The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, February 18, 1915, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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AMENDED BILL INSURGENT DEMOCRATS RE FUSE TO SUPPORT HOUSE SHIPPING MEASURE FAILS TO GAIN *<? GROUND IN SENATE Republicans Willing to Quit Fili buster if Appropriation Bills Ar? Taken Up (By AMOCUUM) Frat?.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-The amended government ship bill, ru nh ed through the house early today, failed to gain any ground when lt roached the senate and administration leaders tonight were uncertain as to Its fate. Bary In the day lt was discovered that the amended bill had fulled to ?mt - Iflfy recalcitrant Democrats or pro gressive Republicans. Without sup port of either ot tbese facUons Uie bill could not be passed. Democratic leaders realised nothing could be done unlesB the measure could bc chang ed In conference, but efforts to send it to conference failed. Another attempt will be made tomorrow, lt was said. Tonight lt was reported that a pend ing motion to take up the bill tomor row might prevail, but Republican leaders, lt was declared, would Insist upon an understanding that other leg islation should be considered beforo they would cease opposition. Chief Interest centered today in the special senate committee's Inquiry In to charges of outside Influences on the ship purchase measure. Bernard N. Baker, a Baltimore steamship mana ger, told the committee ho had In formed Secretary McAdoo that 60 per cent, of foreign ships tied up in United States' ports as a result of the war were available for purchase because unsuited for commercial purposes. Mr. Baker also stated W. J. Sickel, a Hamburg-American Line official, had told him ho received! orders from the German government not to sell -any German vessels to the United States. The committee summoned Mr. SickeU who willi1 appear tomorrow. Wallace Downey, a New York ship builder, also waa summoned. , Aa to the ship purchase bill Itself, Republican. leaders, InslsUng it is dead, express willingness to quit the.'r filibuster lt the senate will take up .t?^Be??*h-? bMhi. A-isinistraiios Democrats were aald^to he willing,to SUCCESS 1-1 Comes to Him Who opens a Barings account and addi to- lt regularly. He la ta a position to tame advantage ul cpi portnniUes whew pre. atate?. The Bank of Anderson Ike Strongest Baak ta the Canty. COULD SCAI WA Ata! Ft Taree flinn Mrs. Vb. eta* Was Ua&Me to Attecd to Any of Ber Hoamrork. Pleasent HO, N. C.-"! ?u?tred for fers* Manners," write? Mrs. Walter Vtaceat, or thia town, "and the third and test tfano, ?to arr worst. 1 had circadfu! nervous headaches tad prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any ot my houseworks 1 also bad dreadful pata? Ia my back ted akita and when on? of those weak, staking spelts wooM esta* oa me, 1 ?tadd hara ta gfr* np and Qt dows, to&tt ft woro on*. 1 waa certainty bs ? dresdiu! state of ba?h, ?bea 1 Heany decided to try Qtf?st tt# woman's tonic, tad 1 firmly ilo (lils ir the shipping bill fiig^iWI be Bent H) conference, Xeg^^Vms for ?in understanding were ul*Hsw:>> tonight and may culmin?t.' vSa'tlic senate meets tomorrow. ^| Senators Norris, Kenyon and I^arol lette, progressive Hepubllcuns, who favored the senate hill, would not sup port tho .Veeks-Oore measure cs lt passed tue house becauB? they beliv ed It to be too temporary in character. Insurgent Democrats ? opposed the measure because they thought its character too permanent. Senator Harwick sought to amend the motion to send the bill to 'conference with the instruction that it be mada, termi nable two yeurs after the war. This was defeated with progressive Repub lican votes. Despite the uncertainty of the sit uation, senate and house leuders felt confident there will be no extra ses sion of congress and that the ship purchano bill, if not sent \o confer ence, would be displaced in tho s?n ats by appropriation bills. The re port persists that as many of the sup ply measures that as can be passed before March 4 will bo disposed of and that joint resolutions continuing existing appropriations for other de partments will be adopted wherever necessary. , Administration leaders held a long conference late in the day and con sidered several proposals to the Re