County Tas ii SUPPLY BILL CALLS FOX A LEVY^F 6 1.2 MILLS FOR FOR SCHOOLS 1-4 One-Half Mill Levied For Past In debtedness-Other Items of I Bill: At a meeting of the Anderson ?oun ty legislative d?l?gation, held last Tuesday In . Columbia, revtced the county supply bill for 1915. Copies1 of the revised bill- were received in An'dersou yesterday morning. There will be no increase in this year's levy over that of last year, which means that the levy ls fixed at C 1-2 mills. . Items out of the ordinary in the supply bill are: an appropriation for the continuance of farm demonstra tion work, an appropriation for to mato and canning club work, an ap propriation for furniture and fixtures in tho clerk of court's office, an ap propriation to pay the claim of E. O. Fant and an appropriation to make up ? deficit in the salary of former Farm Demonstrator J. W. Rothrock. The revised county levy ts as fol lows: Anderson County-For ordinary j county purposes, three and one-half (3 1-2) mills; for past indebtedness, one-half (1-2) mill; for roads and bridges, one (1) mill; for public ronda, one and one-quarter (1 1-4) mills; for public schools of the coun ty, to ba expended under the direction of the county school board, one-quar- ] ter (1-4) mill; for salary clerk of ] county supervisor, six hundred ($600. 00) dollars; for clerk ottoounty super intendent of education, three hundred C$300.00) dollars; for clerk for coun ty auditor, two hundred ($200.00) dol "WHIPPED* TO A I FRAZZLE" is what . Theodore Roosevelt would say. Y?s^?&ere *ne PeoP*e v/hp made .'em , come ' tfown to $5.00 ; B-U-T we sell the gen uine Blue Gem Block1 Co?l at this price, and1 not the inferior Round Goal. J "There's a Differeoee" BN. Wyatt Phone No. 182. i ? , ., ' "_?. i.'*? LOVE ANDA FELLOW-FEELING | I ami the man to fix your teeth ao you can eat the pie that I put tn the Piedmont Be) c. I maka plates at $6.50 I make gold crowns at$4.O0 Sflver HSngfc 80c and ?sp, Gold tiffing* $1,00 and op p*M?*f .-fr I make a specialty of treating Pyorrhea, Alyeolarle of the gama and ali crown and bridge work . and regulating mal formad' teeta. J All work guaranteed first-class. I S. G. BRUCE S i DENTIST I A?4xn. a. aaurm. k/a FTJdny and Saturday, Fea, lath ? Ifth Cram 8t3? te ttdO A. IL? we a sell L. 1* Yard Wide Best Me 8 Island Sheetings, 10 yards for 48 At Ladt We Have Di to take the latter cc the opportunity io I BURK :es To i The Same lars; for two appointive members of the board of county school examiners, thirty (930.00) each; for payment or judgment of E, O. Fant, with costs and Interest, one hundred and thirty-five and 82-100 ($135.001 doMrh; for agent/giris' demonstration club , work, six hundred and seventy-live (9676. 00) ; for furniture and fixtures - in clerk of court's office, five hundred (9500.00) dollars; to pay deficit due J. W. Rothrock as farm demonstrator for 1014, four hundred (9400.00) dol lars;, for continuation of farm d?ni ons trat ion work for 1915, five hundred (9500.00) dollars. The board of coun ty commissioners are hereby forbid den to use any fund appropriated for any-other purpose than that named in this act. The board of assessors of the city of Anderson are hereby given thirty (30) days additional time for their work, abd the board for Honea Path, Belton, Willlamston, Iva and Pendleton each three (3) days additional time. DR. .GEO. E. COUGHUK DIED LAST SATURDAY Was Promoter of City Trolley lines and The In terurban. Friends and acquaintances in An derson of Dr. George K. Coughlln. formerly a resident ot this city and instrumental In the construction of the city street car linea and promoter of the Anderson-Helton Interurban line, the forerunner ot the present in terurban system connecting Spartan burg, Greenville, Belton, Oreenwooc and Anderson, will be grieved to learn of his death, which occurred last Sat urday night at his home in Indianapo lis.. News of Dr. Coughlln'? death was 'contained in a lette? received yester day" morning by Mrs. James T. Pear son.' Dr. Coughlln came to Anderson dur ing the year 1903 and engaged a party of engineers to make a survey of the country between Anderson