The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, March 11, 1915, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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DIR/DES i Deposited Daily during youth, il<><i Me, trible and mul tiply for comfort, a linnie and happiness In old age. Interest increases your income when deposited in The Saving? Depart? ment of The Bank of Anderson The strongest bank in thc county. Ul_J-JJ... !.. . WE BUY AND SELL DEBTS It anyone owes you money furnish us an Itemized written statement of the account WE GET THE MONEY IC you owe anyone money, we will help you pay the d*b. by Our Hntnal Loan Plan, Our "Indian" will call on Blow pay. era a.>;d collect bad debts. That 1B his business. MUTUAL LOAN COMPANY 105 1-2 W. Benson St Andereon, S. C. MEAT BARGAIN SALES For heaven's sake, child, STOP! LOOK! LISTEN ! There ls reason lu all things. Think for a minute, that terribie foot and mouth disease. Buy tho hom?! raised meats and no other at any price. Buy from i it tr iinnt/nn isa nimm ULI TVnilfi lTMMUl?l Phonos 094 and 695 Oh Whither St. near new opera house Kiss Your Coal Stove -rwy-i Goodbye ! o ? ? .The gas stove has the coat stove beaten a mil lion wavs. Ho wood to chop, no coal to car* ry, no ashes to take up, carry out? and sift, leaving a trail of dirt and dust from the stove all the way out to the ash pit. No fire to coax and cod dle. No excess heat. No waste. Gas is a guarantee of the right kind of a fire instantly for any purpose whatever; and it's more economical, too. Anderson Gas Co. LOVE ANDA FELLOW-FEELING I sm tho man to fix your teeth sb you can eat the plo that I put tn the Piedmont Belt I make plates at $6.50 I make gold crowns at$4.Q0 Silver filling*, 50c and np. CoM fillings $1.00 and up l'a inness Extracting 40jc. 1 make a specialty ot tr satin c Pyerrhea, Alveolar!* ot the gama aaa all crown end bridge work and regulating mal formed teeth, ail work guaranteed nrst-clas?. S. G. BRUCE DENTIST * ELECTRIC CH * _ * Items of Interest and Perso ?. Wireleu on the District Demon st rotor Herr For Kow Buys. Prof. K. lt. stuart, district demon? strutor for tho farmers coop?rative demonstration work, with headquar ters at Clemson College, ta spendint .evorni days in Ute city in conference With County Demonstration W. I). Garrison with reference to the agri cultural work in this county. -O Hold Thieve** At V.'ork A ?ruin. While Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gels berg were up town last ?'vening an unknown thief went up on the porch of their home on South McDullle street and stoic two handsome Jaidi nieres, together with Gie plants that were growing in them. There is ab solutely no cine as to who commit ted the theft. The plants were sit ting in their usual positions on the porch when Mr. and Mrs. Gu iberg went out. and when' they returned the pot:i and plants were gone. Mr. Oelsberg stated last night that ho would reward thc person furnishing evidence sufliclenl to convict the pei? son who committed this theft. Dr. Suggs lo Toke ifortgradaale Work. ___________ Dr. Forrest Suggs, of the new den tal finn componed of Dr. Chlsolm, himself and Ur. Trowbridge, will go to tho Atlanta Dental t liege lu a few days where be will i .sue a post gruOuatc course in dentistry, lt is understood that be will he awav be tween three weeks and a month. Or. Sugg? i" a graduate of this Insula tion. Several Automobile Tart its Were Here. It is conservatively ,.stinialed thut between '0 and 50 people from Hart well, Ga . were herc Tuesday night for thn Honey Boy Minstrels, which hold tho boards at Tho Anderson. The visitor.