publicans for ending the filibuster by sending the bill to conference. No agreement was reached, however, and the Democratic leaders Bought to hold tho senato in seuslon for the night, thinking this might bring about some compromise. They wero unable to get progressive Republicans to stand with them and a motiaon to adjourn car ried. FIFTY THOUSAND MADE PRISONERS Mauy Cannon and Machine Guns Captured by Germans in East Prussia fBy AwoeUtMt Fraa.l BERLIN. Via London, Feb. 17. Pitty thousand prisoners and many cannon and machine guns were cap tured by the Germans when the Rus sian tenth army waa* defeated in Masurian Lake district, East Prussia, according to a general headquarters today. Its text follows: In a nine days battle In the Masur ian Lako district, tho Russian tenth army, consisting of at least ll infan try and several cavalry divisions not only was driven out of strongly en trenched positions east ct the Masur ian Lakes plateau, but WM forced back , across the frontier. Utterly defeated at almost every point, only the reniants of the army managed to reach the woods east of Suwalkl and Augustowo, where they ure being pursued. Tho number of prisoners taken has not been ascer- i tatned, but certainly? exceeded 50.000. More than 50 canno and 60 machine guns besides an unknown quantity of ? war material were captured. Emperor William was present dur- ( lng the decisive fighting in the cen- ; t3T of ou? liso. The victory waa won ? by ventaran East Prussian troops as sisted by other troops who were young for such work, but proved .their worth. The achievements of these troops under fearful weather conditions, marching by day and night and fight ing against such a stubborn enemy, ire beyond all praise. - Field Marshal von ?Hindenburg di rected the operations with masterly skill and he waa brilliantly assisted .y General von Elchhorn von Bulow. Begla Hearing on Ownership. SAVANNAH, Qa., Feb. 17.-Inter state Commerce Commissioner B. H. Meyer today began hearing testimony >n the petition of the Central of Geor gia Railway and the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to continue ownership >f the Ocean Steamship Company and he Peninsula and Occidental Steam ship Company, respectively. Under the provisions of the Panama Canal ict unless the interstate commerce commission'sanctions auch ownership, the railroads must dispose ot the ilvamship lines. Dollar Day TODAY in \nder*on. Be here! RC?LY LK ABOUT euere I would have died ll 1 hadn't ikentt. Alter I besan taking Cardui. 1 waa really helped, and ail three bottles re ieved me entirely. i ?a?cHcd up, and grew so much traeger ia three months, I felt like aa? ther person altogether." Cardui ia purely vegetable and gentle cttog. Ita ingredients have a mild, tonic licet, oo the, womanly constitution. Cardal makes for Increased strength, inproves fha appetite, tones up the nets ?us system, sad helps io make pale, allow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a mink? seak women, during thc past SO years* t will surely do for you, what lt has lone for them. Try Cardui today. WWI* te Chatumca Mtgdt* Co* U4f?* Af rtforyDo*-. Ch?(Unoe??. T*??.. ter t?tstcinl lrv ie MWMI o? yoof CSM SSS S4-B<SS BVMfc, lt>jsM fwawwn tm w****." tm ta tJmtm saatsw. *? * ELECTRIC CIT * _ * Items off Interest ?nd Person. * Wireless on the Si ************* *: Night School Han Larg?. AI tendance. The Glenn street night school has opened up with u larjse attendance, the enrollment on thc opening night being something like 76, lt is expect ed that the number uf attendants will roach 125 before the school hus been In session many days longer. The classes arc in charge of MrB. Lottie EstoB. principal of tbs Glenn street school, who has some three or four assistants. The night school is con ducted for the benefit of employees of the cotton mills who work during the duy und do not have un opportun ity jf attending the duy school. -o JUN. N. Pearroun Was Stricke 1 ut Office. Clerk of Court James N. Pearman became quite 111 at his oflice in the court house at 11:45 o'clock yesterday morning, ile lias been suffering for some days with a rather severe case of tonsilitis, aud Tuesday he com plained of pains about his uppendix. he having suffered previously several attucks of appendices. Yesterday morning, tho'ugh feeling very badly, he