PAGE Published Every Tuesday ia The Daily and Semi-Weekly iutelligencer ai devoted to the cause of Education in Anderson County and everywhere 00000000000000090 o PENDLETON SCHOOL o ooooooooooooooooo MUs Maggie Garlington visited cur | school Vn?rsday, February 18th, and! a.siated UM, organising a wawi! im . provciiient association. M?BU Hallie Trescot was elected president; Mrs. John Hall, Jr.. vico president; MIRS Sallie Hun?i.r. secretary and treasur er. Twenty? lpdieB Joined -*wd oach promised to; Iring auoth?* mehiber to the next meeting. The meetings will bo held at the school house the fourth Friday afternoon in each month. We fed sure with such inter est m an lies rod at the Ural meeting the work, will bo a success . Mr. ff. .O'. Evans and Rev. T L. Smith 8ee thd boys and giris tract team .ni practice period on Mon day, f Miss Jania darlington visited our school Monday. She gave ns practi cal questions concerning th? school district to ne answer next aututn'i. Monday being Waanlh*tou'? birth day a few'tttouison cadets visited nur rohooh Thc first -md first advanced glades had ? vi^fdn.t?>restlng-spelling mutch Monday''mornlrg. . The civic1 league held a "Mystery ] Auction'Vat tlie school house on Mon- j day night, February S3, beginning, ot [ belt past eight. Many games' were played. :-fffbe ladles ani gentlemen I were given scissores, blindfolded, taken to the cherry tree to seo who could cut: thc mose cherries off tho tree. Each ono presortt was present id with ft paper hatchet and requested to write,a? many words as pcsBlblc on, the h steh cr from thc woi.l Wash ington :-?Ir. Warley Trescot roceivtd the /ir.'te^ ?A. talad course with coffee wan s?,*ved at fifteen cents The pro ceeds from the entertainment was thirty dollars, which will be used in payment -on thc wiring of the school building, whicU cost thirty-five dollarsTj^? On Friday afternoon, February 26th, the school Improvement association held their, monthly meeting at the school otrilding. It was a very inter esting meeting, much business was j discussed ?.nd plans mapped ont for j the work of the association. The llrst and third Friday nights !n each month the association will have a coola! meeting of patrons and sll Interested in thc school, at the school audi torium from 8 to ll o'clock. A com mittee of ladies and girls will'have .each evening In charge, who will ar range programs for thc evening? en tertainment. Light refreshments I will be served at these meetings. These meetings will be informal and free of charge. The committees will exert every effort to make these so 'herings pleasant. On next Fri ning, March 15, the school Im provement association will give tho first of threse series of social meets ^t'j^e s?ijool auditorium frr?m.?;te n ?c?wCk: i he pat rons ard friends Ot tho school are most cordially invited. Our efficient president, Mis? Sallie Treecot, has the work at heart and all have caught the inspiration,, and every energy will be put forth to do great things for our school. ooooooooooooooo o o ' o o HAMMOND SCHOOL o 'Q -* o o o op o o o o o o o o ooo ' - Our Improvement Assocaton met Frldsy afternoon and a very Interest ing, instructive program waa carried out On' the famous character George ^T^??S'iitSiS." !?U??g8?npe' waa Ocre so good ?* .we. expected alter . the/ breaV? tho bad weather. We earn estly request all members to come to these meetings every fourth friday afternoon. \ We are going to have an old fash 'HS* tRfcky P*rty and boa: party com cease and bavo a good time. ?0000000000O OO O O O o DOUBLE SPRINGS o . . . We are glad to report that moat of the pupils have goodwell, and are .back in school again. All tho school giris and boys looking forward with pleasure to day Mce*ioise?v ?We almfrswlasn lng and all seam to cake an tate In lt. : There wBl he an entertainment af j Cleveland ?choOt hWf "gMflgy TalgkLa -March 6th, after which a number of bajes will be sold. The proceeds will 1 ?m^f.vfhr.beneflt ot the school. Ad meelon 10 cects. The public ts cor-) I diaUy Invited. 7 DOOOOOOO??OOOOOOO o HONEA PATH SCHOOL ?\\ ooooooooooooooooo ?? * '; Wo are glad to noto that io the honor roi! for the third month of school work, our school stood near the highest. In the following four schools that made thc highest averages the figures show the per cent of atten dance, together with the name of the schools and the name of thc euper in tendents. 