to f arm E The Morgan PatcQt SpadiQg farrow The frames' of all these harrows are made of the wrought iron and steel, and are arched so th it they will a$i over^uneven ground and any ordinary obstructions. The blades are S-shaped, each being made norn one piece of spring steel. They cut into and lift the soil to a of four to six inches, turning and pulverizing the grounc cisely, like the hand spade. For deep and fine cultivation no other harrow equals i plowed corn stubble or hard packed soils are made loos friable to a depth of five to six inches, and if used on Ugh mellow ground, as shallow work can be done as desin taking off the weight of the driver and setting the gang; slight angle. 19. S.B GENUINE OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Acknowledged the world's standard Plow for Quality, ness of draught, excellence of finish and ease of operat Wc carry these Plows in all sizes; also a full stock of nine tjiiver. Repairs. The Cole Double Foot Guano^ ^Distributor, No. 22 No. '?2 Ss a strong, handy, labsr-oavlng Distributor. It has a poslUvc, chain-drive Force Feed that can be reg ulated to sow from 100 to 1.S00 pounds to tho ucre, ac cording to the kind and condition ot the guano. The Double Foot sows the guano and throws two good furrows upon it, thus saving enough labor, to pay for Itself tn a very few days. The No. 22 is safe, convenient, and practical. You . n leave it standing without danger ot Its falling .over. ;a w5ll like this flue machine and you will say the pnce is low compared, with many other machines. GRAIN DRILLS, THRESHING M RAKES, TOWERS AND TANKS, CR] PLOW STEELS, HAMES, TRACE Cl Sullivan H j "Carolina's Greate ic? ?Tte a rf^/^rxrx maim ii an uwu jivurJ to The ttl trill genet?. ol did of Mr. and Mrs. R s that was so seriously Ml yesterday die? last night about sod was buried this after the cemetery at this place. was. conducted by Rev. ' i?ll of Clemson and rector iscopal church of this place, reave parents received the i of sympathy in their sore sent from many friends who ting thc 1JVJILSI<& JfV/Wl xoQomically $\ Gasoline Engines Gasoline Engines are so low in price, cost so little to operate andean be used for so many purposes that every farmer should, have one. Our line is complete and our prices pleasing. PUMPS Our stock comprises all the lead ing styles. We can furnish just what you want. m\ STEAM ENGINES We have for a number of years had the agency for Peerless Engines. This is the best line of Porta ble Engines manufactured. 4CHINES, SAW MILLS, HARROWS. EAR! SEPARATORS, PLOW STOCKS HAINS, ETC. atrdware Co. ?st Hardware Store" uauvsxa^ a rr su ?-araVE ST BELTON, S. C. B were In Ichland ls week with iMiB h?:rc, hos been this section 'legation to nu.y mast. ;t week. He delegation eely attend lot f?prlng, .k. ' a business k visitor to r lotte, wife relatives in ! Ma). B. F, lay. ? ;PIK8 J e LAO ct?; o o ooooooocoocc C c Q O ? IVA NOTES o ooooooooo o o o o o o o A delightful dinner party was given on Last Friday hy Rev. "and Mrs. S. J. Hood to the members ot th? Y. P. C. M. of the A. FA P. church. Their guests included a few neighbors and special friends and were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wharton, Mrs. W. F. Mc Ghee. Mrs. L. H. Hall, Miss Sadie Mc Donald. MIRS Efesle Cook, Miss Hertha McAllBter. Miss tleorgla Belle Basktn and Misses Evie, Lissie. Alkanya and Clara Townsend. litases Birdie Verina and Ely I ra Jackson OT Storevllle spout the week end with their sister, Mrs. D. A. Har riss. Mr. Clem M?Qhse ot Anderson sr>ont Saturday sud Sunday here afth relatives. t --am Air. Clsude Masters Creek section was ii hours Sunday. Mrs. James F. Sim dren, who have been n while left Saturda; home In McCormick. ' Mr, James Dusentx Spent a few honra la J business. Mr. Fielder Jacks? spent a short while 1 with relative?. Mr. Henry P. Bog the Boys' Training ? Springs was a visito night. Mlas Annie Halfaci the guest Sunday nig Jackson. Mr. ?nd Mrs. J. C lng relativas in Starr art. John Reid of J town for a short v with relativ??. A delightfully plea? At one trip tho Cole Plautcr smooths the bed, opens s furro mix?-:, ruano with tho soil, covers it, opens ?gain, plants the se and covers them in tho most accurate manner. The guano bel mixed with the soil directly under the seed, feeds the plants aa so as thc seed sprout. You get a quick start, get two chances at a c crop. Tlie Cole Planter plants the seed in a straight line at the eai depth. The depth is easily regulated. Cotton comes up in a strait Une-without hunches. It can be chopped to a stand cheaper, ct of cultivation is less. , Tho seed fall in plain sight. The wind can't blow them away-no are wasted at the end of the rows. Doesn't skip or bunch the set -as far "ahead of the old style planters-aa the old atyle way ahead of hand plantinga Works perfectly on any kind of land, whe other planters arc unsatisfactory. Kingman Stalk Cutters More Good Features Than Any Other. Pressure spring in front of axlo prevente neck weight on horses. Spring on bitch takes jerk off Loo team. .Spr-ig between polo and frame relieves Jar on the driver. No axle through center ot. reel to wind -trash. . Double edge knives give twice the service ot sin gle edge. s Axle pins are not part c" knife head and can he replaced, when worn, at slight cost. Wheels have'staggered spokes and hubs have hard oil caps. Strong?, Well Made, Handsome in Appearance 1 kel thc arc 1 pot .' -^?f ?srv ' '?ti .il? ?.. ..