returned pa bia desk, hut was un able to discharge his usual duties. He was sitting by the fire when he was seized with a fainting attack. Assis tant? in the office hastily summoned medical assistance, and in a few min utes ho had been revived. Mr. Pear man was later removed to his home, and from last reports he was resting well. tiwi Drug Stur,. Being Improved. The Owl Drug Co.. A. Glenn Evaim manager, is having its quarters, at the corner of North Main and Earle streets. Improved by painting the in terior of the building. The painting 1B being done by thc C. M. Guest Paint company. When completed, tho store will be ohc of thc most attractive in thc city. A number of business bouses about the city are being improved just now by means of the painter's brush, and, to say the least, they are attrac tive In their new spring dresses. No Session Of Recorder's Court, For the first time In several days, there was no session of the recorder's court yesterday. Monday the docket showed quite a lengthy string of cases. Tuesday there were but two cases, but they were of such nature that they netted' the city substantial fines. . Indications up to a late hour last night were there would be a dearth of cases again today in re corder's court. o W. D. Sf?Lesa Leases McConnell Bangalow. Mr. W. D. McLean, ot the Realty Trust company, has leased tho hand some bungalow of Mr. George Mc Connell, on West Franklin street, and be and Mrs. McLean will take posses sion of lt March 1. Mr. and Mrs. C. Frank Reed, who have boen oc cupying the- bungalow, will take a souse on Sast Orr street Touring Car vr?s Damaged Ly Fire. The 7-passengor touring car ct Mr. lohn Tate waa badly damaged by fire In the yard of bis home on West TThlt ner street yesterday afternoon about t o'clock. Mr. Tate had rolled the sar out of the garage and waa In the ict of craklng lt when lt "hack fired." \lmost instantly the car was wrapped In li?mes, from the front seat hack. \t first Mr. Tate attempted -to ex tinguish the fire with a garden hose, mt, seeing that this waa of little ser rice telephoned for the automobile ire hose wagon, which responded to tho scene and quickly checked the lames. The car waa valued at about 12,000. and was Insured with the Citi zens Insurance agency, nias Oarllogtea's ' Program This Week. Miss Maggie M. Carlington, super visor of rural schools tor this county,' visited the school at the Honea Path nill yesterday. Today she will visit ho school at. Pendleton, and from hero will go into the country, visit ng the Fairview school on Friday. hi Saturday ahe will be in her office id joining the quarters o? the county superintendent of education, In the ,'ounty court house. o- ' ? ! Heh way Commission WAI Meet Today. The Anderson County highway ?ommlsslon will meet this mroning at ll o'clock In the office of Chairman I. S. Fowler. The other members ot he commission are: P. R. Barle, le n ry Ccly, J. M. Broyles, C. E. Har rcr and J. Mack King. Aa generally mown, thia ls the commission which a to have charge oT the proposed bond sane of $7f>0,000 for improving the ilghways ot Andorra County, iae flection cn the bond issue wHI he told on March 30.' , ditton Ramslas At Eight Cents. There was no change yesterday In he price of coll oh on the local m?r tet; the staple remaining at 8 cents. There were few balea offered for sale m the streets and buyers were not usbed at any time during the day. Those who have the staple seem to be inwitUog to turn lt loose at present >rtcee. -o- / ira. Amanda Ailee Ia Very UL Mrs. Amanda Allen, one of the old; tat residents ot the commun Ii/, Is lotte Ul at the r?sidence of Mr. Ban Mien, some two miles below tho city, dre. Allen is tue oldest sister sf Capt. t*. K. McCully, Sr.. of this. city, aa veil as nts only living sister, fine isa numerous .relatives la the eily sad county, who are very anxious iver her condition. Mrs. Allen is over 10 years of age. V* ^ *1F V & V ^r* V IF ^ v ^ I V SPARKLETS * _, * ? Mention Caught Over tim * ?reeta of Anderson * Anderson To Be Adertised. Editor Leake Caraway of the South ern Public Utilities company maga zine, published In karlotte, was a visi tor In the city yesterday. Mr. Carra way was here for tbs purpose of mak ing arrangements for publishing a page of data concerning the city of Anderson in the March issue of the magazine. The copy is to be prepared by the chamber of commerce sec retary, Porter A. Whaley, and will be free so far as costing anyone here anytlting. Fine Weather Is Enjoyable. Yesterday's splendid weather was responsible for more good feeling on 'Ahe part of humanity in general than .anything that hm come io pass in many moons, fl cloudless sky and gust enough cofliess in the atmos phere to make thc day crisp and dry did much towo-'.