-; came in sonn- 10 or more cars. Among those composing tho party were; H. L. Yate?, Mr. and Mr;<. Frank Kuhl, Augustus Skelton, Miss olive Mal tersan. Bonnor Limier. M. H.ittorficld. I al ph Dodd, Kilon Holland. Augustus Richardson, Fred Willie. Dr. I*. A. Leard, Willie Drown; 'Stove Skelton, Marion Thorn ton. Enoch Henson, Harold Alford, Tom Cunningham. B. C. Alford and J. L. Tonsley. No Session of Recorder's Conrt. In tito absence of offenders against the peace and dignity of the city, there .was no session of the record .et'd eourr yesterday. Up untH a late hour last night the police had tunde no,, and indications at that ttflir* pointed to dull limos in ibo recorder's court again today. Green's Body Is Sent to .Munthy, N. C. The remains of W. C. Oreen, who nna . ii vi mid ?uni.mi iv k?i?vi nisi Monday night by Master Mechanic S. Curtis Armstrong of Orr Cotton, Mills,, who discovered the dead man after ho bad broken into the Arm strong home, were shipped yesterday to Murphy, N. C.. tho dead man's re latives having been loeuted there aud they having telegraphed the local un dertaking establishment having thc remains In charge to ship them to Murphy. -o Sayre ?nd Baldwin Huve Dissolved. The well known architectural firm of Sayre & Baldfin has dissolved. Both Messrs. Sayre and Baldwin will continue In business In Ander son in their respective names. Mr. Sayre will continue to have offices in the Bleckley building, while Mr. BUdwln wlir havb bis offices over Gie jewelry Btore or John M. Hub!ard. -o Order Your Being's Supplies Now. The Sooth Side Grocery Co., are offering their customers the oppor tunity of placing orders now for i.ny of thc several kinds of beans which Hein": makes taste so good. Cus tomers abo have th0 chance to placo their orders for unv of tho "fifty aoven" varieties of pickles, pre serves, condimenta, etc.. for fall ?)e IIvery i Mri shelling, representing Heinz, accompanied by Mr. li. V. Whitton, representing tho South Side Grocery Co.. ure busily engaged thl? week seeing this company's trade, and if they mtsi you. lt won't bc their rank. "TR" FOR KHK, SORE, JIB FE Good-byo sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, ?wcaty feet, smelling feet, tired, feet. Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw ?pots. No moro shoo tight ness, no more limp ing with pain or drawing up your face ia agony. ?T1Z" U magical, acts right off. "T1Z" draw? out all the poisonous exudation?' which Euff up the feet. Tae'TIZ" andfor .fget your foot misery. Ah I how comfortable your feet feet. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now at any druggiat or department store. Don't uniter. Have good feet, glad fert, feet Gmt never s?^l, never burt, .never get thed. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refundid. rY SPARKLETS * _, * nal Mention Caught Over the Street* of Anderson * (. '?{. H- H' .{. H' ?i* H> *(. H" H1 These Gut stuck East in iii?' Mini. Quit?, a number of visitor? were here from Clemson College Tuesday n'xht IO attend the Honey Boy ?Minstrels at The Anderson. Several of the visitors came down on the gas-electric car oj" the Blue Ridge, while several came In automobiles. Those who came by rall remained n\Hr here for the night and returned to Clmson yesterday. Those who made the trip through the country In automobiles returned to Clemson Tuesduy nlKht, with the exception of on,, parly, consisting of two gentle man and their wives. Their car got istuck in the mud between here and Clemson and they did not get out again before daylight, reaching Clem son College yesterday morning about !i o'clock, lt is understood on good authority that the members of this particular party are enthusiastic for a bond issue for good roads in An derson county. Interesting Meeting Of Ad t lui? Held. An interesting meeting of the *An . son Ad club was held last night al tlx- chamber of commerce. Three interesting ial?a were made, one by Phelps s : seen.