and Bel ton, to select the most available route for an electric railway line connecting this city with that town. unable t< finance the proposition of an interur ban railroad at that rime, Dr. Cough lln waa about to leave Anderson when lt was suggested that he undertake, the building of a city street car line. A local company was organised and with Dr. Coughlln as general mana ger the present street car Une, ex cept expansions which since been made, was built. Later oe .the Interurban railroad proposition waa revived and i aftei money was raised the Uno waa start ed. Ere the road was' completed tc Belton R became necessary to interest other money Interesta Edwin W Robertson and William Elliott of Co lumbia became interested in the prop osition and Dr. Cougblin retired. Dr I'Coughlin and his family returned tc Indianapolis, where ' Dr. Cougblin re sumed the practice of dentistry. CASCARETS CURE HEADACHE, COLDS, CONSTIPATION Tonight! Clean your bowell and atop headache, colds, sow stomach, *'5Ayi ?*i V !>''.? '"iii.'3^'."' . ' Get a*10-?ent box. Take a Cascaret tonight to cleans? your Liver, Stomach and Bowela, ant you will surely feel great by morning You men and women who have head ache; coated tongue, a bad cold, art bilious, nervous, upset, bother-id wi tl a sick, gasay. disordered stomach, oi have backache and icol ail worn out Are you keeping your bowels cleat with Cascarete-or merely forcing i passageway every few days witl aalt?, catbartic pills or castor oil? Cascareis 1*" mediately deane ant regulate the .omach, remove th i sour, undigested and fermenting foot and foul gaaea; take the excess bib from the liver and carry off the con ntl pated waste matter and pol sot from the bowels. Remember a Cascaret to-night wit straighten you out by morning, j 10-eent box from your druggist toeam healtby bowel action; a clear, heat ana cheerfulness for months. Don' forget ih? children. Starts Fri 5cidecl io Pull Stakes-Ca >urse-hence this last sal* buy merchandise at such Na THESE 14 S T?l_ - TY, i. tie iri WLm .Girls, In al! their variations, in all j their possibilities, id all their probabil ities and in all their charming- atti tudes, occur incessantly in "The Prince of Tonight,' In the tuneful musical fantasy coming lo the grand opening of the Anderson Theatre on Friday. February 19th. So much comment is being evoked by the beauty and activity of the chorus in this attraction that these girls. are in a fair way to become known as the best chorus ever seen with a touring company. "The Prince of Tonight." is by the well known trio Adams, Hough and Howard, au thors of 'Thc Goddess of .Liberty," "The Honeymoon Trail," "The Stub born Cinderella." "Tho Flower of the_ THOUSANDS FIGHTING AT THE BAYONET'S POINT (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE.) east of Thorn. If this is true, lt sug gests that the Russians, last reported at Slerpec, have made a move which may enable them to interfere with tbe transfer of troops from Poland to Bast Prussia, as Wloclawek is on thc railway from Lowicz to Thorn. There ha? been little or no fighting in Plunders,' France or Alsace, al though artillery and airmen continue active. . lt is believed the Germans are preparing for another attack on the British Une near t.-< Lmasee, which, if successful, would open the door to the French coast, from which the Ger mans hope to threaten England. . Meanwhile the .Allies are .reported to be making stow progress along the coast of Belgium where the capture of the Great Dune waa of considerable advantage, as from it almost the en tire coast as far* as Ostend can be controlled by artillery. Speeches In the. Russian Durne, in which the possession of Constantino ple was spoken of as the ambition of the Russian people, have caused lit tle or no discussion here. While the German loan to Bulgaria la discussed in the -German press aa though lt assured Bulgaria's contin ued sympathy, it is pointed out in Sofia that the loan was arranged be fore the war, at a time when there was no expectation that Bulgaria would throw in her lot with the Triple Kntflnto. The defeats which Turkey has suffered, according