98 4-5-Rock Hill, Miss Ollla Simp son. 93 1-6-WilUsmston. Geo. E. WCl born. 91 1-2-Belton. J. B. Wstkins. 91 1-4-Hones Path, B.C. Givens. . The plays that were given by,sev eral of the school pupils laat Monday evening In the auditorium of the acbool building proved a gratifying j success. Quite a nice sum ot money was realized for the aiding of the mar rs ot our lyceum course. Fol low lip ere the topics of the playa aa they were given: ?^Wanted a Wife"-A Tableau ?play. Shadow Pictures-"Dlddy, Humps and Tot." Reading-"Annie of Green Gabler." An Operatta-"The Belles of Fol de Roi." The rendering of the following pro gram of the literary society on Feb ruary- 26th. marked great improve ments from a literary standpoint over last year. Each one on duty deserved special praise .for carrying out his or her duty so well. Much limo waa taken up with discussion on the de bate which was; extremely interesting to the society. Program. Song-"Old Folks at Home"-By the society. Debate-Resolved. That South Car olina should have a compulsory ?du cation law. Affirmative-Marie Timms. James Monroe. Frank Wiles. Negative-Jessie Trench, Olin Tice, Carlisle Cannon. Jokes-Jeannette Clatworthy. M usic-Emma. Mon roe. Current Events-Leon Wilson. Essay-"The Responsibility of Na tions"-Luther Erwin. Music-Frances" McKensJe. Reading-Helen Shirley. Jokes-Charlie Cannon. The judgea of the debate decided in favor of the negative. , Most of us are looking forward with dread and horror to the second ??rm examinations that begla this week. For those whose records have been and will remain to be above' the aver age requirements for the final exami nations, thia will be their last set for. the year. * The boys and girls are both having , excellent times for practicing in their] athletics now, to fit themselves tor the contests this spring. oooooopoooo ee e ? ? @ o o o S. C. COLLEGE o 0 ol oooooooooooooqooo COLUMBIA, Feb. 26^-Rev. J. O. ' Reeves, D. D., formerly pastor of Ute First Presbyterian church of this city, but more recently or tho Presbyterian Theological Seminary, addressed the Y. MXC A. at tho University of South Carolina thia week on "The Modern Crusade." Dr. Reeves ls very popular with the university and the Flinn Hall auditorium waa well fill ed. The University's 1915 catalog has i? 'been complied and is now in the hands 01 the publishers. The catalog will be printed this year by the Universi ty press, the first timo the printing establishment has undertaken this task since lt waa Installed summer before last..The new catalog is very admirably gotten up. and much ot the credit for Its splendid arrange ment goes to Prof. Oscar L. Keith, whose -was the major burden of the compilation. The Care!?-* ouiatethas returned to the campus after a trip .over the State, dering which tour lt met the basket ball teams of Wofford and Kewfcer'y Colleges* Thp. Gamecocks havte Sat & few more contests before season -All! dos- and" ?Ive place to* base ball. Boanning vlth March 1. each class arlu have e. section ot the chapel au ditorium Nit aside as Its own particu lar reservation, members of the re spective classes occupying the heats In class sections as against the an cient practice of Beating the students Indiscriminately regardless of their academic standing. . President W. S. Currell continuel increasingly busy filling engage "%hW to lecture at various placea in the State. E. cry Week Onda bim responding t//requests to deliver ad dresses, and ho ha* been very busily engaged the _psst t*tf K. me B?ccm! tc" ix?.' j Ti ?n? zr? v, ? wwii, headed by E. S. C. F. Folger, president; C. W. Ward, vico prea ident; F. T. Bulee, secretary; P. L. McCall, treasurer. Clemson's football schedule for next season te about complete. September 25, Furman in Greenville: October 2, Davidson on the campus (?>; October 8, University of Tennessee, in Knox ville; October 16, Auburn in Anderson, 9. c.; October 2?. University ot Couth Carolina in Columbia at the State Fair; October 30. the Citadel in Charleston; November 6. Unvershy ol North Carolina, m Greenville or Oh*r1o!t-7 November >*> V; m. ?. in Richmond; November 2?. Thanksgiv ing, University of Georgia In Athens. October 2,.the date for tko David son game on the campus In to be a great day tere. It is tbe intention to dedicate the new athletic field, to bc known aa "Riggs Field" in houor ol Pre?ldeft*4lHMe. There will likely be many representatives of the old pla ors preseat *o take pert In tbaJ? eleen. Th> athletic committee peeling to have ? big crowd of and to make it a gal? day. .