* advertising manager o? The Intelligencer, one by Archie L. Todd and another by Frank Urger. Mr. Bassuen talked on "TJie Rela tion of Advertising to Befall Busl I ness," Mr. Todd on the subject of "Salesmanship" ?ut! Mr. Unger on "Window Dreifing." The club de cided to invite Dr. Mye.'-Gerhard. a I celebrated German who ls touring till.1, country, Lo corita to Anderson ami deliver thu lecture on the Eu ropean war which ho has given in a numb? r of Southern Cities. Later on I tho club proposes to invite some ono/ here to make a lecture cm tho war from nu cip;#n:?ii,. viewpoint. Matters I pertaining io the amended constitu tion und bylaws wore discussed. IExpects i-i open Nev. t'nfo Soon. AuguBtua Antonakas, who has leas ed tho storeroom of G. il. Bailes, whtch Ibo latter purchased from Gen. C. A. !'.. ed. lu the old Reed building, c wpects to open up his new cafe In thin plac\. next ?reek accord ing to Information glVen out yester day. The fixtures were shipped from Charlotte Tuesday, und should ar rive liere in the next few days. This ls going to be onojuf the most up-to date cafes in the State. -o Dwelling Was Humed 1,11st Night Fire last night' about 9:.l0 o'clock destroyed u dwelling south ot' thc city which ia said to have been oc cupied hy Lou Anderson, who ls con nected with the Orr Cotton Mills. Tiie house waa situated between Orr .Mills and South McDuffle street. The blaze could \>e seen distinctly from the city. It wii3 impossible to learn ui liiui. iiuur any o? ih? particulars oi tho- fire. --o Breaking In Store Charged Against Boy. Charged with breaking i:<to tho Btor" of Mr. Pleas MuLaffey, nt Townville; Tuesday night, Grady Kv a UH, an 18 year old white boy, was brought to Anderson yesterday and lodged in the county Jail. Mr. M ah a ff ey had occasion to go to his store between 8 and 9 o'clock that night, and upon entering the door heard a noise In the rear. An investi gation was made with the result that young Evans was discovered hiding under the counter in the rear of the building. ASSASSINATION PLOT BERLIN. March 10.-Thc Overseas News Agcncjr today gave out the fol lowing: "The Deutsche ' Teges Zeitung's Athens correspondent reports that French and English letters and $40, 000 were found In the possession of Athwnas, who was arrested charged with planning the assassination ot King Constantino. . "1 kindreds of French and B. ttlsh wounded from the Dardanelles have arrived at Saloniki." There has been no recent report of ot a conspiracy formed to assassinate King Constantino of Greece. On January 28, a Copenhagen dis patch said a rumor had reached thc Danish capital that an attempt had been made several days previously at Patras to kill King Constantine. This report, it was asserted. - originated with travelers arriving lat Constanti nople. Tho Greek ininlntor in London stamped lt as absolutely untru .-. PO WE KW L SQUADRON SPEZIA, Italy. March 10.-Vice Admiral Thc Duke of the Abruzsl. embarked today on . his flagship the new .Italian dreadnought Conte di Cavour, to command a squadron ot dreadnoughts comprising the Dautu Alighieri, C?io fidllle, Gillio Cesare and Leonardo da -Vin?!. * This" most powerful combina tion nf autis Italy ever has had in >>;;,. squadron. THIS-AND. FIVE CEN^l! DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this .dip, enclose five ce/itB to Foley ? CO., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive tn return a trial package containing Fol ey's Honoy, and Tar , Compound,. for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kid ney Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder alimenta; and Foley Cathartic Tablets,.a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic,, especially oom fort In y to stout persona. Evans "Phar macy. di Kr KI: its" is \ uumt STORY Will Ile Seen ut tin* Paramount Theatre. Crowded HOUHCH Will Probably Greet lilis Popular Story on the Keels ut Local Pl iy House. There is no story more interesting with the public generally than "Checkers." Many people have read "Checkers" and those of Anderson who are familiar with the story and those wh > have heard of it will avail themseh*?s of the opportunity ot 'seeing the show" at the Paramount theatre tbiB afternoon and evening. The story In brief is as iollows: One -r the biggest sellers of Ameri can novels. Henry M. Blossom. Jr.'a. story of "Checkers." made into play form, Instantly scored . a wild-fire success, and with Thomas W. Ross as the star, it played all over Ameri ca to crowded houses, the powerful love story which it told, the wonder ful humaneness of Its characters, and *he excitement of the great raclug scene, plus the superb acting of Mr. Ross, appealing to all classes and condition;, of men. women and chil dren . Thomas \V. Ross having been again secured as the star, "Checkers" ls now offered by the All Star Fea ture Corporation, the producers of. "Arizona" as a great six-part fea ture photoplay, staged und^r the personal direction of Augustus Thomas, America's foremost play wright and stage director. The scenario .upon which the production lb based wus prepared by Lawrence McUill and Eustace Hale ball. Sup porting Mr. Ross ls a great cast of .'(roadway favorites, and the produc tion has been made without consid eration of expense, btfndrcds of ac tors appearing iq the great raclug and betting ring scones. T'.'ti story of ..Checkers" told brief ly, ls as follows: Eidward Campbell, known as "Checkers/' works his way up from a messenger boy to a clerkship In bank, lipon the death ol his mother be gets; Into bad company; loses his position ami is without friends who can help bim. Coaxed into a gamb ling house, he loses his last dollar, and then ls given a job us dealer. One evening there ;s a fight during which a inan ls killed. Checkers in suspected, but Innocent. Fearful, he determines to get away from the city. Meeting a race horse tout. Push Mil ler, they make'their way BOUth to the track. Winning some money they follow the horses to Hot Springs, Ark. Arthur Kendall, a young nutn from Clarksvllle, Ark., gels very friendly with Checkers., Kendall goes off on a spree, and his sweetheart, i Pert Darlow, and ber father come to bring him bomb. Arthur will go only if Checkers accompanies him. Wish ing to earn.?an honest living. Check ers' takes the opportunity, and goes to work* in the general store of Ar thur's father. Pert Barlow breaks her engagement with Arthur, and Checkers falls in love with ber. Pert Barlow's father; wishing her to mar ry Arthur Kenua!]. lorbids cnecxers to see her and tells him not to come back to Clarksvllle until he bas j made $5,000 by honest work. Pert gives Checkcrc an old California ?.'