to tho view here, are sufficient to induce Bulgarin to' remain neu trat Snow-Clad Hillsides ia the ? Carpathians Strewn With Dead (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE.) In bte vicinity of Lasdehnen, to the east of Tilsit, we drove back a Ger man attack and succeeded in almost ' completely annihilating one of the ' German battalions opposed to us. Fol . lowing this encounter our cavalry > moved forward in the direction of i Slerpec, traveling ovfer the road to r Rypln. "On the left bank of the Vistula, i during the day' of February 8, th? i enemy showed no signs of activity. ? i "Judging from the corpses abandon ed by the Germans in'front of our po j sltlons they would appear to have B lost in dead and wounded 'several tens * of thousands' of men in tue'six days I lighting in front of BorJiraoW. Gou mine ann Wola Biydlowlecka. '"In {he. Carpathians fighting eon 1 tlnues IO fae vicinity of Bartfeld and Svldnik. The enemy here undertook 1 active operations but they did not I tima continuo and theyJlnally retired 8 leaving prisoners tn bur hands. In 1 the vicinity of Monut Loupksw ~r t continued our pursuit of the enemy, and In ore day we captured OB olti ULK a L clay, Feb. 12 ?nditione do not warrant ui i-Need we ramsnd you &{ low prices as offered here, i ?ALE DAYS YOU i Ranch" and "The Time, the Place and the Girl." which have all proven great successes. It depicts thc adventures of Jim .Sutherland, a wandering col lege youth without fund j. Who woes ? rich girl he meets at Palm Beach, while occupying the position of. life saver and swimming instructor at the hotel "Breakers." The youth heiress lOBes no time in telling him that with out wealth and position his is a hope less caso. Broken hearted but de termined to win, ho seeks the aid of on old gardner, who has learned new mysteries of nature from the plants and trees that he attendu, and through the blooming of a century plant at lite time he can IranBform him into a mythical prince of thc wonderful land of Lunttanla, for one night only. cers, G.2?0 men and -IR machine guns. "German columns, hnving made their way over the Tukholka PasB, de livered during the day of February 7 no fewer than 22 Violent attacks upon certain heights In the region of Koslouwka, occured by us. The, Ger mans .'carne for ard several ranks deep, presenting a tull front line. "Under our violent cross fire the Germans here twice took possession of a certain height, but they were dis lodged hy counter attacks by our in fantry. Thia success was preceded by long and violent hand to hand fight ing with the bayonet, which is with out precedent in history. The losses sustained in this engagement by the Genni t were exceedingly heavy. ? "Attars of tlie .enemy tn the vicin ity of WyBcbkowo also were1 repulsed. "In the Black Bea the former Ger man cruiser1 Breslau (now a unit of the Turkish navy) bombarded Yalta In the Crimes. Oui cruisers on Feb ruary !' ?helled a Turkish battery at Trebizo??. and sunk one steamer. An other steamer loaded with provisions and a two-masted school were sunk near Leros. "in order to attack our positions near Koxiouwka the Germans com menced their concentration of troops the night of February 7. Early tho next morning they began the delivery of an Irresistible offensive movement, and their attack was supported by a very violent fire from their heavy ar tillery. They were successful in gain ing an important height occupied by us, but they were promptly driven from this position before our bayo nets. "Attacks then followed without let up. Toward evening the Germans in - very considerable numbers took pos session of the highest position in our line, from which they were dislodged only after a desperate fight. Before retiring they exhausted all their strength in a stubborn resistance vt o s general counter attack on our part, s feature of which was an impreco OISAPPE?I Save yow hair! Make it soft, fluffy, lustrous andi beautiful Try ss you will, after an applica tion ot Danderine, you* can notched a simple trace ?t dandruff or falling-hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most, will be after a