^ banishing the blues that were brought on by the Inclement weather of the day before and Mon day. Some ventured the belief that Jupiter 'PluviuB was thoughtful enough to give Anderson a good duck ing and stir up the mud again on the day the petitions for the calling of an election on the bond issue for pav ing were in circulation. More Names Being Added to Petition. Though a sufficient number of sig natures of freeholders were placed on the petitions calling for a bond elec tion for pavinsTu insure its being or dered by clty~<ouncIl, committeemen continued yesterday to add to their lists of names. While this ls not nec essary, lt ia desired to give every property owner in tho city an oppor tunity of signing the petition and to make lt as strong as possible when it is presented to city council. Dr. narper Goes For An Operation. Dr. W. O. Harper, son of Mr. Geo. M. Harper of this city, who makes hts homo at Abbeville, has gone to Phil adelphia, where he will enter a hospi tal for an operation for gall stones. Ho wah accompanied by Mrs. Har per. Dr. Harper has been quite Ul for several weeks, and recently was] In tho locaLAho8pital tor treatment He has numefous friends in Anderson who wish for him a speedy return to good health. -o Small Wreck On Blue Bridge. The derailment of a car box on the early morning freight coming from Belton to Anderson yesterday, scon after if left the former place, did alight damage to the track. Three rails were torn loose from the fast enings and turned over, blocking-the lino for about 30 minutes. The cause bf the accident could not bc ascertain ed. George XeGejtata , Will Leave Soon. Mr. George McConnell .of the pitch ing staff nt the Chicago Cubs, bas been instructed to Join hts team for spring practice at Tampa, Fla., on or about March 1. Mr. McConnell ex pect to leave Anderson about Feb ruary 27. ""0 '? Put Strychnine Tablets ta Sugar. . . Mr. John Harris Burns and Magia trate Sttton of Pendleton came to Anderson Tuesday to confer with Pro bate Judge Nicholson relative to hav ing a negro boy committeed to the State reformatory hecstase he had ad mitted attempting to poison Mr. and Mrs. Burns by placing strychnine tab leta in the sugar dish which they use on their table. While in the act of putting sugar in his coffee Mr. Burns discovered the tablets. Mrs. Burns, who had been a trained nurse, had the tableta among other medicine which she kept in the house. Inves tigating the matter, the negro boy ad mitted .readily that he had put the tableta In the auger with the intention of poisoning Mr. and Mrs. Burns. ' It ia thought that the servant commit ted this destardly act in a spirit ot revenge. Mr. Burns having thrashed him some days ago for stealing. As the probate judge-is without power to commit anyone to the reformatory, the .gentlemen, conferred with Judgo Prince, who advised them to flog the boy and return him to hia mother It ia understood that Judge Prince's advice will be foleo wed. Cant. Ranter Is Reelected. Friends of Capt R. J. Ramer will be pleased to learn that he has been reelected president of the State Bot tlers aBSO?$?|ion, which met in Co lumbia this ?reek in annual session. -o~ SI sterlet Mr.. Means Is Dec?. Friends of Mr. A. G. Means, still sympathise with him lu bia bereave ment over the death of his youngest aister, Mrs. Bessie HelnUsh, wife of Dr. Marry Heintieh, of Spartanburg, which occurred at 7 o'clock Tuesday night. She became Ul during Tuesday forenoon and Mr. Means received a message that her condition was re garded as serious. He left Anderson on the 4:45 o'clock interurban car and arrived at Spartanburg at 7:4P o'clock. 