%'OTH'E Please taite not iee that >>. M. mun is not connected with this newi paper ta any capacity, nor has he ber for soniettme. '^^f^ffm^m. TllR ANDERSON' 1NTKIJ.IOENCER. ooooooooooooooooj IVA HIGH SCHOOL oj ? oooooooooooooooo Wc have a race trace now for tho girl? which 1B enjoyed by all that take a part Kev. S. J. Hood opened tho school exercises Monday morning, February 22nd. and it being George Washing ton's birthday he gave u very inter esting talk which was enjoyed by all. Two of MIBS Waytts pupils. Helen and Ellen Wiles sang a song ''George Washington," which was enjoyed by1 all. Mrs. C. D. Coleman visited our school Monday morning, February 22. Mr. Willie Wright and Alvin Har din were visitors here Monday from Clemson. Prof. C. O. Coleman has planted a few water-oaks on the school ground which will improve thc appearance of | the building. Thia ia one of the many improve ments which we have made during this session. In Thursday r^o.-nlng exercise an easay on "Value of Trees" was read by an eleventh grade student. Miss | Essie Cook. Also reading "The Boy Who Hated Trees." by Miss Neta Adams of tho tenth grade. Thoy were enjoyed by the school. The Timrod Literary jocloty . met ! Friday afternoon, February 26. The] program was: Debate: Resolved. That it is 1 itter for each pupil or this I school to pay flvo cents monthly as janitor fee than do the work them selves. Affirmative, Herbert Burton, Marie Cann, Bruce Adams; negative, Dewey Brock, Allene Hall. Obis Gatley*. assay 1st, Jack Gilliand; Naomi Cann, current events; decla mation. Essie Cook. We have made many improvements in our society during this session. Prof.. C. D." Coleman has offered a $6.60 medal to the one that makes tho most Improvements during thc year j In the Bociety. After the society Friday afternoon ? the high ach'ool pupils and a few of j the sixth and seventh grade pupila met and elected the following officers for the athletic association: Mr. T. A. Sherard, president; Mr. Bugehe Watt, vice president; Miss ESB?C Cook, sec retory; Miss Neta Adams, treasurer. We hope to have much success In j our association. Miss Pearson and Miss - Howell spent Saturday in Anderson. Miss Thompson spent tho week-end at Honea Path with her sister, MUs Leila Thompson. NAOMI CANN, Eight Grade. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ? o o ZION o 0 o aoooooooooooooooo This is the first time our school has .bean represented on the Behool page, and in order that you may not get the impression that we're Bleeping we are going to write. ? Our Behool is tn good condition. The average attendance IB good at pre ent. We have now ono hundred ol sixty-five pupils enrolled. Supt. J. B. Felton and Miss Car lington have not visited our school yet. but we are expecting them real soon. Hopo we will no\ bo disappoint ed. Cadet S. C. Gambrell and Hoy Mayoa of Clemson College esme home on Saturday the 20th, to spend the holiday, Feb. 22, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gambrell and Mrs Mamie Miyes. We wore very sorry to give up Mutt; Rosa Morrison our primary teacher, but uer resignation was necessary on account of ill health. Miss Annie Hammett, who is taking Miss Morrison's place as teacher of the primary gradea spent the week end with her parent1 al Greenville, 8. C., accompanied by little Mary Lois Bslkaed, one of her pupils. The school rendered an Interesting program on Monday afternoon, Wash ington's birthday. All the pupils are very busy stand ing their mi-S-term examinations. We aro trying for the best marks possl' ble. ? -?v .. & 1 Wo aro expecting a large crowd from behool s of adjoining districts to the field day practice Saturday, 27th. ooooooooooooooooo o ERSKINE COLLEGE o O' o o o o o o o ooooooooo oe At the recent contest held, Mr, C. |T. Stewart of Monitar, West Virginia, waa chosen to represent Erskine at the SUte Oratorical contest to be held In RocV lilli. H's subject was "The Flower of the cation." Mr. , lo. L. Daria of -Monticello, Ark. ^peaking On "Humanity's Maelstrom," was ser looted as alternate. " ,' . v The faculty of the Woman's College attended-the meeting of the Ea , phemian Literary Society on last FrI l?ay evening. The semi-annual celebration of the Calliopean Literary Society will be bold In the; Ere kin* aualtoriam en next Friday, March*. The Krskluian ls expected to be out in a few days. This edition is gotten feet by the Junior class. The Sopho mores expect to publish the April number. Constipation* on cor.tlve or trembled with con lon take Chamberlain*?