few. week's use) when you see now hair, fine and downy at first-yes but reauy hew bair-growing ali over the scalp. . A little Danderine Immediately doubles the .beauty ot your hair. No \ ?T* TO /lo i r i-Ends Sa I to ??gn a new lease,-th? jain th*t when this store i nowc [ CAN DO worn 'onight. He assumes this disguise with the understanding that he dies at sunrise unlejs he meets and kisses the right girl. The manner in which ho es capes late threatened him and wins the girl give? the authors abundant opportunity fa link modern characters and fantastic situations. Among the 6ong hits are. "Tonight Will Never Como Again," "Follow The Rainbow Trail," "You're a Dear Old World Af ter All." "Tho Girls That Can Never Bo Mine." 'I Don't Want to Marry ,Your Family," and "Can It Be Iuovo?" The audience is taken through the transformation scene of marvelous beauty, made possible by thc lavish scenic production with which Le Comte and Flesher Lave provided this attraction. dented encounter with the bayonet. "All thc side jot this place was cov ered by German corpses? In front of one of our battalions more than l.ouo German dead were counted. "Among tho trophies captured near Kamlou are three mine throwers. At Rawka. near the railroad to Sklernle wlce, Russiun foot soldiers throw eight bombs Into German trenches, causing great destruction. "Russian aviators threw bombs on German trtop trains near T.uwka. "The general staff of the army lu the Cauchaus communicates under date of February 8 that there has boen no engagement of importance." Pendleton Farmers. There Will he an important meeting or toe Pendleton Farmers' Society at their hall In Pendleton at ll o'clock Thursday morning the Uth inst < This an important as it is the time:-for the election of officers, alsb there wili he a discussion of plans, etc.. for the coming cent?n-. .?8 % W. SANHS?lS. I Secretory sud Treasurer. ?mm WEBB DEAD Fasses Away at Home of Parents at IT Early Hoar This Morning. Mr?#?wet? WeSb died at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mra. H. C. - Webb, who live ?at 710 S. McDuffle | atreet, at an early hour this morning. Funeral services will be held Friday, but the hour bad not toen decided upon at the time of going to press. Pardons Father of Revolution. PEK1NO. Fejb. ll.-The Chinese government hhs pardoned Dr. Sun Yat Sen? father oMhe revolution which re sulted in making China a republic, and other rebel leaders and offered them high official positions if they are willing to return and declare their loyalty to tho government. ff RS 25 Mi DAUNE . difference bow dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and - carefully draw lt through your hair, taking one email i strand at a time. The effect la im-? mediate and amazing-your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; ia in-, comparable lustre, softness and lux-', urlance. the beauty and shimmer of i true bair health. Get a 26 cent bottle of Knowlton's I Danderine from any drug store or' j toi?e? counter, and preve that your : hair is aa pretty and soft CB any-that 1 lt has been neglected or injured by careless treatment-that's all. > i ISI'IIIII II.i Jill ? i > i I T O I i*N turday Nigh ' . . . ' . sr* M but one alternative los?* its doors, w?ve you tc rpi Top Dressing Grain lt is about time for you to begin to think about top dressing your grain. And we want to suggest to you that you use a mixed goods instead of soda as we believe it will prove satisfactory, and is much cheaper. When crops are top dressed with soda they take on a quick, rapid growth which makes them very tender. . As anything that grows rapidly is necessarily weak and tender, whether it is a child, i> calf, a pig, a colt, or a plant. And when it grows rapidly and is tender it becomes the same as a hot house plant and it is unable to stand unfavorable weather or conditions as well as ?f it ?grew slower and were stronger. lt becomes too full ofj^ap when it takes on this quick, rapid growth and any unfavorable season goes hard with it. Now, this mixed goods which we can sell you will make your grain grow slower than soda wjll and when it grows slower it