.O gold picco as a love token. Leaving Olarksville, Checkers is ! unable to secure any employment. He tries again and again. One day, broke, he drifts down to the track, hoping to meet some of his old friends from whom he can borrow money. Pert Barlow, her father Arthur Kendall, and others from Clarksvllle are at tho track that same day. In desperation at seeing Pert and Arthur together, Checkers bets the |50 gold piece Pert has given him on a horse catted Remorse, at odds of 100 to 1. Remorse wins. Seeing Checkers the fut h er of Pert tears her away. Checkers follows them to Clarksvllle. As his $5,000 baa not been earned by honest work Checkers knows ho cannot claim Pert. But while he ls in Clarksvllle a run ia started on thc bank owned by Port's father. Check ers uses Iiis ready wit in holding the crowd of clamoring depositors, and \. finally saveH the day by the deposit. * of the $5,000 which he hos won. At this Perl's father declares that he needs Checker? as a son-in-law. Port approves Ute choice, and' all aro happy. "LADY LUXURY* PROYES MUSICAL COMEDY TB EAT | Splendidly Mounted and Played by Exceptionally Capable Cast, New Play Makes Hit. Tho Norfolk Landmark. Thursday. | February 25th, saya: . "Lady Luxury," a pew musical i comedy, book and lyrics; by Rida/.1 Johnson Young, music by William Schroder, whick wa? given its first presentation boro nt tho Wells last; night, is woll named. The play fairly luxuriates in a wealth of beautiful music, sprightly dances, a magnificent stage sotting (tho action all lukes place in one drawing roon;.) gorgeous costumes, and a cn Et and chorus that can sing, danco and act. Little ciao i9 required for tho av-1 ?fago musical comedy, but "Lady1 Luxury" is far nbovo the average and therefore bus a well-defined plot that serves to tncrease interests though it ls not difficult to tell how it is all go ing to turn cut. And, be it said, it all turns out very j well. Indeed, for seldom trna a more thoroughly enjoyed performance ot] this kind boen seen on tho local Ooards. Thia is rather n broad state ment, but it Will very likely bo sutn scribed to by au "-ho sar the piny. While thc audience wat- not a large one. nothing like what the play and players deserved, it was . highly ap preciative, nud heartily applauded dthc delightful musicical numbers ___HBIBBHH8BBB and attractive dances, with which ..Lady Lux'iry-' is lavishly endowed Kucores ?. ein frequent, and were giv en with a. spirit and ?lash that, was refr.?liing. It would be difficult, indeed, to say v;hicb of the players who portrayed the principal roles pleased most, lt must in truth be said that a more ca pable and evenly balanced cast would be difficult to select. Aside from their acting ability, the principals all have excellent voices, and their vocal ef forts met with the recognition they ueserved at the hands .of the au dience. Miss Florence Webber, who played Eloise Van Cuyler ("Lady Luxury,") in a. dainty and charming little wo man with a soprano of unusual pweet ness and purity of tone, lier oolos were splendidly rendered. Miss Marie Flyn, Miss Entitle Lea, and Miss Emily Fitzroy, played the oth er femininet roles capitally. the specialty dancing of Miss Lea being a featurc of the performance. The bulk of the comedy was fur nished by J. \V. Herbert, Sam J. Burton and Fores! Hun", while the latter also demonstrated that he is a singer of ability. Donald MacDonald, as "Jimmy." captivated the audience with his savor faire, his excellent voice and sprightly dancing. Arthur Albro, as "Count Pianasolli" por trayed the character to the life, and his grand opera number gave him opportunity for a display o? a tenor voice o? remarkable range and volume. > - Tho ensemble numbers were given with vim and spirit by a chorus that can sing, dunce and act. Altogether, "Lady Luxury" prowd one of the musical comedy treats of tho jenson, and It ls a matter of regret that the matinee performance scheduled Tor yesterday, had lo bo cancelled owing lo delay in arrival of tho BC?nery! which ia of a missive kind. THE LION AMI THE HOUSE f'rlehraled Drama Will Be Shown ?ii "The Anderson" Toda}. John burkett Ryde r ls* o muster of "nance with a boundless desire