-?.?* ? r McCormick Vertical Lift \J Mower i y Thrown Out of Gear Automatically When the Cottar Bar is Raised. A Great Advan tage on Rongji or Stumpy Ground The McCormick vertical lift mower has been 4s .dgned for cutting on rough and stumpy ground? vVero a regular lift mower could not be used te good advantage. The McCormick vertical lift mower will cut grass sucessfully In any place where the machine can ba drawn by horses, and lt will do good work under conditions where an ordinary machine Could not be used. ANDERSON, S. C. sullivan tia "The Hom? of G of tho Mountain i town . a few pson snd v ?buV v isl Ung here for t, for their new ?rv of Anderson town Monday an n of Storovlile icro hut week gs. principal et k&pol ot Glenn r bere Saturday re of Starr was ht of Miss Lola ? are visit week. tile waa in this weoU and very on Joyaolo spend the day party waa given yesterday by Mrs. J. D. Wilson at her hcwio'on East Pront.streot. Those In v"?? ai w?ro: Rev. and Mrs. Clotfelter tuid Mr?.. Gordon Speer of Lowndes vllle; RoV. and Mrs. J. It McRee. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Reid, Miss E. T. Jack son and Mles Winnie Feld. :.'riM< "Ban Allen of Anderson was among the business tflsltora here to day. Rev. H. W. Stone ?f Anderson spent Sunday bight in town and Mon day morning conducted the opening exercises of the Iva b|gh school. Mrf R. S, Yeargin .entertained a number of her friends with a speu44 tho day party on last Friday, the oc casion being thcuiath birthday of her old son, cecil. Mr. Alfred Moore, president of tb* Jackson nillla, waa hare yesterday for a fow (f ours on bnalner^i. Mrs. Clhtoa D. Coleman ' lett yes terday for Lebanon where she goer} to bvpretint at the Smith-Breaksea wedding. MTS THAT EVERY FARWER HEEDS The Plain-View Seed Planter If anything human can be called' porfect, hore at las: la the perfect seed dropper. You can see what you are doing ovory minute with the Plain-View Planter. Every'seed passes up In plain sight and drops into the spout right before your eyes. The selection of.each seed ls done by Nature's great law of gravitation. The slanting piste forcea the surplus seed to "ff fall away by their own weight Only the seed in the little cups are carried into the spout ne There ls no brush or artificial cut off of any kind. Illara fa nt nothing anywhere that can bruise or injure the seed. Wita ' t sound aced you can be sure of an almost perfect stand. Tho direct shsft. drive insures smooth running. The me chanical construction is strong and simple. The working ne parts are well protected. It is essy to change seed plates or kl distance geera No tools needed-Just a moment with the ja fingers only. To SEE the Plain-View Planter is to BELIEVE everything good of it To USE it is to KNOW that t ia unequalled in the variety and perfection of its work and in ease of adjustment and operation. Guard Rail Spike Tooth Lever Harrows V.'ndo with 1-2 inch and 5-8 8inch Teeth, in 25 Tooth and 30 Tooth rUons. - v<- v>(1 ?Ve- select the very best Harrows of this kind manufactured. The CoU- Unhrefv_l Guano Dbbil^ef, ric. rh ere are many cheaply mado Imitations of this style on the mar They hare a similar appearance, hut they cannot compare with ( Cole in accuracy of construction and quality of work they do. Yon > sure of good value in every machine marked COLS MPG. CO. Ve have numbera of styles ot Distributors-one to suit every par ie for which an Implement of this kind in wanted. Champion Spring Tooth Cultivator We ask tho farmer to do Just one thing-examine the Champion Cultivator, compare lt with any and every other on the marka?.: Then buy ?hat ia. In his Judgment, the BEST. Wo know, and thousands of farmers in every 8tate from Virginia to Texas know, that the beat ia THE CHAMPION rdware Co. BELTO?, S. C. oooooooooo o o NVILLE SCHOOL o o 0 o o o o o oo o ooo L.LE, Feb. 8.-In the uanal ThOon declamations tho t?dents were on duty the t Misses Ino? K?BR, "Annie ten? Mae Adams, Christine.' 'Harold "Ledbetter. mts are plannlog a public m contest" to take place a hence. It Is rumored that he a spelling contest be-v Mts of this school e; 1 at that tune. In fact a rill be extended to one of naar here to bo here at rery acere this weet?. Next j fall ot events as xt been out of school for several years will enroll soon with tho high school department. t^oooooooooooooooose o ? Ol? NDK8VILLK ITEMS o o o oooooooooooeeoooooe afr?. Aubrey Pruitt aftd little son have returned to their bash* at Ander son after spending sonia time with Mr?. Pruitt1* parents. ttrT'ahd Mra J. \V. Hardin. Mrs .WilllaUi Taggart and little daughter. Katherine, left this morn ing for Now Orleans after a stay of several months at the home of Mr. H. A. Tennant. Mrs- T. 8. Allan and Master T. S. Allan, 'Jr., ara visiting Mr. and Mrs. aP^BL-Harper to tao delight of Mrs, Allan'? many friends. Mr. anders. C. L. Cllnkscales hsva