40 minutes after Mrs. Hain' tish's death. She is survived by her husband and two sons, George and Harry, Jr. She bad often visited in Andereon. sud was greatly admired by a wide circle ot friends here. Dr. Campbell Is Enlarging Bt?tae**t It was announced yesterday that Dr. M. ft Campbell, optlmetrist. had purchased the planta and business Dr. w, a. Barbare and the w Standard Remedy For Many Homes Indigestion and constipation are two conditions closely related and tile cause ot much physical suffer ing. s The tendency to indulge one's appetite is general, so that most people Buffer at some time or another from rebellion of the overtaxed organs of digestion and eliminaton. A simple, pleasantly effective remedy that will quickly relic 'e the congestion of poisonous waste and restore regularity, is the combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, sold In drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Tnis is a mild, pleasant laxativo-tonic and digestant, absolutely free from opiates or narcotic drugs and has been the standard household re medy in countless homes for many years. A free trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 452 Washington St., Monticello, Ills._ Optical company, at Greenwood, and will establish an up-to-date optical parlor, which will be in charge of Dr. Joel P. Burnett of Greenwood. School Improvement Association. The school improvement associa tion of White Plains school is to give an entertainment of music, dialogues, etc., February 19, Friday night-. The public is cordially invited. Admission feo for children 15c, adults 20c. o CARD OF THANKS o We desire through your eclnmns to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and- neighbor? for the assistance and many kindnesses rhown us during the recent illness and death of our dear mother, and beautiful flora I offerings. MFA and MRS. C. L. QUEEN, In behalf of all her children. SICK CHILDREN LOVE CASCARpTS FOR THE BOWELS Give ''Candy Cathartic" for a bad cold, sour stomach, constipation. Get a 10-ccnt box now. Most of the ills of childhood are caused by a sour, disordered stomach, sluggish liver and. constipated bowels. They catch cold easily, become cross, listless, irritable, feverish, restless, tongue coated, don't eat or sleep well and need a gentle cleansing of the bowels-but don't try to force a naus eating dose of oil into the little one's alrendy "Sick stomach- -ft is cruel, needless and old-fashioned. Any child will gladly take Cascarete Candy Cathartic which net gently never gripe o!r produce tho slightest uneasiness-though cleanse tho little one's system, sweeten the stomach md put tho liver and bowels in a pure, healthy condition. ' Full directions for children * and grown-ups in each package. Mothers can fest easy after giving this gentle, thorough laxative which :osts only iO cents a box at any drug store. Constipation. ?Vhen costive or .troubled with con stipation take Chamberlain's Tablets, moy.are easy to take and most agree able in effect. Obtalnablo everywhere. THE INTELLIGENCER TO 8E HOST TONIGHT TO ALL THOSE WHO CARE TO VIEW A MODERN DAILY'S PLANT 13 INSTRUCTIVE Building Will be Open at And After 9 O'Clock-AH Are ~ Welcome This evening after 9 o'clock The In tellgencer will bo "at home" to the general public, and each and every one is cordially invited to visit this paper's new home and make an in spection of the plant and learn some thing of ihe manner In which a dally newspaper is produced. The Joint reception of the directors of the Anderson Development Com pany and the Bleich Amusement Com pany, owners and lessees, respective ly, of "The Anderson" theatre will be held this evening also, and those visit ing tho new playhouse will find it convenient to call on Tho Intelligen cer after the exercises at the theatre have been concluded. Visitors to ?lie home of Anderson's morning paper will find much that will Interest and instruct them. Some cno will ho or hand to show the guests through the plant and explain to thom the workings of the various depart ments. Those visiting the building this evening will have an opportunity of observing the press in operation, a sight which they could not behold at any other time, unless they were here at the usual press hour, which is along about time the cocks begin to crow for day. Among the things of interest which visitors will observe is the manner in which The Intelligencer receives Its Associated Press news. 1 Being the only paper in the county that receives the full leased wire service . of this greatest of all news