for wealth. No men avarice, but of the power to be gained through riches; i domineering will and unscrupulous ?OH!. Previous to the opening of the dory Ryder has compassed tho iiuan ruin ?md professional disgrace of Judge Rossmore, of the supreme Lourt, to avenge himself for certain xdverje decisions which tho Judge has rendered against the cdrpora :ion. Shlrlev Rossmore, the judge's laughter and young Jifferson Ryder .eturning from Europe on the same joat, have met and registered a pret y story interest in each other, being it the time entirely ignorant of the rlcti?n now existing between their respected fathers. Shirley has writ elf a novel and from Jefferson's ele icription of hil father has mado the dar character of the story a fair pro otype of thc master bf finance. Ryder v ithou t consult im. his son's wishes ; ias already announced an engage nent between Jefferson and the iaugbier cu senator honerts. sntrley j tossmore's book which is written un ter the pseudonym of Sarah Oreen rets into Ryder's house and makes iuch an impression that the great inancier employs a detective to find he author. Sarah Oreen is fonnd and tyder employs her to compile his dography not dreaming that she, is he daughter of the judge he has ruin id.' Now comes the battle between he Lion and the Mouse. The Mouse vins the Lion's, admiraticV by the lutspoken audacity of her opinion of LUI life and moral code. Kate R?h rt.-; whom Ryder has selected .to bo ds son's fiancee elopes with his arls ocratlc private secretary. "Fourth ;room of tho bed chamber to the sec >nd Prince of England." Ryder to lacify his eon and to offset bia att achment for Shirley Rossmore sug ;ests that he shall marry Sarah Oreen 'who has proven herself far more iri!liant than the Judge's girl." It ls hen Shirley's turn, she declares her ?entity and admits that she has so ured certain ?etters ?rom Ryder's ?esk that wUl prove her father's ln tocence. Ryder orders her from the louse, then he sits up all night, con umcs innumerable black cigars and ?nally conquers his own vanity. Next lay Jefferson Ryder proposes hut ?hirloy declares sho.'will never marry i man that has such a father. With titter words Jefferson denounces his ether, ho tells him that the girl Ve oves object to the family. But John ?urkett Ryder eats a big slice ot tumble plo, he announces that he will ire vent the impeachment of Judge Rossmore and Implores Shirley to ac :ept hts son. The Mouse had con fered the Lion. TEMPLE OE PEACE Wlvocated at PuLin-llay to Comment orate Peace? CONCORD, X. H., March 10.-Gen ral Nelson A. Miles, V. S. A.. retlt d. dvoo.ated before tho legislature oday a prop.>sa1 to erect "a templo >f peace"- at Put-In Bay. OhL?. to ommemorate 100 years of peace bc ween Great Uritalp and tho United Itates. Such a moni munt, ho si ld,? vould havo a strong tendency to cry talllzo and struugthen thea enfimont ?f .peace. TEN YEAR'S MISERY ENDED. J. T. Chambers, merchant, Jdncs >oro. Ark-, writes: "Foley Kidney Pills urcd mc of a ten-year standing cuse >f rheumatism. I suffered miserably, i friend told me. of being cm ed; ?o I iscd them, and they cured me, too." ifost middle aged men and women are rind to learn that Foley Kidney Pills ilford a way to escape sleep disturb ng bladder weakness, backache, rheu natlsm. puffiness under eyes, sftf and iwoolen joints, and other ills attribute .rt to kidney troubles, Evan'a 'Phar* aancy. . THIRTY-SEVEN NEW SUITS ARRIVED YESTERDAY AU now smart Suits, made in thc very latest styles, and in all thc wanted colors-Tan, Putty, Navy lillie, Belgian Blue, Green and Shepherd Plaids, etc., etc. Ill i MILLINERY jiff . Hats to match every dress and suit in stock. i l?K?l U?f'yi THE .STYLES-A decided departure in shapes lean- , ?v_Z2 ;->r*^; lng Joward tho. hat with a bria. THtf TB IM-A xrt?ffi gradual getting away from feathers and kindred or- ? 