANTS WANTED Experienced milliner for trimming work. Desire ono 25 to SO years of ago. Splendid proposi tion to right purty. Address "S" ?.?.re Ulfs office. :i-ll-3t WANTED--At om-'-, five or six room cottage hear court house or on enr Hue. Address, giving particulars and rent price per mouth, "IC" caro Intelligencer. ti? WANTED- To hire a horse und bug gy lo uso several days for light driving tn Ino country. Horse will be well fed and taken caro of. Ad dress A. li. Q" care .The Intelli gencer. WANTED-To correspond, confi dentially, with anyone deslrious of becoming permanently cured of thu tnorphiue or whiskey habit. Tho KEELEY INSTITUTE, COLUM BIA. S. C. Box 75. WANTED-Everybody to know where they can get their bicycle, motot cycle, locks nud keys repaired at reasonable prices. We aro agenta for the Indian motorcycle and standard brands bicycles. Gates tit Smith. 130 West Whltner Street. Phono IOU. WANTED-A reliable representative in every community to act ns agent for Tiie Intelligencer. Libcrul com missionu paid. Apply Tho Anderson Intelligencer. 2-28tf. WANTED-The privilege to mire tobacco users at home. |5.00 buys the cure, information lt desired. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, CO LUMBIA, S. C., Box 75. F pnk I aVJL/V9nJLf NOTICES TAXI'A VEIW TAKE NOTICE Tho time for paying taxes will bc out April 1st., and I have published a list of Anderson School Districts No. 17. which have not been paid. Now if you fall to call fer your poll, tax when you pay your taxes lt will cost you ff?.00 so if you fall to pay, do-not blumo your auditor. Preachers anti Schpol Trustees are liable for poll tax. WINSTON SMITH. . County Auditor. NOTIER,i The unnual meeting of tho stock holders of the Dime Savings ' Bank, Anderson. S. C., will be held at their banking house on ' Tuesday, the Ctn day of April, 1916, at 4 o'clock p. in. - J: D. unowN.. /; .rodent, Audersou. S. C. T ri March *, iow ' ' 41 J-J-XJL-!-<*.'. . ?-r. . ?.,i?l. -:--> PROFESSIONAL CARDS. _i_i-L--?_ DR. J. E. WATSON General Practice Office lr. Ligon & Ledbetter Bulldinf. North Main Street. Office Phone 210. Residence Phone 386. GET RID OF LINGERING COLDS, COUGHS ANO LA GRIPPE. Spring finds man" afflicted with lingering, hacking coughs that Weak en the 8~vtem. Slush'and wet caum more colds than aero weather. Croup, bronchitis, and pneumonia are prevr. lent. Every family should baw a sato and reliable cough medicine ready for us. Foley's Money and Var Compound contains?, no harmful ingredients, lt eases a cough, checks a cold and re llev?.?. ii.flamed and congested mem branes. It clears the air passages ar.d soothes Inflammation. Evans Phar macy. Reports Far Budget i ommltloe. PARIS. March 12 (4:55 p. m.). Deputy Albert Met in, reporting for tho budget committee In the chamber of deputies .ruiny upon the bill auUrorlt lng the government to raise the is sue of national defense bonds ap proximately $?00,000.000. annouueed that subscriptions in France to tho bonds already had reached $600,600. 000. That amount added to foreign subscription*. Deputy Melin sahl. ?natte a total of $736.800.000. Of which .mm $10.360,000 had been pieced in the Uniteu ?tatea.