- Tablet?. They are easy to take and most agree able tn effect. Obtainable everywhere. ooooooooooooooooo o BELTON GRADED SCHOOL o o o ooooooooooooooooo The first and second grados enter tained their mothers last Friday with tho following program: Tho Lord's Prayer-First and sec ond grades. Sunbeam Song-Nan Trammel and Marguerite Harris. Play-Patriotic Mother Gooso by aix bovs and six girls. Recitation-When My Fa Wus ?. )Boy-Rufus Shirley. Recitation-"Little Orphan Annie" - Elisabeth Adams. bong-Twinkle. Twinkle Little Star -Edna Cllnkscales and Ruth Parker. r-jcltntlon-Tho Boy-David Hay nie. Recitation-A Doll's Wedding-Lu cile. Parker. Recitation-A Little Hoys' Troubles -Rufus Acker. Song-George Washington-Class. Recitation-Discontented Buttercup -Nan Trammel. Recitation-Miss Edith H el PB. Things Along-Edna Cllnkscales. Recitation-Thc Peach-K'Uth Park er. Recitation-Tho Patter of the Shingles-Bill Wilson. Song-Mr. Duck Went to Call on Mr. Turkey-Six little girls.' . The following ls Washington's birthday program which was rendered by the sixth grado: I. 'Bong-By class. Bible Reading-Myrtlo Shirley. Sketch of Washington's Lite- Wal ter Geer. '?eeitetton-By eight girls, Ruth Geer, Irene Vaughn, Emma Cunning ham, Mao Griffin. Gladys Todd, Zella Austin, Eunice Mabaffcy, Tanto Hay nle, Alice Harris. Recitation-Malvina Hopper. recitation-Sybil Parker. Recitation-By four boys, Joel a ruber, Joe King, Harrold Harris, Willie Maddox. Recitation-Catherine. Tolllson. Jokes-U u t h-jC* or. - Recitation-Buna Kay. Recitation-'Myrtle Shirley. Recitation-Janie Haynle. F'dcItatlon-rLewis Austin. Debate-Resolved, That Washing ton was a greater man than Lincoln, Affirmative-Emma B. Cunningham, Calvin Martin. Negative-J. P WHiiams and Walter Geer. We were entertained in chapel la Tuesday week by the ninth grade ai last Tuesday by the wlghtu. Math Grade Program. Bible Reading-Blanche Pinson. Song-Lead Kindly Light-Class. Recitation-Frances White. Recitation-Kenneth Cox. Song-America or Me-By class. Dialogue-Charles Cox and George B.\'>wn-. Eighth Grade Procr??t One hundred end twenty-fourth Psalm-Macy Strickland. Loris Major, Guy Wilson and Clifford Earle. Bong-TO Washington-Class. Recitation-Sara Wright, Verina McDaniel, Kathleen Cummings. y Song-Odo to Washington-Class. \ Recitation-Ernest Campbell, William Gumbrell. vSong-Mt, Vernon Bella-?lass. Thc fourth grade carried out the I following Washington's program: Song-The Flag-Class.. Life of Washington-Annie Vaughn. T.octtation--Tho Flag-Helen Pruit. Recitation-Washington and lila Hatchet-Fred Greer. Recitation-Guess Who-Linda I Hopper. Traps-8evcn boys. Recitation-A Busy Day-Robert Parker. Recitation-A Place for Boys (Ralph Batierfleld. Dialogue. _ Incitation-The Railroad Crossing -Jim Bowen. Song-To Washington-By five girls and four boys. The honor roll tor the past month ls as follows: Tenth Grade. Georgia Pant, Eunice Warnock, Lucy Drake, Etta Watkins, Vivian 1 Cox, Annie Harris, Ferol Acker. Math Grade, Elsie Rags dale, Lonnie Campbell, ?Jennie Cox.. Wilton Earle, Kennetl Cox. Eighth Grade. Macy strickland. Sara Wright, Vivian Vaughn, William Gambrell. . Seventh Grade. Nancy Blake, Sara Harris, Margaret Cllnkscales, Jim Haynle. Sixth Grade. Irene Vaughn. Walter Greer. Sybil Parker. Jack West, Francis Adama. Willie Maddox, Euna Kay, Mae Grlf ! fin, Myrtle Shirley; Anna L. Campbell, Emma B. Cunningham, Calvin Ttiartta. J. P. Williamson. Fif?: Grade. Sara Culbreath, Mary Clement, j Momio Dick. Eunice Maddox, Irena 1 Harris, Anna M Thomas, Edward Biak?, Millard Harris, Clsrence Cox, fKay Griffin. Arlington Ragsdale, Bbb Trammel. Fourth Grade. Jim Bowen, Fred Green, Florld? Smith/ Robert Johnson, Anale Vaughn, Sara