1^Wj? nnmentatton with a profusion of flowers mid rib Come and sec the many beautiful things we : i?|f| g^jr?' have prepared for you. ! pl||| i _ MRS. iii i B. GRAVES BOYD M HiH Exclusive agent for "Prolasot" (Front lace) cor- ffffi |jj I sets, and McCall patterns. (?s? Coming Gi&? VALUE GIVING EYEMT^YE?K THURSDAY, MARCH 18 Your Dollar will do duty and a half or double duty on the above date with the lead-v ing merchants of Anderson. /ARIDER ?SE?T3 WANTiO' (/ nm Btt?J? ^CHTOWKanddlstrlcttorlOoandcjihlbitpsamploI.fttestModel ia 13 B?Q_ *?anssr,,blcynlofurul?hcKlby us. Ourindnr.wntsereOTWhero aro Xi^^afc M making rooney fast. ^nrit?fifrfuUpaiVcuUu^urut^p^hl?W^ atone*.' '/VP&SB B7?4B\ ^*0?IBYREQUIRBDimLllyoar(celvt<andapim)V03^0arblayclo.' / iv mmak lal ?flfe ^Ve ?hin to Cfij/riiie tiny where tn thsTJl'fc tof?&t ftwrtt deposit In 11\ HVwk W /i? *<> V?JICC. vraxiv freight. mid allow TEM bM*'rWu?rnU???xring I fl ll IflA ? I'Jwml which tiuipyou may rldethoblcycloaudputit to any test you wish. I > fnU M lH>!aW I?i'nuarctl;couotr?rfecUyMtlsaedordonotwlshto keepthobl f \ IV MU Bm m hi kV? cyclo ?hip lt bock to ug-at our e.xpenao and wm loill not be out ont cent. Mi m?l il S M w?ttCAPYraRY DRIPCQ ^? furnish thc bltrhwt irrada bicycles lt la Al ff/LWll K?/2MrA*'lun* ? nlv?a poaalble to moko ot one ?mall profit above i v ?JWSMM? HlftfrW actual factory coat. You tova tiotofttt middlemen's profite by buy MlryBimBl WSBHinsdlractofu^ YriTmllOSM MTinii " DO NOT BUY a biodoorapairoftlresiromaniwiwat ^warausan wmrtinu vrirr, until you receive. ourcitaloffoeH and learn oar unheard of A V^^EHsWt/llm/^''^ prices and rar.arlml.ic meialoffen. ?\ffiy\\lIV?U WIU EE ?STOHISHED^?^V^K^?R i t Lil M* \ wLfcKtb0?wkrfiittV f?te prista vet caa ratko yt? &!. rMKMkaaraftUJbM end* \ / VIllvB \WSm9^^i^rl^t!PwJ.\SSa^SSctri?Sr'' W??reMtltOndwlU?11.00profit \ Vi \*S?7 ?U?rdn?ctf?Tcort. BIOYOLKDeAi*Re,rT?n?ii<>ari>i?eUui]d?rr<mr \ I I J Oil 'YSBy o1"*nomo Hist?ctdo-ib'!'ourprice* OrrtoCt Ulk&ttaflta tae?vtdT \V VIS' * nrrfttnm-f- rurvr- rm v.,!.ttiti?mtflBttk \W/ i H/lAt viWkm ?> ?inb? ot luad luun ls irv!? t> ?ir Cklao nbi??om. finn ncUX 31 ?triiS Me?ptfisrn ?^ncSure-Ptao! $ J? IS rtf?v tr? ?Wff rc:: ? j. -(r/<.?.. (au*A X^M^'n^^'wr<*y^WMiai|pBtMfafc tri/* nnrfrr MAH. / .,1 |WII|iMi^MHMW?? Will?, Yack? pr C:*t? will not Itt th<? ?lr out. B&S&HHJBBBBBHHHK?? A hundred thousand pnln tx>U Inst year. .HmtaHnasst? /??? ???StOKUP?QMir Madlin all ?lies, lt VI?- i^ijjwi ?#a?W?9*T#SU<V? is lively adi - . , i Ililli! mill.ld.Mini il In ihh i li'i ll.i li||SHrTMrlBBgW MW Avpeclalanallty of ruin er, which novocbe- ^?????B^lK^BVilBaKflw us und villi > small ^^^"TIW^T^Ta^SR . '^^sgsjS' punctures Without allowing atrio escom?. Thoy v*teh rt SB SiatlqA?h?4hink mhimrtrMu! ?omore Uiau an ordinary. Ure. th? puncture resUttn*|H "S?^Tu?^r??t?!mr?0*? QusMUrsbi i: -veral layers of thin.specially -2. ' B'?^al?a ita! ?tifo "M?? prrparedfnhrloonth? ;read. Th^rotrtilnr i>-lc?iof thoao IS 7?^?S^iSLSS?S? P TM? A Ur? 1? SiO.O) por tialr. l^ii for t?vertljlnoumTWw?r^ % l?iV^rfT.t* JZw Jil! ar*matine a :.i>e?inl fsctory price to tito rUt-v of onl J W ?r? will e^rtiqat ???y o?ncr li.SO per noir. AU orelee shtonr-J tsnw <?*y letu r V, 1 2?it?- ftOJ^Yy.EMtTrC sad reoetvod. - We will sh lu C" o. I), on approval. You do ??ftv SnOMO. not need! tonay a cent until you t^atofno and ?nd mern ntrlctly a* ?prwented^ aeiidlngas sn order ?? tho tires may t^>r? tonged ?t OU St expanae Ifforaoy rrm*oo~jhej are not n.Mf?rsM? ??iraiiYjiissAeo, ILL.