gathering organi zations, this feature will be distinc tive. Visitors will also see the won derful type setting machine, without which n modern daily newspaper would be all but an impossibility. They will be shown how the type is assembled, after It is Bet by these ma chined, and prepared for placing on the press. They will see the press which takes the raw paper from a hugo roll several feet long and weigh ing over a half ton, prints the news paper, folds lt, cuts it off from the web, counts it and delivers it to thc carriers ready for J*amadtat? distribu tion. Th? Intelligencer office will be open to the public at and after 9 o'clock,' and every one will be cordially wel comed. FARM INCOMES MUST BE LISTED Also Crop Share Rentals Are In cluded in Tax Retorna of Inf come for Year Sold "WASHINGTON, Fob. 16.-Income from farm products ar. 1 crop share rentals must be Included in tax re turns of income for the year in which they are sold for money' or a money equivalent, according to a decision made public today by Commissions of Internal Revenue Osborn. W.'j*n farm products are held for favorable products. the decision says, no deduction on account of shrinkage in weight or physical value or losses by detleration will be allow ed. Cost of rtock purchased for re sale is an . allowable deduction, but that of stock for ' breeding purposes is regarded. as capital luvested and not ah an allowable deduction, ex cept when such stock dies ot dlseaso or is destroyed without preparation by order ef State or federal authorities. Cost of tools may bo deducted, but not that of farm machinery. "'A reasonable allowance for de preciation," will be allowed on farm buildings, other than tho owners dwellicg, on farm machinery and oth er physical property. A person cultivating or operating i a,farm for recreation or .pleasure dn_J n basis other than the recognized j principle* of commercial farming, th? result of which Is a continual'loss from year to year," the decision adds, "ls not regarded as a farmer. In such cases, if the expense occurred in con nection with the tarni are in exeesa of the receipts.therefrom, the entlro receipts from sale or products may be ignored la rendering a return of in come; and the expensen incurred be ing regarded an personal expenses aili nut tr?iai?iut? allocable ded seders, is tho return of ia co ina derived from other sources." Be a Prince today, and tomorrow night take your wife to see "A Prince of Tonight." Good seat* $2.50 each. ? ? Kiss Your Coal Stove Goodbye ! The gas stove has the coal stove beaten a mil lion ways. tlo wood to chop, no coal to car ry, no ashes to take up, carry out, and sift, leaving a trail of dirt and dust from the stove all the way out to the ash pjt. No fire to coax arid cod dle. No excess heat. No* waste. Gas is a guarantee of the right kind of a lire instantly for any purpose whatever; and it's more economical, too. Anderson Gas . Co. ROU-AR O^V JUD^ for one day (Dollar Day) Watches left with us will be cleaned as thoroughly as it you bad paid the regular price of 1.50 at.t . .$140 Choice of any of the following listed articles Dollar Day Tie Clasps Stick Pins Bar Pins Alarm Clocks Ingersoll Clocks Cut . G las H Tumblers Cuff Button!) * Baby Ringa Baby Lockets at ? oo -LOVE ANDA , FELLOW-FEELING j I am ?the man , to Hz'yod?"teeth so you nan eat the pie that ? pst; In the Piedmont Belt. ? make plates at $6.50 I maka gold crowns at$4.00 Silver rulings, 50c and ip. Gold rulings $1.00 and up Painless Extracting 40?. I malte a* specialty of treating Pyorrhea, Alveblaria of the gums and all crown an-I brldgo work and regulating mal form ?Jd teeth. AU work guaranteed first-class. S. G. ?: B R U C E DENTIST . ' 1- ! Somethiug For Nothing it/'tl v. , Youngs Island, a C., NOT, S3. Ult, To gat started with you wa as?** rou the following offer. Bend cs %lXf tor 1,000 Frost Proof Cabbage Plants* rrown In the open air and will stan? freeling, grown from the Celebrate* Seed of Bolglna & Bon and ThorbcjB k Ca, and I wUl send you 1,000 C?b lage Plants additional FREE, nnd yow san repeat the order aa many times is you Ilka. I will give you special Drices on Potato Seed and Potats) Plants later. We want tba accounts ?f close buyers, large and small. We taa supply alt Atlantic Coas* Planteo. Dt>!!^ Dajr- TODAY in \nderson. Be here!