Cunningham, Martha Cox. Linda Hopper. Irons Martin, Hoyt Kay. Wal ter Hubert, Peal Willingham, Helen IPrnitt, Lucile Willingham. Secead Grade. Edna Cllnkscales. ?Ruth . Parker, Dorothy Cox, Carroll Brown. Rufus Acker. Ruth Cox, Joseph Berlin, Stella Mae, Baylors. Mabel Watkins. Elisa beth \ Adams, r Mary Haynle, Mary Major, Lucite Parker? Bertha M. Cul lum. Lots Todd. First sBd Pta* Advanced. ?Jiura M< Armstrong, Trume7 Brooks, ll ora oe Brooks. Charlie Brooks, Edna, Burns, Eugene Cut ooooooooooooo KENNEDY STREET) SCHOOL oooooooooooooo Kennedy school'*s a vory school, lt is n two story brick ?ig ?ritb fourteen large rooi have new desks and large and a playground. At rec girls play jump tbc rope, bali, whip and many other games, the boys play marbles and h. We have fine time?. Miss Jean Harris tn teach! seventh grade girls sewing and work. I Mr Chambers is teaching wood work. Washington's birthday was ed by several grades with non speeches Thc seventh grade very Interesting program. Saturday afternoon thc t from the achoola wore invited reception. Washington's and pictures were decorated with, and ferns, which very The girls have a camp fire cl go for long walks in the w havo a fine tl nie. Miss Major leader. Mrs. Chambers taught' to make "spoon biscuits." They very good, but mine did not V to be very good. Miss Major read us a sketch the now International Di which we thought was very ls an illustration of the new, if pronouncing Words. The wo: spelled like the sound with the One ot tho teachers went . now And-- -son Theatre tho ott ternoon to Bee "The Sign of thu C as 8ho took her seat, someone her ask the question, "ls that Ne Caesar?" Last Friday Col. Lev/la Cam gave ua some real interesting- >| peniegs of bis personal oxperli during tho "War Between thc S We enjoyed having Col. ' Cam very much and bope ha wilt back t" see us again. SARA FRANCES STEPHE I - .We have a nice new Behool last year. Mr. Chambers Is teaching seventh grade boys manual .The first thing that they made' bench hook to keep the new from getting scratched up. Tl thing was a flower stick, then a : stand, a coat hanger, a bread;: and now they are making,a chair. This will be on disbt some of Ute stores up town. Misa Jean Harris ls teach) girls to, sew. They are making" of pretty things. Our teacher is Miss Eliza Maje take In school every morning o'clock and ha>b one recess at peat ten and another al twenty bte* after twelve. eur pr marbles. In a few wooka we will get . ball team and pick out the beat to play. We hope to win some from other boys in town. Mr. Chambers teacheH the drill almost every day. The teachers bad a party and they ali had a fine time. Tho glrlB cleaned the school d it was nico and clean. We think that we have tho nt school in town. HANK K breath, Frances Drake, Harold Samuel Feat, Sara Graves. Griffin, David liaynie, Hobble Marguerltto Harris. Nancy 1 Helen Hanks, Leonard Horton, McCuen, Mortimer Pooro, C. Smith, Nan Trammel I, Eugene son, Ruby Tollison, Sam Va Mary Acker, Carrie Acker, Mabel Gladys Johnson, Frank Joh' Rufus Shirley. O O O O OO o o o o o oo o o o BISHOP'S BRANC o o o o o ot? ooooooooo The Behool improvement associai met Thursday afternoon. Thc nu dence was unusually good, lowing program given by mc; tho association was greatly enjoy Music-(Misa Loila Wilson. A "The New South and th Problem"-Clifton Owen. . Debate, Received, Tbat wot should be allowed to vote-Open \ cusslon. Jokes-Rev. R. W. Xelsbu. Dialogue-r" '?ind the Sofa. Music-Mia- lucila Wilson. Reading-M.8S Alice-Belle i Deports from the commut?e Improvement j. that might bc m adi the retool grounds omi the iiu? . ot Uta building were heard. It decided to have "clean-up day March 20. Plana were made for ting out flowers On the Behool grr* A number of men spent ist Maj; morning Inproving our sc groands. We were not fortunate enougl get holiday on Washington's birth but honored his memory with op prhvte exercises on Friday, then teentb. .Bessie and Alice Whitten, who attending school In Greenville, s the woek-end with their father. A. li. Whitten. Our base ball team was dit'uppi sd te not getting a game with Etmoylo last Friday. Thc M team bad Another game planned that time. We bon? to iw.> the v at some later'date. Mies Lucy Haddon xpr>nl the v. end at I Ki nu ld ?. /