will fill out better and will have a better head, and make more grain, and we be lieve will give helter results. Nov;,,we are making, a 9-6-0, 9 per rent of Phosphoric Acid> 6 per cent of Ammonia, and no Pot ash which we can sell you for *3o a ton. That will put on as rapid growth as a plant can stand, consistent with safety. And then we are making a 8-2-V-i-l goods and a K-3-3 goods both of which Will make you a good top dresser tor <*rain. If you knew weather and climatic conditions would be just what grain needs, then soda would be the thing for you t(% use! But the seasons when the weather and climatic conditions were ideal, unless our memory is hopeless ly at fault, have been few and far between. A good grain crop this year will help out a condition that may otherwise bc a little close with some-of us. We can sell you this fertilizer for fall payment on ap proved paper. And while we will be delighted to sell it to you for ?ash we won't require that from prompt paying cus tomers. But we will sell it to you for fall payment and then you can sell your surplus grain in the summer for cash, and this will tide you over until your cotton crop comes in. In times like this some of us witt have to learn to maneuver. - Wg believe it will pay yoii to side dress your cotton and coin with mixed, goods rather than soda, for the same reason we think it wiri pay you better to top. dress your grain with mixed goods rather than with soda. Soda makes it take on the condition of a hot house plant. lt is weak and watery and sappy and can't stand droughts, or dry winds or rtny adverse conditions that it could stand if it were fertilized with a mixed, goods.where the growth is slower and the plant is stronger. ?? i-Soda is not a complete fertilizer. Ammonia by itself is not a complete plant food. It is hot a well bal anced ferijfer. Your horse or mule or cow does better on a well balanced ration, your laborers do better on a weil balanced ration and you do better yourself on a well balanc ed ration than you will if you live on just one single article of diet--and so will your grain and your corn and cotton and other crops. Some doctors say eating an imperfectly bal anced ration is one cause of pellagra. An imperfectly bal anced plant food n\ay be the cause of your crops taking rust and blight and other troubles which crops have. We believe it is safer to usc mixed goods than .it is to use soda, taking it one year with another. Thes?\ mixed goods should be applied early, in order for the gram to get the full benefit of them. We have them on hand, well pulverized and dry, and ready for shipment. The earlier you get them on now the better, lt will bring you nv much more than it costs you. AndersonPhospHate & Oil Company Anderson, S. C. Has Fsee Cs*?bsrlsJ?'s Cough Re. ?edy fer 80 Year?. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy bas been used In my household for the psst twenty years. I began giving it to my children when they were small. As a quick relist for croup, whooping cough, and ordinary colds, lt bas no equal. Being tree from opium and other harmful drugs, I never felt afraid to give it to the children. I bare recommended it to a large num ber of friends ana neighbors, who bare used it and speak highly ot lt," ?Trites Mrs. Mary Minke, Shortsville. Nj Y. Obtainable every where._ CUT THIS OUT NOW If you don't want lt today, you may next week. Send this advertisement and 5 cents to Foley" & Co., Chicago. III., writng yonr name and address ciesrly. You receive In return three trial packages-^Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds, croup and grippe; # Foley Kidney Pills, for weak or disordered kidneyi or bladder; Foley -Cathartic Tablets, a pleasant, wholesome and cleansing p????at?TC| ju?t ?aa? ???i??a ?OT waaaa-Sl^S Bluefish bowels an? torpid river. These well known Standard remedies tor sale by Evans' Pharmacy. a AI le* S? E Feb. 27 EXTRA SPECIAL I v+uimj ??s? - g?tardey? *'?s_? !*?h lStih, fee? 1* to fl A. M" ?se will sell fare Wisc Best If* BtEACHIX? 10 yards for 48c iIGN UP-OR-PACK. UP-We decided live a thousand years you will never have I LARGE CIRCULARS